Hycult Biotech2021年价格表

Hycult Biotech2021年价格表

Hycult Biotech是一家专注于设计、研发、生产以及销售抗体和其相关产品的公司,其特色产品是天然免疫及相关领域的免疫分析试剂,例如补体, 嗜中性粒细胞蛋白,TLP,清道夫受体以及急性期蛋白等。除此之外,Hycult Biotech公司也可以提供炎症反应和细胞损伤等方面的产品。

Hycult Biotech2021年价格表

货号 产品名称 规格 单价 品牌
HC1020-10E5U IFN-gamma, Mouse, Recombinant (CHO-derived), 10E5 units 10E5units 4845 hycultbiotech
HC1020-10E6U IFN-gamma, Mouse, Recombinant (CHO-derived), 10E6 units 10E6units 12105 hycultbiotech
HC1050-5X10E4U IFN-beta, Mouse, Recombinant (CHO-derived), 5 x 10E4 units 5x10E4units 6450 hycultbiotech
HC1101-50UG C5a, Mouse, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC1102-50UG C5a des Arg, Mouse, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC1104-50UG A-FABP, Mouse, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), >50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC1105-50UG E-FABP, Mouse, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), >50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC1106-50UG CRAMP, Mouse, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2030-10E5U IFN-gamma, Human, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), 10E5 units 10E5units 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2030-10E6U IFN-gamma, Human, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), 10E6 units 10E6units 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2101-50UG C5a, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2102-50UG C5a des Arg, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2103-10UG C5L2, Human, Peptide, 10 ug 10ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2105-50UG H-FABP, Human, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2106-50UG B-FABP, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2120-50UG Calprotectin, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2122-200UG C1, Human, Natural, 200 ug 200ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2123-1MG C1q, Human, Natural, 1 mg 1mg 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2124-50UG C2, Human, Natural, 50 ug 50ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2125-250UG C3, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2126-50UG C3a, Human, Natural, 50 ug 50ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2127-50UG C3a desArg, Human, Natural, 50 ug 50ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2128-250UG C4, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2129-250UG Complement factor B, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2130-250UG Complement factor H, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2131-100UG Complement factor I, Human, Natural, 100 ug 100ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2132-100UG Properdin, Human, Natural, 100 ug 100ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2134-50UG HNP-1, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2135-50UG HNP-2, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2136-50UG HNP-3, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2137-50UG Alpha-defensin 6, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2138-50UG Cathepsin G, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2139-50UG Platelet Factor IV 18, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2140-50UG Beta-defensin 2, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2141-200UG C5, Human, Natural, 200 ug 200ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HC2142-250UG C9, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2143-1MG C1q, Human, Natural, 1 mg 1mg 4305 hycultbiotech
HC3102-40UG L-FABP, Rat, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), 40 ug 40ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HC3103-10UG C5L2, Rat, Peptide, 10 ug 10ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4012-10UG CHIPS (Chemotaxis Inhibiting Protein of Staph. aureus), 10 u 10ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC4013-50UG LL-37/CAP-18, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 10485 hycultbiotech
HC4014-100UG HNP1-3, Human, Natural, >100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4020-10E5U Polymyxin B (PMB), 10E5 units 10E5units 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4020BT-200UL Polymyxin B (PMB), Biotin, 0.2 ml 0.2ml 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4020HRP-200UL Polymyxin B (PMB), HRP-conjugated, 0.2 ml 0.2ml 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4030-1MG LBP, Human, Peptide, 1 mg 1mg 16110 hycultbiotech
HC4033-200NMOL CpG-DNA, Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4034-200NMOL Non CpG-DNA, Human/Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4035-1MG Oxidized PAPC, 1 mg 1mg 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4036-5MG Oxidized PAPC, 5 mg 5mg 12900 hycultbiotech
HC4037-200NMOL CpG-A DNA (ODN 2216), Human/Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4038-200NMOL CpG-B DNA, Rabbit, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4039-200NMOL CpG-B DNA (ODN 2006), Human/ Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4040-200NMOL CpG-B DNA, Rat, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4041-200NMOL CpG-C DNA (ODN 2395), Human/ Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4042-200NMOL Non CpG-DNA, Rabbit, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4043-5MG PAPC, 5 mg 5mg 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4045-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype O55:B5, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4046-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype EH100, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4047-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype J5 (Rc), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4048-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype R515 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4049-1MG Lipid A from E.coli, Serotype R515 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4050-500UG MPL-A from E.coli, Serotype R515 (Re), 500 ug 0.5mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4051-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4052-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R60, Ra, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4053-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R345 (Rb), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4054-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R5 (Rc), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4055-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R7 (Rd), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4056-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R595 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4057-1MG Lipid A from Salmonella minnesota, R595 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4058-500UG MPL-A from Salmonella minnesota, R595 (Re), 500 ug 0.5mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4059-1MG LPS from Salmonella enteritidis, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4060-1MG LPS from Salmonella typhimurium, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4061-1MG LPS from Salmonella abortus equi, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4063 TLR4 Agonist Set: LPS from Salmonella minnesota 2×0.5mgand2x0.25mg 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4064 TLR4 Agonist Set: LPS from E.coli 2×0.5mgand2x0.25mg 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4065-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype O8:K27, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4067-5MG TLR3/MDA5 Agonist, 5 mg 5mg 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4072-25NMOL RNA:DNA hybrids, 25 nmol 5nmol 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4072-5NMOL RNA:DNA hybrids, 5 nmol 25nmol 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4073-50UG Cobra venom factor, Recombinant, 50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4074-1MG TLR9, Mouse, antagonist (ODN2088), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4074-250UG TLR9, Mouse, antagonist (ODN2088), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4075-1MG TLR9, Mouse, control (ODN2088), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4075-250UG TLR9, Mouse, control (ODN2088), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4076-1MG TLR9, Human, antagonist (ODN A151), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4076-250UG TLR9, Human, antagonist (ODN A151), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4077-1MG TLR9, Human, control (ODN A151), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4077-250UG TLR9, Human, control (ODN A151), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4084-10UG LPS B.quintana, 10 ug 10ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC4084-50UG LPS B.quintana, 50 ug 50ug 10485 hycultbiotech
HI1016-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1016BT-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1016F-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1016PE-100UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HI1016PE-25UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1019-50UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1019BT-50UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1019F-50UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1019PE-100UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI1019PE-25UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI1022-50UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1022BT-50UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1022F-50UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1022PE-100UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI1022PE-25UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI3016-50UG IgG1, Rat, mAb G0114F7, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI3017BT-50UG IgG1, Rat, mAb RTK2071, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3017F-50UG IgG1, Rat, mAb RTK2071, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3019-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI3019BT-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3019F-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3019PE-100UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI3019PE-25UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI3022-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI3022BT-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3022F-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3022PE-100UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI3022PE-25UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI4001-500UG IgG1, Ms, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HI4001-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI4010-500UG IgG2a, Ms, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HI4010-50UG IgG2a, Ms, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI4030-500UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 6135 hycultbiotech
HI4030-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI4040-500UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HI4040-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI5001-1MG IgG1, Ms, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype ctrl, Ultra Low Endotox, 1 mg 1mg 8865 hycultbiotech
HIT302 LAL Chromogenic Endpoint Assay, 3 x 96 det. 3plates 15000 hycultbiotech
HIT410 Classical Complement Pathway, Rat, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT411 Lectin Complement Pathway, Rat, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT412 Alternative Complement Pathway, Rat, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT413 Complement Pathway, Rat, Assays, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HIT420 Classical Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT421 Lectin Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT422 Alternative Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT423 Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assays, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HIT430 Classical Complement Pathway, Pig, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT431 Lectin Complement Pathway, Pig, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT432 Alternative Complement Pathway, Pig, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT433 Complement Pathway, Pig, Assays, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HIT501 Nitrotyrosine, Competitive ELISA, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HIT503 MGO, Competitive ELISA, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HIT505 Arginase Activity Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 4515 hycultbiotech
HK105-01 MPO, Rat, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK105-02 MPO, Rat, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK106-01 TCC, Rat, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK106-02 TCC, Rat, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK205-01 LBP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK205-02 LBP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK208-01 MBL-A, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK208-02 MBL-A, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK210-01 MPO, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK210-02 MPO, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK211-01 C1q, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK211-02 C1q, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK214-01 S100A9, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK214-02 S100A9, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK215-01 SAP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK215-02 SAP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK216-01 C3b, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK216-02 C3b, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK302-01 sTNF-RII, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK302-02 sTNF-RII, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK314-01 BPI, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK314-02 BPI, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK315-01 LBP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK315-02 LBP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK316-01 SLPI, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK316-02 SLPI, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK317-01 HNP1-3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK317-02 HNP1-3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK318-01 Elafin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK318-02 Elafin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK319-01 Elastase, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK319-02 Elastase, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK320-01 sCD14, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK320-02 sCD14, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK321-01 LL-37, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK321-02 LL-37, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK323-01 MBL, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK323-02 MBL, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK324-01 MPO, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK324-02 MPO, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK328-01 TCC, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK328-02 TCC, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK329-01 Lactoferrin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK329-02 Lactoferrin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK330-01 NGAL, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK330-02 NGAL, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK331-01 SAP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK331-02 SAP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK333-01 SAA, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK333-02 SAA, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK334-01 Properdin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK334-02 Properdin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK335-01 SP-D, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK335-02 SP-D, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK336-01 Ficolin-2, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK336-02 Ficolin-2, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK337-01 sMAdCAM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK337-02 sMAdCAM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK340-01 Ficolin-3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK340-02 Ficolin-3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK342-01 Complement factor H, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK342-02 Complement factor H, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK343-01 Complement Factor D, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK343-02 Complement Factor D, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK347-01 Pentraxin 3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK347-02 Pentraxin 3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK348-01 sTREM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK348-02 sTREM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK349-01 C5a, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK349-02 C5a, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK352-01 Azurocidin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK352-02 Azurocidin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK353 Factor H, 402H/Y variant detection, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK354-01 C3a, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK354-02 C3a, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK355-01 Complement factor I, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK355-02 Complement factor I, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK356-01 C1q, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK356-02 C1q, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK357-01 Ficolin-1, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK357-02 Ficolin-1, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK358 CRP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 4845 hycultbiotech
HK359-01 MAp44, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK359-02 MAp44, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK362-01 gC1qR, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK362-02 gC1qR, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK363-01 TRACP5a, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK363-02 TRACP5a, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK364-01 Collectin-10, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK364-02 Collectin-10, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK365-01 Soluble DC-SIGN, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK365-02 Soluble DC-SIGN, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK366-01 C3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK366-02 C3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK367-01 Factor B, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK367-02 Factor B, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK368-01 C3c, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK368-02 C3c, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK369 hsCRP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 4845 hycultbiotech
HK371-01 RNAse7, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK371-02 RNAse7, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK373-01 Coagulation Factor XII, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK373-02 Coagulation Factor XII, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK374-01 sCD59, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK374-02 sCD59, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK377-01 S100A4, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK377-02 S100A4, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK378-01 S100A7, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK378-02 S100A7, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK379-01 Calprotectin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK379-02 Calprotectin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK381-01 sMR, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK381-02 sMR, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK382 Fecal Calprotectin, Human, Rapid ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK383-01 sThrombomodulin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK383-02 sThrombomodulin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK384-01 PR3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK384-02 PR3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK386-01 Arginase-I, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK386-02 Arginase-I, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK387-01 Alpha-1-antitrypsin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK387-02 Alpha-1-antitrypsin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK390-01 C5, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK390-02 C5, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK391-01 EDN, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK391-02 EDN, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK401 H-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK402 H-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK404-01 L-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK404-02 L-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK406-01 I-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK406-02 I-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK413-01 H-FABP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK413-02 H-FABP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK414-01 H-FABP, Rat, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK414-02 H-FABP, Rat, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK501-01 Nitrotyrosine, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK501-02 Nitrotyrosine, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK503 LBP, various species, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 12900 hycultbiotech
HK504-AGM EndoCab®, Human, ELISA kit, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HK504-IGA EndoCab® IgA, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK504-IGG EndoCab® IgG, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK504-IGM EndoCab® IgM, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK508 EcHECk, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 24435 hycultbiotech
HK701-01 C5a, Pig, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK701-02 C5a, Pig, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HM1001-100UG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1001-10MG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1001-1MG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1001-20UG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1001-500UG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1001-5MG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1002-100UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F3, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1002-20UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1003-100UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F1, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1003-20UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1004-100UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-20F3, 100 ug 500ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1004-20UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-20F3, 20 ug 100ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1004-500UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-20F3, 500 ug 20ug 10005 hycultbiotech
HM1005-100UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-32C11, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1005-20UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-32C11, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1009-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1009-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1009F-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7575 hycultbiotech
HM1009F-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1011-100UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1011-10MG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1011-1MG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1011-20UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1011-500UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1011-5MG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1011BT-50UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HM1011F-100UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1011F-20UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1013-100UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1013-20UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1013BT-50UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2685 hycultbiotech
HM1013F-100UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 4680 hycultbiotech
HM1013F-20UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1015-100UG CD34, Mouse, mAb MEC14.7, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1015-20UG CD34, Mouse, mAb MEC14.7, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1016-100UG Viperin, Mouse, mAb MaP.VIP, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1016-20UG Viperin, Mouse, mAb MaP.VIP, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1019-100UG MCP-1, Mouse, mAb ECE.2, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1019-20UG MCP-1, Mouse, mAb ECE.2, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1019BT-50UG MCP-1, Mouse, mAb ECE.2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1021-100UG TNF-alpha, Mouse, mAb V1q, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1021-20UG TNF-alpha, Mouse, mAb V1q, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1022-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg21, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1022-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg21, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1023-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg20, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1023-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg20, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1024-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D1f3, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1024-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D1f3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1025-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D14e3, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1025-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D14e3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1026-100UG LBP, Mouse, mAb M330-19, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1026-20UG LBP, Mouse, mAb M330-19, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1027-100UG LBP, Mouse, mAb RR433-8, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1027-20UG LBP, Mouse, mAb RR433-8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1029-100UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1029-10MG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 10 mg 10mg 58920 hycultbiotech
HM1029-1MG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 1 mg 1mg 11790 hycultbiotech
HM1029-20UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1029-500UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 500 ug 0.5mg 8250 hycultbiotech
HM1029-5MG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 5 mg 5mg 44205 hycultbiotech
HM1029BT-50UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2685 hycultbiotech
HM1029F-100UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 4515 hycultbiotech
HM1029F-20UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1031-100UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1031-20UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1031BT-50UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1031F-100UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1031F-20UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1035-100UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 8G6, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1035-20UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 8G6, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1036-100UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 2B4, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1036-20UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 2B4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1037-100UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 16A8, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1037-20UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 16A8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1038-100UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 14D12, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1038-20UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 14D12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1039-100UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1039-10MG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1039-1MG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1039-20UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1039-500UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1039-5MG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1039BT-50UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1039F-100UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1039F-20UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1039PE-100 Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1039PE-25 Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2580 hycultbiotech
HM1040-100UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1040-20UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1040BT-50UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1040F-100UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1040F-20UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1042-100UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1042-20UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1042BT-50UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1042F-100UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1042F-20UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1044-100UG C1q, Mouse, mAb 7H8, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1044-20UG C1q, Mouse, mAb 7H8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1045-100UG C3, Mouse, mAb 11H9, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1045-20UG C3, Mouse, mAb 11H9, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1046-100UG C4, Mouse, mAb 16D2, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1046-20UG C4, Mouse, mAb 16D2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1047-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1047-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1047BT-50UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1047F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1047F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1047PE-100 TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1047PE-25 TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2580 hycultbiotech
HM1049-100UG Mannose receptor, Mouse, mAb MR5D3, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1049-20UG Mannose receptor, Mouse, mAb MR5D3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1050-100UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1050-20UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1050F-100UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1050F-20UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1051-100UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1051-20UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1051BT-50UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HM1051F-100UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1051F-20UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1051PE-100 MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1051PE-25 MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1052-100UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1052-20UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1052F-100UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1052F-20UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1053-100UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1053-20UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1053F-100UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1053F-20UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1054-100MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 100 mg 100mg 491115 hycultbiotech
HM1054-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1054-10MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1054-1MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1054-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1054-500UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1054-50MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 50 mg 50mg 368355 hycultbiotech
HM1054-5MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 5 mg 5mg 64470 hycultbiotech
HM1054F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1054F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1056-100UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb 19H36, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1056-20UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb 19H36, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1057-100UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb CRAM-18F26, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1057-20UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb CRAM-18F26, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1058-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1058-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1058BT-50UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1058F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1058F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1058PE-100 TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1058PE-25 TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2580 hycultbiotech
HM1060-100UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1060-20UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1060-500UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, 500 ug 0.5mg 16605 hycultbiotech
HM1060F-100UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6285 hycultbiotech
HM1060F-20UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1061-100UG SR-A, Mouse, mAb 2F8, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1061-20UG SR-A, Mouse, mAb 2F8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1062-100UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1062-10MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1062-1MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1062-20UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1062-500UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1062-5MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1063-100UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1063-10MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1063-1MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1063-20UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1063-500UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1063-5MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1065-100UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 2/11, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1065-20UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 2/11, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1065-500UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 2/11, 500 ug 0.5mg 22575 hycultbiotech
HM1066-100UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1066-20UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1066F-100UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1066F-20UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1066PE-100 Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1066PE-25 Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2835 hycultbiotech
HM1070-100UG CD68, Mouse, mAb FA-11, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1070-20UG CD68, Mouse, mAb FA-11, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1072-100UG C3a, Mouse, mAb 3/11, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1072-20UG C3a, Mouse, mAb 3/11, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1072-500UG C3a, Mouse, mAb 3/11, 500 ug 0.5mg 20490 hycultbiotech
HM1073-100MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 100 mg 100mg 491115 hycultbiotech
HM1073-100UG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1073-10MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1073-1MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1073-20UG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1073-500UG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1073-50MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 50 mg 50mg 368355 hycultbiotech
HM1073-5MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 5 mg 5mg 64470 hycultbiotech
HM1074-100UG CD36, Mouse, mAb CRF D2712, >100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1075-100UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1075-20UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1075BT-50UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM1075F-100UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1075F-20UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1076-100UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 20/70, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1076-20UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 20/70, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1077-100UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 10/92, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1077-20UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 10/92, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1078-100UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 3/26, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1078-20UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 3/26, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1079-100UG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1079-10MG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1079-1MG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1079-20UG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1079-500UG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1079-5MG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1080-1ML SIGN-R1, Mouse, mAb ER-TR9, 1 ml 200ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1081-100UG MGL, Mouse, mAb ER-MP23, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1081-20UG MGL, Mouse, mAb ER-MP23, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1082-100UG Ly-6C, Mouse, mAb ER-MP20, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1082-20UG Ly-6C, Mouse, mAb ER-MP20, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1083-100UG CD13, Mouse, mAb ER-BMDM1, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1083-20UG CD13, Mouse, mAb ER-BMDM1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1084-100UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb ER-MP12, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1084-20UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb ER-MP12, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1086-100UG Fibroblasts, Mouse, mAb ER-TR7, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1086-20UG Fibroblasts, Mouse, mAb ER-TR7, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1087-100UG MHC class II, Mouse, mAb ER-TR3, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1087-20UG MHC class II, Mouse, mAb ER-TR3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1088-100UG Monocytes/Macrophages, Mouse, mAb ER-HR3, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1088-20UG Monocytes/Macrophages, Mouse, mAb ER-HR3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1089-100UG M-CSF-responsive cells, Mouse, mAb ER-MP58, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1089-20UG M-CSF-responsive cells, Mouse, mAb ER-MP58, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1090-100UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-HR52, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1090-20UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-HR52, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1091-100UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-MP42, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1091-20UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-MP42, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1092-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1092-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1092F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1092F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1094-100UG VAP-1, Mouse, mAb 7-88, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1094-20UG VAP-1, Mouse, mAb 7-88, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1096-100UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1096-10MG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1096-1MG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1096-20UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1096-500UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1096-5MG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1096BT-50UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HM1096F-100UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1096F-20UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1097-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1097-10MG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1097-1MG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1097-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1097-500UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1097-5MG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1097F-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1097F-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1098-100UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1098-20UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1098F-100UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1098F-20UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1099-100UG Ephrin B4, Mouse, mAb VEB4-7E4, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1099-20UG Ephrin B4, Mouse, mAb VEB4-7E4, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1102-100UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1102-20UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1102-500UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, 500 ug 0.5mg 16605 hycultbiotech
HM1102BT-50UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3555 hycultbiotech
HM1103-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1103-10MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1103-1MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1103-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1103-500UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1103-5MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1103F-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1103F-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1104-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1104-10MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1104-1MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1104-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1104-500UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1104-5MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1104F-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1104F-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1105-100UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1105-20UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1105F-100UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, FITC, 100ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1105F-20UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1106-100UG CD155, Mouse, mAb 3F1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1106-20UG CD155, Mouse, mAb 3F1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1107-100UG VCAM-1, Mouse, mAb 6C7.1, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1107-20UG VCAM-1, Mouse, mAb 6C7.1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1108-100UG Endomucin, Mouse, mAb V.7C7.1, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1108-20UG Endomucin, Mouse, mAb V.7C7.1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1111-100UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1111-20UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1111-500UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, 500 ug 0.5mg 10005 hycultbiotech
HM1111F-100UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HM1111F-20UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1112-100UG CR1/CR2, Mouse, mAb 7E9, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1112-20UG CR1/CR2, Mouse, mAb 7E9, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1115-100UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1115-20UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1115F-100UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1115F-20UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1116-100UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1116-20UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1116F-100UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1116F-20UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1117-100UG Crry/p65, Mouse, mAb 8A/E6, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1117-20UG Crry/p65, Mouse, mAb 8A/E6, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1118-100UG CD46, Mouse, mAb MM10, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1118-20UG CD46, Mouse, mAb MM10, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1119-100UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1119-20UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1119F-100UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1119F-20UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1120-100UG RBC, Mouse, mAb 34-3C, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1120-20UG RBC, Mouse, mAb 34-3C, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1120-500UG RBC, Mouse, mAb 34-3C, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM1121-100UG OSCAR, Mouse, mAb 5B8, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1121-20UG OSCAR, Mouse, mAb 5B8, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1123-100UG C3aR, Mouse, mAb 14D4, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1123-20UG C3aR, Mouse, mAb 14D4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1124-100UG EMAPII, Mouse, mAb M7/1, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1124-20UG EMAPII, Mouse, mAb M7/1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1125-100UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb AC6-DH2, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1125-20UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb AC6-DH2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1126-100UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb JF4-AD2, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1126-20UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb JF4-AD2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1127-100UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb LF7-BB3, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1127-20UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb LF7-BB3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1128-100UG GILT, Mouse, mAb MaP.mGILT6, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1128-20UG GILT, Mouse, mAb MaP.mGILT6, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1129-100UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1129-20UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1129F-100UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1129F-20UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1130-100UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 2C3, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1130-20UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 2C3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1131-100UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 6B11, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1131-20UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 6B11, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1131BT-50UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 6B11, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1132-100UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1A10, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1132-20UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1A10, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1133-100UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1E4, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1133-20UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1E4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1134-100UG C9, Mouse, mAb C9-6-25-5, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1134-20UG C9, Mouse, mAb C9-6-25-5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1135-100UG MPO, Mouse, mAb B7, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1135-20UG MPO, Mouse, mAb B7, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1136-100UG HMGB1, Mouse, mAb 5H6, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1136-20UG HMGB1, Mouse, mAb 5H6, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1137-100UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1137-20UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1137F-100UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1137F-20UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1138-100UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb E12, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1138-20UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb E12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1139-100UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb H4, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1139-20UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb H4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1140-100UG IL-13R-alpha-1, Mouse, mAb 1G3, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1140-20UG IL-13R-alpha-1, Mouse, mAb 1G3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1141-100UG Podoplanin, Mouse, mAb LpMab-1, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1141-20UG Podoplanin, Mouse, mAb LpMab-1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1141-500UG Podoplanin, Mouse, mAb LpMab-1, 500 ug 0.5mg 15000 hycultbiotech
HM1142-100UG Oxidized phospholipids, Human, mAb 10C12, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1142-20UG Oxidized phospholipids, Human, mAb 10C12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1143-100UG Allergin-1, Mouse, mAb TX83, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1143-20UG Allergin-1, Mouse, mAb TX83, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1145-100UG CLM-8, Mouse, mAb TX41, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1145-20UG CLM-8, Mouse, mAb TX41, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1147-100UG CLM-5, Mouse, mAb TX69, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1147-20UG CLM-5, Mouse, mAb TX69, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2001-100UG IL-6, Human, mAb 5E1, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM2001-20UG IL-6, Human, mAb 5E1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2002-100UG CD166, Human, mAb AZN-L50, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2002-20UG CD166, Human, mAb AZN-L50, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2002-500UG CD166, Human, mAb AZN-L50, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM2003-100UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F12, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM2003-20UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F12, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2003-300UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F12, 300 ug 300ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HM2004-100UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F14, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM2004-20UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F14, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2004-300UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F14, 300 ug 300ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HM2005-100UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM2005-10MG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM2005-1MG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM2005-20UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2005-500UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM2005-5MG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM2005BT-50UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM2007-100UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM2007-10MG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM2007-1MG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM2007-20UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2007-500UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM2007-5MG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM2007BT-50UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM2007F-100UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM2007F-20UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM2009-100UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 4H31, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2009-20UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 4H31, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2009-500UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 4H31, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM2010-100UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2010-20UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2010F-100UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM2010F-20UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2011-100UG MCP-1, Human, mAb MNA1, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2011-20UG MCP-1, Human, mAb MNA1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2013-100UG LRG, Human, mAb 2F5.A2, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2013-20UG LRG, Human, mAb 2F5.A2, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2014-100UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2014-20UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2014F-100UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM2014F-20UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2015-100UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 74.5.2, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM2015-20UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 74.5.2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2015-500UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 74.5.2, 500 ug 0.5mg 15000 hycultbiotech
HM2016-100UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM2016-20UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2016-500UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, 500 ug 0.5mg 15000 hycultbiotech
HM2016BT-50UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM2018-100UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2018-20UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2018-500UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM2018BT-50UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM2020-100UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM2020-20UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2020-500UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, 500 ug 0.5mg 18540 hycultbiotech
HM2020BT-50UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM2020F-100UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM2020F-20UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM2022-100UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb 80M2, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech


HyCult Biotechnology 代理

HyCult Biotechnology 代理

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HyCult Biotechnology专业代理-上海金畔生物科技有限公司,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



世界*实验材料供应商HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  上海金畔生物为其中国代理,HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  中国代理,HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  上海代理,HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  北京代理,HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  广东代理,HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  江苏代理 HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  湖北代理, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  天津, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  黑龙江代理, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  内蒙古代理, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  吉林代理, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  福建代理, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  江苏代理, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  浙江代理, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  四川代理,

荷兰HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  www.hbt.nl

荷兰HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)位于荷兰,主要侧重与病理学诊断有关的全套产品研发,既有纯化的重组蛋白和多肽,也有单抗和多抗,还开发了相应的诊断ELISA试剂盒。近年来,HBT还开发了**的与心血管系统疾病相关的诊断试剂(如动脉粥样硬化蛋白C抗凝集途径、JAM-A内皮细胞途径);磷脂氧化途径检测;TNF各亚型及各个受体全套产品;组织损伤标志物-FABP相关产品(如检测心脏、肝脏和小肠细胞损伤时出现的FABP);细胞损伤检测-FABP;内毒素和其它微生物毒素的检测(内毒素抗体、内毒素阻断试剂、人BPI防御素、LBP和SLPI的抗体和ELISA试剂盒)。
 Hycult biotechnology b.v., also known as Hbt, produces recombinant proteins, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and ELISA kits for immunology and cell biology research.

Hbt products are manufactured and supplied according to ISO9001-2000 guidelines. The ISO certificate has been obtained for development, manufacturing and delivery of test kits, proteins, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies in the field of microbial toxis, innate immunity, cell biology, toxicology and inflammatory mediators.

Main products are antibodies and assays for research of neutrophil proteins/antimicrobial peptides (Defensin, MPO, Calprotectin); early cell- and tissue damage (FABP); complement and collectins (MBL/MASP-2 and related proteins); vascular/oxidation damage (JAM, VAP-1, Nitrotyrosine); endotoxin & other microbial toxins, coagulation and Toll-like receptors.

Hbt Research

Hbt's aim in research is developing antibodies and assays that fulfill the need and demand of the research community. Products are being developed and commercialized in full cooperation with European, US, Japanese and Australian universities and research institutes.

Our program currently involves the development of reagents such as:

* Several Fatty Acid Binding Proteins (A-FABP and B-FABP) that happen to be excellent new and versatile markers for specific cell- and tissue damage detection
* Antibodies and assays for Collectin research (L-Ficolin, H-Ficolin, MASP-3, SP-A and SP-D).
* Neutrophil proteins / antimicrobial peptides (antibodies and assays for nGAL and beta-defensins)
* Assays for oxidative stress (MPO for various species such as rat, bovine and equine)
* Antibodies and assays for vascular research (ADAMTS13, ZO-1, JAM-A)
* Specific markers for intestinal diseases (sMAdCAM-1, I-LBP/IL-FABP)
* Neurological markers (brain alpha-dystroglycan, CCK1R, CCK2R)




2 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,



5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我们还是santa,HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)   Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  , Inc.  Genebridege; HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)   Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  ; HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  ; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)  ….等*批发


hycultbiotech/Hycult Bio品牌代理

hycultbiotech/Hycult Bio


Hycult Biotech是一家专注于设计、研发、生产以及销售抗体和其相关产品的公司,其特色产品是天然免疫及相关领域的免疫分析试剂,例如补体, 嗜中性粒细胞蛋白,TLP,清道夫受体以及急性期蛋白等。除此之外,Hycult Biotech公司也可以提供炎症反应和细胞损伤等方面的产品。

Hycult Biotech是一家专注于设计、研发、生产以及销售抗体和其相关产品的公司,其特色产品是天然免疫及相关领域的免疫分析试剂,例如补体, 嗜中性粒细胞蛋白,TLP,清道夫受体以及急性期蛋白等。除此之外,Hycult Biotech公司也可以提供炎症反应和细胞损伤等方面的产品。