世界科研品牌介绍之— BANGS

世界科研品牌介绍之— BANGS


上海金畔生物科技有限公司是BANGS LABORATORIES中国代理,+  :fige007


Bangs Laboratories纳米微球/流式标准品

Bangs Laboratories是一家位于美国印地安那州,成立于1988年,专业研发与生产生命科学研究领域各种微球及质控定量标准品和校,材质包括多聚体、硅及磁性材料,直径大小从20nm-200um,品种达2000种以上,适用于流式细胞分析,生物大分子的分离与检测,激光共聚焦,电镜,荧光显微镜与相差显微镜等生物影像分析研究,可广泛应用于临床诊断试剂盒、生物分离等生命科学研究领域。另外还可提供不等,均一性高具有良好热稳定性的羧基或氨基修饰微球,以及个性化的微球定制服务(材质、粒径大小、颜色、修饰方案等)。同时,Bangs Laboratories成功收购了流式标准品公司,在标准品和校领域也成为企业,迄今已研发了许多流式定量标准品及校,可帮助科研和临床工作人员在实验时更容易更准确地评估数据。此外,Bangs Laboratories还同时提供全系列可供1.5ml离心管、试管、96孔板以及培养用磁分离器,以实施细胞分选、mRNA与DNA分离与其它生物大分子的纯化等应用。




Bangs Laboratories公司主要产品包括:


该系列产品具有高度均一性,粒径大小从20nm to 200μm 可选,适用于定量标准品及仪器校。同时,也可选择包被不同标识分子,如抗体、抗原、多肽或核酸探针,以及多款疏水染料等分子,适用于诊断试剂盒及生物分离等途径。


该系列产品包括聚苯乙烯(PS),交联的聚苯乙烯/二乙烯基苯(P[S/DVB])及聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)微粒产品,可用于标准品或标识物,以及通过吸附作用包被蛋白作为诊断检测。粒径为20nm-90μm,多数CVs 5-10%(也可提供2-5%CV值的微粒产品)。


该系列产品包括的聚苯乙烯(PS)及聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)微粒产品适宜于共价交联蛋白、多肽及核酸分子粒径可达20μmCVs 10%


该系列微粒产品有多种明亮颜色可选,可适用于lateral flow tests “latex” agglutination tests. 下图为可选颜色类型,同时也可选择非功能性及功能性的颜色微粒。








 该系列代表产品:SILICA BIND-IT?

Silica Bind-IT? 是纯的SiO2微粒,其表面被预活化,可在不影响稳定性的前提下便于结合抗体。




1、PROMAG? 微粒产品系列

该产品系列共包括PROMAG? HC(高负载,因高的表面积而拥有较强的分离性能)、PROMAG? HP(高性能,因优选的组分而拥有较低的干扰信号,特别是化学自发荧光及铁质干扰)、PROMAG?(高度均一性的以多聚体材料为基础的磁性微球,粒径为1μm3μm,特异性的表面使其拥有超低的非特异性蛋白结合能力,且无需使用去污剂)




Bangs公司供应的荧光微粒具有高度的均一性及的球形粒形,目前可提供 1mL, 5mL, 10mL, and 100mL规格包装的荧光磁珠微粒产品




该产品为亲和结合蛋白特性微粒,可通过简单的孵育步骤包被特定的一抗或生物素标记的目的分子,行驶特定的生物功能。 该系列产品包括STREPTAVIDIN / BIOTIN PROTEINS A /GSECONDARY AB/ LECTIN微粒产品可供选用。



Bangs Laboratories成功收购了流式标准品公司,在标准品和校领域也成为企业,迄今已研发了许多流式定量标准品及校,可帮助科研和临床工作人员在实验时更容易更准确地评估数据。




4、ARLIGHT? 荧光成像校准片

该系列产品包括四种常用荧光校准,包括Glacial Blue (360, 450), Dragon Green (480, 520), Envy Green (525, 565), and Flash Red (660, 690)




Bangs Laboratories 公司1.5mL磁珠分离器用于各种不同的磁珠分离实验中,包括细胞/细胞器分选、mRNADNA分离与其它生物大分子的分离纯化等。此系列的微球为超顺磁性的氧化铁材质表面,可提供包被蛋白和抗体所需功能基团的涂层,其不规则的外形设计使其比同样大小的球形微球具有更大的表面积,因而能够保证其具更大的结合容量。使用时,只要将装有磁珠的离心管放入分离器中,仪器就能产生高能磁场使磁珠得以与溶液分离开,从而实现磁珠的分离。Bangs Laboratories 公司提供各种微球标准,如不同直径、不同荧光的荧光强度;硅微球Uniform Silica Microspheres除各种分子生物学与免疫学检测用途外,还可用于毛细管电色谱分析(capillary electrochromatographyCEC)。

2、QuantumTM plex

    可实现多样品检测或多指标检测,用于细胞因子检测、病毒筛选、自免疫分析、抗体检测、药物、血型、分子诊断以及基因组分析等。使用本试剂盒可在流式细胞仪上对一个样品同时检测20个不同指标(如不同细胞因子或不同抗原)。QuantumPlex SP微球同样是研究者理想的选择,由于它是以QuantumPlex multiplex试剂盒内的Starfire Red染料染色,研究者可以在花费不多的情况下处理表面偶联物。

3、Quantum MESF Kits

用于流式细胞仪的标准曲线制作与仪器校正,与QuantumTM plex配套。试剂盒中的每种微球均对应溶液中一定量的荧光分子,用于流式细胞仪的荧光强度校正。试剂盒内除了荧光标准品外,还有一个未染色的微球population以测定荧光阈值或设备的噪音水平。盒内提供QuickCal数据光盘。

4、Quantum Simply Cellular kit

本试剂盒是Bangs Labszui复杂产品之一,用于流式实验室可直接而简单地定量检测细胞的抗体结合能力和细胞表面的抗原表达。盒内有五种微球,一个为未标记的空白对照,其余四个与不同量人IgGIIgGII抗体的Fc区特异性抗体偶联,分别具有不同的与小鼠IgG单抗结合的能力。

5、QC 3 kit & QC3 Windows kit

QC 3 kit用于监控与校正仪器的设置及性能,使不同实验室间流式细胞仪的检测结果具有可比性,避免因为污染或pH改变造成的偏差;QC3 Windows? kit含有3种不同荧光的QC3微球与一种空白微球。

6、QuickCal v. 2.1

用于Bangs Labs公司所有Quantum产品的检测结果的分析。该软件适用于所有的流式细胞仪 软件可根据MESF微球的荧光强度等建立标准曲线。该软件还可保存仪器设置,使仪器的性能得到长期有效保证。

7、oActive Protein-activated or Protein-Coated Microspheres




huohao pingming baozhuang jiage pinpai
BUFF1 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 4.5 250mL 675.00 bangslab2015
BUFF1 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 4.5 500mL 1066.50 bangslab2015
BUFF1 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 4.5 1000mL 1336.50 bangslab2015
BUFF1 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 4.5 2000mL 2025.00 bangslab2015
BUFF2 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 6.0 250mL 675.00 bangslab2015
BUFF2 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 6.0 500mL 1066.50 bangslab2015
BUFF2 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 6.0 1000mL 1336.50 bangslab2015
BUFF2 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 6.0 2000mL 2025.00 bangslab2015
BUFF3 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 7.4 250mL 675.00 bangslab2015
BUFF3 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 7.4 500mL 1066.50 bangslab2015
BUFF3 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 7.4 1000mL 1336.50 bangslab2015
BUFF3 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 7.4 2000mL 2025.00 bangslab2015
BUFF4 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 9.0 250mL 675.00 bangslab2015
BUFF4 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 9.0 500mL 1066.50 bangslab2015
BUFF4 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 9.0 1000mL 1336.50 bangslab2015
BUFF4 Bangs Bead Coupling Buffer, pH 9.0 2000mL 2025.00 bangslab2015
BUFF5 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 7.4 250mL 675.00 bangslab2015
BUFF5 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 7.4 500mL 1066.50 bangslab2015
BUFF5 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 7.4 1000mL 1336.50 bangslab2015
BUFF5 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 7.4 2000mL 2025.00 bangslab2015
BUFF6 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 8.5 250mL 675.00 bangslab2015
BUFF6 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 8.5 500mL 1066.50 bangslab2015
BUFF6 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 8.5 1000mL 1336.50 bangslab2015
BUFF6 Bangs Bead Storage Buffer, pH 8.5 2000mL 2025.00 bangslab2015
AA010 DEPC-Carbodiimide (EDAC) 1g 796.50 bangslab2015
AA010 DEPC-Carbodiimide (EDAC) 5g 1336.50 bangslab2015
AA012 Glutaraldehyde, EM Grade, 25% 100mL 796.50 bangslab2015
SOLN1 Bangs Bead Solution 500mL 810.00 bangslab2015
SOLN1 Bangs Bead Solution 1000mL 1336.50 bangslab2015
SOLN1 Bangs Bead Solution 2000mL 2025.00 bangslab2015
AA014 Triton? X-100 Nonionic Surfactant 10g 796.50 bangslab2015
AA016 Tween? 20 Nonionic Surfactant 10g 796.50 bangslab2015
AA018 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Anionic Surfactant 10g 796.50 bangslab2015
885 Full Spectrum? A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
885 Full Spectrum? B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
885 Full Spectrum? C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
610 Single Population, 3.61-3.99μm A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
610 Single Population, 3.61-3.99μm B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
610 Single Population, 3.61-3.99μm C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
611 Single Population, 8.1-12.0μm A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
611 Single Population, 8.1-12.0μm B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
611 Single Population, 8.1-12.0μm C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
890 Certified Blank? (no label) A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
890 Certified Blank? (no label) B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
890 Certified Blank? (no label) C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
897 Acridine Orange A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
897 Acridine Orange B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
897 Acridine Orange C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
886 Alexa Fluor? 488 A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
886 Alexa Fluor? 488 B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
886 Alexa Fluor? 488 C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
887 Alexa Fluor? 647 A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
887 Alexa Fluor? 647 B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
887 Alexa Fluor? 647 C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
901 Allophycocyanine (APC) A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
901 Allophycocyanine (APC) B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
901 Allophycocyanine (APC) C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
914 APC-Cy?7 A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
914 APC-Cy?7 B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
914 APC-Cy?7 C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
898 Chlorophyll A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
898 Chlorophyll B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
898 Chlorophyll C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
906 DAPI A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
906 DAPI B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
906 DAPI C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
913 Far-Out Red A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
913 Far-Out Red B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
913 Far-Out Red C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
891 Fluorescein A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
891 Fluorescein B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
891 Fluorescein C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
894 Hoechst 33342 A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
894 Hoechst 33342 B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
894 Hoechst 33342 C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
908 PE-Cy?5  A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
908 PE-Cy?5  B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
908 PE-Cy?5  C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
889 PE-Cy?7 A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
889 PE-Cy?7 B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
889 PE-Cy?7 C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
909 PE-TR  A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
909 PE-TR  B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
909 PE-TR  C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
892 Propidium Iodide A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
892 Propidium Iodide B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
892 Propidium Iodide C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
899 R-Phycoerythrin A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
899 R-Phycoerythrin B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
899 R-Phycoerythrin C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
905 T.M. Rhodamine A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
905 T.M. Rhodamine B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
905 T.M. Rhodamine C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
893 Texas Red? A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
893 Texas Red? B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
893 Texas Red? C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
915 Violet Laser A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
915 Violet Laser B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
915 Violet Laser C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
510 Fluorescein – Low B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
511 Fluorescein – Medium B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
512 Fluorescein – High B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
513 Phycoerythrin – Low B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
514 Phycoerythrin – Medium B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
515 Phycoerythrin – High B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
516 PE-Cy?5 – Low B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
517 PE-Cy?5 – Medium B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
518 PE-Cy?5 – High B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
519 APC – Low B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
520 APC – Medium B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
521 APC – High B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
725 Quantum? QC 5 ml 3037.50 bangslab2015
847 QC Windows (FITC/PE/PE-Cy?5) A – 1mL (20 tests) 5913.00 bangslab2015
847 QC Windows (FITC/PE/PE-Cy?5) B – 5mL (100 tests) 10030.50 bangslab2015
847 QC Windows (FITC/PE/PE-Cy?5) C – 14mL (280 tests) 17793.00 bangslab2015
550 Simply Cellular Compensation Standard (anti-Mouse) B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
551 Simply Cellular Compensation Standard (anti-Rat) B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
552 Simply Cellular Compensation Standard (anti-Human) B – 5mL (100 tests) 3807.00 bangslab2015
820 FITC/PE Compensation Standard A – 1mL (20 tests) 3105.00 bangslab2015
820 FITC/PE Compensation Standard B – 5mL (100 tests) 7708.50 bangslab2015
820 FITC/PE Compensation Standard C – 14mL (280 tests) 13567.50 bangslab2015
450 Viability Dye Compensation Standard, 4μm 3mL 4860.00 bangslab2015
451 Viability Dye Compensation Standard, 8μm 3mL 4860.00 bangslab2015
553 Flow Cytometry Protein A Antibody Binding Beads A – 1mL (20 tests) 3766.50 bangslab2015
553 Flow Cytometry Protein A Antibody Binding Beads B – 5mL (100 tests) 8005.50 bangslab2015
553 Flow Cytometry Protein A Antibody Binding Beads C – 14mL (280 tests) 14323.50 bangslab2015
554 Flow Cytometry Protein G Antibody Binding Beads A – 1mL (20 tests) 3766.50 bangslab2015
554 Flow Cytometry Protein G Antibody Binding Beads B – 5mL (100 tests) 8005.50 bangslab2015
554 Flow Cytometry Protein G Antibody Binding Beads C – 14mL (280 tests) 14323.50 bangslab2015
823 Quantum APC MESF A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
823 Quantum APC MESF B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
823 Quantum APC MESF C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
822 Quantum Cy?5 MESF A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
822 Quantum Cy?5 MESF B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
822 Quantum Cy?5 MESF C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
555 Quantum FITC-5 MESF  A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
555 Quantum FITC-5 MESF  B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
555 Quantum FITC-5 MESF  C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
555p Quantum FITC-5 MESF (Premix) A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
555p Quantum FITC-5 MESF (Premix) B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
555p Quantum FITC-5 MESF (Premix) C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
827 Quantum R-PE MESF A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
827 Quantum R-PE MESF B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
827 Quantum R-PE MESF C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
828 Quantum PE-Cy?5 MESF A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
828 Quantum PE-Cy?5 MESF B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
828 Quantum PE-Cy?5 MESF C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
488 Quantum Alexa Fluor? 488 MESF A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
488 Quantum Alexa Fluor? 488 MESF B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
488 Quantum Alexa Fluor? 488 MESF C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
647 Quantum Alexa Fluor? 647 MESF A – 1mL (20 tests) 5076.00 bangslab2015
647 Quantum Alexa Fluor? 647 MESF B – 5mL (100 tests) 9814.50 bangslab2015
647 Quantum Alexa Fluor? 647 MESF C – 14mL (280 tests) 15916.50 bangslab2015
815 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Mouse IgG A – 1mL (20 tests) 6736.50 bangslab2015
815 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Mouse IgG B – 5mL (100 tests) 11218.50 bangslab2015
815 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Mouse IgG C – 14mL (280 tests) 19008.00 bangslab2015
816 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Human IgG A – 1mL (20 tests) 6736.50 bangslab2015
816 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Human IgG B – 5mL (100 tests) 11218.50 bangslab2015
816 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Human IgG C – 14mL (280 tests) 19008.00 bangslab2015
817 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Rat IgG A – 1mL (20 tests) 6736.50 bangslab2015
817 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Rat IgG B – 5mL (100 tests) 11218.50 bangslab2015
817 Quantum Simply Cellular anti-Rat IgG C – 14mL (280 tests) 19008.00 bangslab2015
810 Simply Cellular? anti-Mouse IgG A – 1mL (20 tests) 3766.50 bangslab2015
810 Simply Cellular? anti-Mouse IgG B – 5mL (100 tests) 8005.50 bangslab2015
810 Simply Cellular? anti-Mouse IgG C – 14mL (280 tests) 14323.50 bangslab2015
812 Simply Cellular? anti-Human IgG A – 1mL (20 tests) 3766.50 bangslab2015
812 Simply Cellular? anti-Human IgG B – 5mL (100 tests) 8005.50 bangslab2015
812 Simply Cellular? anti-Human IgG C – 14mL (280 tests) 14323.50 bangslab2015
813 Simply Cellular? anti-Rat IgG A – 1mL (20 tests) 3766.50 bangslab2015
813 Simply Cellular? anti-Rat IgG B – 5mL (100 tests) 8005.50 bangslab2015
813 Simply Cellular? anti-Rat IgG C – 14mL (280 tests) 14323.50 bangslab2015
835 Simply Cellular? anti-Mouse for Violet Laser A – 1mL (20 tests) 3766.50 bangslab2015
835 Simply Cellular? anti-Mouse for Violet Laser B – 5mL (100 tests) 6345.00 bangslab2015
830 Time Delay Calibration Standard A – 1mL (20 tests) 2254.50 bangslab2015
830 Time Delay Calibration Standard B – 5mL (100 tests) 4455.00 bangslab2015
830 Time Delay Calibration Standard C – 14mL (280 tests) 8626.50 bangslab2015
829 Size Calibration Standards Kit B – 5mL (100 tests) 5548.50 bangslab2015
829 Size Calibration Standards Kit C – 14mL (280 tests) 9855.00 bangslab2015
832 Submicron Bead Calibration Kit ? 0.2μm, 0.5μm, 0.8μm 3mL 3348.00 bangslab2015
833 Micron Bead Calibration Kit ? 1.0μm, 3.0μm, 6.0μm 3mL 3348.00 bangslab2015
xxxx QuickCal v. 2.3 Unlimited #VALUE! bangslab2015
580 Flow Cytometry Absolute Count Standard 10mL 3807.00 bangslab2015
215 Streptavidin 4.4μm (5 dye intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 6075.00 bangslab2015
215 Streptavidin 4.4μm (5 dye intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 25029.00 bangslab2015
215 Streptavidin 4.4μm (5 dye intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 39514.50 bangslab2015
218 Streptavidin 5.5μm (5 dye intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 6075.00 bangslab2015
218 Streptavidin 5.5μm (5 dye intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 25029.00 bangslab2015
218 Streptavidin 5.5μm (5 dye intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 39514.50 bangslab2015
219 Streptavidin 4.4 & 5.5μm (10 dye intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 11070.00 bangslab2015
219 Streptavidin 4.4 & 5.5μm (10 dye intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 46089.00 bangslab2015
219 Streptavidin 4.4 & 5.5μm (10 dye intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 71104.50 bangslab2015
235 Carboxyl 4.4μm (5 dye intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 6075.00 bangslab2015
235 Carboxyl 4.4μm (5 dye intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 25029.00 bangslab2015
235 Carboxyl 4.4μm (5 dye intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 39514.50 bangslab2015
238 Carboxyl 5.5μm (5 dye intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 6075.00 bangslab2015
238 Carboxyl 5.5μm (5 dye intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 25029.00 bangslab2015
238 Carboxyl 5.5μm (5 dye intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 39514.50 bangslab2015
239 Carboxyl 4.4 & 5.5μm (10 dye intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 11070.00 bangslab2015
239 Carboxyl 4.4 & 5.5μm (10 dye intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 46089.00 bangslab2015
239 Carboxyl 4.4 & 5.5μm (10 dye intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 71104.50 bangslab2015
214 Single Population Streptavidin 4.4μm 1mL (100 tests) 3010.50 bangslab2015
214 Single Population Streptavidin 4.4μm 3mL (300 tests) 7452.00 bangslab2015
217 Single Population Streptavidin 5.5μm 1mL (100 tests) 3010.50 bangslab2015
217 Single Population Streptavidin 5.5μm 3mL (300 tests) 7452.00 bangslab2015
234 Single Population Carboxyl 4.4μm 1mL (100 tests) 3010.50 bangslab2015
234 Single Population Carboxyl 4.4μm 3mL (300 tests) 7452.00 bangslab2015
237 Single Population Carboxyl 5.5μm 1mL (100 tests) 3010.50 bangslab2015
237 Single Population Carboxyl 5.5μm 3mL (300 tests) 7452.00 bangslab2015
250 Carboxyl 6μm Magnetic (5 intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 6075.00 bangslab2015
250 Carboxyl 6μm Magnetic (5 intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 25029.00 bangslab2015
250 Carboxyl 6μm Magnetic (5 intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 39514.50 bangslab2015
252 Streptavidin 6μm Magnetic (5 intensities) A – 1mL (5×100 tests) 6075.00 bangslab2015
252 Streptavidin 6μm Magnetic (5 intensities) B – 5mL(5×500 tests) 25029.00 bangslab2015
252 Streptavidin 6μm Magnetic (5 intensities) C – 10mL (5×1000 tests) 39514.50 bangslab2015
251 Single Population Carboxyl 6μm Magnetic 1mL (100 tests) 3010.50 bangslab2015
251 Single Population Carboxyl 6μm Magnetic 3mL (300 tests) 7452.00 bangslab2015
253 Single Population Streptavidin 6μm Magnetic 1mL (100 tests) 3010.50 bangslab2015
253 Single Population Streptavidin 6μm Magnetic 3mL (300 tests) 7452.00 bangslab2015
PL01N PolyLink Protein Coupling Kit 1 kit 3334.50 bangslab2015
PS02N ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  0.5g 1593.00 bangslab2015
PS02N ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.0g 2470.50 bangslab2015
PS02N ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.5g 2808.00 bangslab2015
PS02N ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  5.0g 8005.50 bangslab2015
PS03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  0.5g 1714.50 bangslab2015
PS03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.0g 2902.50 bangslab2015
PS03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.5g 3226.50 bangslab2015
PS03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  5.0g 9315.00 bangslab2015
PS04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  0.5g 2524.50 bangslab2015
PS04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.0g 4198.50 bangslab2015
PS04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.5g 6277.50 bangslab2015
PS04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  5.0g 16915.50 bangslab2015
PS05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  0.5g 4536.00 bangslab2015
PS05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.0g 8275.50 bangslab2015
PS05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.5g 11407.50 bangslab2015
PS05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  5.0g 34492.50 bangslab2015
PS06N 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  0.5g 4536.00 bangslab2015
PS06N 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.0g 8275.50 bangslab2015
PS06N 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  1.5g 11407.50 bangslab2015
PS06N 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  5.0g 34492.50 bangslab2015
PS07N 9.00-24.99μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
PS08N ≥ 25.00μm 聚苯乙烯微球 光滑 (疏水)  Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
BB01N 1-10μm Large Polymer Beads 10g 5197.50 bangslab2015
BB01N 1-10μm Large Polymer Beads 25g 12015.00 bangslab2015
BB01N 1-10μm Large Polymer Beads 50g 15471.00 bangslab2015
BB01N 1-10μm Large Polymer Beads 100g 22018.50 bangslab2015
BB03N 10-99μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 10g 4009.50 bangslab2015
BB03N 10-99μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 25g 9355.50 bangslab2015
BB03N 10-99μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 50g 14688.00 bangslab2015
BB03N 10-99μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 100g 16686.00 bangslab2015
BB05N ≥100μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 10g 4009.50 bangslab2015
BB05N ≥100μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 25g 9355.50 bangslab2015
BB05N ≥100μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 50g 14688.00 bangslab2015
BB05N ≥100μm sieved Large Polymer Beads 100g 16686.00 bangslab2015
PC02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 0.5g 1755.00 bangslab2015
PC02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.0g 2970.00 bangslab2015
PC02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.5g 3618.00 bangslab2015
PC02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 5.0g 10408.50 bangslab2015
PC03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 0.5g 1944.00 bangslab2015
PC03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.0g 3145.50 bangslab2015
PC03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.5g 4401.00 bangslab2015
PC03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 5.0g 12231.00 bangslab2015
PC04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 0.5g 2524.50 bangslab2015
PC04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.0g 4198.50 bangslab2015
PC04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.5g 6277.50 bangslab2015
PC04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 5.0g 16915.50 bangslab2015
PC05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 0.5g 4536.00 bangslab2015
PC05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.0g 8275.50 bangslab2015
PC05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.5g 11407.50 bangslab2015
PC05N 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 5.0g 34492.50 bangslab2015
PC06N 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 0.5g 5548.50 bangslab2015
PC06N 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.0g 10408.50 bangslab2015
PC06N 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 1.5g 15106.50 bangslab2015
PC06N 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯羧基微球 5.0g 47709.00 bangslab2015
PC07N ≥10.00μm  聚苯乙烯羧基微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
PA02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 0.5g 2524.50 bangslab2015
PA02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 1.0g 4198.50 bangslab2015
PA02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 1.5g 6277.50 bangslab2015
PA02N ≤0.49μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 5.0g 16915.50 bangslab2015
PA03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 0.5g 2767.50 bangslab2015
PA03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 1.0g 4981.50 bangslab2015
PA03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 1.5g 7411.50 bangslab2015
PA03N 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 5.0g 19885.50 bangslab2015
PA04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 0.5g 3186.00 bangslab2015
PA04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 1.0g 6088.50 bangslab2015
PA04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 1.5g 8694.00 bangslab2015
PA04N 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯氨基微球 5.0g 24921.00 bangslab2015
DG06M Dragon Green Intensity Standard 1 kit 4225.50 bangslab2015
FR06M Flash Red Intensity Standard 1 kit 4225.50 bangslab2015
DS02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 0.5g 2403.00 bangslab2015
DS02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 1.0g 3996.00 bangslab2015
DS02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 1.5g 5980.50 bangslab2015
DS02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 5.0g 16105.50 bangslab2015
DS03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 0.5g 2632.50 bangslab2015
DS03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 1.0g 4752.00 bangslab2015
DS03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 1.5g 7060.50 bangslab2015
DS03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 5.0g 18940.50 bangslab2015
DS04* 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
DS05* 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
DS06* 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
DS07* ≥ 10.00μm 聚苯乙烯彩色微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
DC02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 0.5g 2524.50 bangslab2015
DC02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 1.0g 4198.50 bangslab2015
DC02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 1.5g 6277.50 bangslab2015
DC02* ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 5.0g 16915.50 bangslab2015
DC03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 0.5g 2767.50 bangslab2015
DC03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 1.0g 4981.50 bangslab2015
DC03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 1.5g 7411.50 bangslab2015
DC03* 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 5.0g 19885.50 bangslab2015
DC04* 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
DC05* 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
DC06* 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
DC07* ≥10.00μm  聚苯乙烯彩色羧基微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
FS02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FS02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FS02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FS02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FS03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FS03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FS03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FS03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FS04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FS04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FS04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FS04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FS05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FS05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FS05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FS05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FS06F 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FS06F 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FS06F 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FS06F 5.00-8.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FS07F 9.00-24.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
FS08F ≥ 25.00μm 聚苯乙烯荧光微球 Call for availability 0.00 bangslab2015
FC02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FC02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FC02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FC02F ≤ 0.49μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FC03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FC03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FC03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FC03F 0.50-0.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FC04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FC04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FC04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FC04F 1.00-1.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FC05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FC05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FC05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FC05F 2.00-4.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FC06F 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FC06F 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FC06F 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FC06F 5.00-9.99μm 聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
FC07F ≥10.00μm  聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
FC07F ≥10.00μm  聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
FC07F ≥10.00μm  聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
FC07F ≥10.00μm  聚苯乙烯荧光羧基微球 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
CM01N 磁性链霉亲和素包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CM01N 磁性链霉亲和素包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CM01N 磁性链霉亲和素包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CM01N 磁性链霉亲和素包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CM02N 磁性Protein A包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CM02N 磁性Protein A包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CM02N 磁性Protein A包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CM02N 磁性Protein A包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CM03N 磁性Secondary Ab包被微球  1mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CM03N 磁性Secondary Ab包被微球  2mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CM03N 磁性Secondary Ab包被微球  5mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CM03N 磁性Secondary Ab包被微球  10mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP01N 多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CP01N 多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CP01N 多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CP01N 多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CP02N 多聚Protein A包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CP02N 多聚Protein A包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CP02N 多聚Protein A包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CP02N 多聚Protein A包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CP03N 多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  1mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP03N 多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  2mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP03N 多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  5mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP03N 多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  10mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP01F 荧光多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CP01F 荧光多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CP01F 荧光多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CP01F 荧光多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CP01* 彩色多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CP01* 彩色多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CP01* 彩色多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CP01* 彩色多聚链霉亲和素包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CP02* 彩色多聚Protein A包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CP02* 彩色多聚Protein A包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CP02* 彩色多聚Protein A包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CP02* 彩色多聚Protein A包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CP03* 彩色多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  1mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP03* 彩色多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  2mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP03* 彩色多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  5mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CP03* 彩色多聚Secondary Ab包被微球  10mL #VALUE! bangslab2015
CS01N Silica/链霉亲和素包被微球  1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
CS01N Silica/链霉亲和素包被微球  2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
CS01N Silica/链霉亲和素包被微球  5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
CS01N Silica/链霉亲和素包被微球  10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
SS02N ≤0.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 0.5g 1944.00 bangslab2015
SS02N ≤0.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.0g 3145.50 bangslab2015
SS02N ≤0.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.5g 4401.00 bangslab2015
SS02N ≤0.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 5.0g 12231.00 bangslab2015
SS03N 0.50-0.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 0.5g 2227.50 bangslab2015
SS03N 0.50-0.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.0g 3604.50 bangslab2015
SS03N 0.50-0.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.5g 5292.00 bangslab2015
SS03N 0.50-0.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 5.0g 14188.50 bangslab2015
SS04N 1.00-2.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 0.5g 2524.50 bangslab2015
SS04N 1.00-2.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.0g 4198.50 bangslab2015
SS04N 1.00-2.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.5g 6277.50 bangslab2015
SS04N 1.00-2.49μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 5.0g 16915.50 bangslab2015
SS05N 2.50-4.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 0.5g 2767.50 bangslab2015
SS05N 2.50-4.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.0g 4981.50 bangslab2015
SS05N 2.50-4.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.5g 7411.50 bangslab2015
SS05N 2.50-4.99μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 5.0g 19885.50 bangslab2015
SS06N ≥5.00μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 0.5g 3186.00 bangslab2015
SS06N ≥5.00μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.0g 6088.50 bangslab2015
SS06N ≥5.00μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 1.5g 8694.00 bangslab2015
SS06N ≥5.00μm 二氧化硅微球 平滑疏水 5.0g 24921.00 bangslab2015
SC02N ≤0.49μm 二氧化硅羧基微球  1.0g 4981.50 bangslab2015
SC03N 0.50-0.99μm 二氧化硅羧基微球  1.0g 4981.50 bangslab2015
SC04N 1.00-2.49μm 二氧化硅羧基微球  1.0g 6088.50 bangslab2015
SC05N 2.50-5.00μm 二氧化硅羧基微球  1.0g 8275.50 bangslab2015
SA02N ≤0.49μm 二氧化硅氨基微球  1.0g 4981.50 bangslab2015
SA03N 0.50-0.99μm 二氧化硅氨基微球  1.0g 4981.50 bangslab2015
SA04N 1.00-2.49μm 二氧化硅氨基微球  1.0g 6088.50 bangslab2015
SA05N 2.50-5.00μm 二氧化硅氨基微球  1.0g 8275.50 bangslab2015
SB04N Silica Bind-IT?, 1μm 2mL 3024.00 bangslab2015
SB04N Silica Bind-IT?, 1μm 5mL 6736.50 bangslab2015
SB04N Silica Bind-IT?, 1μm 10mL 10071.00 bangslab2015
SB06N Silica Bind-IT?, 5μm 2mL 3024.00 bangslab2015
SB06N Silica Bind-IT?, 5μm 5mL 6736.50 bangslab2015
SB06N Silica Bind-IT?, 5μm 10mL 10071.00 bangslab2015
BP691 SNARe Whole Blood Genomic DNA Purification System 100 5278.50 bangslab2015
BP692 SNARe Plasmid DNA Purification System 100 5278.50 bangslab2015
BP693 SNARe Plant Genomic DNA Purification System 100 5278.50 bangslab2015
SL1GB StarLight? Calibration Slide – Glacial Blue (1 slide) each 1404.00 bangslab2015
SL1DG StarLight? Calibration Slide – Dragon Green (1 slide) each 1404.00 bangslab2015
SL1EG StarLight? Calibration Slide – Envy Green (1 slide) each 1404.00 bangslab2015
SL1FR StarLight? Calibration Slide – Flash Red (1 slide) each 1404.00 bangslab2015
SL04K StarLight? Collection – Slide 4-Pack (1 slide of each color) each 4185.00 bangslab2015
UMC3F 3, 6μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
UMC3F 3, 6μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
UMC3F 3, 6μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
UMC3F 3, 6μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
UMC4F 8μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
UMC4F 8μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
UMC4F 8μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
UMC4F 8μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
UMC3N 3, 6μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 0.5g 6642.00 bangslab2015
UMC3N 3, 6μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 1.0g 12285.00 bangslab2015
UMC3N 3, 6μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 1.5g 18414.00 bangslab2015
UMC4N 8μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 0.5g 7749.00 bangslab2015
UMC4N 8μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 1.0g 13986.00 bangslab2015
UMC4N 8μm COMPEL? Uniform Magnetic Microspheres 1.5g 20965.50 bangslab2015
MC03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Classical 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
MC03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Classical 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
MC03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Classical 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
MC03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Classical 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
ME03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
ME03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
ME03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
ME03F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
ME04F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 1mL 1971.00 bangslab2015
ME04F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 5mL 5818.50 bangslab2015
ME04F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 10mL 8140.50 bangslab2015
ME04F 1μm Magnetic Microspheres – Encapsulated 100mL 45292.50 bangslab2015
PL01N PolyLink Protein Coupling Kit for COOH Microspheres 1 kit 3334.50 bangslab2015
PMA1N ProMag Amine 5mL 1755.00 bangslab2015
PMA1N ProMag Amine 25mL 8343.00 bangslab2015
PMB1N ProMag Bind-IT? 2mL 3024.00 bangslab2015
PMB1N ProMag Bind-IT? 5mL 6736.50 bangslab2015
PMB1N ProMag Bind-IT? 10mL 10071.00 bangslab2015
PMC1N ProMag COOH Surfactant-Free 5mL 1755.00 bangslab2015
PMC1N ProMag COOH Surfactant-Free 25mL 8343.00 bangslab2015
PMS1N ProMag Streptavidin 1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
PMS1N ProMag Streptavidin 2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
PMS1N ProMag Streptavidin 5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
PMS1N ProMag Streptavidin 10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
PMB3N ProMag Bind-IT? 2mL 3024.00 bangslab2015
PMB3N ProMag Bind-IT? 5mL 6736.50 bangslab2015
PMB3N ProMag Bind-IT? 10mL 10071.00 bangslab2015
PMC3N ProMag COOH Surfactant-Free 5mL 1755.00 bangslab2015
PMC3N ProMag COOH Surfactant-Free 25mL 8343.00 bangslab2015
PMS3N ProMag Streptavidin 1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
PMS3N ProMag Streptavidin 2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
PMS3N ProMag Streptavidin 5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
PMS3N ProMag Streptavidin 10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
PMG3N ProMag Protein G 1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
PMG3N ProMag Protein G 2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
PMG3N ProMag Protein G 5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
PMG3N ProMag Protein G 10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
PMM3N ProMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG 1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
PMM3N ProMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG 2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
PMM3N ProMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG 5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
PMM3N ProMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG 10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
PMC3HP ProMag? HP 3 Series ? COOH 5mL 1755.00 bangslab2015
PMC3HP ProMag? HP 3 Series ? COOH 25mL 8343.00 bangslab2015
PMS3HP ProMag? HP 3 Series ? Streptavidin 1mL 2430.00 bangslab2015
PMS3HP ProMag? HP 3 Series ? Streptavidin 2mL 4036.50 bangslab2015
PMS3HP ProMag? HP 3 Series ? Streptavidin 5mL 8046.00 bangslab2015
PMS3HP ProMag? HP 3 Series ? Streptavidin 10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
CC03N SureCount? Particle Count Standard, 3μm 10mL 3807.00 bangslab2015
CC05N SureCount? Particle Count Standard, 5μm 10mL 3807.00 bangslab2015
CC10N SureCount? Particle Count Standard, 10μm 10mL 3807.00 bangslab2015
CC15N SureCount? Particle Count Standard, 15μm 10mL 3807.00 bangslab2015
VC10B ViaCheck 0% Viability Control 20mL 5116.50 bangslab2015
VC20B ViaCheck 50% Viability Control 20mL 5116.50 bangslab2015
VC30B ViaCheck 75% Viability Control 20mL 5116.50 bangslab2015
VC40B ViaCheck 90% Viability Control 20mL 5116.50 bangslab2015
VC50B ViaCheck 100% Viability Control 20mL 5116.50 bangslab2015
VC60N ViaCheck Concentration Control (1 x 106) 20mL 2200.50 bangslab2015
VC70N ViaCheck Concentration Control (4 x 106) 20mL 3213.00 bangslab2015
VC80N ViaCheck Concentration Control (8 x 106) 20mL 4063.50 bangslab2015
AA022 Vivaspin? 2mL Unltrfiltration device 5 units 526.50 bangslab2015
ROTAT Tube Rotator 1 unit  7087.50 bangslab2015
BM547 BioMag Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide50mg/mL 10mL 5778.00 bangslab2015
BM546 BioMag Amine50mg/mL 10mL 4225.50 bangslab2015
BM546 BioMag Amine50mg/mL 100mL 17698.50 bangslab2015
BM570 BioMag Carboxyl20mg/mL 10mL 4765.50 bangslab2015
BM570 BioMag Carboxyl20mg/mL 100mL 20115.00 bangslab2015
BM545 BioMag Magnetic Immobilization Kit50mg/mL 1 kit 12096.00 bangslab2015
BM552 BioMag Biotin5mg/mL 5mL 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM554 BioMag Protein A5mg/mL 2mL 3307.50 bangslab2015
BM554 BioMag Protein A5mg/mL 10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
BM553 BioMag Protein G5mg/mL 2mL 3307.50 bangslab2015
BM553 BioMag Protein G5mg/mL 10mL 12069.00 bangslab2015
BM551 BioMag Streptavidin5mg/mL 5mL 4968.00 bangslab2015
BM551 BioMag Streptavidin5mg/mL 50mL 21870.00 bangslab2015
BioMag BioMag Streptavidin, Nuclease-free1mg/mL 10mL 2794.50 bangslab2015
BioMag BioMag Streptavidin, Nuclease-free1mg/mL 25mL 7654.50 bangslab2015
BM563 BioMag Goat anti-Human IgG1mg/mL 50mL 6034.50 bangslab2015
BM562 BioMag Goat anti-Human IgG (Fc Specific)5mg/mL 50mL 7020.00 bangslab2015
BM561 BioMag Goat anti-Human IgM1mg/mL 50mL 8221.50 bangslab2015
BM549 BioMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG1mg/mL 50mL 4455.00 bangslab2015
BM549 BioMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG1mg/mL 500mL 17698.50 bangslab2015
BM550 BioMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG (Fc Specific)5mg/mL 50mL 5049.00 bangslab2015
BM550 BioMag Goat anti-Mouse IgG (Fc Specific)5mg/mL 500mL 21546.00 bangslab2015
BM558 BioMag Goat anti-Mouse IgM1mg/mL 50mL 4455.00 bangslab2015
BM558 BioMag Goat anti-Mouse IgM1mg/mL 500mL 19183.50 bangslab2015
BM559 BioMag Goat anti-Rabbit IgG1mg/mL 50mL 4455.00 bangslab2015
BM559 BioMag Goat anti-Rabbit IgG1mg/mL 500mL 19183.50 bangslab2015
BM560 BioMag Goat anti-Rat IgG1mg/mL 50mL 4455.00 bangslab2015
BM560 BioMag Goat anti-Rat IgG1mg/mL 500mL 17698.50 bangslab2015
BM548 BioMag Goat anti-Rat IgG (Fc Specific)5mg/mL 50mL 5859.00 bangslab2015
BM548 BioMag Goat anti-Rat IgG (Fc Specific)5mg/mL 500mL 25731.00 bangslab2015
BM557 BioMag Goat anti-Rat IgM5mg/mL 50mL 7047.00 bangslab2015
BM557 BioMag Goat anti-Rat IgM5mg/mL 500mL 27715.50 bangslab2015
BM569 BioMag mRNA Purification System5mg/mL 1 kit 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM529 BioMag Oligo (dT20), Nuclease-free5mg/mL 2mL 3321.00 bangslab2015
BM595 BioMag anti-Human CD24mg/mL 5mL 12987.00 bangslab2015
BM580 BioMag anti-Human CD34mg/mL 5mL 12987.00 bangslab2015
BM581 BioMag anti-Human CD41.5mg/mL 5mL 5683.50 bangslab2015
BM583 BioMag anti-Human CD81.5mg/mL 5mL 5683.50 bangslab2015
BM596 BioMag anti-Human CD11b1mg/mL 5mL 5143.50 bangslab2015
BM584 BioMag anti-Human CD141.5mg/mL 5mL 12987.00 bangslab2015
BM585 BioMag anti-Human CD164mg/mL 5mL 8221.50 bangslab2015
BM586 BioMag anti-Human CD194mg/mL 5mL 11718.00 bangslab2015
BM587 BioMag anti-Human CD344mg/mL 5mL 28390.50 bangslab2015
BM588 BioMag anti-Human CD454mg/mL 5mL 9315.00 bangslab2015
BM589 BioMag anti-Human CD564mg/mL 5mL 11083.50 bangslab2015
BM590 BioMag anti-Human CD714mg/mL 5mL 8815.50 bangslab2015
BM592 BioMag anti-Mouse CD41mg/mL 5mL 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM593 BioMag anti-Mouse CD8a1mg/mL 5mL 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM594 BioMag anti-Mouse CD45R1mg/mL 5mL 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM597 BioMag Human CD3+ T cell Enrichment System1mg/mL 1mL 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM597 BioMag Human CD3+ T cell Enrichment System1mg/mL 5mL 19926.00 bangslab2015
BM598 BioMag Human CD4+ T cell Enrichment System1mg/mL 1mL 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM598 BioMag Human CD4+ T cell Enrichment System1mg/mL 5mL 19926.00 bangslab2015
BM599 BioMag Human CD8+ T cell Enrichment System1mg/mL 1mL 5089.50 bangslab2015
BM599 BioMag Human CD8+ T cell Enrichment System1mg/mL 5mL 19926.00 bangslab2015
BM555 BioMag Dextran-coated Charcoal5mg/mL 100mL 5548.50 bangslab2015
BM556 BioMag Dextran-coated Charcoal Concentrate40mg/mL 1000mL 15079.50 bangslab2015
BP610 BioMagPlus Amine Protein Coupling Kit50mg/mL 1 kit 5346.00 bangslab2015
BP617 BioMagPlus Amine 50mg/mL 10mL 4968.00 bangslab2015
BP611 BioMagPlus Carboxyl Protein Coupling Kit20mg/mL 1 kit 5346.00 bangslab2015
BP618 BioMagPlus Carboxyl20mg/mL 10mL 4968.00 bangslab2015
BP612 BioMagPlus anti-Mouse IgG Antibody Coupling Kit1mg/mL 1 kit 5346.00 bangslab2015
BP619 BioMagPlus anti-Mouse IgG1mg/mL 50mL 4968.00 bangslab2015
BP614 BioMagPlus Protein A Antibody Isolation Kit5mg/mL 1kit 5346.00 bangslab2015
BP620 BioMagPlus Protein A5mg/mL 2mL 3442.50 bangslab2015
BP620 BioMagPlus Protein A5mg/mL 10mL 12163.50 bangslab2015
BP626 BioMagPlus Protein G Antibody Isolation Kit5mg/mL 1 kit 5346.00 bangslab2015
BP627 BioMagPlus Protein G5mg/mL 2mL 3442.50 bangslab2015
BP627 BioMagPlus Protein G5mg/mL 10mL 12163.50 bangslab2015
BP621 BioMagPlus Streptavidin / Biotin Binding Kit5mg/mL 1 kit 5346.00 bangslab2015
BP628 BioMagPlus Streptavidin5mg/mL 10mL 10827.00 bangslab2015
BP530 BioMagPlus Wheat Germ Agglutinin5mg/mL 3mL 4981.50 bangslab2015
BP530 BioMagPlus Wheat Germ Agglutinin5mg/mL 10mL 11610.00 bangslab2015
BP531 BioMagPlus Concanavalin A5mg/mL 3mL 4981.50 bangslab2015
BP531 BioMagPlus Concanavalin A5mg/mL 10mL 11610.00 bangslab2015
BP622 BioMagPlus Mouse anti-Fluorescein IgG1mg/mL 50mL 5913.00 bangslab2015
BP658 BioMag ProMax Albumin Removal Kit25 Reactions 1 kit 4455.00 bangslab2015
BP659 BioMag ProMax Serum IgG Removal Kit10 Reactions 1 kit 4455.00 bangslab2015
BMM30 BioMag Maxi Carboxyl20mg/mL 10mL 4738.50 bangslab2015
BMM40 BioMag Maxi Amine50mg/mL 10mL 4738.50 bangslab2015
LS001 1.5mL Magnetic Separator  each 1296.00 bangslab2015
MS001 BioMag MultiSep Magnetic Separator  each 3685.50 bangslab2015
MS002 BioMag Multi-6 Microcentrifuge Tube Separator  each 6345.00 bangslab2015
MS003 BioMag 96-Well Plate Separator  each 8181.00 bangslab2015
MS004 BioMag Flask Separator  each 6115.50 bangslab2015
MS005 BioMag 96-Well Plate Side Pull Separator  each 8181.00 bangslab2015
NT02N 40nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT03N 60nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT04N 80nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT05N 100nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT06N 150nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT07N 200nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT08N 300nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT09N 400nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT10N 500nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT11N 600nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT12N 700nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT13N 800nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT14N 900nm 15mL 3456.00 bangslab2015
NT15N 1μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT16N 1.5μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT17N 2μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT18N 2.5μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT19N 3μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT20N 3.5μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT21N 4μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT22N 5μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT23N 6μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT24N 7μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT25N 8μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT26N 9μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT27N 10μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT28N 12μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT29N 15μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT30N 20μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT31N 25μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT32N 30μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT33N 40μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT34N 50μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT35N 60μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT36N 80μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT37N 100μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT38N 125μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT39N 150μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015
NT40N 175μm 15mL 4050.00 bangslab2015



世界科研品牌介绍之— BioVision

世界科研品牌介绍之— BioVision

世界科研品牌介绍之— BioVision

世界*实验材料供应商Nanopartz上海金畔生物为其中国*代理,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,如需订货请或我们+: : fige007



       BioVision的众多创新性的试剂盒产品在享有盛誉,其Annexin V双染试剂盒至今仍然众多实验室被作为凋亡检测的*产品来使用,而种类众多的Caspase试剂盒则提供了zui完整的从Caspase活性检测、Caspase蛋白定量到Caspase酶蛋白、Caspase抑制物和底物等多种不同类型的产品。

另外,BioVision的蛋白抽提和分离试剂盒也具有明显的优势和特色,包括各种蛋白提取试剂盒,如总蛋白、胞浆蛋白、胞核蛋白、线粒体、膜蛋白、细胞器蛋白提取试剂盒以及线粒体DNA提取试剂盒。BioVision还提供众多用于细胞信号转导研究的试剂盒、抗体以及拮抗蛋白等产品,以及细胞因子和生长因子等产品。BioVision提供的氧化应激和损伤类的产品也被广泛应用,其产品包括GSH, GST, NAD, NADH, NO,H?O?, SOD, Ascorbic, Catalase, Glutamate, Malate, Nitric Oxide等多种氧化损伤分子及指标的检测。  


BioVision的众多创新性的试剂盒产品在享有盛誉,其Annexin V双染试剂盒至今仍然众多实验室被作为凋亡检测的*产品来使用,而种类众多的Caspase试剂盒则提供了zui完整的从Caspase活性检测、Caspase蛋白定量到Caspase酶蛋白、Caspase抑制物和底物等多种不同类型的产品。

另外,BioVision的蛋白抽提和分离试剂盒也具有明显的优势和特色,包括各种蛋白提取试剂盒,如总蛋白、胞浆蛋白、胞核蛋白、线粒体、膜蛋白、细胞器蛋白提取试剂盒以及线粒体DNA提取试剂盒。BioVision还提供众多用于细胞信号转导研究的试剂盒、抗体以及拮抗蛋白等产品,以及细胞因子和生长因子等产品。BioVision提供的氧化应激和损伤类的产品也被广泛应用,其产品包括GSH, GST, NAD, NADH, NO,H?O?, SOD, Ascorbic, Catalase, Glutamate, Malate, Nitric Oxide等多种氧化损伤分子及指标的检测。






 Annexin V & Caspase Assays

 Amino Acids & Inorganic Ions

 Cytokines & Growth Factors (A-Z)

 DNA ladder & TUNEL Assay Kits 

 Carbohydrates & Lipid Metabolism

 Antibodies to Cytokines & Growth Factors

 Mitochondrial Apoptosis Assays

 Intermediary & Cofactors

 Animal-Free Origin (AOF) Proteins

 Cell Proliferation & Senescence Assays    

 Oxidative Stress & Serum Components

 StemBoost? Growth Factor Sets


 蛋白提取与纯化  荧光蛋白  生化试剂

 Cell Fractionation Kits

 Fluorescent Proteins
 (BFP, CFP, EGFP,  mCherry, RFP, YFP)

 Apoptosis Inducers

 Protein A, G, L and Affinity Conjugates  

 Antibodies to Fluorescent Proteins


 Protease & Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktails

 GFP Quantitation Kit

 Enzyme Activators & Inhibitors                       

 Tag Antibodies

 GFP & RFP Expression Vectors

 Stem Cell Fate Regulators BioVision公司是世界*的细胞凋亡和信号传导产品生产商,公司总部在美丽的旧金山湾地区。公司在开发和研究细胞凋亡,代谢方面具有的影响力。产品包括检测试剂盒,抗体,重组蛋白和酶等多种产品,以及其他创新的研究工具。除了细胞凋亡和代谢分析方面的传统领域,BioVision的高品质产品还覆盖细胞增殖,细胞应激,细胞损伤和修复,糖尿病,肥胖和代谢综合症,干细胞生物学,基因调控,信号转导等多个细胞生物学领域。

       BioVision的众多创新性的试剂盒产品在享有盛誉,其Annexin V双染试剂盒至今仍然众多实验室被作为凋亡检测的*产品来使用,而种类众多的Caspase试剂盒则提供了zui完整的从Caspase活性检测、Caspase蛋白定量到Caspase酶蛋白、Caspase抑制物和底物等多种不同类型的产品。

另外,BioVision的蛋白抽提和分离试剂盒也具有明显的优势和特色,包括各种蛋白提取试剂盒,如总蛋白、胞浆蛋白、胞核蛋白、线粒体、膜蛋白、细胞器蛋白提取试剂盒以及线粒体DNA提取试剂盒。BioVision还提供众多用于细胞信号转导研究的试剂盒、抗体以及拮抗蛋白等产品,以及细胞因子和生长因子等产品。BioVision提供的氧化应激和损伤类的产品也被广泛应用,其产品包括GSH, GST, NAD, NADH, NO,H?O?, SOD, Ascorbic, Catalase, Glutamate, Malate, Nitric Oxide等多种氧化损伤分子及指标的检测。


BioVision的众多创新性的试剂盒产品在享有盛誉,其Annexin V双染试剂盒至今仍然众多实验室被作为凋亡检测的*产品来使用,而种类众多的Caspase试剂盒则提供了zui完整的从Caspase活性检测、Caspase蛋白定量到Caspase酶蛋白、Caspase抑制物和底物等多种不同类型的产品。

另外,BioVision的蛋白抽提和分离试剂盒也具有明显的优势和特色,包括各种蛋白提取试剂盒,如总蛋白、胞浆蛋白、胞核蛋白、线粒体、膜蛋白、细胞器蛋白提取试剂盒以及线粒体DNA提取试剂盒。BioVision还提供众多用于细胞信号转导研究的试剂盒、抗体以及拮抗蛋白等产品,以及细胞因子和生长因子等产品。BioVision提供的氧化应激和损伤类的产品也被广泛应用,其产品包括GSH, GST, NAD, NADH, NO,H?O?, SOD, Ascorbic, Catalase, Glutamate, Malate, Nitric Oxide等多种氧化损伤分子及指标的检测。






 Annexin V & Caspase Assays

 Amino Acids & Inorganic Ions

 Cytokines & Growth Factors (A-Z)

 DNA ladder & TUNEL Assay Kits 

 Carbohydrates & Lipid Metabolism

 Antibodies to Cytokines & Growth Factors

 Mitochondrial Apoptosis Assays

 Intermediary & Cofactors

 Animal-Free Origin (AOF) Proteins

 Cell Proliferation & Senescence Assays    

 Oxidative Stress & Serum Components

 StemBoost? Growth Factor Sets


 蛋白提取与纯化  荧光蛋白  生化试剂

 Cell Fractionation Kits

 Fluorescent Proteins
 (BFP, CFP, EGFP,  mCherry, RFP, YFP)

 Apoptosis Inducers

 Protein A, G, L and Affinity Conjugates  

 Antibodies to Fluorescent Proteins


 Protease & Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktails

 GFP Quantitation Kit

 Enzyme Activators & Inhibitors                       

 Tag Antibodies

 GFP & RFP Expression Vectors

 Stem Cell Fate Regulators





2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,






5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药,fisher等500多家公司


6:我们还是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, FD Neurotechnologies, Inc. FormuMax Scientific, Inc; Genebridege; Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Innovative Research of America; Ludger ; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发





世界*实验材料供应商Drummond上海金畔生物为其中国代理,Drummond在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Drummond就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

Drummond中国代理,Drummond上海代理,Drummond北京代理,Drummond广东代理,Drummond江苏代理 Drummond湖北代理, Drummond天津, Drummond黑龙江代理, Drummond内蒙古代理, Drummond吉林代理, Drummond福建代理, Drummond江苏代理, Drummond浙江代理, Drummond四川代理,






品牌商名称:Drummond Scientific Company 
:1- · 610-353-0200 
500 Parkway, Box 700, Broomall, PA 19008



2 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,



5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 fisher500多家公司

6:我们还是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, FD Neurotechnologies, Inc. FormuMax Scientific, Inc; Genebridege; Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Innovative Research of America Ludger  neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIOquickzymeRESEARCH DIETS, INCsterlitechsysyTriLink BioTechnologies, Incworthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

7:我们还从事invitrogenqiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发

世界科研品牌介绍之— AVES LABS

世界科研品牌介绍之— AVES LABS

世界科研品牌介绍之— AVES LABS

上海金畔生物科技有限公司是AVES LABS中国代理,+  :fige007



Aves Labs是一家成立于上世纪九十年代,专注于高亲和性鸡源抗体的研发和准备,生物医药和生命科学行业*的鸡多克隆抗体(IgY)及定制抗体/多肽/免疫试剂的专业公司。Aves Labs在鸡源神经系统标志蛋白/抗体研究领域拥有*优势,不仅品种多样,质量优良,而且适用于人/大小鼠等多个物种的神经系统研究,包括神经元/胶质细胞/雪旺细胞的各亚细胞结构免疫双标/免疫共沉淀研究。公司*的技术及抗体产品有助于科研人员更为便捷的解决学术研究及应用研发课题。除了丰富的产品线外,Aves Labs还为客户提供的抗体定制服务,您只需要提供需要研究的重组蛋白或合成多肽,我们即可为您生产的鸡源多克隆抗体。



Aves Labs的主要产品:



该系列产品主要用于神经元细胞的各亚细胞结构研究,可与现有的小鼠/兔抗体进行免疫双标,反应性包括人、小鼠等多个哺乳类动物。在保证抗体特异性的前提下,部分产品可分为抗不同的氨基酸片段。该系列产品包括抗APP3/APP345/APP4/APP5/ABN/TUJ/CAT/ DCX/ER1/ER2/ER3/ER5/GAD/GAP43/MAP/NET/ NUN/NSE/ NFH / NFL / NFM / PER/ PRN / PAP/ STG / TAU / TYH的抗体。除单独的抗体提供,我们还可同时提供1/3种任意抗体组合及相应二抗的试剂盒,以更优惠的价格及便捷性以满足研究人员的不同需要。



该系列产品主要用于胶质细胞及雪旺细胞的各亚细胞结构的研究,可与可与现有的小鼠/兔抗体进行免疫双标,反应性包括人、大鼠等多个哺乳类动物。在保证抗体特异性的前提下,部分产品可分为抗不同的氨基酸片段。该系列产品包括抗COR /GFAP/ MAC / MBP / NES / PZO / PLP/VIM抗体。同样,除单独的抗体提供,我们还可同时提供1/3种任意抗体组合及相应二抗的试剂盒,以更优惠的价格及便捷性以满足研究人员的不同需要。






上海金畔生物科技有限公司是ATHENS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY中国代理,+  :fige007



Athens Research & Technology—供应多款蛋白、酶制品

Athens Research & Technology是成立于2010年的新兴生物高科技制品公司,该公司拥有BSL-2实验室及超过11000平方英尺的cGMP生产厂房,并且通过ISO 9001:2008认证。Athens公司致力于纯化分离高纯度,高活性的人类蛋白质及研发多克隆抗血清产品。提供包括高纯度及活性的丝氨酸蛋白酶,蛋白酶抑制剂,中性粒细胞酶,载脂蛋白,脂蛋白,血小板蛋白,转铁蛋白,免疫球蛋白等等。公司产品适用于炎症,冠状动脉疾病,自身免疫性疾病,癌症,阿尔茨海默氏病等众多研究领域,已被世界*制药公司及诊断试剂公司用于体外诊断试剂盒/免疫检测试剂盒、药物筛选、细胞培养液(包括干细胞)等产品研发。除了人类蛋白质,我们还从动物血清和组织中分离多种蛋白质及酶类。此外,Athens Research and Technology还提供特殊试剂/蛋白定制服务,以满足研究人员的不同需求。










七、中性粒细胞源蛋白系列产品:包括多款纯化分离自人中性粒细胞的Azurocidin Cathepsin GLactoferrin等蛋白产品。






huohao pingming CAS guige jiage pingpai
16-16-011202 Albumin, Human Plasma 清蛋白, 人血浆 1 gram 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-011202 Albumin, Human Plasma 清蛋白, 人血浆 5 x 1 gram 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-010700 Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein, Human Plasma 阿尔法 1 酸性糖蛋白, 人血浆 1 mg 170 athensresearch2015
16-16-010700 Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein, Human Plasma 阿尔法 1 酸性糖蛋白, 人血浆 5 x 1 mg 680 athensresearch2015
16-16-012400 Alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 1 抗凝乳蛋白酶, 人血浆 100 ug 510 athensresearch2015
16-16-012400 Alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 1 抗凝乳蛋白酶, 人血浆 5 x 100 ug 2040 athensresearch2015
16-16-011609 Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 1 抗胰蛋白酶, 人血浆 1 mg 510 athensresearch2015
16-16-011609 Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 1 抗胰蛋白酶, 人血浆 5 x 1 mg 2125 athensresearch2015
16-16-012901 Alpha 2 Antiplasmin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 2 抗纤维蛋白溶酶, 人血浆 100 ug 595 athensresearch2015
16-16-012901 Alpha 2 Antiplasmin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 2 抗纤维蛋白溶酶, 人血浆 5 x 100 ug 2550 athensresearch2015
16-16-081907 Alpha 2 HS Glycoprotein, Human Plasma 阿尔法 2 HS 醣蛋白, 人血浆 1 mg 1275 athensresearch2015
16-16-081907 Alpha 2 HS Glycoprotein, Human Plasma 阿尔法 2 HS 醣蛋白, 人血浆 5 x 1 mg 5100 athensresearch2015
16-16-012013 Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 2 巨球蛋白, 人血浆 1 mg 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-012013 Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Human Plasma 阿尔法 2 巨球蛋白, 人血浆 5 x 1 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-011407 Angiotensinogen, Human Plasma 血管紧张肽原, 人血浆 1 x 100 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-16-011407 Angiotensinogen, Human Plasma 血管紧张肽原, 人血浆 5 x 100 ug 8075 athensresearch2015
16-16-012020 Antithrombin III, Human Plasma 抗凝血酶 III, 人血浆 100 ug 255 athensresearch2015
16-16-012020 Antithrombin III, Human Plasma 抗凝血酶 III, 人血浆 5 x 100 ug 1020 athensresearch2015
16-16-120101 Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma, HDL 载脂蛋白 AI,  人血浆, HDL 500 ug 1445 athensresearch2015
16-16-120101 Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma, HDL 载脂蛋白 AI,  人血浆, HDL 2 x 500 ug 2380 athensresearch2015
16-16-120102 Apolipoprotein AII, Human Plasma, HDL 载脂蛋白 AII,  人血浆, HDL 500 ug 1445 athensresearch2015
16-16-120102 Apolipoprotein AII, Human Plasma, HDL 载脂蛋白 AII,  人血浆, HDL 2 x 500 ug 2380 athensresearch2015
16-16-120104 Apolipoprotein AIV, Human Plasma, HDL 载脂蛋白 AIV,  人血浆, HDL 50 ug 2125 athensresearch2015
16-16-120104 Apolipoprotein AIV, Human Plasma, HDL 载脂蛋白 AIV,  人血浆, HDL 5 x 50 ug 8500 athensresearch2015
16-16-120200 Apolipoprotein B, Human Plasma, LDL 载脂蛋白 B,  人血浆, LDL 500 ug 1445 athensresearch2015
16-16-120200 Apolipoprotein B, Human Plasma, LDL 载脂蛋白 B,  人血浆, LDL 2 x 500 ug 2380 athensresearch2015
16-16-120301 Apolipoprotein CI, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 CI,  人血浆, VLDL 100 ug 1445 athensresearch2015
16-16-120301 Apolipoprotein CI, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 CI,  人血浆, VLDL 5 x 100 ug 5950 athensresearch2015
16-16-120302 Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 CII,  人血浆, VLDL 50 ug 1530 athensresearch2015
16-16-120302 Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 CII,  人血浆, VLDL 5 x 50 ug 6120 athensresearch2015
16-16-120303 Apolipoprotein CIII, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 CIII,  人血浆, VLDL 100 ug 1445 athensresearch2015
16-16-120303 Apolipoprotein CIII, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 CIII,  人血浆, VLDL 5 x 100 ug 5950 athensresearch2015
16-16-120500 Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 E,  人血浆, VLDL 50 ug 2040 athensresearch2015
16-16-120500 Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma, VLDL 载脂蛋白 E,  人血浆, VLDL 5 x 50 ug 8500 athensresearch2015
16-16-A32001 Apotransferrin, Human Plasma 脱铁运铁蛋白,  人血浆 100 mg 595 athensresearch2015
16-16-A32001 Apotransferrin, Human Plasma 脱铁运铁蛋白,  人血浆 5 x 100 mg 2550 athensresearch2015
16-16-A32001 Apotransferrin, Human Plasma 脱铁运铁蛋白,  人血浆 1 gram 3825 athensresearch2015
16-16-A32001-LEL Apotransferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Leve 脱铁运铁蛋白,  人血浆, 低内毒素水平 100 mg 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-A32001-LEL Apotransferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Leve 脱铁运铁蛋白,  人血浆, 低内毒素水平 5 x 100 mg 3825 athensresearch2015
16-16-A32001-LEL Apotransferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Leve 脱铁运铁蛋白,  人血浆, 低内毒素水平 1 gram 6375 athensresearch2015
16-14-012621 Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil 肝素结合蛋白抗体, 人嗜中性白细胞 100 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-14-012621 Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil 肝素结合蛋白抗体, 人嗜中性白细胞 5 x 100 ug 6800 athensresearch2015
16-16-031509 C-1 Esterase Inhibitor, Human Plasma C-1 酯酶抑制剂,  人血浆 1 mg 1275 athensresearch2015
16-16-031509 C-1 Esterase Inhibitor, Human Plasma C-1 酯酶抑制剂,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 5100 athensresearch2015
16-05-030112 Calpain-1, Human Erythrocyte 钙激活蛋白酶-1, 人红细胞 100 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-05-030112 Calpain-1, Human Erythrocyte 钙激活蛋白酶-1, 人红细胞 5 x 100 ug 6800 athensresearch2015
16-05-030000 Catalase, Human Erythrocyte 过氧化氢酶, 人红细胞 1 mg 1700 athensresearch2015
16-05-030000 Catalase, Human Erythrocyte 过氧化氢酶, 人红细胞 5 x 1 mg 6800 athensresearch2015
16-12-030102 Cathepsin B, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 B, 人肝脏 25 ug 2210 athensresearch2015
16-12-030102 Cathepsin B, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 B, 人肝脏 4 x 25 ug 8500 athensresearch2015
16-12-030104 Cathepsin D, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 D, 人肝脏 25 ug 1360 athensresearch2015
16-12-030104 Cathepsin D, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 D, 人肝脏 4 x 25 ug 5100 athensresearch2015
16-14-030107 Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil 组织蛋白酶 G,人嗜中性白细胞 100 ug 2550 athensresearch2015
16-14-030107 Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil 组织蛋白酶 G,人嗜中性白细胞 5 x 100 ug 10625 athensresearch2015
16-12-030108 Cathepsin H, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 H, 人肝脏 25 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-12-030108 Cathepsin H, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 H, 人肝脏 4 x 25 ug 5950 athensresearch2015
16-12-030112 Cathepsin L, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 L, 人肝脏 25 ug 2550 athensresearch2015
16-12-030112 Cathepsin L, Human Liver 组织蛋白酶 L, 人肝脏 4 x 25 ug 9350 athensresearch2015
16-18-030118 Cathepsin S, Human Spleen 组织蛋白酶 S, 人脾脏 25 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-18-030118 Cathepsin S, Human Spleen 组织蛋白酶 S, 人脾脏 4 x 25 ug 5950 athensresearch2015
16-16-030518 Ceruloplasmin, Human Plasma 血浆铜蓝蛋白,  人血浆 1 mg 765 athensresearch2015
16-16-030518 Ceruloplasmin, Human Plasma 血浆铜蓝蛋白,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
12-16-030825 Chylomicrons, Human Plasma 乳糜微粒,  人血浆 1 mg 2550 athensresearch2015
12-16-030825 Chylomicrons, Human Plasma 乳糜微粒,  人血浆 3 x 1 mg 6800 athensresearch2015
16-19-030820 Chymotrypsin, Human Pancreas 甲-糜蛋白酶, 人胰腺 100 ug 1530 athensresearch2015
16-19-030820 Chymotrypsin, Human Pancreas 甲-糜蛋白酶, 人胰腺 5 x 100 ug 6120 athensresearch2015
16-14-081416 Defensins (Human Neutrophil Peptides), Human Ne 防御素 (人嗜中性白细胞多肽), 人体神经递质NE 25 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-14-081416 Defensins (Human Neutrophil Peptides), Human Ne 防御素 (人嗜中性白细胞多肽), 人体神经递质NE 4 x 25 ug 5950 athensresearch2015
16-23-041606 Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV, Human Placenta 二肽基肽酶 IV,  人血浆 10 mU 2550 athensresearch2015
16-23-041606 Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV, Human Placenta 二肽基肽酶 IV,  人血浆 5 x 10 mU 11050 athensresearch2015
16-14-051200 Elastase, Human Neutrophil 胰弹性酶, 人嗜中性白细胞 100 ug 2550 athensresearch2015
16-14-051200 Elastase, Human Neutrophil 胰弹性酶, 人嗜中性白细胞 5 x 100 ug 10200 athensresearch2015
16-15-050414 Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin, Human Eosinophils 嗜酸粒细胞衍生神经毒素, 人嗜酸性细胞 100 ug 5100 athensresearch2015
16-15-050414 Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin, Human Eosinophils 嗜酸粒细胞衍生神经毒素, 人嗜酸性细胞 5 x 100 ug 21675 athensresearch2015
16-15-160518 Eosinophil Peroxidase, Human Eosinophils 嗜性细胞过氧化物酶, 人嗜酸性细胞 100 ug 6800 athensresearch2015
16-15-160518 Eosinophil Peroxidase, Human Eosinophils 嗜性细胞过氧化物酶, 人嗜酸性细胞 5 x 100 ug 28900 athensresearch2015
16-16-060601 Factor Va, Human Plasma 凝血因子 Va,  人血浆 1 x 50 ug 2975 athensresearch2015
16-16-060601 Factor Va, Human Plasma 凝血因子 Va,  人血浆 5 x 50 ug 12750 athensresearch2015
16-16-070307 G-C Globulin (Vitamin D Binding Protein) G-C 球蛋白 (维生素D结合蛋白) 1 mg 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-070307 G-C Globulin (Vitamin D Binding Protein) G-C 球蛋白 (维生素D结合蛋白) 5 x 1 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-080116 Haptoglobin, Human Plasma  结合珠蛋白,  人血浆 1 mg 510 athensresearch2015
16-16-080116 Haptoglobin, Human Plasma  结合珠蛋白,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 2040 athensresearch2015
16-16-080116-1/1 Haptoglobin, Phenotype 1-1, Human Plasma  结合珠蛋白, 显型 1-1,  人血浆 1 mg 1360 athensresearch2015
16-16-080116-1/1 Haptoglobin, Phenotype 1-1, Human Plasma  结合珠蛋白, 显型 1-1,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 5440 athensresearch2015
16-16-080116-2/2 Haptoglobin, Phenotype 2-2, Human Plasma  结合珠蛋白, 显型 2-2,  人血浆 1 mg 1360 athensresearch2015
16-16-080116-2/2 Haptoglobin, Phenotype 2-2, Human Plasma  结合珠蛋白, 显型 2-2,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 5440 athensresearch2015
16-16-080513 Hemopexin, Human Plasma 血液结合素,  人血浆 500 ug 1360 athensresearch2015
16-16-080513 Hemopexin, Human Plasma 血液结合素,  人血浆 2 x 500 ug 2465 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001 HOLO Transferrin, Human Plasma HOLO 转铁蛋白,  人血浆 100 mg 425 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001 HOLO Transferrin, Human Plasma HOLO 转铁蛋白,  人血浆 5 x 100 mg 1870 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001 HOLO Transferrin, Human Plasma HOLO 转铁蛋白,  人血浆 1 gram 3060 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701 Immunoglobulin A, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A,  人血浆 1 mg 510 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701 Immunoglobulin A, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A,  人血浆 1 x 10 mg 4250 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701-1M Immunoglobulin A1, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A1, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 mg 510 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701-1M Immunoglobulin A1, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A1, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 x 10 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701-1 Immunoglobulin A1, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A1,  人血浆 1 mg 510 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701-1 Immunoglobulin A1, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A1,  人血浆 1 x 10 mg 4250 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701-2M Immunoglobulin A2, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A2, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 mg 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-090701-2M Immunoglobulin A2, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 A2,人骨髓瘤血浆 1 x 10 mg 5100 athensresearch2015
16-16-090704-M Immunoglobulin D, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 D, 人骨髓瘤血浆 100 ug 2040 athensresearch2015
16-16-090704-M Immunoglobulin D, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 D, 人骨髓瘤血浆 5 x 100 ug 9350 athensresearch2015
16-16-090704 Immunoglobulin D, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 D,  人血浆 25 ug 1615 athensresearch2015
16-16-090704 Immunoglobulin D, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 D,  人血浆 4 x 25 ug 5950 athensresearch2015
16-16-090705-M Immunoglobulin E, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 E, 人骨髓瘤血浆 100 ug 2550 athensresearch2015
16-16-090705-M Immunoglobulin E, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 E, 人骨髓瘤血浆 5 x 100 ug 11900 athensresearch2015
16-16-090705 Immunoglobulin E, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 E,  人血浆 100 ug 4250 athensresearch2015
16-16-090705 Immunoglobulin E, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 E,  人血浆 5 x 100 ug 17000 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-Fab Immunoglobulin G, Fab Fragment, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G, Fab 片段,  人血浆 1 mg 340 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-Fab Immunoglobulin G, Fab Fragment, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G, Fab 片段,  人血浆 1 x 10 mg 3060 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-Fc Immunoglobulin G, Fc Fragment, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G, Fc 片段,  人血浆 1 mg 340 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-Fc Immunoglobulin G, Fc Fragment, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G, Fc 片段,  人血浆 1 x 10 mg 3060 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707 Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G,  人血浆 10 mg 170 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707 Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G,  人血浆 10 x 10 mg 1190 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707 Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G,  人血浆 1 gram 2550 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-1M Immunoglobulin G1, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G1, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 mg 425 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-1M Immunoglobulin G1, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G1, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 x 10 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-1 Immunoglobulin G1, Human Normal Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G1, 普通人血浆 1 mg 1700 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-1 Immunoglobulin G1, Human Normal Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G1, 普通人血浆 5 x 1 mg 7650 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-2M Immunoglobulin G2, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G2, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 mg 425 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-2M Immunoglobulin G2, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G2, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 x 10 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-2 Immunoglobulin G2, Human Normal Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G2, 普通人血浆 1 mg 1700 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-2 Immunoglobulin G2, Human Normal Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G2, 普通人血浆 5 x 1 mg 7650 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-3 Immunoglobulin G3, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G3,  人血浆 1 mg 1870 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-3 Immunoglobulin G3, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G3,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 8500 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-4M Immunoglobulin G4, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G4, 人血浆 1 mg 1870 athensresearch2015
16-16-090707-4M Immunoglobulin G4, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 G4, 人血浆 5 x 1 mg 8500 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713-fc5μ Immunoglobulin M, Fc5μ, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M, Fc5μ,  人血浆 1 mg 2550 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713-fc5μ Immunoglobulin M, Fc5μ, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M, Fc5μ,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 10200 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713-M Immunoglobulin M, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 mg 255 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713-M Immunoglobulin M, Human Myeloma Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M, 人骨髓瘤血浆 1 x 5 mg 1020 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713 Immunoglobulin M, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M,  人血浆 1 mg 510 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713 Immunoglobulin M, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M,  人血浆 1 x 5 mg 2040 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713-MU Immunoglobulin M, μ chain, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M, μ chain,  人血浆 1 mg 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-090713-MU Immunoglobulin M, μ chain, Human Plasma 免疫球蛋白 M, μ chain,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-090120 Inter Alpha Inhibitor Protein (IAIP), Human Plasma 除α蛋白的抑制剂 (IAIP),  人血浆 100 ug 5100 athensresearch2015
16-16-090120 Inter Alpha Inhibitor Protein (IAIP), Human Plasma 除α蛋白的抑制剂 (IAIP),  人血浆 5 x 100 ug 21675 athensresearch2015
16-16-110112 Kallikrein, Human Plasma 激肽释放酶血管舒缓素,  人血浆 50 ug 1275 athensresearch2015
16-16-110112 Kallikrein, Human Plasma 激肽释放酶血管舒缓素,  人血浆 5 x 50 ug 5525 athensresearch2015
16-16-110914-H Kininogen, High Molecular Weight, Human Plasma 激肽原, 高分子量,  人血浆 100 ug 1870 athensresearch2015
16-16-110914-H Kininogen, High Molecular Weight, Human Plasma 激肽原, 高分子量,  人血浆 5 x 100 ug 8500 athensresearch2015
16-16-110914-L Kininogen, Low Molecular Weight, Human Plasma 激肽原, 高分子量,  人血浆 100 ug 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-110914-L Kininogen, Low Molecular Weight, Human Plasma 激肽原, 高分子量,  人血浆 5 x 100 ug 3825 athensresearch2015
13-16-011202 Lactalbumin, Human Milk 乳白蛋白, 人乳 5 mg 2125 athensresearch2015
13-16-011202 Lactalbumin, Human Milk 乳白蛋白, 人乳 25 mg 8500 athensresearch2015
16-14-120103 Lactoferrin, Human Neutrophil 乳铁传递蛋白, 人嗜中性白细胞 100 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-14-120103 Lactoferrin, Human Neutrophil 乳铁传递蛋白, 人嗜中性白细胞 5 x 100 ug 7650 athensresearch2015
12-16-121601 Lipoprotein (a), Human Plasma 脂蛋白 (a),  人血浆 100 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
12-16-121601 Lipoprotein (a), Human Plasma 脂蛋白 (a),  人血浆 5 x 100 ug 6800 athensresearch2015
12-16-080412-TC Lipoproteins, High Density, HP, Cell Culture 脂蛋白, 高密度, HP, 细胞培养液 1 mg 935 athensresearch2015
12-16-080412-TC Lipoproteins, High Density, HP, Cell Culture 脂蛋白, 高密度, HP, 细胞培养液 5 x 1 mg 3570 athensresearch2015
12-16-080412 Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 高密度,  人血浆 1 mg 850 athensresearch2015
12-16-080412 Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 高密度,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 2975 athensresearch2015
12-16-090412 Lipoproteins, Intermediate Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 中间密度,  人血浆 1 mg 2550 athensresearch2015
12-16-090412 Lipoproteins, Intermediate Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 中间密度,  人血浆 3 x 1 mg 6800 athensresearch2015
12-16-120412-TC Lipoproteins, Low Density, HP,Cell Culture 脂蛋白, 超低密度, HP,细胞培养液 1 mg 935 athensresearch2015
12-16-120412-TC Lipoproteins, Low Density, HP,Cell Culture 脂蛋白, 超低密度, HP,细胞培养液 5 x 1 mg 3570 athensresearch2015
12-16-120412 Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 超低密度,  人血浆 1 mg 850 athensresearch2015
12-16-120412 Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 超低密度,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 3315 athensresearch2015
12-16-221204-TC Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, HP, Cell Culture 脂蛋白, 超低密度, HP, 细胞培养液 1 mg 1530 athensresearch2015
12-16-221204-TC Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, HP, Cell Culture 脂蛋白, 超低密度, HP, 细胞培养液 5 x 1 mg 6545 athensresearch2015
12-16-221204 Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 超低密度,  人血浆 1 mg 1360 athensresearch2015
12-16-221204 Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma 脂蛋白, 超低密度,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 5950 athensresearch2015
16-14-122519 Lysozyme, Human Neutrophil 溶菌酶 , 人嗜中性白细胞 100 ug 425 athensresearch2015
16-14-122519 Lysozyme, Human Neutrophil 溶菌酶 , 人嗜中性白细胞 5 x 100 ug 1700 athensresearch2015
16-14-130000 Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil 髓过氧物酶, 人嗜中性白细胞 100 ug 1020 athensresearch2015
16-14-130000 Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil 髓过氧物酶, 人嗜中性白细胞 5 x 100 ug 4080 athensresearch2015
16-16-161213-F Plasmin, Human Plasma (frozen) 血浆酶,  人血浆 (冷冻) 1 mg 1275 athensresearch2015
16-16-161213-F Plasmin, Human Plasma (frozen) 血浆酶,  人血浆 (冷冻) 5 x 1 mg 5100 athensresearch2015
16-16-161213-L Plasmin, Human Plasma (lyophilized) 血浆酶,  人血浆 (低压冻干) 1 mg 1275 athensresearch2015
16-16-161213-L Plasmin, Human Plasma (lyophilized) 血浆酶,  人血浆 (低压冻干) 5 x 1 mg 5100 athensresearch2015
16-16-161200 Plasminogen, Human Plasma 血浆酶原,  人血浆 1 mg 1020 athensresearch2015
16-16-161200 Plasminogen, Human Plasma 血浆酶原,  人血浆 5 x 1 mg 4250 athensresearch2015
16-20-060306 Plaet Factor 4, Human Plaet 血小板因子 4, 人血小板 100 ug 2550 athensresearch2015
16-20-060306 Plaet Factor 4, Human Plaet 血小板因子 4, 人血小板 5 x 100 ug 11475 athensresearch2015
16-16-161801 Prealbumin, Human Plasma (Tranthyretin) 前清蛋白,  人血浆 (甲状腺素运载蛋白(抗原)) 1 mg 1275 athensresearch2015
16-16-161801 Prealbumin, Human Plasma (Tranthyretin) 前清蛋白,  人血浆 (甲状腺素运载蛋白(抗原)) 5 x 1 mg 5100 athensresearch2015
16-14-161820 Proteinase 3, Human Neutrophil 蛋白酶 3, 人嗜中性白细胞 100 ug 5950 athensresearch2015
16-14-161820 Proteinase 3, Human Neutrophil 蛋白酶 3, 人嗜中性白细胞 5 x 100 ug 25500 athensresearch2015
16-16-180216 Retinol Binding Protein (RBP4), Human Plasma 视黄醇结合蛋白 (RBP4),  人血浆 1 x 100 ug 765 athensresearch2015
16-16-180216 Retinol Binding Protein (RBP4), Human Plasma 视黄醇结合蛋白 (RBP4),  人血浆 10 x 100 ug 6375 athensresearch2015
16-16-190101 Serum Amyloid A, Human Plasma 血清淀粉样蛋白 A, 人血浆 25 ug 4250 athensresearch2015
16-16-190101 Serum Amyloid A, Human Plasma 血清淀粉样蛋白 A, 人血浆 4 x 25 ug 15300 athensresearch2015
16-20-201319 Thrombospondin, Human Plaet 凝血酶致敏蛋白, 人血小板 25 ug 1445 athensresearch2015
16-20-201319 Thrombospondin, Human Plaet 凝血酶致敏蛋白, 人血小板 4 x 25 ug 5100 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001 Transferrin, Human Plasma 转铁球蛋白,  人血浆 100 mg 425 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001 Transferrin, Human Plasma 转铁球蛋白,  人血浆 5 x 100 mg 1870 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001 Transferrin, Human Plasma 转铁球蛋白,  人血浆 1 gram 3060 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001-LEL Transferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Level 转铁球蛋白,  人血浆, 低内毒素 100 mg 765 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001-LEL Transferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Level 转铁球蛋白,  人血浆, 低内毒素 5 x 100 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-032001-LEL Transferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Level 转铁球蛋白,  人血浆, 低内毒素 1 gram 4675 athensresearch2015
16-16-S32001-LEL Transferrin, Partially Iron Saturated (SIDERO), LEL 转铁球蛋白, 部分铁饱和(西德罗),莱尔 100 mg 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-S32001-LEL Transferrin, Partially Iron Saturated (SIDERO), LEL 转铁球蛋白, 部分铁饱和(西德罗),莱尔 5 x 100 mg 3825 athensresearch2015
16-16-S32001-LEL Transferrin, Partially Iron Saturated (SIDERO), LEL 转铁球蛋白, 部分铁饱和(西德罗),莱尔 1 gram 7225 athensresearch2015
16-16-161801 Tranthyretin, Human Plasma (Prealbumin) 甲状腺素运载蛋白(抗原),  人血浆 (前清蛋白) 1 mg 1275 athensresearch2015
16-16-161801 Tranthyretin, Human Plasma (Prealbumin) 甲状腺素运载蛋白(抗原),  人血浆 (前清蛋白) 5 x 1 mg 5100 athensresearch2015
16-19-032000 Trypsin, Human Pancreas 胰蛋白酶 ,  人血浆 100 ug 2975 athensresearch2015
16-19-032000 Trypsin, Human Pancreas 胰蛋白酶 ,  人血浆 5 x 100 ug 13600 athensresearch2015
16-16-070307 Vitamin D Binding Protein (G-C Globulin) 维生素D结合蛋白(G-C 球蛋白) 1 mg 850 athensresearch2015
16-16-070307 Vitamin D Binding Protein (G-C Globulin) 维生素D结合蛋白(G-C 球蛋白) 5 x 1 mg 3400 athensresearch2015
16-16-220920 Vitronectin, Human Plasma 玻璃粘连蛋白,  人血浆 100 ug 2550 athensresearch2015
16-16-220920 Vitronectin, Human Plasma 玻璃粘连蛋白,  人血浆 5 x 100 ug 10200 athensresearch2015





世界*实验材料供应商AMERICAN PEPTIDE上海金畔生物为其中国*代理,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,如需订货请或我们+: : fige007

American Peptide——多肽产品供应商

美国多肽公司(American Peptide,APC)是多肽合成、修饰及偶联领域的企业,公司成立于1987年,位于美国硅谷,致力于为科研人员提供全面的多肽解决方案,以帮助大家开拓新药研发领域,提高人类生活质量。2008年该公司被日本大冢化学品公司全资收购,作为服务于美国,日本,韩国,英国和中国等多肽等化学品研究市场的主要供应商,致力于为制药和生物技术公司提供高品质的肽。

作为多肽工业领域前三的高科技企业,APC拥有先进的cGMP生产线,可以提供大量制药级别的多肽产品,可为制药企业的药物研发提供高品质的多肽产品,提供全面的多肽目录。同时,为满足客户的定制化需要,APC还提供完善的常规GMP或非GMP的前期多肽定制服务,推出Total Peptide Management?计划。该计划是一个全面的多肽研究解决方案平台,可以为客户提供多肽研发咨询、定制合成、加工、修饰等增值服务,以及只要过程中的工艺过程开发、扩大生产规模、分析及工艺验证、稳定性研究、药物研发生产与管理及其他,有助于制药企业进行新药研发的革新。丰富的多肽药物研发经验及强大的专业团队可以帮助企业正确地选择多肽、适宜的工艺程序及研发与生产指导。




在该系列产品中,American Peptide Company供应的制药级多肽产品,广泛适用于多种临床药物开发与应用。主要产品包括Glucagonhuman)、LeuprolideOctreotideFertirelinCalcitonin, salmonCorticotropin Releasing Factorhuman/rat)、Brain Natriuretic Peptidehuman)、Thymopentin (TP-5)ACTH (corticotropin)ElcatoninTriptorelinBuserelinThymosin a-1Somatostatin 14Exendin (9-39)















2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,






5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药,fisher等500多家公司


6:我们还是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, FD Neurotechnologies, Inc. FormuMax Scientific, Inc; Genebridege; Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Innovative Research of America; Ludger ; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发





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世界科研品牌介绍之— AROTEC

世界科研品牌介绍之— AROTEC

上海金畔生物科技有限公司是AROTEC中国代理,+  :fige007




AROTEC 是一家成立于1996年,致力于专业研发、生产、供应*流质量的纯化蛋白产品的企业,其供应的主要产品有自身抗原(NUCLEAR/NEUTROPHIL ANTIGENS)及多款抗体。AROTEC位于惠灵顿的petone,邻近惠灵顿空港,保证了其产品可在24小时内运抵悉尼、洛杉矶、新加坡等物流枢纽,以保证zui快捷的到达研究人员手中。AROTEC生产的产品广泛应用于临床诊断试剂(盒)的研发和生产,生物制药及生命科学研究。

AROTEC产品质量高于一切,而高质量的产品源于的原材料, 我们生产自身抗原的动物组织均来源新西兰本地饲养的动物,人血来源于标准血液中心(建有完善的追溯系统)。我们的产品拥有高纯度,高活性,高特异性,高可重复性以及高稳定性的优势,同时,产品供应量小至毫克,大至克数级。此外,AROTEC还提供特殊抗原/抗体定制服务,包括抗原抗体制备、特殊修饰、产品纯化等,以满足研究人员的特殊需求。目前公司zui产品有纯化自小牛胸腺及人粒细胞的天然ENA抗原 产品,以及组织特异性的及重组的自身抗原产品。





在该产品系列下,AROTEC共提供15款细胞核自身抗原,包括CENP-BdsDNA HistoneJo-1La (SSB) Nucleosome PCNA Ribosomal PRNP 68K(Sm-free) RNPA(Sm-free) RNP/SmRo (SSA)Ro52Scl-70Sm


在该产品系列下,AROTEC共提供13款粒细胞源自身抗原,包括Annexin A3 Azurocidin BPICalprotectinCathepsin G Elastase Eosinophil peroxidaseLactoferrinLysozyme MMP-9Myeloperoxidase (pANCA)NGALProteinase 3 (cANCA)



除多款高纯度抗原产品外,AROTEC还供应6款*的高特异性抗体产品,包括:Anti-Azurocidin IgG (亲和纯化)Anti-Calprotectin IgGAnti-Elastase IgG (亲和纯化)Anti-Lactoferrin IgG (亲和纯化)Anti-Myeloperoxidase IgGAnti-NGAL IgG


huohao pingming 来源 guige 推荐浓度 每孔 jiage pingpai
ATA01-02 Azurocidin 天青杀素 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 3300 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATB01-02 BPI antigen 通透性增加蛋白 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 6500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATC01-02 Cathepsin G 组织蛋白酶G 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 3300 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATC02-02 CENP B antigen 人着丝粒蛋白B 重组 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATC04-02 Calprotectin 钙卫蛋白 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg     n.a. 5700 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATE01-02 Elastase 弹性蛋白酶 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 2750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATE02-02 Eosinophil peroxidase 细胞过氧化物酶 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 6500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATG02-02 GBM antigen 肾小球基底膜   牛肾 0.2mg   0.1-0.2 6900 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATH01-02 Histone antigen 组蛋白 小牛胸腺 0.2mg   0.1-0.2 2700 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATJ01-02 Jo-1 antigen 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATL01-02 La (SSB) antigen 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5850 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATL02-02 Lactoferrin 乳铁蛋白 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 2750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATL03-02 Lysozyme 溶菌酶 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 2750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATM01-02 Myeloperoxidase (pANCA) antigen 化物酶 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 3350 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATM02-02 Mitochondrial antigen 线粒体 牛心肌 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 3600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATM03-02 MMP-9 基质金属蛋白酶9 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg     n.a. 6350 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATN01-02 NGAL 脂质运载蛋白 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg     n.a. 6350 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATN02-02 Nucleosome antigen 核小体 小牛胸腺 0.2mg   0.1-0.2 2800 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATP01-02 Parietal cell antigen 胃壁细胞 猪胃黏膜 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 5650 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATP02-02 Proteinase 3 (cANCA) antigen 人中性粒细胞 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 6250 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR01-02 RNP-Sm antigen 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 3300 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR02-02 Ro (SSA) antigen 小牛胸腺 0.2mg  0.05-0.1 6100 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR03-02 Ribosomal P antigen 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 6100 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR04-02 RNP 68K antigen (Sm-free) 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR05-02 Ro52 antigen 重组 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR06-02 RNP A antigen (Sm-free) 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATS01-02 Scl-70 antigen 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATS02-02 Sm antigen 小牛胸腺 0.2mg 0.025-0.05 5600 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATA01-02 Azurocidin 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 8500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATB01-02 BPI antigen 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 24500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATC01-02 Cathepsin G 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 8500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATC02-02 CENP B antigen 重组 1mg 0.025-0.05 20000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATC04-02 Calprotectin 人中性粒细胞 1mg     n.a. 20500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATC05-10 Anti-Calprotectin IgG 山羊血清 1mg     n.a. 3950 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATE01-02 Elastase 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 5750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATE02-02 Eosinophil peroxidase 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 24500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATG01-10 ?2-Glycoprotein 1 人血浆 1mg   0.2-0.4 6200 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATG02-02 GBM antigen   牛肾 1mg   0.1-0.2 26500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATH01-02 Histone antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg   0.1-0.2 5500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATJ01-02 Jo-1 antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 20000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATL01-02 La (SSB) antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 21250 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATL02-02 Lactoferrin 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 5750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATL03-02 Lysozyme 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 5750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATM01-02 Myeloperoxidase (pANCA) antigen 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 8750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATM02-02 Mitochondrial antigen 牛心肌 1mg 0.025-0.05 10000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATM03-02 MMP-9 人中性粒细胞 1mg     n.a. 23750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATN01-02 NGAL 人中性粒细胞 1mg     n.a. 23750 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATN02-02 Nucleosome antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg   0.1-0.2 6000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATN03-10 Anti-NGAL IgG 山羊血清 1mg     n.a. 3950 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATP01-02 Parietal cell antigen 猪胃黏膜 1mg  0.05-0.1 20250 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATP02-02 Proteinase 3 (cANCA) antigen 人中性粒细胞 1mg  0.05-0.1 23250 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR01-02 RNP-Sm antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 8500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR02-02 Ro (SSA) antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg  0.05-0.1 22500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR03-02 Ribosomal P antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 22500 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR04-02 RNP 68K antigen (Sm-free) 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 20000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR05-02 Ro52 antigen 重组 1mg 0.025-0.05 20000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATR06-02 RNP A antigen (Sm-free) 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 20000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATS01-02 Scl-70 antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 20000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015
ATS02-02 Sm antigen 小牛胸腺 1mg 0.025-0.05 20000 arodia/AROTEC Diagnostics Limited 2015


世界科研品牌介绍之— Abbexa

世界科研品牌介绍之— Abbexa

世界科研品牌介绍之— Abbexa

世界*实验材料供应商Abbexa上海金畔生物为其中国*代理,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,如需订货请或我们+: : fige007

Abbexa—大型抗体/蛋白/ELISA试剂盒/si RNA供应商

Abbexa是一家致力于为生命科学研究、药物研发及生物技术公司提供抗体、蛋白及检测试剂盒等产品的高科技生物技术公司。基于剑桥大学研发技术优势, Abbexa提供包括一抗、二抗、纯化蛋白、ELISA试剂盒、各种酶类及其它多种试剂与研究工具的大量生命科学研究产品。同时,Abbexa还通过与多个世界*实验室合作,力求开发关联度高、的生物试剂,以价廉物美满足科研与研发人员的需求。

目前Abbexa的产品涵盖单克隆抗体、多克隆抗体、纯化蛋白质及生物试剂,此外,为满足研发人员特殊的实验需要,Abbexa还提供抗体/多肽定制服务。 严格的质控标准保证了Abbex产品的高性能,如您对产品不满意,Abbexa将直接提供退/换货服务。





Abbexa供应一抗多达4809款,包括单克隆抗体及多克隆抗体,含少见的抗体如鲑鱼朊病毒单抗,霍乱内毒素EtxB单抗,糖基化载脂蛋白-B单抗,子宫内膜抗原单抗等,多种信号通路研究相关的抗体,很多不同位点磷酸化蛋白的抗体等。反应物种范围涵盖藻类,变形虫,细菌,牛类,猫,鸡,奶牛,狗,果蝇,鱼,青蛙,真菌,豚鼠,仓鼠,人,昆虫,水蛭,猴,小鼠,猪,鸽子,植物,原生动物,兔,大鼠,海胆,绵羊,水生动物海绵,火鸡,病毒,蠕虫,酵母,斑马鱼等多个物种,来源物种包括羊///大小鼠/兔等,抗体包括未经交联,以及交联APC/ Biotin/ FITC/ HRP/ PE/ PE-Cy5/ PerCP等标记分子。广泛适用于WBIFIHCFCMELISA等生命科学研究。


Abbexa供应二抗多达 452款,包括单克隆抗体及多克隆抗体,反应物种包括牛////大小鼠/兔子等,宿主物种包括鸡//大小鼠/兔等。抗体有多种交联形式,广泛适用于WBIFIHCFCMELISA等生命科学研究。

三、同型抗体(Isotype Control):












2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,






5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药,fisher等500多家公司


6:我们还是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, FD Neurotechnologies, Inc. FormuMax Scientific, Inc; Genebridege; Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Innovative Research of America; Ludger ; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发


世界科研品牌介绍之— BPS Bioscience

世界科研品牌介绍之— BPS Bioscience

世界科研品牌介绍之— BPS Bioscience

世界*实验材料供应商BPS Bioscience上海金畔生物为其中国*代理,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,如需订货请或我们+: : fige007

BPS Bioscience中国代理,BPS Bioscience上海代理,BPS Bioscience北京代理,BPS Bioscience广东代理,BPS Bioscience江苏代理

BPS bioscience总部坐落于世界zui大之一的美国圣地亚哥生命科学研究机构和公司集中地的中心。公司主要提供激酶、磷酸二酯酶、磷酸酶、组蛋白去甲基化酶、组蛋白甲基化转移酶、HDACs、聚ADP核糖聚合酶。BPS公司为药物研发用重组酶类的提供了zui大选择之一。
Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase  乙酰辅酶A羧化酶
Cytokine  细胞因子
Deacetylase  脱乙酰酶
Demethylase  脱甲基酶
Kinase  激酶
Methyltransferase  甲基转移酶
Oxidase  氧化酶
Peptidase  肽酶
Phosphodiesterase  磷酸二酯酶
Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase  聚ADP核糖聚合酶
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase  蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶
Ubiquitin Enzymes  泛素酶
Other Proteins  其他蛋白
Molecular & Cell Biology  分子&细胞学 

Cat. # ITEMNAME Size   
50200 ACC-1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
50201 ACC-2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
90100-1 BAFF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
90100-2 BAFF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
90100-3 BAFF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 1000  μg BPS Bioscience
90300-1 Basic FGF/FGF2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
90300-2 Basic FGF/FGF2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
90300-3 Basic FGF/FGF2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 1000  μg BPS Bioscience
90300-4 Basic FGF/FGF2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
90201-1 EGF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
90201-2 EGF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 500  μg BPS Bioscience
90201-3 EGF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 1000  μg BPS Bioscience
90200-1 EGF, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
90200-2 EGF, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 500  μg BPS Bioscience
90200-3 EGF, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 1000  μg BPS Bioscience
90256-1 Noggin Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
90256-2 Noggin Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
90800-1 PDGF-BB, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
90800-2 PDGF-BB, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
90800-3 PDGF-BB, Active Human Recombinant Protein 1000  μg BPS Bioscience
90900-1 TGFβ1 Active Human Recombinant Protein 1  μg BPS Bioscience
90900-2 TGFβ1 Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
90900-3 TGFβ1 Active Human Recombinant Protein 1  mg BPS Bioscience
90901-1 TGF-β1 Latent Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
90901-2 TGF-β1 Latent Human Recombinant Protein 25  μg BPS Bioscience
90901-3 TGF-β1 Latent Human Recombinant Protein 1  mg BPS Bioscience
91001-1 VEGF165, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
91001-2 VEGF165, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
91001-3 VEGF165, Active Human Recombinant Protein 1000  μg BPS Bioscience
91000-1 VEGF165, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
91000-2 VEGF165, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
91000-3 VEGF165, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 1000  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
50051 HDAC-1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50063 pf-HDAC-1, Active Malarial Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50002 HDAC-2, His-tag, Active Human Recombinant Protein, His Tag 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50052 HDAC-2, FLAG-tag, Active Human Recombinant Protein, FLAG Tag 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50003 HDAC-3/NcoR2 Complex, Active Human Recombinant Proteins 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50004 HDAC-4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
50005 HDAC-5, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
50045 HDAC-5 full length, Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
50006 HDAC-6, GST-tag, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50056 HDAC-6, FLAG-tag, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50007 HDAC-7, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
50008 HDAC-8, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50009 HDAC-9, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
50010 HDAC-10 (GST), Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50060 HDAC10 (FLAG) Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50011 HDAC-11, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50020 NcoR2/SMRT, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50080 Fluorogenic SIRT substrate 1 500  nmole BPS Bioscience
50090 Sirtuin Assay Buffer 20 mL BPS Bioscience
50012 Sirtuin 1 (193-741), Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50013 Sirtuin 2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50014 Sirtuin 3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50015 Sirtuin 4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50016 Sirtuin 5, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50017 Sirtuin 6, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50018 Sirtuin 7, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50033 HDAC Fluorogenic Assay Kit 100  assays BPS Bioscience
50034 HDAC Fluorogenic Assay Kit (Green) 100  assays BPS Bioscience
50041 HDAC class 2a Fluorogenic Assay kit 100  assays BPS Bioscience
50068 HDAC8 Fluorogenic Assay Kit 100  assays BPS Bioscience
50081 Sirt1 (Sir2) Assay Kit 96 rxns BPS Bioscience
50082 Sirt2 Assay Kit 96 rxns BPS Bioscience
50083 Sirt3 Assay Kit 96 rxns BPS Bioscience
50086 SIRT6 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
50035 Fluorogenic Deacetylated substrate Standard 250  nmole BPS Bioscience
50040 Fluorogenic HDAC class 2a substrate 250  nmole  BPS Bioscience
50042 Fluorogenic HDAC class 2a substrate 2 (green) 250  nmole BPS Bioscience
50032 Fluorogenic HDAC substrate 1 500  nmole BPS Bioscience
50038 Fluorogenic HDAC Substrate 2 (Green fluorescence) 250  nmole BPS Bioscience
50037 Fluorogenic HDAC substrate 3 250  nmole BPS Bioscience
50031 HDAC assay buffer 20  ml BPS Bioscience
50030 HDAC developer (2X) 6 ml BPS Bioscience
50089 Sirtuin Developer (2X) 6 mL BPS Bioscience
50070 GCN5 (KAT2A) Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50071 p300 (KAT3B) Active Human Recombinant Protein 50 ug BPS Bioscience
50091 Histone Acetyltransferase Assay Kit 100 rxns. BPS Bioscience
50095 HAT Assay Buffer 20 mL BPS Bioscience
50096 HAT Stop Solution 20 mL BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
50274 CoREST, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50280 EED Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50120 FBXL10 (KDM2B, JHDM1B) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50102 FBXL11(KDM2A) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50110 JARID1A(KDM) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50112 JARID1C(KDM5C) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50113 JARID1D(KDM5D) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50130 JMJD1A (KDM3A) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50413 JMJD2A Homogeneous Assay kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
50103 JMJD2A(KDM4A)  Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50414 JMJD2B Homogeneous Assay kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
50104 JMJD2B(KDM4B)  Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50111 JMJD2b, GST tag, Active Human Recombinant Protein 21  μg BPS Bioscience
50415 JMJD2C Homogeneous Assay kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
50405 JMJD2C Luminescent Assay kit 100 reactions BPS Bioscience
50105 JMJD2C(KDM4C) , Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50117 JMJD2D (KDM4D), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50417 JMJD2E (KDM4DL) Homogeneous Assay kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
50115 JMJD3/KDM6B, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50140 JMJD6 Human Recombinant  Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50118 KDM4DL (JMJD2E) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50100 LSD1 (KDM1A), Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50250 MECP2 Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50125 PHF8 Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50106 LSD-1 Fluorescent Assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
50107 LSD-1 Fluorescent Assay kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
50108 LSD1 Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
50109 LSD1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit 96 reactions BPS Bioscience
50101 LSD1 Substrate 500  μl BPS Bioscience
50151 PADI-1 Human Recombinant Protein  10  μg BPS Bioscience
50152 PADI-2 Human Recombinant Protein  10  μg BPS Bioscience
50153 PADI-3 Human Recombinant Protein  10  μg BPS Bioscience
50154 PADI-4 Human Recombinant Protein  10  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
90230 hTMEM16A-HEK293 Recombinant Cell line 1×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
90330 IKCA1 (KCNN4) – HEK293 Recombinant Cell line 2×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
90130 hTRPC3-HEK293 Recombinant Cell line 1×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
40400 ACK1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40405 BTK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40410 CSK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40420 FAK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40425 FES, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40445 ITK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40446 ITK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40447 ITK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40449 Jak1 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40450 Jak2 Jh1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40451 Jak2 Jh1Jh2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40452 Jak3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40470 LCK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40480 PYK2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40483 SRC (GST-tag), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40484 SRC (His-tag), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40485 SYK, Full length, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40487 SYK, Catalytic, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40285 Tyk2 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40490 ZAP70, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40617 Ceramide Kinase (FLAG Tag), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40618 CERK Substrate 150 rxns. BPS Bioscience
40619 CERK Substrate 300 rxns. BPS Bioscience
40630 p8, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40620 PI3 kinase (p110a/p8), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40640 PI3 kinase [p110a(E545K)/p8], Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40641 PI3 kinase [p110a(H1047R)/p8],Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40622 PI3 kinase (p110b/p8), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40628 PI3 kinase (p110d/p8), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40625 PI3 kinase (p120g), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40610 Sphingosine kinase 1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40613 Sphingosine kinase 1a, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40611 Sphingosine kinase 2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40614 Sphingosine kinase 2, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40612 Sphingosine kinase 2 (long), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40690 VPS34 Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40560 PI-3 Kinase Lipid Substrate 1 mg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
40180 Axl, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40250 cKit, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40252 cKit (D816V), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40253 cKit (V560G), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40251 cKit (V654A), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40255 cMet, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40184 DDR1 Human Recombinant Protein  10  μg BPS Bioscience
40187 EGFR, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40189 EGFR (L858R), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40188 EGFR (T790M), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40350 EGFR (T790M, L858R), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40195 EGFR, Active Mouse Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40190 EphA2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40200 EphB2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40201 EphB4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40211 FGFR2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40223 Flt1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40225 Flt3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40227 FMS, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40230 Her2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40232 Her4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40240 IGF-1R, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40241 INSR, Insulin receptor, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40263 PDGFRb, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40267 Ret, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40268 ROS1 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40270 Tie2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40280 TRKA, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40281 TRKB, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40282 TRKC, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40301 VEGFR2/KDR, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40302 VEGFR3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10 μg BPS Bioscience
40002 Aurora Kinase B, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40003 Akt1,Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40004 Aurora Kinase A, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40005 BRAF/p50, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40006 GSK3alpha, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40007 GSK3beta, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40008 cRAF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40009 NEK2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40010 aRAF, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40011 Akt2 active, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40012 Akt3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40013 STK3(MST2) Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40014 NEK6, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40015 PKC iota/lambda, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40016 BRSK2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40017 STK4(MST1) Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40033 PLK1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40034 PLK2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40035 PLK3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40040 CHK2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40050 Cot/Tpl2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
41050 Cot/Tpl2, mouse Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40051 DAPK1 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40053 DYRK2 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10 μg BPS Bioscience
40061 mTOR (FRAP1) Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40062 p70S6K, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40064 IRAK4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40065 b-RAF (GST)  Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40067 LRRK2 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40068 LRRK2(G2019S) Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40069 LKB1/MO25/STRAD Active Human Recombinant Protein Complex 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40074 Lok1/Stk10, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40078 MNK1 (5385D), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40079 MUSK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40080 PDK1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40082 PKG1alpha, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40083 PKG1beta, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40088 MAPKAPK2 (inactive) 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40089 MKK6 Active Human Recombinant Protein 20 μg BPS Bioscience
40090 MAP3K14(NIK), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40092 MAPK10 (JNK3), Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40093 STK33 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40101 CDK2/CyclinA2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40103 CDK3/CyclinE1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40094 CDK4(EE,T172A)/Cyclin D1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40096 CDK6/cyclinD3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40099 ULK, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40411 Abl Kinase Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40415 Abl Kinase Mutant (T334I) Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40871 JNK1-β1(K55M), Kinase Deficient,  Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40510 4EBP1 Human Recombinant Protein 200  really 100?  200 for SIAL and my files but  100 on web.  μg BPS Bioscience
40000 Akt1 inactive Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40001 Akt2 inactive Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40520 ATF2 Human Recombinant Protein 1 mg BPS Bioscience
40525 Cofilin 1 Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
40530 eIF4E Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40056 ERK2 inactive Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40091 MAPK14 inactive Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40075 MEK1 inactive Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
40595 RB Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
60650 NF-kB reporter (Luc) – HEK293 Cell line 2 X 10(6)   cells BPS Bioscience
60500 WNT TCF/LEF reporter kit   BPS Bioscience
60501 TCF/LEF reporter-HEK293 stable cell line   BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
60502 Lysyl Oxidase-like 2 (LOXL2) Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60512 Lysyl Oxidase-like 2 (LOXL2) Human Recombinant Protein (293) 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60504 Lysyl Oxidase-like 4 (LOXL4) Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
51005 Dot1L, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51006 EZH1/EED/SUZ12 Active Human Protein Complex 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51007 EZH1/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/AEBP2 Active Human Protein Complex 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50279 EZH2 (non-complexed)   20  μg BPS Bioscience
51002 EZH2/EED inactive  20  μg BPS Bioscience
51003 EZH2/EED/SUZ12 Active Human Protein Complex 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51099 EZH2/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48 Active Human Protein Complex 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51004 EZH2/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/AEBP2 Active Human Protein Complex 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51001 G9a (expressed Sf9), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51000 G9a, Active Human Recombinant Protein (expressed E. coli) 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51018 Metnase (SETMAR) Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51024 NSD1 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51025 NSD2 (782-end)/ReBPII, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51026 NSD2 (catalytic domain), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50122 PLU-1  Murine Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51030 PRDM2(RIZ1), Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
51040 PRMT1 (expressed E. coli), Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51041 PRMT1 (expressed Sf9), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51043 PRMT3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51047 PRMT4/CARM1 (HEK293), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51045 PRMT5 (HEK293), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51048 PRMT5 (Sf9), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51049 PRMT6, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51054 PRMT7 Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51052 PRMT8 Human Recombinant Protein 20 μg BPS Bioscience
51053 PRMT9 Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51012 Set2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
51010 Set7/Set9, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
51008 Set8, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51014 SMYD2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51015 SMYD3 (35-end), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51016 SMYD3 (full length), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
51070 SUV39H1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51071 SUV39H1, Full Length, Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
51080 SUV39H2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51090 SUV4-20H1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
51060 SUV4-20H2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50116 UTX Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
51101 DNMT1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
51102 DNMT2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
51103 DNMT3a Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
51109 DNMT3B/DNMT3L Human Recombinant Protein Complex 10  μg BPS Bioscience
51105 DNMT3B Active Mouse Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
51106 DNMT3A/DNMT3L Active Human Recombinant Protein Complex 20  μg BPS Bioscience
52200 4x DNMT Assay Buffer 1 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52201 4x DNMT Assay Buffer 2 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52050L DNMT1 Assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52033 DNMT3A Assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52034 DNMT3B Assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52035 DNMT Universal Assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
52009L EZH2 Assay Kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52059 EZH2 Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
52044 G9a Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
52051 G9a Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
52004L PRMT1 Assay Kit-Luminescent 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52054 PRMT1 Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
52005L PRMT3 Assay Kit-Luminescent 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52055 PRMT3 Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
52041L PRMT4 Assay Kit-Luminescent 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
52002L PRMT5 Assay Kit-Luminescent 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52052 PRMT5 Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
52046 PRMT6 Assay Kit-Luminescent 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
52056 PRMT6 Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
52058 PRMT8 Homogeneous Assay Kit 384 reactions BPS Bioscience
52003L Set7/9 Assay Kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
52045 SUV39H1 Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
52008 SUV39H2 Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
52072 Histone H3(K9) Universal Methyltransferase New Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
52074 Histone H4(R3) Methyltransferase Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
52100 Methyltransferase Blocking Buffer 50  ml BPS Bioscience
52160 4x HMT Assay Buffer 1 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52170 4x HMT Assay Buffer 2 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52180 4x HMT Assay Buffer 3 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52190 4x HMT Assay Buffer 4 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52191 4x HMT Assay Buffer 5 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52192 4x HMT Assay Buffer 6 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52193 4x HMT Assay Buffer 7 30  ml BPS Bioscience
52012 Fluorescein-labeled S-adenosyl homocysteine (12.5 μM) 20  μL BPS Bioscience
52030 Adenosyl Homocysteine Antibody  1  mL BPS Bioscience
52120 S-Adenosylmethionine 250 μL BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
52011 biotinylated Histone H3 peptide (1-21) 80  nmole BPS Bioscience
52017 biotinylated Histone H3 peptide (21-44) 80  nmole BPS Bioscience
52018 biotinylated Histone H4 peptide (1-21) 80  nmole BPS Bioscience
52020 Biotinylated [Lys(Me1)27] Histone H3 Peptide Substrate (21-44) 40 nmole BPS Bioscience
50352 PRMT4 peptide substrate, biotinylated 80 nmole BPS Bioscience
51200 Biotinylated Di-methylated R3 Histone H4 peptide substrate 500 μl  BPS Bioscience
50350 Biotinylated Tri-methylated K9 Histone H3 peptide substrate  500 μl  BPS Bioscience
50351 Biotinylated Di-methylated K9 Histone H3 peptide substrate  500 μl  BPS Bioscience
52013 Histone H3 (2-58) 500  μg BPS Bioscience
52019 Histone H4 (2-58) 500  μg BPS Bioscience
52021 Histone H2a, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 1 mg BPS Bioscience
52022 Histone H2b, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 1 mg BPS Bioscience
52023 Histone H3, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 1 mg BPS Bioscience
52024 Histone H4, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 1 mg BPS Bioscience
52025 Histone H2a, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
52026 Histone H2b, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
52027 Histone H3, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
52028 Histone H4, Full Length, Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
52010 Histone H3 peptide (1-21) 160  nmole BPS Bioscience
52016 Histone H3 peptide (21-44) 160  nmole BPS Bioscience
52014 Histone H4 peptide (1-21) 160  nmole BPS Bioscience
52015 Nucleosomes 50  reactions BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
50285 Hsp40, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50287 Hsp70 Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
50290 Hsp90a, Active Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
50292 Hsp90b, Active Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
50293 Hsp90a assay kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
50294 Hsp90b Assay kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
50298 Hsp90a Assay kit 384  reactions BPS Bioscience
50299 Hsp90b Assay kit 384  reactions BPS Bioscience
40084 PDHK1 Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
40550 FKBP12, Active Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
50220 ALOX15 Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50255 ATP Citrate Lyase, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
50260 AHCY, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50270 ALAS2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50272 Bcl-2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50273 Bcl-xL, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50275 Galactokinase, Active Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
50277 GFP, Active Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
50284 Sestrin 1 Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50286 Sestrin 1 Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50291 Aha1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 200  μg BPS Bioscience
40500 PKLR Var1 (PKR), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40501 PKLR Var2 (PKL), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
40502 PKM1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50295 Pyruvate kinase M2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50296 Pyruvate kinase M2, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
50297 RbAp48, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
50300 Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
50301 PLK1 Polo Box Domain, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
50305 MTAP, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
71075 IDH1 Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
72000-2 T4 β-glucosyltransferase 100  μg BPS Bioscience
72000-1 T4 β-glucosyltransferase 20  μg BPS Bioscience
71200 WDR5 Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
20010 Bacterial Protein Extraction Buffer  200  mL BPS Bioscience
20020 Bacterial Protein Extraction Buffer  500  mL BPS Bioscience
20000 Highly Efficient Competent Cell (1 x10^9)  20 x 50  μL BPS Bioscience
20030 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit with competent cells 10  reactions BPS Bioscience
20040 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit with competent cells 20  reactions BPS Bioscience
20050 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit with competent cells 40  reactions BPS Bioscience
20060 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit with competent cells 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
20070 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit without competent cell 10  reactions BPS Bioscience
20080 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit without competent cell 20  reactions BPS Bioscience
20090 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit without competent cell 40  reactions BPS Bioscience
20100 Fast, Simple & Efficient Cloning Kit without competent cell 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
20130 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit with Competent Cells 10  reactions BPS Bioscience
20140 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit with Competent Cells 20  reactions BPS Bioscience
20150 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit with Competent Cells 40  reactions BPS Bioscience
20160 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit with Competent Cells 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
20170 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit without Competent Cells 10  reactions BPS Bioscience
20180 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit without Competent Cells 20  reactions BPS Bioscience
20190 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit without Competent Cells 40  reactions BPS Bioscience
20195 Fast and Efficient Mutagenesis Kit without Competent Cells 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
80551 PARP1 Assay kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
80552 PARP2 Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
80702 PARP2 Homogeneous Assay Kit 400  reactions BPS Bioscience
80553 PARP3 Assay kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
80564 Tankyrase 1 (PARP) Chemiluminescent Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
80566 Tankyrase 2 (PARP5B) Chemiluminescent Assay Kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
80556 PARP6 Assay kit 32  reactions BPS Bioscience
80557 PARP7 Assay kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
80561 PARP11 Assay kit 96  reactions BPS Bioscience
80501 PARP1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80502 PARP2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80503 PARP3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80504 Tankyrase 1 (PARP) Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80505 Tankyrase 2 (PARP5b) Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80515 Tankyrase 2 (PARP5B) [849-1166] Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80506 PARP6, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80507 PARP7, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80509 PARP9, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80510 PARP10, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80511 PARP11, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80512 PARP12, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80605 Activated DNA (PARP Substrate) 500  μl BPS Bioscience
52029 Histone Mixture (5X) 1 mL BPS Bioscience
80610 NAD+, Biotin-Labeled 100  μl BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
60300 PDE Assay Kit   100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60400 PDE10A Assay Kit  100    reactions  BPS Bioscience
60311 PDE1B Assay Kit  100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60320 PDE2A Assay Kit  100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60330 PDE3A Assay Kit  100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60331 PDE3B Assay Kit  100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60340 PDE4A Assay Kit  100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60343 PDE4B2 Assay Kit  100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60345 PDE4D Assay Kit  100  reactions  BPS Bioscience
60393 PDE assay buffer 12 mL BPS Bioscience
60391 PDE Binding agent diluent (cAMP) 10 mL BPS Bioscience
60392 PDE Binding agent diluent (cGMP) 10 mL BPS Bioscience
60390 PDE Binding Agent 100 mL BPS Bioscience
60009 PDE1B, Active Rat Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60010 PDE1A, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60011 PDE1B, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60013 PDE1C, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60012 PDE1C, Active Mouse Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60020 PDE2A (GST) Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60021 PDE2A (FLAG), Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60022 PDE2A (Rat) 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60030 PDE3A, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60032 PDE3A (His-GST), Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60031 PDE3B, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60040 PDE4A1A, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60039 PDE4A4B Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60038 PDE4A10 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60041 PDE4B1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60042 PDE4B2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60044 PDE4C1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60048 PDE4D2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60046 PDE4D3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60047 PDE4D7, Active Human Recombinant Protein 5  μg BPS Bioscience
60051 PDE1,  Active Murine Recombinant Protein  5  μg BPS Bioscience
60050 PDE1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60070 PDE7A, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60072 PDE7A, Active Mouse Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60071 PDE7B, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60073 PDE7B, Active Mouse Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60074 PDE7A, Active Rat Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60075 PDE7B, Active Rat Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60080 PDE8A1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60090 PDE9A2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60102 PDE10A Active Rat Recombinant Protein  5  μg BPS Bioscience
60101 PDE10A, Active Murine Recombinant Protein  10  μg BPS Bioscience
60099 PDE10A1 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60100 PDE10A2 Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60110 PDE11A4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
60200 FAM-cAMP Substrate  200  nmol BPS Bioscience
60201 FAM-cGMP Substrate  200  nmol BPS Bioscience
60402 hPDE1B-HEK293 Recombinant Cell line 1×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
60407 PDE7A-HEK293 Human Recombinant Cell Line 1×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
60408 PDE7A-HEK293 Rat Recombinant Cell Line 1×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
60410 hPDE10A-HEK293 Recombinant Cell line 1×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
60500 WNT TCF/LEF reporter kit   BPS Bioscience
60501 TCF/LEF reporter-HEK293 stable cell line 1.5×10(6)  cells BPS Bioscience
60601 PDE1B Cell-Based Reporter Assay Kit 500 reactions BPS Bioscience
60641 ANPRA/aequorin Expression vector   BPS Bioscience
60642 CNGA2 Expression vector   BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
80001 Cathepsin B, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80003 Cathepsin F, Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
80005 Cathepsin L, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80008 Cathepsin S, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80009 Cathepsin V, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80030 DPP3, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80040 DPP4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80070 DPP7, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80080 DPP8, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80090 DPP9, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80100 FAP, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80105 Prolyl Oligopeptidase/Prolyl Endopeptidase, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
80380 PrCP, Active Human Recombinant Protein 10  μg BPS Bioscience
80300 DPP Assay Buffer 20 ml BPS Bioscience
80349 Fluorogenic Cathepsin V substrate  100  μl BPS Bioscience
80350 Fluorogenic Cathepsin F substrate  100  μl BPS Bioscience
80332 Fluorogenic DPP substrate2  100  μl BPS Bioscience
80305 (was 80331 in some files) Fluorogenic DPP substrate1 100  μl BPS Bioscience
80203 DPP3 assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
80204 DPP4 assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
80207 DPP7 assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
80208 DPP8 assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
80209 DPP9 assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
80210 FAP assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
80106 POP assay kit 100  reactions BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
70020 Peroxiredoxin I (K197Q) 100  μg BPS Bioscience
70021 Peroxiredoxin I (K197R) 100  μg BPS Bioscience
70010 Peroxiredoxin I, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
70011 Peroxiredoxin II, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
30024 Bas, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30015 MEG-1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30020 MEG-2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30023 PEST (PTPN12), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30000 PRL-1(2-173), Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
30001 PRL-2(2-167), Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
30002 PRL-3(2-173), Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
30025 PTP-D2/PTPN14, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30010 PTP1B(1-321)/PTPN1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30012 PTP1B(1-321)/PTPN1, Active Murine Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30011 PTP1B(1-321)/PTPN1, Active Rat Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30009 PTP1B (PTPN1) full length, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30021 SHP-1(PTPN6), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30022 SHP-2 (PTPN11) Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30013 TC-PTP(PTPN2), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30044 CD45(PTPRC), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30050 DEP1(PTPRJ), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30046 LAR (PTPRF), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30042 PTPbeta, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30054 PTPIA2(PTPRN), Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30053 PTPmu, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30047 RPTPg, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
30045 PTPsigma/PTPRS, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
45100 Rheb, Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
80303 UBA6 (UBE1L2), Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80301 UBE1 (UBA1), Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80323 UbcH13 (UBE2N) Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80316 UbcH6 (UBE2E1) Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80317 UbcH7 (UBE2G2) Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80315 UbcH (UBE2D1) Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80325 UEV1A (UBE2V1) Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80404 NEDD4, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
80402 SMURF1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
80403 SMURF2, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
80405 WWP1, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
80401 XIAP, Active Human Recombinant Protein 20  μg BPS Bioscience
80750 MDM2 Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80351 UCHL1 (PGP9.5) Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80353 UCHL3 Active Human Recombinant Protein 100  μg BPS Bioscience
80394 A20 Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
80399 Ataxin3 (MJD1, SCA3) Active Human Recombinant Protein 250  μg BPS Bioscience
80352 USP2 Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
80355 USP5 (IsoT) Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
80358 USP8 (UBPY) Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
80360 USP10 Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
80364 USP14 Active Human Recombinant Protein 50  μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
25003 Anti-Flag-Tag, Monoclonal Antibody 100 μg BPS Bioscience
25009 Anti-GST-Tag, Monoclonal Antibody 100 μg BPS Bioscience
25011 Anti-His-Tag, Monoclonal Antibody 100 μg BPS Bioscience
      BPS Bioscience
100 1% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 5 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
101 1% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 5 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1000 1% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1002 1% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1004 1% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1006 1% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1008 1% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1010 1% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1012 1% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1014 1% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1016 2% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1018 2% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1020 2% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1022 2% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1024 2% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1026 2% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1028 2% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1030 2% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1032 3% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1034 3% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1036 3% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1038 3% in TAE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1040 3% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1042 3% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1044 3% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 10 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience
1046 3% in TBE buffer + EtdBr, 2 x 15 well  25  gels BPS Bioscience






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Mouse CH50 ELISA Kit




Monkey TPO ELISA Kit












Human CH50 ELISA Kit








Rat C3 ELISA Kit








Porcine PP ELISA Kit




Rabbit CD19 ELISA Kit








Rat C4 ELISA Kit








Monkey AGT ELISA Kit




















Sheep 5-HT ELISA Kit




Monkey TCC C5b-9 ELISA Kit




Monkey FDP ELISA Kit












HBsAg- preS1 ELISA Kit












Human P3NP ELISA Kit












Canine PSA ELISA Kit










