超过10年小鼠单克隆&杂交瘤技术, 先进的抗体生产线!
抗体涉及到的研究领域: 凋亡/ Apoptosis(2178) 癌症相关/ Cancer related(1596) CD标志分子/ CD marker(1144) 细胞通讯/ Cell communication(418) 细胞周期/ Cell cycle(1262) DNA复制与修复/ DNA replication and repair(823) 基因表达/ Gene expression_r(2760) G蛋白偶联受体/ GPCR(1183) 免疫系统/ Immune system(1662) 激酶与磷酸酶/ Kinase and Phosphatase(2641) 跨膜转运/Membrane transport(99) |
信号传导/ Signal transduction(4894) 血管生成/ Angiogenesis(357) 干细胞/ stem cell(757) 血液相关/ Blood related(596) 疾病相关/ Disease related(4452) 看家基因/ Housekeeping(794) 生长因子/ Growth factor(723) 离子转运/ Ion transport(164) 代谢/Metabolism(1037) 神经生物学/ Neuroscience(1019) 蛋白折叠及降解/ Protein folding and degradation(1110) |
部分特色产品推荐: ATM 信号通路抗体套装试剂盒 对于细胞而言,有效的修复DNA损伤并协调 DNA修复与细胞周期的进程是至关重的。DNA损伤的监测以及将损伤信号传导至下游效应分子,对于维持基因组的完整性以及抑制人类肿瘤的发生是所需要的。毛细血管扩张性共济失调症突变蛋白(Ataxia angiectasia Mutated,ATM)是一种激酶,对于协调细胞应答DNA损伤发挥重要的作用。ATM通过Mre11-Nbs1-Rad50复合体被募集到DNA双链断裂处(DNA double stand breaks, DSBs),而53BP1和MDC1也能促进ATM在DNA损伤位点的激活。ATM和 ATR( ATM and Rad 3-related)磷酸化并激活细胞凋亡、细胞周期停滞以及DNA修复等的多个下游效应分子,包括CHK1, CHK2, BRCA1/BRCA2, CtIP, p53,Mdm2, RPA, c-Abl和Rad51。
Unique |
ATM signaling pathway sampler kit Cat#GTX300005
ATM signaling pathway sampler kit Cat#GTX300006
ATM signaling pathway sampler kit Cat# GTX300007 |
ATM signaling pathway sampler kit Cat# GTX300008 |
登革热病毒抗体/Dengue virus Antibodies Unique 登革热病毒属B组虫媒病毒,现在归入披盖病毒科(togaviridae)黄热病毒属(flavivirus)。病毒颗粒呈哑铃状(700×20~ 40纳米)、棒状或球形(直径为20~ 50纳米)。髓核为单股线状核糖核酸(RNA)。病毒颗粒与乙型脑炎病毒相似,zui外层为两种糖蛋白组成的包膜,包膜含有型和群特异性抗原,用中和试验可鉴定其型别。登革病毒对寒冷的低抗力强,在人血清中贮存于普通冰箱可保持传染性数周,零下70oC可存活8年之久;但不耐热,50 、30分钟或100 、2分钟皆能使之灭活;不耐酸、不耐醚。用紫外线或0. 05%福尔马林可以灭活。
斑马鱼抗体/Zebrafish Antibodies Unique 斑马鱼由于具有生命周期短且窝卵数(clutch size)相对较大等特点,因而越来越多地用作科学研究的模式生物。GenTex新增斑马鱼抗体产品线,满足广大客户的需求。 |
世界*实验材料供应商GeneTex上海金畔生物为其中国代理,GeneTex 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, GeneTex 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
GeneTex 中国代理,GeneTex 上海代理,GeneTex北京代理,GeneTex 广东代理,GeneTex 江苏代理 GeneTex 湖北代理, GeneTex 天津, GeneTex 黑龙江代理, GeneTex内蒙古代理, GeneTex 吉林代理, GeneTex 福建代理, GeneTex 江苏代理, GeneTex 浙江代理, GeneTex 四川代理,
2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,
5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我们还是santa,GeneTex Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, GeneTex, Inc. Genebridege; GeneTex Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; GeneTex; GeneTex; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理
7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; GeneTex….等*批发
货号 |
品名 |
规格 |
价格 |
品牌 |
货期 |
价格来源 |
GTX00213-pro |
Human IGF2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00214-pro |
Human CX3CL1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00215-pro |
Human CXCL1 / GRO alpha protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00216-pro |
Human Plasminogen protein, His tag |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00217-pro |
Human Neutrophil elastase protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00218-pro |
Human alpha Taxilin protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00219-pro |
Human CHI3L1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00220-pro |
Human Lactoferrin protein, His tag (actived) |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00221-pro |
Human Apolipoprotein A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00222-pro |
Human NPEPPS protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00223-pro |
Human NPEPPS protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00224-pro |
Human FGF6 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00225-pro |
Human FGF9 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00226-pro |
Human ITIH4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00227-pro |
Human IL18 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00228-pro |
Human CXCL8 / IL8 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00229-pro |
Human TIMP4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00230-pro |
Human HDAC1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00231-pro |
Human IGFBP3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00232-pro |
Human Her2 / ErbB2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3600 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00233-pro |
Human Syk protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00234-pro |
Human TNF Receptor I protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00235-pro |
Human TNF Receptor II protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00236-pro |
Human TNF Receptor I protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00237-pro |
Human Cardiac Troponin I protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00238-pro |
Human PKM protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00239-pro |
Human ODC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00240-pro |
Human ODC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00241-pro |
Human RPP40 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00242-pro |
Human CXCL10 / IP10 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00243-pro |
Human FGF19 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00244-pro |
Human MX1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00245-pro |
Human IL29 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00246-pro |
Human Creatine kinase (brain) protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00247-pro |
Human ACE protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00248-pro |
Human LBP protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00249-pro |
Human CD14 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00250-pro |
Human IGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00251-pro |
Human EPO protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
5600 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00252-pro |
Human S100A8 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00253-pro |
Human Prokineticin 2 protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00254-pro |
Human PAPP A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00255-pro |
Human PAPP A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00256-pro |
Human PAPP A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00257-pro |
Human FGF23 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00258-pro |
Human VEGF Receptor 2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00259-pro |
Human VEGF Receptor 2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00260-pro |
Human BAFF protein, His tag |
10ug |
3000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00261-pro |
Human Hepcidin protein, His and Human IgG1 Fc tag |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00262-pro |
Human RANK protein, His tag |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00263-pro |
Human Noggin protein, His tag |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00264-pro |
Human IL1 alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00265-pro |
Human IL2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00266-pro |
Human FGF13 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00267-pro |
Human SEMA3F protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00268-pro |
Human p53 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00269-pro |
Human Factor B (Ba fragment) protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00270-pro |
Human Cofilin 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00272-pro |
Human LPA protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00273-pro |
Human Annexin II protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00274-pro |
Human Annexin A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00275-pro |
Human FABP3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00276-pro |
Human SOD3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00277-pro |
Human IL1 Receptor antagonist protein, His tag |
10ug |
3000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00278-pro |
Human TFPI2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
5500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00279-pro |
Human MIP1 beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00280-pro |
Human UGCG protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00281-pro |
Mouse FGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00282-pro |
Mouse GM-CSF protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00283-pro |
Mouse Interferon gamma protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00284-pro |
Mouse IL18 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00285-pro |
Mouse IL2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00286-pro |
Mouse IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00287-pro |
Mouse TNF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00288-pro |
Mouse TNF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00289-pro |
Mouse IL1 Receptor antagonist protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00290-pro |
Mouse IL2 Receptor beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00291-pro |
Mouse Insulin protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00292-pro |
Mouse PDGFA protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00293-pro |
Mouse IL1 beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00294-pro |
Mouse S100 beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00295-pro |
Mouse FGF23 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00296-pro |
Mouse BMP7 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00297-pro |
Mouse IL6 Receptor protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00298-pro |
Mouse IL2 Receptor alpha protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00299-pro |
Mouse FGF22 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00300-pro |
Mouse LCAT protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00301-pro |
Mouse Wnt5a protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00302-pro |
Mouse GOLPH2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
5100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00303-pro |
Mouse Arginase 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00304-pro |
Mouse SOCS3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00305-pro |
Mouse CES1g protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00306-pro |
Mouse HEXA protein, His tag |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00307-pro |
Mouse Reg3B protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4700 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00308-pro |
Mouse GDF8 / Myostatin protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00309-pro |
Mouse Tyrosine Aminotransferase protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00310-pro |
Mouse FGF2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00311-pro |
Mouse CD47 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00312-pro |
Mouse SIRT3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00313-pro |
Mouse MIF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00314-pro |
Mouse tPA protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00315-pro |
Mouse TGM1 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00316-pro |
Mouse COL6A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00317-pro |
Mouse COL6A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00318-pro |
Mouse Gremlin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00319-pro |
Mouse RANKL protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00320-pro |
Mouse LIF protein, His tag |
10ug |
3600 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00321-pro |
Mouse GDNF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00322-pro |
Mouse BDNF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00323-pro |
Mouse SCF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00324-pro |
Mouse TIMP3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00325-pro |
Mouse iNOS protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00326-pro |
Mouse SFTPC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4700 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00327-pro |
Mouse EGF protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00328-pro |
Mouse Perforin protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00329-pro |
Mouse IL4 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00330-pro |
Mouse Glypican 4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4700 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00331-pro |
Mouse Asporin protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00333-pro |
Mouse IGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00334-pro |
Mouse PF4 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00335-pro |
Mouse Annexin A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00336-pro |
Mouse M-CSF protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00337-pro |
Pig SCF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00338-pro |
Pig IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00339-pro |
Rabbit CXCL8 / IL8 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00340-pro |
Rat Interferon gamma protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00341-pro |
Rat IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00342-pro |
Rat TNF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00343-pro |
Rat VEGFA protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00344-pro |
Rat RPP40 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00345-pro |
Rat Endothelin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00346-pro |
Rat S100 beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00347-pro |
Rat Carbonic Anhydrase II protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00348-pro |
Rat Parathyroid Hormone protein, His and MBP tag (active) |
10ug |
3300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00349-pro |
Rat Osteopontin protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00350-pro |
Rat FGF13 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
5100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00351-pro |
Rat CXCL2 / GRO beta protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00352-pro |
Rat Factor VII protein, His tag |
10ug |
5100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00353-pro |
Rat CTRC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4200 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00354-pro |
Rat Plasminogen protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00355-pro |
Rat CYP1A1 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00356-pro |
Rat GSTM1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
5100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00357-pro |
Rat Calpain 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00358-pro |
Rat Calpain 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00359-pro |
Rat Arginase 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00360-pro |
Rat GDF8 / Myostatin protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00361-pro |
Rat Galectin 3 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00362-pro |
Rat Gremlin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00363-pro |
Rat CX3CL1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3900 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00364-pro |
Rat CHI3L1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4700 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00365-pro |
Rat GM-CSF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00366-pro |
Rat IL4 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00367-pro |
Rat BDNF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00368-pro |
Rat IL13 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GTX00369-pro |
Rat ODC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
关键词:GeneTex;GeneTex代理;GTX628914-01-S;GTX632604;6X His tag antibody [GT359] (HRP)
GeneTex 公司于1997年成立于美国得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥(现已迁至南加州),是由三位科学家创立,公司致力于开发各种基础医学相关的新型研究用抗体。公司起初的核心目标在于协助科学家寻找引发人类乳腺癌的分子新靶标,现在已经逐步扩展到其他研究领域的新抗体开发和配套诊断试剂上。至今,GeneTex 抗体所含盖的领域从神经学、血液血管学、免疫学、代谢机制、细胞分子传递、干细胞研究、老化、遗传学、分子癌病学、感染病诊断与研究,乃至于斑马鱼模式动物抗体等,并提供完善的客制化抗体制备服务。
货号 |
品名 |
规格 |
价格 |
品牌 |
GTX00047-pro |
Mouse PTHrP protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00048-pro |
Mouse Fibrillin 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00049-pro |
Mouse IGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00050-pro |
Pig MMP9 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00051-pro |
Rat IL1 Receptor 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00052-pro |
Rat IL1 Receptor 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00053-pro |
Rat IL1 Receptor 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00054-pro |
Rat Coagulation factor III/Tissue Factor protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00055-pro |
Rat Noggin protein, His and MBP tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00056-pro |
Rat Noggin protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00057-pro |
Rat EndoG protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00058-pro |
Rat Coagulation Factor II protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00059-pro |
Rat Cathepsin A protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00060-pro |
Rat Caspase 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00061-pro |
Rat SIRT3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00062-pro |
Rat SLIT2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00063-pro |
Rat DKK1 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00064-pro |
Rat TIMP3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00065-pro |
Rat SFRP1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00066-pro |
Rat GADD45A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00067-pro |
Human IL1 alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00068-pro |
Human TRAIL protein, His tag |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00069-pro |
Human Prolactin protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00070-pro |
Human IL12A + IL27B fusion protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00071-pro |
Human LMTK3 protein, His and SUMO tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00072-pro |
Human CCL21 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00073-pro |
Mouse MMP2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00074-pro |
Mouse NUCB2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00075-pro |
Bovine Insulin protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00076-pro |
Bovine STAT3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00077-pro |
Dog IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00078-pro |
Goat Lactoferrin protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00079-pro |
Human BMP4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00080-pro |
Human Fas protein, His and MBP tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00081-pro |
Human FGF1 protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00082-pro |
Human GM-CSF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00083-pro |
Human Interferon gamma protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00084-pro |
Human Interferon gamma protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00085-pro |
Human IGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00086-pro |
Human IL10 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00087-pro |
Human IL11 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00088-pro |
Human IL15 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00089-pro |
Human IL16 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00090-pro |
Human IL17A protein, His tag |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00091-pro |
Human IL1 Receptor 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00092-pro |
Human IL2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00093-pro |
Human IL4 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00094-pro |
Human IL6 protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00095-pro |
Human IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00096-pro |
Human MIP1 alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00097-pro |
Human NGF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00098-pro |
Human SDF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00099-pro |
Human SDF1 protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00100-pro |
Human TGF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00101-pro |
Human TGF beta 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00102-pro |
Human TNF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00103-pro |
Human TNF beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00104-pro |
Human VEGFC protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00105-pro |
Human Adiponectin Receptor 1 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00106-pro |
Human GAS6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00107-pro |
Human MCP4 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00108-pro |
Human IL1 Receptor antagonist protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00109-pro |
Human AMH protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00110-pro |
Human VEGF165 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00111-pro |
Human Galectin 9 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00112-pro |
Human Granzyme M protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00113-pro |
Human PKR protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00114-pro |
Human EGF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00115-pro |
Human IL1 beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00116-pro |
Human IL1 beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00117-pro |
Human S100 beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00118-pro |
Human IL7 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00119-pro |
Human HIF1 alpha protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00120-pro |
Human TWEAKR protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00121-pro |
Human DR5 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00122-pro |
Human MASP2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00123-pro |
Human Osteopontin protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00124-pro |
Human CD27 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00125-pro |
Human GSTP1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00126-pro |
Human v-Myc protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00127-pro |
Human MBL2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00128-pro |
Human CD137 protein, His tag |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00129-pro |
Human NEU1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00130-pro |
Human NEU1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00131-pro |
Human IL10 Receptor beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00132-pro |
Human IL17 Receptor alpha protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00133-pro |
Human IL17E protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00134-pro |
Human IL17B protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00135-pro |
Human S100A6 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00136-pro |
Human VEGF121 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00137-pro |
Human IL20 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00138-pro |
Human IL24 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00139-pro |
Human ARMET protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00140-pro |
Human HRG protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00141-pro |
Human IL17D protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00142-pro |
Human IL17 Receptor D protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00143-pro |
Human IL17 Receptor C protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00144-pro |
Human IL17 Receptor beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00145-pro |
Human TNFRSF14 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00146-pro |
Human DGKE protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00147-pro |
Human CLCA1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00148-pro |
Human IL1F9 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00149-pro |
Human FNDC5 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00150-pro |
Human FNDC5 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00151-pro |
Human GDF9 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00152-pro |
Human JAK2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00153-pro |
Human HMGB1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00154-pro |
Human HMGB1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00155-pro |
Human ALDH1A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00156-pro |
Human CD276 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00157-pro |
Human APRT protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00158-pro |
Human CYP1A2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00159-pro |
Human CD73 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00160-pro |
Human JAK3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00161-pro |
Human ARSB protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00162-pro |
Human Arylsulfatase F protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00163-pro |
Human Vitamin D Receptor protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00164-pro |
Human PON3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00165-pro |
Human Fibronectin protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00166-pro |
Human Fibronectin protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00167-pro |
Human LOX protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00168-pro |
Human Arginase 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00169-pro |
Human ESM1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00170-pro |
Human Leptin protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
2400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00171-pro |
Human Cathepsin V protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00172-pro |
Human DNase I protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00173-pro |
Human CGK2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00174-pro |
Human MAGP1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00175-pro |
Human beta Tubulin I protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00176-pro |
Human MDM2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00177-pro |
Human CES1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00178-pro |
Human Semaphorin 3A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00179-pro |
Human Semaphorin 3A protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00180-pro |
Human PAM protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00181-pro |
Human CD66e protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00182-pro |
Human CD66e protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00183-pro |
Human GDF8 / Myostatin protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00184-pro |
Human Tyrosine Aminotransferase protein, His tag |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00185-pro |
Human Thymidine Kinase 1 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00186-pro |
Human EG-VEGF protein, GST tag (active) |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00187-pro |
Human CD26 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00188-pro |
Human DKK1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00189-pro |
Human IL22 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00190-pro |
Human SIRT3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00191-pro |
Human MMP13 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00192-pro |
Human MIP3 alpha protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00193-pro |
Human MIP3 alpha protein, GST tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00194-pro |
Human Calpain 3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00195-pro |
Human Galectin 3 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00196-pro |
Human MIF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00197-pro |
Human MIF protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00198-pro |
Human CYP3A4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00199-pro |
Human Cytochrome P450 2D6 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00200-pro |
Human DHODH protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00201-pro |
Human LIF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00202-pro |
Human BMP2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00203-pro |
Human BMP2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00204-pro |
Human PDGF beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00205-pro |
Human HGF protein, GST tag (active) |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00206-pro |
Human HGF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00207-pro |
Human Caspase 3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00208-pro |
Human NG2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00209-pro |
Human Gremlin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00210-pro |
Human Gremlin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00211-pro |
Human TGF beta 2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00212-pro |
Human Angiopoietin 2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00213-pro |
Human IGF2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00214-pro |
Human CX3CL1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00215-pro |
Human CXCL1 / GRO alpha protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00216-pro |
Human Plasminogen protein, His tag |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00217-pro |
Human Neutrophil elastase protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00218-pro |
Human alpha Taxilin protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00219-pro |
Human CHI3L1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00220-pro |
Human Lactoferrin protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00221-pro |
Human Apolipoprotein A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00222-pro |
Human NPEPPS protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00223-pro |
Human NPEPPS protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00224-pro |
Human FGF6 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00225-pro |
Human FGF9 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00226-pro |
Human ITIH4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00227-pro |
Human IL18 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00228-pro |
Human CXCL8 / IL8 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00229-pro |
Human TIMP4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00230-pro |
Human HDAC1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00231-pro |
Human IGFBP3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00232-pro |
Human Her2 / ErbB2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00233-pro |
Human Syk protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00234-pro |
Human TNF Receptor I protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00235-pro |
Human TNF Receptor II protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00236-pro |
Human TNF Receptor I protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00237-pro |
Human Cardiac Troponin I protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00238-pro |
Human PKM protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00239-pro |
Human ODC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00240-pro |
Human ODC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00241-pro |
Human RPP40 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00242-pro |
Human CXCL10 / IP10 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00243-pro |
Human FGF19 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00244-pro |
Human MX1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00245-pro |
Human IL29 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00246-pro |
Human Creatine kinase (brain) protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00247-pro |
Human ACE protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00248-pro |
Human LBP protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00249-pro |
Human CD14 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00250-pro |
Human IGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00251-pro |
Human EPO protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
5400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00252-pro |
Human S100A8 protein, His tag |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00253-pro |
Human Prokineticin 2 protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00254-pro |
Human PAPP A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00255-pro |
Human PAPP A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00256-pro |
Human PAPP A protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00257-pro |
Human FGF23 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00258-pro |
Human VEGF Receptor 2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00259-pro |
Human VEGF Receptor 2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00260-pro |
Human BAFF protein, His tag |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00261-pro |
Human Hepcidin protein, His and Human IgG1 Fc tag |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00262-pro |
Human RANK protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00263-pro |
Human Noggin protein, His tag |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00264-pro |
Human IL1 alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00265-pro |
Human IL2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00266-pro |
Human FGF13 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00267-pro |
Human SEMA3F protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00268-pro |
Human p53 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00269-pro |
Human Factor B (Ba fragment) protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00270-pro |
Human Cofilin 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00272-pro |
Human LPA protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00273-pro |
Human Annexin II protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00274-pro |
Human Annexin A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00275-pro |
Human FABP3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00276-pro |
Human SOD3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00277-pro |
Human IL1 Receptor antagonist protein, His tag |
10ug |
2900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00278-pro |
Human TFPI2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
5200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00279-pro |
Human MIP1 beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00280-pro |
Human UGCG protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00281-pro |
Mouse FGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00282-pro |
Mouse GM-CSF protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00283-pro |
Mouse Interferon gamma protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00284-pro |
Mouse IL18 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00285-pro |
Mouse IL2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00286-pro |
Mouse IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00287-pro |
Mouse TNF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00288-pro |
Mouse TNF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00289-pro |
Mouse IL1 Receptor antagonist protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00290-pro |
Mouse IL2 Receptor beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00291-pro |
Mouse Insulin protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00292-pro |
Mouse PDGFA protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00293-pro |
Mouse IL1 beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00294-pro |
Mouse S100 beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00295-pro |
Mouse FGF23 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00296-pro |
Mouse BMP7 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00297-pro |
Mouse IL6 Receptor protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00298-pro |
Mouse IL2 Receptor alpha protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00299-pro |
Mouse FGF22 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00300-pro |
Mouse LCAT protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00301-pro |
Mouse Wnt5a protein, His tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00302-pro |
Mouse GOLPH2 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00303-pro |
Mouse Arginase 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00304-pro |
Mouse SOCS3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00305-pro |
Mouse CES1g protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00306-pro |
Mouse HEXA protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00307-pro |
Mouse Reg3B protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00308-pro |
Mouse GDF8 / Myostatin protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00309-pro |
Mouse Tyrosine Aminotransferase protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00310-pro |
Mouse FGF2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00311-pro |
Mouse CD47 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00312-pro |
Mouse SIRT3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00313-pro |
Mouse MIF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00314-pro |
Mouse tPA protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00315-pro |
Mouse TGM1 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00316-pro |
Mouse COL6A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00317-pro |
Mouse COL6A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00318-pro |
Mouse Gremlin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00319-pro |
Mouse RANKL protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00320-pro |
Mouse LIF protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00321-pro |
Mouse GDNF protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00322-pro |
Mouse BDNF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00323-pro |
Mouse SCF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00324-pro |
Mouse TIMP3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00325-pro |
Mouse iNOS protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00326-pro |
Mouse SFTPC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00327-pro |
Mouse EGF protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00328-pro |
Mouse Perforin protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00329-pro |
Mouse IL4 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00330-pro |
Mouse Glypican 4 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00331-pro |
Mouse Asporin protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00332-pro |
Mouse Annexin II protein, His tag |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00333-pro |
Mouse IGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00334-pro |
Mouse PF4 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00335-pro |
Mouse Annexin A1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00336-pro |
Mouse M-CSF protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00337-pro |
Pig SCF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00338-pro |
Pig IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00339-pro |
Rabbit CXCL8 / IL8 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00340-pro |
Rat Interferon gamma protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00341-pro |
Rat IL6 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00342-pro |
Rat TNF alpha protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00343-pro |
Rat VEGFA protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00344-pro |
Rat RPP40 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00345-pro |
Rat Endothelin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00346-pro |
Rat S100 beta protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00347-pro |
Rat Carbonic Anhydrase II protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00348-pro |
Rat Parathyroid Hormone protein, His and MBP tag (active) |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00349-pro |
Rat Osteopontin protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00350-pro |
Rat FGF13 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00351-pro |
Rat CXCL2 / GRO beta protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00352-pro |
Rat Factor VII protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00353-pro |
Rat CTRC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00354-pro |
Rat Plasminogen protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00355-pro |
Rat CYP1A1 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00356-pro |
Rat GSTM1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00357-pro |
Rat Calpain 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00358-pro |
Rat Calpain 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00359-pro |
Rat Arginase 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00360-pro |
Rat GDF8 / Myostatin protein, His tag |
10ug |
4300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00361-pro |
Rat Galectin 3 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00362-pro |
Rat Gremlin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00363-pro |
Rat CX3CL1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00364-pro |
Rat CHI3L1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00365-pro |
Rat GM-CSF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00366-pro |
Rat IL4 protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00367-pro |
Rat BDNF protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00368-pro |
Rat IL13 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00369-pro |
Rat ODC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00370-pro |
Rat SFTPC protein, His tag |
10ug |
4600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00371-pro |
Rat NGF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00372-pro |
Rat Interferon alpha 1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3500 |
GeneTex |
GTX00373-pro |
Rat EGF protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00374-pro |
Rat PAM protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
5100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00375-pro |
Rat CTGF protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00376-pro |
Rat p53 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4000 |
GeneTex |
GTX00377-pro |
Rat TGF beta 2 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00378-pro |
Rat Klotho protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00379-pro |
Human AGE protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00380-pro |
Mouse NGF Beta protein (active) |
20ug |
6300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00381-pro |
Mouse SDF1 Alpha protein (active) |
10ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00382-pro |
Mouse APRIL protein (active) |
20ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00383-pro |
Mouse FGF2 protein (active) |
50ug |
6300 |
GeneTex |
GTX00384-pro |
Rat CXCL2 / GRO Beta protein (active) |
25ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00385-pro |
Rat IL15 protein (active) |
10ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00394-pro |
Mouse CXCL10 / IP10 protein |
25ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00395-pro |
Mouse FGF9 protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00396-pro |
Mouse Homeobox C10 protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00397-pro |
Mouse IGF1 protein |
50ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00398-pro |
Mouse IL1 Beta protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00399-pro |
Mouse IL2 protein |
20ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00400-pro |
Mouse IL3 protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00401-pro |
Mouse IL4 protein |
20ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00402-pro |
Mouse IL7 protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00404-pro |
Mouse MIP1 Alpha protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00405-pro |
Mouse RANTES protein |
20ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00406-pro |
Mouse SCF protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00409-pro |
Rat IL1 Alpha protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00410-pro |
Rat IL1 Beta protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00411-pro |
Rat IL10 protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00412-pro |
Rat IL4 protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00413-pro |
Rat MCP1 / CCL2 protein |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00414-pro |
Rat MIP1 Alpha protein |
20ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00415-pro |
Human MCP1 / CCL2 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00416-pro |
Human C5a protein, His and Fc tag (active) |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00417-pro |
Human Neuregulin-1 protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
4800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00418-pro |
Human CYP1B1 protein, His tag |
10ug |
4900 |
GeneTex |
GTX00419-pro |
Human Plasminogen protein, His tag |
10ug |
2600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00420-pro |
Human Thymidylate synthase protein, His tag |
10ug |
4100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00421-pro |
Human Amphiregulin protein, His and GST tag |
10ug |
2800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00422-pro |
Human EPO protein, His and GST tag (active) |
10ug |
3400 |
GeneTex |
GTX00423-pro |
Mouse SOD3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3800 |
GeneTex |
GTX00424-pro |
Human MIP3 beta protein, His tag (active) |
10ug |
3700 |
GeneTex |
GTX00425-pro |
Human SOD3 protein, His tag |
10ug |
3200 |
GeneTex |
GTX00426-pro |
Human AHA-1 protein (active) |
50ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00427-pro |
Human AHA-1 protein, His tag (active) |
50ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00428-pro |
Mouse AHA-1 protein, His tag (active) |
50ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00429-pro |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae AHA-1 protein, His tag |
50ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00430-pro |
Mouse AHA-2 protein, His tag |
50ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00431-pro |
Rat BLVRA protein |
50ug |
9600 |
GeneTex |
GTX00432-pro |
Human CDC37 protein, His tag |
50ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00433-pro |
Human Cpn10 protein |
50ug |
6100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00434-pro |
Human Grp78 protein, His tag (active) |
50ug |
5100 |
GeneTex |
GTX00435-pro |
Human Grp78 protein |
50ug |
5200 |
GeneTex |
GeneTex 为生物医学研究、检测开发和体外诊断生产试剂,其产品按照质量管理体系 ISO 9001:2015 和 ISO 13485:2016 中概述的标准制造,并得到全面客户服务的支持。美国加利福尼亚州抗体公司,GeneTex
品牌 |
货号 |
品名 |
规格 |
价格 |
货期 |
报价来源 |
GeneTex |
GTX00047-pro |
Mouse PTHrP protein, His tag (active) |
10μg |
4100 |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GeneTex |
GTX00048-pro |
Mouse Fibrillin 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10μg |
4600 |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GeneTex |
GTX00049-pro |
Mouse IGF1 protein, His tag (active) |
10μg |
2300 |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GeneTex |
GTX00050-pro |
Pig MMP9 protein, His tag (active) |
10μg |
4100 |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GeneTex |
GTX00051-pro |
Rat IL1 Receptor 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10μg |
3100 |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GeneTex |
GTX00052-pro |
Rat IL1 Receptor 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10μg |
3100 |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
GeneTex |
GTX00053-pro |
Rat IL1 Receptor 1 protein, His tag (active) |
10μg |
3100 |
3-4周 |
上海金畔生物 |
Genetex 代理
世界*实验材料供应商 Genetex 上海金畔生物为其中国代理, Genetex 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Genetex 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
Genetex 中国代理, Genetex 上海代理, Genetex 北京代理,Genetex 广东代理, Genetex 江苏代理Genetex 湖北代理,Genetex 天津,Genetex 黑龙江代理,Genetex 内蒙古代理,Genetex 吉林代理,Genetex 福建代理, Genetex 江苏代理, Genetex 浙江代理, Genetex 四川代理,
总部位于美国,致力于研究开发各种基础医学相关的新型研究用抗体。产品数量以年均3000种以上速度增加,现有抗体总数已经超过22,980种!而且包含 Abcam和Novus公司的所有产品,被誉为世界zui大的研究用抗体生产王国。
上海金畔生物科技有限公司 实验试剂一站式采购服务商 1:强大的进口辐射能力,血清、抗体、耗材、大部分限制进口品等。 2:产品种类齐全,经营超过700多个品牌,基本涵盖所有生物实验试剂耗材。 3:提供加急服务,货品一般1-2周到货。 4:富有竞争力的价格优势,绝大部分价格有优势。 5:多年积累良好的信誉,大部分客户提供货到付款服务。客户包括清华、北大、交大、复旦、中山等100多所高校,ROCHE,阿斯利康、国药、fisher等药企。 6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。 7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,abcam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。
GeneTex 品牌介绍
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