供应inbio 产品

供应inbio 产品

简要描述:Indoor Biotechnologies 公司是一家专业开发生产用于研究哮喘以及其他过敏性疾病的免疫诊断和相关生物学检测产品的生物技术公司,IB由两家子公司组成




Indoor Biotechnologies 公司是一家专业开发生产用于研究哮喘以及其他过敏性疾病的免疫诊断和相关生物学检测产品的生物技术公司,IB由两家子公司组成,一家是位于美国弗吉尼亚的INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc. (IBI),另一家为位于英国INDOOR Biotechnologies Limited (IBL)。IB的创始人Martin D. Chapman博士曾经是美国弗吉尼亚大学的医学和微生物教授,并曾经担任过美国NIH、环保署已及多家生物公司的顾问科学家。做为环境过敏原(变应原)检测系统的公司,IB生产的一系列过敏原研究和检测用抗体拥有来自美国弗吉尼亚大学的*,能够用于检测屋尘螨、猫、狗、蟑螂和真菌来源过敏原。

Indoor Biotechnologies 开发生产面向实验室用户的过敏原Elisa检测试剂盒以及面向家庭用户的过敏原快速检测试剂盒,利用后者用户在家中即可于10分钟之内检测出屋尘螨抗原。这些检测系统可用于对过敏原环境暴露水平的评估,也能让用户对使用的过敏原隔离清除程序、相关产品和设备的有效性进行可靠的评估,还可应用于过敏原标准化以及相关产品的研究开发。

Indoor Biotechnologies 还开发出了天然和重组的过敏原产品线,可用于研究和开发新的过敏原诊断和过敏性疾病的治疗策略,目前包括zui重要的屋尘螨、猫和蟑螂来源的主要过敏原。

Indoor Biotechnologies 的技术和产品已经在范围内被广泛使用,相关的科学论文已在超过250种科学出版物上发表。除提供产品以外IB还提供过敏原分析服务、合同研究服务以及专业培训服务。



InBio 专门生产用于研究和诊断的高纯度蛋白质和免疫测定。我们是g认的过敏原环境暴露评估的全球领d者。







ELISA 2.0试剂盒


人IgE 单克隆抗体







货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
EPC-DF1-1 Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP1-1 Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-DF1-1 Natural Der f 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-FD1-1 Fel d 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DF1-5 Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-DP1-1 Natural Der p 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AA1-1 Recombinant Alt a 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-CF1-1 Can f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-TA14-1 Recombinant Tri a 14 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-AH1-1 Natural Ara h 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BV1-1 Natural Bet v 1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-CJ1-1 Natural Cry j 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-FD1-1 Natural Fel d 1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-GM5-1 Natural Gly m 5 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-STM-1 Nat. Shrimp Tropomyosin 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BV1-EP1 Bet v 1 EP- Single Plate Pack 1PK 10530 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AF1-1 Recombinant Asp f 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MRS-NDF1-1 Natural Der f 1 Molecular Reference Std. 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BV1-1 Recombinant Bet v 1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-AAR1 Natural Amb a 1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MA-6A8 6A8 anti Der f 1 100uL 8910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-SI1-1 Recombinant Ses i 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BG2-1 Natural Bla g 2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-CF1-1 Natural Can f 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
ST-UAS 8-plex: DP1, DF1, DP2, FD1, CF1, BG2, RN1, MM1 400ul 10710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-GM6-1 Natural Gly m 6 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-DP10-1 Recombinant Der p 10 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-EM2-1 Recombinant Eur m 2.0101 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AA1-1 Alt a 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP1-5 Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BV1-EP5 Bet v 1 EP- Five Plate Pack 5PK 42210 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-CJ1-1 Cry j 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AH9-1 Recombinant Ara h 9 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-AH8-1 Recombinant Ara h 8 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-AV1-1 Recombinant Art v 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-BG5-1 Recombinant Bla g 5 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CC1-1 Recombinant Cyp c 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
E-6A1 6A1 anti Fel d 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 11610 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
E-1B7 1B7 anti Fel d 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 11610 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
E-11A12 11A12 anti Fel d 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 11610 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-TA19FL-1 Recombinant Tri a 19 Full Length 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH2-1 Ara h 2- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BD2-1 Recombinant Bos d 2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BG1-1 Recombinant Bla g 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BG2-1 Recombinant Bla g 2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BG4-1 Recombinant Bla g 4 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-CF1-1 Recombinant Can f 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP1D-1 Recombinant Der p 1  (DG) 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP23-1 Recombinant Der p 23 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP2C-1 Recombinant Der p 2.0103 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物


inbio MARIA产品2021年价格表

inbio MARIA产品2021年价格表

Indoor Biotechnologies 由弗吉尼亚大学前医学和微生物学教授、UVA 哮喘和过敏性疾病中心成员 Martin D. Chapman 博士创立。Chapman 博士是美国过敏、哮喘和免疫学学会的研究员,并曾担任美国国立卫生研究院、环境保护署、学术机构和财富 500 强公司的顾问。

Indoor Biotechnologies 专门生产用于过敏和哮喘的生物制剂。该公司生产用于过敏研究和诊断的高纯度过敏原,并在过敏原结构、功能和免疫识别方面的研究得到国际认可。Indoor Biotechnologies 的使命是提高过敏和哮喘患者的生活质量。

inbio MARIA产品2021年价格表

货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
MRA-M1 Custom 1-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 1-plex 8415 indoor2021
MRA-M2 Custom 2-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 2-plex 11305 indoor2021
MRA-M3 Custom 3-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 3-plex 13515 indoor2021
MRA-M4 Custom 4-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 4-plex 16065 indoor2021
MRA-M5 Custom 5-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 5-plex 18955 indoor2021
MRA-M6 Custom 6-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 6-plex 21845 indoor2021
MRA-M7 Custom 7-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 7-plex 24395 indoor2021
MRA-M8 Custom 8-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 8-plex 27030 indoor2021
MRA-M9 Custom 9-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 9-plex 30260 indoor2021
MRA-M10 Custom 10-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 10-plex 33150 indoor2021
MRA-M11 Custom 11-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 11-plex 36125 indoor2021
MRA-M12 Custom 12-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 12-plex 39100 indoor2021
MRA-M13 Custom 13-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 13-plex 42075 indoor2021
MRA-M14 Custom 14-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 14-plex 42075 indoor2021
MRA-M15 Custom 15-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 15-plex 44200 indoor2021
MRA-LAA-M1 Custom 1-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 1-plex 7225 indoor2021
MRA-LAA-M2 Custom 2-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 2-plex 9520 indoor2021
MRA-LAA-M3 Custom 3-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 3-plex 11390 indoor2021
MRA-LAA-M4 Custom 4-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 4-plex 13515 indoor2021
MRA-LAA-M5 Custom 5-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 5-plex 16065 indoor2021
MRA-MF1 Custom 1-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 1-plex 8415 indoor2021
MRA-MF2 Custom 2-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 2-plex 11305 indoor2021
MRA-MF3 Custom 3-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 3-plex 13515 indoor2021
MRA-MF4 Custom 4-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 4-plex 16065 indoor2021
MRA-MF5 Custom 5-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 5-plex 18955 indoor2021
MRA-MF6 Custom 6-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 6-plex 21845 indoor2021
MRA-MF7 Custom 7-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 7-plex 24395 indoor2021
MRA-MF8 Custom 8-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 8-plex 27030 indoor2021
MRA-MF9 Custom 9-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 9-plex 30260 indoor2021
MRA-MF10 Custom 10-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 10-plex 33150 indoor2021




Indoor Biotechnologies 由弗吉尼亚大学前医学和微生物学教授、UVA 哮喘和过敏性疾病中心成员 Martin D. Chapman 博士创立。Chapman 博士是美国过敏、哮喘和免疫学学会的研究员,并曾担任美国国立卫生研究院、环境保护署、学术机构和财富 500 强公司的顾问。

Indoor Biotechnologies 专门生产用于过敏和哮喘的生物制剂。该公司生产用于过敏研究和诊断的高纯度过敏原,并在过敏原结构、功能和免疫识别方面的研究得到国际认可。Indoor Biotechnologies 的使命是提高过敏和哮喘患者的生活质量。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
EPC-BT5-1 Blo t 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-BT5-5 Blo t 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-DP1-1 Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-DP1-5 Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-DF1-1 Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-DF1-5 Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-DF2-1 Der f 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-DF2-5 Der f 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-DP2-1 Der p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-DP2-5 Der p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-DP23-1 Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8925 indoor2021
EPC-DP23-5 Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 35615 indoor2021
EPC-DP23-25** Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25 PK 159715 indoor2021
EPC-TP2-1 Tyr p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-TP2-5 Tyr p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-BG1-1 Bla g 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-BG1-5 Bla g 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-BG2-1 Bla g 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-BG2-5 Bla g 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-BG5-1 Bla g 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-BG5-5 Bla g 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-PA7-1 Per a 7 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-PA7-5 Per a 7 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-CF1-1 Can f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-CF1-5 Can f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-FD1-1 Fel d 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-FD1-5 Fel d 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-FD4-1 Fel d 4 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-FD4-5 Fel d 4 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-GPUP-1 GPUP ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-GPUP-5 GPUP ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-MM1-1 Mus m 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-MM1-5 Mus m 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-OC3-1 Ory c 3 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-OC3-5 Ory c 3 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-RN1-1 Rat n 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-RN1-5 Rat n 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AO3-1 Ana o 3- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AO3-5 Ana o 3- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AG1-1 Api g 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AG1-5 Api g 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AH1-1 Ara h 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AH1-5 Ara h 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AH2-1 Ara h 2- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AH2-5 Ara h 2- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AH3-1 Ara h 3- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AH5-5 Ara h 3- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AH6-1 Ara h 6- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AH6-5 Ara h 6- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AH8-1 Ara h 8- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AH8-5 Ara h 8- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-NBD5-1 Native Bos d 5 (ß-Lactoglobulin)- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-NBD5-5 Native Bos d 5 (ß-Lactoglobulin)- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-BD11-1 Bos d 11 (ß-casein)- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-BD11-5 Bos d 11 (ß-casein)- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-CA9-1 Cor a 9- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-CA9-5 Cor a 9- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-CC1-1 Cyp c 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-CC1-5 Cyp c 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-GD1-1 Gal d 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-GD1-5 Gal d 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-GD2-1 Gal d 2- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-GD2-5 Gal d 2- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-GM5-1 Gly m 5- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-GM5-5 Gly m 5- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-JR1-1 Jug r 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-JR1-5 Jug r 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-TPM-1 Shrimp Tropomyosin- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-TPM-5 Shrimp Tropomyosin- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-SA1-1 Sin a 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-SA1-5 Sin a 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-TA19-1 Tri a 19- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-TA19-5 Tri a 19- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AA1-1 Alt a 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AA1-5 Alt a 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AF1-1 Asp f 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AF1-5 Asp f 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-AM1-1 Amb a 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-AM1-5 Amb a 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-BV1-EP1 Bet v 1 EP- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8925 indoor2021
EPC-BV1-EP5 Bet v 1 EP- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 35615 indoor2021
EPC-BV1-EP25** Bet v 1 EP- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25 PK 159715 indoor2021
EPC-CS3-1 Can s 3- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-CS3-5 Can s 3- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-CJ1-1 Cry j 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-CJ1-5 Cry j 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-LP1-1 Lol p 1- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-LP1-5 Lol p 1- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021
EPC-PP5-1 Phl p 5- Single Plate Pack 1 PK 8415 indoor2021
EPC-PP5-5 Phl p 5- Five Plate Pack 5 PK 30515 indoor2021




Inbio(Indoor Biotechnologies)是一家总部位于美国弗吉尼亚州的生物技术公司,成立于1999年,致力于研究和开发室内生物污染和呼吸道疾病的检测和诊断技术。

货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
lTN-DP1-1 loTox™naturalDerp1 250ug 13590 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-DP2-1 loTox™naturalDerp2 250ug 13590 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-DPE-4 loTox™D.pter.Extract 1mL 8190 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-DP1-1 NaturalDerp1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-DF1-1 NaturalDerf1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-DP2-1 NaturalDerp2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-DF2-1 NaturalDerf2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP1D-1 RecombinantDerp1(DG) 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DF1-1 RecombinantDerf1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP2A-1 RecombinantDerp2.0101 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP2C-1 RecombinantDerp2.0103 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DF2-1 RecombinantDerf2.0103 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP7-1 RecombinantDerp7 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-DP10-1 RecombinantDerp10 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-DP23-1 RecombinantDerp23 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-EM2-1 RecombinantEurm2.0101 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-lP2-1 Recombinantlepd2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-GD2-1 RecombinantGlyd2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BG2-1 NaturalBlag2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BG1-1 RecombinantBlag1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BG2-1 RecombinantBlag2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BG4-1 RecombinantBlag4 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-BG5-1 RecombinantBlag5 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-PA7-1 RecombinantPera7 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-CF1-1 loTox™naturalCanf1 1mg 71910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-FD1-1 loTox™naturalFeld1 250ug 13950 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-MM1-1 loTox™naturalMusm1 1mg 71910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-FD1-1 NaturalFeld1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-FD1D-1 RecombinantFeld1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-FD2-1 NaturalFeld2 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-FD4-1 RecombinantFeld4 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-CF1-1 NaturalCanf1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-CF1-1 RecombinantCanf1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-CF2-1 RecombinantCanf2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-CF3-1 NaturalCanf3 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CF4-1 RecombinantCanf4 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CF6-1 RecombinantCanf6 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-MM1-1 NaturalMusm1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-RN1-1 RecombinantRatn1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BD2-1 RecombinantBosd2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-EC1-1 RecombinantEquc1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-OC3-1 RecombinantOryc3 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-GD1-1 loTox™naturalGald1 250ug 13590 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-GD2-1 loTox™naturalGald2 250ug 13590 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-GD3-1 NaturalGald3 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-GD4-1 loTox™naturalGald4 250ug 13950 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-GD5-1 loTox™naturalGald5 250ug 13950 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-AHRE-4 loTox™PeanutProtein 1mL 8190 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-AH1-1 loTox™naturalArah1 1mg 71910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-AH2-1 loTox™naturalArah2 1mg 71910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-AH3-1 loTox™naturalArah3 1mg 71910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-AH6-1 loTox™naturalArah6 1mg 81900 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
BI-NAH1-1 BiotinnaturalArah1 1mg 81900 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
BI-NAH2-1 BiotinnaturalArah2 1mg 81900 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
BI-NAH3-1 BiotinnaturalArah3 1mg 81900 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
BI-NAH6-1 BiotinnaturalArah6 1mg 81900 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
BI-RAH8-1 Biotinrecomb.Arah8 1mg 81900 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-AH1-1 NaturalArah1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-AH2-1 NaturalArah2 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-AH3-1 NaturalArah3 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-AH6-1 NaturalArah6 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AH2-1 RecombinantArah2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AH8-1 RecombinantArah8 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AH9-1 RecombinantArah9 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-CA1-1 RecombinantCora1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-CA8-1 RecombinantCora8 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-CA9-1 NaturalCora9 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-CA14-1 RecombinantCora14 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTN-CAE-1 loTox™HazelnutProtein 1mL 8190 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AO3-1 RecombinantAnao3 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-JR1-1 RecombinantJugr1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-JR3-1 RecombinantJugr3 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-JR5-1 RecombinantJugr5 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-PD3-1 RecombinantPrudu3 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-PD6-1 NaturalPrudu6 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BE1-1 NaturalBere1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-BE1-1 RecombinantBere1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BE1-2 NaturalBere2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-STM-1 Nat.ShrimpTropomyosin 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-PA1-1 RecombinantPena1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CC1-1 RecombinantCypc1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BD4-1 NaturalBosd4 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BD5-1 NaturalBosd5 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BD6-1 NaturalBosd6 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BD8-1 NaturalBosd8 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BD11-1 NaturalBosd11 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-GM4-1 RecombinantGlym4 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-GM5-1 NaturalGlym5 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-GM6-1 NaturalGlym6 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-PP3-1 RecombinantPrup3 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-SI1-1 RecombinantSesi1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AG1-1 RecombinantApig1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-SA1-1 RecombinantSina1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-TA14-1 RecombinantTria14 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-TA19Fl-1 RecombinantTria19Fulllength 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CS3-1 RecombinantCans3 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-MD1-1 RecombinantMald1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
AGAl-1 NaturalAlpha-Gal 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-AD8-1 RecombinantActd8 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-FA1-1 RecombinantFraa1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-CI1-1 RecombinantCari1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-PP1-1 RecombinantPinp1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-FE2-1 RecombinantFage2 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-FE3-1 RecombinantFage3 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AF1-1 RecombinantAspf1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-AA1-1 RecombinantAlta1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-AAR1 NaturalAmba1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-BV1-1 NaturalBetv1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTR-PP1-1 loTox™recomb.Ph1p1 250ug 13590 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTR-PP5A-1 loTox™recomb.Ph1p5a 250ug 13590 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-PP6-1 RecombinantPhlp6 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BV1-1 RecombinantBetv1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-BV2-1 RecombinantBetv2 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-OE1-1 RecombinantOlee1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-CJ1-1 NaturalCryj1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NA-lP1-1 Naturallolp1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CA101-1 RecombinantCora1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-AV1-1 RecombinantArtv1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-AV3-1 RecombinantArtv3 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-PJ1-1 RecombinantParj1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RPI-PJ2-1 RecombinantParj2 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-AG1-1 RecombinantAlng1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CD1-1 RecombinantCynd1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-VV1-1 RecombinantVesv1 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
R-VV2-1 RecombinantVesv1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-VV5-1 RecombinantVesv5 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-AM1-1 RecombinantApim1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RP-PD5-1 RecombinantPold5 250ug 11970 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CV2-NCR-01 SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain 100ug 7110 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CV2-NCR-4 SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain 1mg 44910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CV2-RBD-01 SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain 100ug 7110 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RE-CV2-RBD-4 SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain 1mg 44910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
RM-CV2-SP-01 SARS-CoV-2 Full-length Spike Protein 100ug 14310 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTR-CV2-NCR-4 loTox™ SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain 1mg 55710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
lTR-CV2-RBD-4 loTox™ SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain 1mg 55710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BT5-1 Blo t 5 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BT5-5 Blo t 5 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BT5-25 Blo t 5 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 178290 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP1-1 Der p 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP1-5 Der p 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP1-25 Der p 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 178290 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DF1-1 Der f 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DF1-5 Der f 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DF1-25 Der f 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DF2-1 Der f 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DF2-5 Der f 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DF2-25 Der f 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-D2-1 Der p 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-D2-5 Der p 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-D2-25 Der p 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP23-1 Der p 23 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 10530 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP23-5 Der p 23 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 42210 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-DP23-25** Der p 23 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 188910 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-TP2-1 Tyr p 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-TP2-5 Tyr p 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-TP2-25 Tyr p 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG1-1 Bla g 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG1-5 Bla g 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG1-25 Bla g 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG2-1 Bla g 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG2-5 Bla g 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG2-25 Bla g 2 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG5-1 Bla g 5 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG5-5 Bla g 5 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-BG5-25 Bla g 5 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-PA7-1 Per a 7 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-PA7-5 Per a 7 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-PA7-25 Per a 7 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-CF1-1 Can f 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-CF1-5 Can f 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-CF1-25 Can f 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-FD1-1 Fel d 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-FD1-5 Fel d 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-FD1-25 Fel d 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-FD4-1 Fel d 4 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-FD4-5 Fel d 4 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-FD4-25 Fel d 4 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-GPUP-1 GPUP ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-GPUP-5 GPUP ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-GPUP-25 GPUP ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-MM1-1 Mus m 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-MM1-5 Mus m 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-MM1-25 Mus m 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-OC3-1 Ory c 3 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-OC3-5 Ory c 3 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-OC3-25 Ory c 3 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-RN1-1 Rat n 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-RN1-5 Rat n 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-RN1-25 Rat n 1 ElISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AO3-1 Ana o 3- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AO3-5 Ana o 3- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AO3-25 Ana o 3- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AG1-1 Api g 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AG1-5 Api g 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AG1-25 Api g 1- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH1-1 Ara h 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH1-5 Ara h 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH1-25 Ara h 1- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH2-1 Ara h 2- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH2-5 Ara h 2- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH2-25 Ara h 2- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH3-1 Ara h 3- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH5-5-5PK Ara h 3- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH5-5-25PK Ara h 3- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH6-1 Ara h 6- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH6-5 Ara h 6- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH6-25 Ara h 6- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 163710 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH8-1 Ara h 8- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9810 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物
EPC-AH8-5 Ara h 8- Five Plate Pack 5PK 35730 inbio(indoor) 4-6周 上海金畔生物



INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc公司是一家专业开发生产用于研究哮喘以及其他过敏性疾病的免疫诊断和相关生物学检测产品的生物技术公司,IB由两家子公司组成,一家是位于美国弗吉尼亚的INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc. (IBI),另一家为位于英国INDOOR Biotechnologies Limited (IBL)。IB的创始人Martin D. Chapman博士曾经是美国弗吉尼亚大学的医学和微生物教授,并曾经担任过美国NIH、环保署已及多家生物公司的顾问科学家。做为环境过敏原(变应原)检测系统的公司,IB生产的一系列过敏原研究和检测用抗体拥有来自美国弗吉尼亚大学的*,能够用于检测屋尘螨、猫、狗、蟑螂和真菌来源过敏原。 IB开发生产面向实验室用户的过敏原Elisa检测试剂盒以及面向家庭用户的过敏原快速检测试剂盒,利用后者用户在家中即可于10分钟之内检测出屋尘螨抗原。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
LTN-DP1-1 LoTox™ natural Der p 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
LTN-DP2-1 LoTox™ natural Der p 2 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
LTN-DPE-4 LoTox™D. pter. Extract 1ml 7470 inbio(indoor)
NA-DP1-1 Natural Der p 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-DF1-1 Natural Der f 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-DP2-1 Natural Der p 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-DF2-1 Natural Der f 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-DP1D-1 Recombinant Der p 1(DG) 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
RP-DF1-1 Recombinant Der f 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-DP2A-1 Recombinant Der p 2.0101 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-DP2C-1 Recombinant Der p 2.0103 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-DF2-1 Recombinant Der f 2.0103 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-DP7-1 Recombinant Der p 7 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RE-DP10-1 Recombinant Der p 10 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-DP23-1 Recombinant Der p 23 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RE-EM2-1 Recombinant Eur m 2.0101 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-LP2-1 Recombinant Lep d 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-GD2-1 Recombinant Gly d 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-BG2-1 Natural Bla g 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-BG1-1 Recombinant Bla g 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-BG2-1 Recombinant Bla g 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-BG4-1 Recombinant Bla g 4 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RE-BG5-1 Recombinant Bla g 5 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-PA7-1 Recombinant Per a 7 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
LTN-CF1-1 LoTox™ natural Can f 1 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
LTN-FD1-1 LoTox™ natural Fel d 1 250ug 12690 inbio(indoor)
LTN-MM1-1 LoTox™ natural Mus m 1 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
NA-FD1-1 Natural Fel d 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-FD1D-1 Recombinant Fel d 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-FD2-1 Natural Fel d 2 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-FD4-1 Recombinant Fel d 4 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-CF1-1 Natural Can f 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
RP-CF1-1 Recombinant Can f 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-CF2-1 Recombinant Can f 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-CF3-1 Natural Can f 3 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RE-CF4-1 Recombinant Can f 4 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RE-CF6-1 Recombinant Can f 6 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-MM1-1 Natural Mus m 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-RN1-1 Recombinant Rat n 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-BD2-1 Recombinant Bos d 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RE-EC1-1 Recombinant Equ c 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RPI-OC3-1 Recombinant Ory c 3 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
LTN-GD1-1 LoTox™ natural Gal d 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
LTN-GD2-1 LoTox™ natural Gal d 2 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
NA-GD3-1 Natural Gal d 3 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
LTN-GD4-1 LoTox™ natural Gal d 4 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
NA-GD5-1 LoTox™ natural Gal d 5 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
LTN-AHRE-4 LoTox™ Peanut Protein 1ml 7470 inbio(indoor)
LTN-AH1-1 LoTox™ natural Ara h 1 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
LTN-AH2-1 LoTox™ natural Ara h 2 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
LTN-AH3-1 LoTox™ natural Ara h 3 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
LTN-AH6-1 LoTox™ natural Ara h 6 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
BI-NAH1-1 Biotin natural Ara h 1 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
BI-NAH2-1 Biotin natural Ara h 2 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
BI-NAH3-1 Biotin natural Ara h 3 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
BI-NAH6-1 Biotin natural Ara h 6 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
BI-RAH8-1 Biotin recomb. Ara h 8 1mg 62910 inbio(indoor)
NA-AH1-1 Natural Ara h 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
NA-AH2-1 Natural Ara h 2 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
NA-AH3-1 Natural Ara h 3 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
NA-AH6-1 Natural Ara h 6 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-AH2-1 Recombinant Ara h 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-AH8-1 Recombinant Ara h 8 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-AH9-1 Recombinant Ara h 9 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-CA1-1 Recombinant Cor a 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-CA8-1 Recombinant Cor a 8 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-CA9-1 Natural Cor a 9 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-CA14-1 Recombinant Cor a 14 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-AO3-1 Recombinant Ana o 3 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-JR1-1 Recombinant Jug r 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RPI-JR3-1 Recombinant Jug r 3 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RE-JR5-1 Recombinant Jug r 5 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-PD3-1 Recombinant Pru du 3 250ug 0 inbio(indoor)
NA-PD6-1 Natural Pru du 6 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-BE1-1 Natural Ber e 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RPI-BE1-1 Recombinant Ber e 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-BE1-2 Natural Ber e 2 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-STM-1 Nat. Shrimp Tropomyosin 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RPI-PA1-1 Recombinant Pen a 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RE-CC1-1 Recombinant Cyp c 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
NA-BD4-1 Natural Bos d 4 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-BD5-1 Natural Bos d 5 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-BD6-1 Natural Bos d 6 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-BD8-1 Natural Bos d 8 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-BD11-1 Natural Bos d 11 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-GM4-1 Recombinant Gly m 4 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-GM5-1 Natural Gly m 5 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-GM6-1 Natural Gly m 6 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-PP3-1 Recombinant Pru p 3 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-SI1-1 Recombinant Ses i 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-AG1-1 Recombinant Api g 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-SA1-1 Recombinant Sin a 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RE-TA14-1 Recombinant Tri a 14 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RE-TA19-1 Recombinant Tri a 19 250ug 询价 inbio(indoor)
RE-CS3-1 Recombinant Can s 3 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RPI-MD1-1 Recombinant Mal d 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
AGAL-1 Natural Alpha-Gal 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RPI-AD8-1 Recombinant Act d 8 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RPI-FA1-1 Recombinant Fra a 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RPI-CI1-1 Recombinant Car i 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RPI-PP1-1 Recombinant Pin p 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-AF1-1 Recombinant Asp f 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-AA1-1 Recombinant Alt a 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
NA-AAR1 Natural Amb a 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
NA-BV1-1 Natural Bet v 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
LTR-PP1-1 LoTox™ recomb.Ph1 p 1 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
LTR-PP5A-1 LoTox™ recomb.Ph1 p 5a 250ug 12330 inbio(indoor)
RP-PP6-1 Recombinant Phl p 6 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-BV1-1 Recombinant Bet v 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-BV2-1 Recombinant Bet v 2 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-OE1-1 Recombinant Ole e 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
NA-CJ1-1 Natural Cry j 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
NA-LP1-1 Natural Lol p 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RE-CA101-1 Recombinant Cor a 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RE-AV1-1 Recombinant Art v 1 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
RE-AV3-1 Recombinant Art v 3 250ug 11250 inbio(indoor)
RP-VV1-1 Recombinant Ves v 1 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RP-VV5-1 Recombinant Ves v 5 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RE-AM1-1 Recombinant Api m 1 250ug 10350 inbio(indoor)
RP-PD5-1 Recombinant Pol d 5 250ug 10890 inbio(indoor)
RE-CV2-NCR-01 SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain 100ug 7110 inbio(indoor)
RE-CV2-NCR-4 SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain 1mg 44910 inbio(indoor)
RE-CV2-RBD-01 SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain 100ug 7110 inbio(indoor)
RE-CV2-RBD-4 SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain 1mg 44910 inbio(indoor)
RM-CV2-SP-01 SARS-CoV-2 Full-length Spike Protein 100ug 14310 inbio(indoor)
LTR-CV2-NCR-4 LoTox™SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain 1mg 55710 inbio(indoor)
LTR-CV2-RBD-4 LoTox™ SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain 1mg 55710 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BT5-1 Blo t 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BT5-5 Blo t 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DP1-1 Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DP1-5 Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DF1-1 Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DF1-5 Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DF2-1 Der f 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DF2-5 Der f 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-D2-1 Der p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-D2-5 Der p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DP23-1 Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9450 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DP23-5 Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 37710 inbio(indoor)
EPC-DP23-25** Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 169110 inbio(indoor)
EPC-TP2-1 Tyr p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-TP2-5 Tyr p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BG1-1 Bla g 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BG1-5 Bla g 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BG2-1 Bla g 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BG2-5 Bla g 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BG5-1 Bla g 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BG5-5 Bla g 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-PA7-1 Per a 7 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-PA7-5 Per a 7 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CF1-1 Can f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CF1-5 Can f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-FD1-1 Fel d 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-FD1-5 Fel d 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-FD4-1 Fel d 4 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-FD4-5 Fel d 4 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GPUP-1 GPUP ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GPUP-5 GPUP ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-MM1-1 Mus m 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-MM1-5 Mus m 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-OC3-1 Ory c 3 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-OC3-5 Ory c 3 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-RN1-1 Rat n 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-RN1-5 Rat n 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AO3-1 Ana o 3- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AO3-5 Ana o 3- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AG1-1 Api g 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AG1-5 Api g 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH1-1 Ara h 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH1-5 Ara h 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH2-1 Ara h 2- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH2-5 Ara h 2- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH3-1 Ara h 3- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH5-5 Ara h 3- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH6-1 Ara h 6- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH6-5 Ara h 6- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH8-1 Ara h 8- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AH8-5 Ara h 8- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-NBD5-1 Native Bos d 5 (ß-Lactoglobulin)- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-NBD5-5 Native Bos d 5 (ß-Lactoglobulin)- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BD11-1 Bos d 11 (ß-casein)- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BD11-5 Bos d 11 (ß-casein)- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CA9-1 Cor a 9- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CA9-5 Cor a 9- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CC1-1 Cyp c 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CC1-5 Cyp c 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GD1-1 Gal d 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GD1-5 Gal d 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GD2-1 Gal d 2- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GD2-5 Gal d 2- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GM5-1 Gly m 5- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-GM5-5 Gly m 5- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-JR1-1 Jug r 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-JR1-5 Jug r 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-TPM-1 Shrimp Tropomyosin- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-TPM-5 Shrimp Tropomyosin- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-SA1-1 Sin a 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-SA1-5 Sin a 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-TA19-1 Tri a 19- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-TA19-5 Tri a 19- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AA1-1 Alt a 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AA1-5 Alt a 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AF1-1 Asp f 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AF1-5 Asp f 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AM1-1 Amb a 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-AM1-5 Amb a 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BV1-EP1 Bet v 1 EP- Single Plate Pack 1PK 9450 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BV1-EP5 Bet v 1 EP- Five Plate Pack 5PK 37710 inbio(indoor)
EPC-BV1-EP25** Bet v 1 EP- Twenty-five Plate Pack 25PK 169110 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CS3-1 Can s 3- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CS3-5 Can s 3- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CJ1-1 Cry j 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-CJ1-5 Cry j 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-LP1-1 Lol p 1- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-LP1-5 Lol p 1- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
EPC-PP5-1 Phl p 5- Single Plate Pack 1PK 8910 inbio(indoor)
EPC-PP5-5 Phl p 5- Five Plate Pack 5PK 32310 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M1 Custom 1-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 1-plex 8910 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M2 Custom 2-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 2-plex 11970 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M3 Custom 3-plex MARIA®with Magnetic Beads 3-plex 14310 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M4 Custom 4-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 4-plex 17010 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M5 Custom 5-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 5-plex 20070 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M6 Custom 6-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 6-plex 23130 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M7 Custom 7-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 7-plex 25830 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M8 Custom 8-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 8-plex 28620 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M9 Custom 9-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 9-plex 32040 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M10 Custom 10-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 10-plex 35100 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M11 Custom 11-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 11-plex 38250 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M12 Custom 12-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 12-plex 41400 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M13 Custom 13-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 13-plex 44550 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M14 Custom 14-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 14-plex 44550 inbio(indoor)
MRA-M15 Custom 15-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads 15-plex 46800 inbio(indoor)
MRA-LAA-M1 Custom 1-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 1-plex 7650 inbio(indoor)
MRA-LAA-M2 Custom 2-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 2-plex 10080 inbio(indoor)
MRA-LAA-M3 Custom 3-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 3-plex 12060 inbio(indoor)
MRA-LAA-M4 Custom 4-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 4-plex 14310 inbio(indoor)
MRA-LAA-M5 Custom 5-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads 5-plex 17010 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF1 Custom 1-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 1-plex 8910 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF2 Custom 2-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 2-plex 11970 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF3 Custom 3-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 3-plex 14310 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF4 Custom 4-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 4-plex 17010 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF5 Custom 5-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 5-plex 20070 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF6 Custom 6-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 6-plex 23130 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF7 Custom 7-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 7-plex 25830 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF8 Custom 8-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 8-plex 28620 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF9 Custom 9-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 9-plex 32040 inbio(indoor)
MRA-MF10 Custom 10-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads 10-plex 35100 inbio(indoor)
E-2L11 2L11 anti Der p 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-2G1 2G1 anti Der p 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-1B8 1B8 anti Der p 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-11A12 11A12 anti Fel d 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-6A1 6A1 anti Fel d 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-1E18 1E18 anti Fel d 4 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-1J11 1J11 anti Can f 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-13B6 13B6 anti Can f 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-11B6 11B6 anti Gal d 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-1E7 1E7 anti Gal d 4 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-4G4 4G4 anti Ara h 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-16A8 16A8 anti Ara h 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-15C2 15C2 anti Ara h 6 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-9H7 9H7 anti Jug r 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 200ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
E-2F5 2F5 anti Ana o 3 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody 100ul 10710 inbio(indoor)
MA-5H8 5H8 anti Der p 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4C1 4C1 anti Der p 1, Der f l 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-10B9 10B9 anti Der p 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4E5 4E5 anti Der p 23 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-9B9 9B9 anti Der p 23 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-6A8 6A8 anti Der f 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1D8 1D8 anti Group 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-DPX DpX anti Group 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-10E11 10E11 anti Group 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-7A1 7A1 anti Group 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1A6 1A6 anti Tropomyosin 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4D9 4D9 anti Blo t 5 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4G9 4G9 anti Blo t 5 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-10A6 10A6 anti Bla g 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-7C11 7C11 anti Bla g 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1F3 1F3 anti Bla g 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2F1 2F1 anti Bla g 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1G9 1G9 anti Bla g 5 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4B8 4B8 anti Bla g 5 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-6F9 6F9 anti Fel d 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3E4 3E4 anti Fel d 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-FD1 FD1 anti Fel d 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1A8 1A8 anti Fel d 4 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5B2 5B2 anti Fel d 4 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-6E9 6E9 anti Can f 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-7E6 7E6 anti Can f 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-10D4 10D4 anti Can f 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-10A4 10A4 anti Rat n 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-10H4 10H4 anti Rat n 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2H6 2H6 anti Rat n 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4F7 4F7 anti Api g 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2C12 2C12 anti Ara h 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2F7 2F7 anti Ara h 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5C2 5C2 anti Ara h 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2H3 2H3 anti Ara h 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1C4 1C4 anti Ara h 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4B6 4B6 anti Ara h 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3C12 3C12 anti Ara h 3 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-6D2 6D2 anti Ara h 3 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-7D12 7D12 anti Ara h 3 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-8H3 8H3 anti Ara h 6 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3E12 3E12 anti Ara h 6 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3B8 3B8 anti Ara h 6 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5A12 5A12 anti Cyp c 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3G4 3G4 anti Gal d 2 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-7E12 7E12 anti Gly m 4 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5B5 5B5 anti Gly m 4 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5C1-Gly m 4 5C1 anti Gly m 4 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2A12 2A12 anti Gly m 5 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1E1 1E1 anti Jug r 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3B1 3B1 anti Jug r 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2B10 2B10 anti Ses i 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-7C1 7C1 anti Ses i 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-8B1 8B1 anti Ses i 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3G7 3G7 anti Sin a 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-4A6 4A6 anti Asp f 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2C10 2C10 anti Alt a 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5F5 5F5 anti AveX 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-9A5 9A5 anti AveX 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3E11 3E11 anti SchX 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-2C9 2C9 anti SchX 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-10F2 10F2 anti SchX 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3F10 3F10 anti SchY 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5F6 5F6 anti Amb a 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5F7 5F7 anti Amb a 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3C7 3C7 anti Amb a 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-7F11 7F11 anti Amb a 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-3B4 3B4 anti Bet v 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5H8SB 5H8SB anti Bet v 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5G10 5G10 anti Cry j 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-8C10 8C10 anti Lol p 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-1D11 1D11 anti Phl p 5 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
MA-5C1-Ole e 1 5C1 anti Ole e 1 100uL 8190 inbio(indoor)
PA-GD2 Rabbit anti Gly d 2 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-LD2 Rabbit anti Lep d 2 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-TP2 Rabbit anti Tyr p 2 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-BG1 Rabbit anti Bla g 1 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-BG2 Rabbit anti Bla g 2 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-BG5 Rabbit anti Bla g 5 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-PAE Rabbit anti P. americana 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-FD1 Rabbit anti Fel d 1 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-FD4 Rabbit anti Fel d 4 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-CF1 Rabbit anti Can f 1 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-MM1 Rabbit anti Mus m 1 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-GPUP Guinea Pig Urinary Protein 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-AH1 Rabbit anti Ara h 1 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-AH2 Rabbit anti Ara h 2 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-AH8 Rabbit anti Ara h 8 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-SHM Rabbit anti Shrimp Tropomyosin 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-AF1 Rabbit anti Asp f 1 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
PA-AM1 Rabbit anti Amb a 1 100uL 9990 inbio(indoor)
CH-1 Mouse anti Der p 2/human IgE (2B12-IgE) 500uL 9810 inbio(indoor)
CH-2 Mouse anti Der p 2/human IgG1 (2B12-IgG1) 500uL 9810 inbio(indoor)
CH-3 Mouse anti Der p 2/human IgG4 (2B12-IgG4) 500uL 9810 inbio(indoor)
ST-UAS 8-plex: DP1, DF1, DP2, FD1, CF1, BG2, RN1, MM1 400uL 10710 inbio(indoor)