neuroprobe Z02说明书

neuroprobe Z02说明书

neuroprobe Z02说明书


  • 一般说明
  • 使用Z02的视觉检测,由Sally Zigmond提供
  • 故障排除
  • 注意和警告







使用Z02的视觉检测,由Sally Zigmond提供

  1. 每次使用前都要清洁腔室。用组织培养清洁剂在温水中洗涤,用蒸馏水冲洗干净并擦干。也可以用70%或95%的ETOH擦拭桥接器。
  2. 在22mm x 40mm盖玻片的中心放置一滴血(例如,用手指刺)。必须在每个盖玻片上放置足够的血液,以使其凝结并部分缩回而不干燥。每个盖板玻璃大约需要100 µL
  3. 将带血的盖玻片放在有或没有CO 2的 37°C的潮湿室内(例如,装有湿滤纸的培养皿中)。
  4. 大约45分钟后,血液凝结并开始收缩,并且在边缘周围可见液体。此时,可以用0.9%的盐水轻轻冲洗掉血和红细胞。单层细胞(主要是嗜中性粒细胞)保留在盖玻片上。不要让细胞干燥。
  5. 通过将明胶溶解在沸腾的去离子水中制备10%的明胶原料。加热原料使其熔化,并用已除去碳酸氢盐的Hanks培养基以1:10的比例稀释,并用pH 7.2的HEPES缓冲液(2.40 g HEPES /升)代替。用Hanks稀释时,请确保明胶确实在溶液中。该介质是弱酸性和低渗的。这些条件有助于良好的细胞运动。碱性pH和高渗具有抑制作用。
  6. 用几滴这种孵育培养基冲洗盖玻片上的细胞层。快速排出盖玻片上的液体,用Kimwipe擦干盖玻片的端部,然后将盖玻片倒置到培养箱中,使细胞位于桥上。
  7. 将夹子放在玻璃显微镜盖玻片组件的每一侧。不要移动防护玻璃 ; 任何移动都会溶解桥上的细胞。腔室组件需要一些练习。在细胞上的液体少(但不允许细胞干燥)的情况下,盖玻片和桥之间的距离将非常薄;5微米是宜选择(细胞会出现轻微挤压)。如果该间隙太大,则细胞将不能很好地定向。可以使用显微镜的微调旋钮上的千分尺,通过桥顶部和盖玻片底部之间的焦平面差来测量间隙。通过练习,您可以从一侧放下防护玻璃。这有助于消除桥上的气泡;它们会干扰细胞方向。
  8. 盖好玻璃盖后,用移液管吸取100 µL介质到其中一个凹槽的开口端。用移液管吸取100 µL趋化因子(或阴性对照室的细胞悬浮介质)到另一个槽中。
  9. 在37°C下孵育约20分钟,以使细胞产生反应。(对于其他细胞类型,可能需要更长的孵育时间。)
  10. 使用40X相的物镜观察桥上的单元并评估单元方向。方向可以通过细胞形态来评分。运动细胞的前部有宽阔的lamellipodium,而尾巴则较细,可以呈球形或拉入回缩纤维。如果腔室在室温下冷却一段时间,则细胞会聚拢并且更难以刻划。当细胞运动良好时,方向容易得分。
  11. 方向应在桥的特定位置(趋化剂侧,中间或介质侧)评分。取向水平可以在桥的整个宽度上变化很大,这取决于化学引诱剂的浓度。沿着桥扫描给定的腔室,直到至少刻划了100个细胞。



  1. 与气泡和细胞团相邻的细胞趋于特异。这些因素改变了化学梯度的影响。
  2. 如果细胞不形成极化形态,则它们可能死在桥上,但在凹槽上还活着。这可能是由于桥脏造成的,或者制备物太薄以至于细胞实际上已经被溶解了。
  3. 如果细胞形成极化形态但没有定向,请检查桥和盖玻片之间的间隙是否足够薄。如果间隙合适,请尝试使用其他浓度的化学引诱剂。




neuroprobe PFA-PRA说明书

neuroprobe PFA-PRA说明书

neuroprobe PFA-PRA说明书

Filters for Blind well and Boyden chambers

$ 170.00 – $ 175.00


毛孔大小 2微米3微米5微米8微米10微米12微米


  • 描述
  • 附加信息





毛孔大小 2微米 3微米 5微米 8微米 10微米 12微米



PVP处理– PCTE膜可用润湿剂聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)进行预处理,该润湿剂可使表面亲水。当培养基溶液本身不能润湿膜时,可以使用PVP处理过的膜。这主要发生在使用非常小的孔径或高粘度介质溶液的情况下。某些细胞类型(例如嗜中性粒细胞)不能很好地粘附到PVP处理过的膜上,并且在迁移后倾向于脱落。虽然这在定量过滤器上的细胞时存在问题,但一些使用ChemoTx®系统或MB系列96孔腔室并在板上进行定量的研究人员发现这是一个优势。细胞外基质蛋白也不能很好地粘附到PVP处理过的膜上。如果您的测定需要这种涂层,我们建议使用不含PVP的膜。


孔径(+ 0 / -20%) 2微米 3微米 5微米 8微米 10或12μm
密度(孔/ cm 2)
(公差+/- 15%)
2 x 10 6 2 x 10 6 4 x 10 5 1 x 10 5 1 x 10 5




Filters for Blind well and Boyden chambers


neuroprobe 116-5说明书

neuroprobe 116-5说明书

neuroprobe 116-5说明书

ChemoTx® Disposable Chemotaxis System

$78.00 – $91.00




毛孔大小 3微米5微米8微米10微米12微米
井容量 300微升30微升
细胞部位直径 3.2毫米5.7毫米
过滤膜 标准PCTE

$ 81.00


SKU:116-5类别:ChemoTX标签:Chemo TX

  • 描述
  • 附加信息




该系统的过滤器有多种孔径可供选择。它们被粘合到框架上以便于处理,并在每个测试部位周围选择性地涂有疏水性掩模。疏水性掩膜将细胞悬浮液限制在这些位置,从而无需上井。在两个暴露的滤光片区域8mm 2或25mm 2中提供测试站点。疏水性掩膜允许将细胞悬浮液直接移液到过滤器顶侧的位置上,该位置以半球形液滴的形式存在,从而无需上井。附加的疏水性涂层与板的专有设计相结合,可在过滤器底部和板的边缘之间提供密封,因此不需要垫圈和夹紧硬件。通过这种设计,在顶部和底部流体中的气泡截留都被小化。盖子有助于减少蒸发并有助于堆叠。


聚碳酸酯膜的孔径范围很广。有关孔径的信息与孔径有关,可以在“ 过滤器”页面上找到。在此处找到有关成帧滤波器的更多信息。

板和过滤器规格 2微米 3微米 5微米 8微米 10微米 12微米
30µL 96孔板
201-2 * 101-3 101-5 101-8 101-10 * 101-12 *
30µL 96孔板
206-2 * 106-3 106-5 106-8 106-10 * 106-12 *
300µL 96孔板
211-2 * 111-3 * 111-5 * 111-8 * 111-10 * 111-12 *
300µL 96孔板
216-2 * 116-3 116-5 116-8 116-10 * 116-12 *

PVP处理过的膜孔径为2µm 。孔径为2µm的装置是特殊订购的产品,低订购量为10。



neuroprobe 101-5说明书

neuroprobe 101-5说明书

neuroprobe 101-5说明书

ChemoTx® Disposable Chemotaxis System



该系统的过滤器有多种孔径可供选择。它们被粘合到框架上以便于处理,并在每个测试部位周围选择性地涂有疏水性掩模。疏水性掩膜将细胞悬浮液限制在这些位置,从而无需上井。在两个暴露的滤光片区域8mm 2或25mm 2中提供测试站点。疏水性掩膜允许将细胞悬浮液直接移液到过滤器顶侧的位置上,该位置以半球形液滴的形式存在,从而无需上井。附加的疏水性涂层与板的专有设计相结合,可在过滤器底部和板的边缘之间提供密封,因此不需要垫圈和夹紧硬件。通过这种设计,在顶部和底部流体中的气泡截留都被小化。盖子有助于减少蒸发并有助于堆叠。


聚碳酸酯膜的孔径范围很广。有关孔径的信息与孔径有关,可以在“ 过滤器”页面上找到。在此处找到有关成帧滤波器的更多信息。

板和过滤器规格 2微米 3微米 5微米 8微米 10微米 12微米
直径3.2毫米 位,
30µL 96孔板
201-2 * 101-3 101-5 101-8 101-10 * 101-12 *
直径5.7毫米 位,
30µL 96孔板
206-2 * 106-3 106-5 106-8 106-10 * 106-12 *
直径3.2毫米 位,
300µL 96孔板
211-2 * 111-3 * 111-5 * 111-8 * 111-10 * 111-12 *
直径5.7毫米 位,
300µL 96孔板
216-2 * 116-3 116-5 116-8 116-10 * 116-12 *

PVP处理过的膜孔径为2µm 。孔径为2µm的装置是特殊订购的产品,低订购量为10。




美国Neuro Probe公司专业提供的高品质的用于趋化实验的耗材(Transwell),更好地服务于药筛和基础实验研究领域。


货号 品名 规格 品牌
106-10 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 10mm pores EA neuroprobe
AP48Kit 48-well chamber, Accessory Pack, and 50 each of PFB5 and PFB8 filters EA neuroprobe
101-5 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 5mm pores ea neuroprobe
106-8 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 8mm pores EA neuroprobe
PFB5 5mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea neuroprobe
116-8 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 8mm pores ea neuroprobe
116-5 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 5mm pores EA neuroprobe
111-5 ChemoTx® – 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 5mm pores EA neuroprobe
Z02 Zigmond glass slide chamber ea neuroprobe

ChemoTx® Disposable Chemotaxis System











Neuro Probe 成立于 1960 年代后期,最初专注于慢性立体定向设备的开发和制造。在 1970 年代初期,公司的发展和多样化导致了趋化仪器的开发和生产,从改进的Boyden 室开始 ,然后是各种 盲井室。1980 年,  与在美国国立卫生研究院工作的 Edward Leonard 博士和 Werner Falk 博士合作开发了48 孔微趋化室。该腔室已成为该领域的标准,并已成为开发许多新产品的基础。最近推出的是 ChemoTx® 系统.


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
101-3 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 3mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
101-5 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 5mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
101-8 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 8mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
101-10 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 10mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
101-12 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 12mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
106-3 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 3mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
106-5 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 5mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
106-8 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 8mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
106-10 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 10mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
106-12 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 12mm pores ea 1445 neuroprobe
111-3 ChemoTx® – 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 3mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
111-5 ChemoTx® – 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 5mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
111-8 ChemoTx® – 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 8mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
111-10 ChemoTx® – 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 10mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
111-12 ChemoTx® – 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 12mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
116-3 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 3mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
116-5 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 5mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
116-8 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 8mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
116-10 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 10mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
116-12 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 12mm pores ea 1496 neuroprobe
201-2 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVP ea 1615 neuroprobe
206-2 ChemoTx® – 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVP ea 1615 neuroprobe
211-2 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVP ea 1666 neuroprobe
216-2 ChemoTx® – 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVP ea 1666 neuroprobe
A3BP48 Three-tiered chamber ea 21114 neuroprobe
A10G Replacement gasket for AA10 chamber ea 799 neuroprobe
A12G Replacement gasket for AA12 chamber ea 799 neuroprobe
A96G Replacement gasket for AA96 chamber ea 918 neuroprobe
AA10 10-well chamber with 400mL lower well capacity ea 12376 neuroprobe
AA12 12-well chamber with 150mL lower well capacity ea 13260 neuroprobe
AA96 A-series 96-well chamber, 80mL lower volume, 32mm2 area ea 26435 neuroprobe
AB96 A-series 96-well chamber, 30mL lower volume, 18mm2 area ea 26435 neuroprobe
AC48 48-well chamber with filter retaining hardware, 25mL lower volume, 8mm2 area ea 19108 neuroprobe
AC96 A-series 96-well chamber, 25mL lower volume, 8mm2 area ea 26435 neuroprobe
AP48 48-well chamber, 25mL lower volume, 8mm2 area ea 15470 neuroprobe
AP48KIT 48-well chamber, Accessory Pack, and 50 each of PFB5 and PFB8 filters ea 20332 neuroprobe
B96G Replacement gasket for AB96 chamber ea 918 neuroprobe
BW100 Blind well, 4.7mm well dia., 100mL lower well ea 1071 neuroprobe
BW200L Blind well, 8.0mm well dia., 200mL lower well ea 1071 neuroprobe
BW200S Blind well, 4.7mm well dia., 200mL lower well ea 1275 neuroprobe
BW25 Blind well, 4.7mm well dia., 25mL lower well ea 1071 neuroprobe
BWR24 Rack for 24 blind well chambers ea 2550 neuroprobe
BWRL Replacement retainer for BW200L chambers ea 548.25 neuroprobe
BWRS Replacement retainer for BW25, BW100, or BW200S chambers ea 548.25 neuroprobe
BY312 “Boyden” chamber ea 2550 neuroprobe
BYR Replacement retainer for Boyden chamber ea 548.25 neuroprobe
C48G Replacement gasket for AC48 chamber ea 799 neuroprobe
C48TM Template for AC48 chamber ea 901 neuroprobe
C96G Replacement gasket for AC96 chamber ea 918 neuroprobe
DC8 8-well cell settling chamber ea 0 neuroprobe
DC8AP Centrifuge accessory pack: 1xDC8CW, 2xDC8CA ea 0 neuroprobe
DC8G Replacement gasket for DC8 chamber ea 0 neuroprobe
DC8WF1 Wicking material (box of 50) ea 0 neuroprobe
FP1 96-well Funnel Plate ea 187 neuroprobe
IA-100 Reusable insert for MBA96 chamber, 100mL volume ea 5083 neuroprobe
IB-50 Reusable insert for MBB96 chamber, 50mL volume ea 5083 neuroprobe
IC-25 Reusable insert for MBC96 chamber, 25mL volume ea 5083 neuroprobe
MA96G Replacement gasket for MBA96 Chamber ea 850 neuroprobe
MB96G Replacement gasket for MBB96 chamber ea 850 neuroprobe
MBA96 MB-series 96-well chamber, 32mm2 area ea 30005 neuroprobe
MBB96 MB-series 96-well chamber, 18mm2 area ea 30005 neuroprobe
MBC96 MB-series 96-well chamber, 8mm2 area ea 30005 neuroprobe
MC96G Replacement gasket for MBC96 chamber ea 850 neuroprobe
MP30 Neuro Probe 30mL plate, set of 15 ea 1564 neuroprobe
MPC 400mL plate, clear polystyrene, set of 15 ea 1020 neuroprobe
N6S Small replacement thumb nuts (set of 6) ea 102 neuroprobe
P48AP Accessory pack 1xP48W/CL/CS and 2xP48F ea 1453.5 neuroprobe
P48CL Large filter clamp ea 72.25 neuroprobe
P48CS Small filter clamp ea 72.25 neuroprobe
P48F Curved eye dressing forceps ea 178.5 neuroprobe
P48G Replacement gasket for AP48 chamber ea 799 neuroprobe
P48H Replacement post hardware for micro chambers (1 each) ea 238 neuroprobe
P48TM Template for AP48 chamber ea 850 neuroprobe
P48W Filter wiper ea 960.5 neuroprobe
PFA2 2mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 3961 neuroprobe
PFA3 3mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 4641 neuroprobe
PFA5 5mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 3961 neuroprobe
PFA8 8mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 3961 neuroprobe
PFA10 10mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 4182 neuroprobe
PFA12 12mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 4182 neuroprobe
PFB3 3mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 4930 neuroprobe
PFB5 5mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 4930 neuroprobe
PFB8 8mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 4930 neuroprobe
PFB10 10mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 6732 neuroprobe
PFB12 12mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 6732 neuroprobe
PFC3 3mm polycarbonate filters, 34x41mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 5100 neuroprobe
PFC8 8mm polycarbonate filters, 34x41mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filters ea 5100 neuroprobe
PFD2 2mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filters ea 6528 neuroprobe
PFD3 3mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filters ea 6528 neuroprobe
PFD5 5mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filters ea 6528 neuroprobe
PFD8 8mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filters ea 6528 neuroprobe
PFD10 10mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filters ea 6528 neuroprobe
PFD12 12mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filters ea 6528 neuroprobe
PFD2/A 2mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PFD3/A 3mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PFD5/A 5mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PFD8/A 8mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PFD10/A 10mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PFD12/A 12mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PRA3 3mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, with PVP, quantity 100 ea 4267 neuroprobe
PRA5 5mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, with PVP, quantity 100 ea 3961 neuroprobe
PRA8 8mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, with PVP, quantity 100 ea 3961 neuroprobe
PRB3 3mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, with PVP, quantity 100 ea 4930 neuroprobe
PRB5 5mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, with PVP, quantity 100 ea 4930 neuroprobe
PRB8 8mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, with PVP, quantity 100 ea 4930 neuroprobe
PRD2 2mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack) ea 6528 neuroprobe
PRD3 3mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack) ea 6528 neuroprobe
PRD5 5mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack) ea 6528 neuroprobe
PRD8 8mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack) ea 6528 neuroprobe
PRD2/A 2mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PRD3/A 3mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PRD5/A 5mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
PRD8/A 8mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filters ea 7956 neuroprobe
SP3 Replacement spacer for MPC, for use in MB-series 96-well chambers made after 2001 ea 1139 neuroprobe
SP30 Spacer for MP30, for use in MB-series 96-well chambers ea 1071 neuroprobe
SSC4 Stainless steel filter clips (set of 4) ea 459 neuroprobe
Z02 Zigmond glass slide chamber ea 5610 neuroprobe