



货号 品名 规格 品牌
75-396 Anti-Npas4 Antibody (N408/79) 100 µL antibodiesinc
75-253-020 Dardarin/LRRK2, C-terminus 20ul antibodiesinc
75-405 Anti-Pan-Nav1 Sodium Channel Antibody (N419/40) 100 µL antibodiesinc
75-221 Anti-LRP4 (extracellular) 100ul antibodiesinc
15-234-0001 Centromere Protein 1mL antibodiesinc
15-235 Anti-Centromere Protein Antibody 1 ml antibodiesinc




Eco-S30UVF Eco-S15UVF Eco-S30UV Eco-S15UV Eco-S30UF Eco-S15UF Eco-S30 Eco-S15


  • 全自动微电脑控制系统,多级菜单式操作
  • 背光式LCD液晶屏(分辨率:128×64,尺寸:66×33mm),全程实时动画式工作模式显示
  • 在线2路水质监控,实时监测RO反渗透水(电导率)、DI去离子水或UP超纯水(电阻率)水质
  • 全自动RO膜防垢冲洗(2小时间隔冲洗)及手动强制冲洗程序,延长RO膜使用寿命
  • 完善的耗材管理功能:预处理、RO膜、UV灯和超纯化柱的寿命可设定,显示耗材寿命剩余时间,到期更换自动提醒,避免水质下降
  • 全面的系统维护及安全报警:缺水、水满报警;源水、RO反渗透水、DI去离子水/UP超纯水水质超标报警;耗材寿命终结报警
  • 人性化的手动/自动取水模式,以及定时(1-99min)、定质取水功能(0.1-18.2MΩ.cm)
  • 系统时间设定功能(年/月/日/时/分)
  • 工厂、客户二级密码,系统设置均由密码保护,防止未经授权的更改
  • 具有运行、报警、水满的3种状态指示灯,使系统工况一目了然
  • 系统内置12升压力水桶1只,节省实验室空间,安装维护更加方便
  • 兼容压力水桶和液位水箱2种纯水储存方式,可加配外置大容量储水桶,满足不同的应用需求
  • 超纯水循环及消毒功能,可自由启动、关闭,保持系统的低细菌污染水平(选配)
  • 外置隐藏式DC24V电源,系统工作电压均低于人体安全电压,方便维护更换,更确保安全性
  • 一体化成型塑料机箱,人体工程学设计,水电分离结构
  • 预处理、RO、超纯化组件,采用模块式独立结构,系统维护、滤芯更换更加便捷,符合GLP规范
  • 纯水管路、接头均获NSF认证
  • 独创超长寿命复合KDF预滤柱,可实现1年不用更换,运行成本降低
  • 独创的RO膜组件设计,采用美国陶氏DOW原装进口RO膜片,实现了RO膜的长寿命与高品质水质的结合
  • 独有的全新可独立拆解的一体化4柱式超纯化柱组模块,采用美国陶氏DOW原装进口核子级树脂,时刻保证顶级水质
  • 双波长(185nm&254nm)UV紫外灯组件(进口灯管),有效杀菌,降低TOC,增强系统适用范围
  • MWCO5000DUF超滤组件(原装进口),有效去除热源(内毒素),可用于精密的细胞培养和IVF
  • (0.45+0.1)µm进口PES聚醚砜复合滤膜终端除菌过滤器,保证水质绝对无菌


名称 基础型 除热源型 低有机物型 综合型
产品型号 标准型 Eco-S15 Eco-S15UF Eco-S15UV Eco-S15UVF
大流量型 Eco-S30 Eco-S30UF Eco-S30UV Eco-S30UVF
进水要求* 城市自来水:TDS<200 ppm,5-45°C,1.0-4.0Kgf/cm2 (进水TDS>200ppm时,建议选配外置软化器)
系统流程** PF+KDF+AC+RO
电阻率 18.2MΩ.cm@25°C
重金属离子 < 0.01 ppb
总有机碳(TOC) *** <10 ppb <3 ppb
细菌 <0.1 cfu/ml
热源(内毒素) N/A <0.001 Eu/ml N/A <0.001 Eu/ml
颗粒物(>0.2μm) <1/ml
核糖核酸酶(RNases) N/A <0.01 ng/ml N/A <0.01 ng/ml
脱氧核糖核酸酶(DNases) N/A <4 pg/μl N/A <4 pg/μl
离子截留率 96%-99%(使用新RO膜时)
有机物截留率 >99%,当MW>200道尔顿
颗粒和细菌截留率 >99%
产水量(25°C) **** S15:15升/小时;S30:30升/小时
瞬间出水量 2.0升/分钟(需配压力水桶),(加装UF机型流速会有降低)
出水口(触摸按键) 2个:RO反渗透水,UP超纯水
外形尺寸/重量 长×宽×高:34×50×56cm/ 约25Kg
电源/功率 220V、50Hz/72W
标准配置 主机(含1套纯化柱)+内置12升压力水桶+附件包
水源 城市自来水
制水量(L/h) 30升/小时
出水水质 RO反渗透水,UP超纯水



Teknova 通过让科学家专注于发现、产品开发和生产来加速临床突破。作为生命科学和医疗保健行业定制制造*的,我们为生物加工、生物生产和分子诊断提供关键试剂。我们的产品包括细胞培养基和补充剂、蛋白质和核酸纯化缓冲液以及分子生物学试剂。







我们专注于敏捷性和客户满意度,努力满足复杂的配方和包装要求,并为定制 GMP 产品提供快速周转。我们通过标准目录产品和定制产品为研究、临床和应用市场的客户提供支持,为诊断、疫苗和疗法的研究、开发和生产节省成本。我们在通过 ISO 13485:2016 认证、符合美国 FDA 21 CFR Part 820 和 FDA 注册的设施生产所有产品。






货号 品名 品牌
720020GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S780011 手动可调,单道,半支高温5 – 50ul Genex
720050GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S780011,手动可调,单道,半支高温 10 – 100ul Genex
720000GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S79001 手动可调,单道,半支高温 0 . 5 – 10ul Genex
720110GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S780308,手动可调,单道,半支高温 1000 – 5000ul Genex
720070GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S780011,手动可调,单道,半支高温 20 – 200ul Genex
720120GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S780310 手动可调,单道,半支高温 1000 – 10000ul Genex
720060GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S780016 手动可调,单道,半支高温 100 – 1000ul Genex
720005GN Genex 手动可调单道移液器+ 吸头S790014 手动可调,单道,半支高温 0 . 1 – 2 . 5ul Genex

25ml血清移液管,红色标记,无DNA&RNA酶,无致热源,电子束灭菌,50个/盒,4盒/箱 货号: 07-5025

25ml血清移液管,红色标记,无DNA&RNA酶,无致热源,电子束灭菌,50个/盒,4盒/箱       货号: 07-502525ml血清移液管,红色标记,无DNA&RNA酶,无致热源,电子束灭菌,50个/盒,4盒/箱       货号: 07-502525ml血清移液管,红色标记,无DNA&RNA酶,无致热源,电子束灭菌,50个/盒,4盒/箱       货号: 07-5025

  • 产品货号:
  • 中文名称:
  • 品牌:

  • 货号




  • 07-5025-200个/箱




probetex BioScout*荧光染料标记简介

probetex BioScout*荧光染料标记简介

probetex BioScout*荧光染料标记简介

BioScout*荧光染料标记的 IgG – 0.5 毫升瓶装,2.5 毫克/毫升…… $279.00
足够用于至少 100 张载玻片的抗体。  
*BioScout 是 Probetex, Inc 的商标

BS-001GBM: BioScout* FITC-绵羊抗肾小球基底膜 IgG

足细胞(红色)相对于 FITC BS-001GBM

  • 标记小鼠、大鼠、兔、猴、人肾中的 GBM

  • 提供参考荧光以帮助确定上皮、内皮和系膜细胞相对于 GBM 的位置

  • 非常适合多标记荧光


BS-002ECM: BioScout* FITC-绵羊抗细胞外基质 (ECM) IgG

  • 标记小鼠、大鼠、兔、猴、人体组织中的基底膜。

  • 提供参考荧光以帮助确定细胞和结构相对于基底膜的位置

  • 非常适合肾脏、肝脏、肺等的多标记荧光。






适用气体 二氧化
额定进口压力 15
额定出口压力 0.3
额定流量(m2/h) 25

phosphosolutions p115-52说明书

phosphosolutions p115-52说明书

phosphosolutions p115-52说明书

Anti-ATF2 (Thr52) Antibody

抗 ATF2 (Thr52) 抗体


抗 ATF2 (Thr52) 抗体

我们来自 PhosphoSolutions 的抗 ATF2 (Thr52) 兔多克隆磷酸特异性一抗是内部生产的。它检测人和小鼠 ATF2 (Thr52),并从混合血清中纯化抗原。它非常适合在 WB 中使用。






74 kDa
UACC903 黑色素瘤细胞系裂解物 (DMSO) 的蛋白质印迹显示了在 Thr52 磷酸化的 ~ 72 kDa ATF2 蛋白的特异性免疫标记。用 PKC 催化抑制剂 Gö6850 处理裂解物可减少免疫标记。图片由 Eric Lau 和 Ze'ev Ronai 提供。


ATF2 (Thr52)

转录因子 ATF2 是亮氨酸拉链蛋白 ATF/CREB 家族的成员。为了响应压力刺激,它会激活多种参与肿瘤发生的基因靶标,并且与癌细胞表型的维持相关(Vlahopoulos 等,2008)。抑制 ATF2 会阻碍黑色素瘤的发展并引发肿瘤抑制功能(Bhoumik 等,2008)。为了充当肿瘤抑制因子,ATF2 必须定位于线粒体,PKCε 在 Thr-52 处的磷酸化调节这种易位(Lau 等,2012)。







74 kDa

与人 ATF2 的 Thr52 周围的氨基酸残基相对应的合成磷酸肽,与钥孔血蓝蛋白 (KLH) 结合。



建议在 -20°C 下储存,因为由于存在 50% 的甘油,等分试样可能无需冷冻/解冻。-20°C 下至少可稳定保存 1 年。



10 mM HEPES (pH 7.5)、150 mM NaCl、100 µg/ml BSA 和 50% 甘油。



特异于 Thr52 磷酸化的 ~72 kDa ATF2 蛋白的内源水平。ATF2 带的免疫标记通过用 PKC 催化抑制剂 Gö6850 处理细胞而减少。





自收到之日起,在 -20°C 下可稳定至少 1 年。


激活转录因子2抗体,激活转录因子2剪接变体ATF2 var2抗体,ATF 2抗体,Atf-2抗体,Atf2抗体,ATF2蛋白抗体,ATF2_HUMAN抗体,cAMP反应元件结合蛋白2抗体,cAMP反应元件结合蛋白CRE BP1抗体,cAMP 反应元件结合蛋白 CRE-BP1 抗体,cAMP 反应元件结合蛋白 2,以前的抗体,cAMP 依赖性转录因子 ATF-2 抗体,cAMP 反应元件结合蛋白 2 抗体,CRE BP1 抗体,CRE-BP抗体、CREB 2 抗体、CREB-2 抗体、CREB2 抗体、CREBP1 抗体、环 AMP 依赖性转录因子 ATF 2 抗体、环 AMP 依赖性转录因子 ATF-2 抗体、环 AMP 反应元件结合蛋白 2 抗体、D130078H02Rik 抗体,D18875抗体,HB 16抗体,HB16抗体,组蛋白乙酰转移酶ATF2抗体,MGC105211抗体,MGC105222抗体,MGC111558抗体,MGC142504抗体,mXBP抗体,MXBP蛋白抗体,Tg(Gzma-Klra1抗体,TREB7W7抗体)



Hycult Biotech2021年价格表

Hycult Biotech2021年价格表

Hycult Biotech是一家专注于设计、研发、生产以及销售抗体和其相关产品的公司,其特色产品是天然免疫及相关领域的免疫分析试剂,例如补体, 嗜中性粒细胞蛋白,TLP,清道夫受体以及急性期蛋白等。除此之外,Hycult Biotech公司也可以提供炎症反应和细胞损伤等方面的产品。

Hycult Biotech2021年价格表

货号 产品名称 规格 单价 品牌
HC1020-10E5U IFN-gamma, Mouse, Recombinant (CHO-derived), 10E5 units 10E5units 4845 hycultbiotech
HC1020-10E6U IFN-gamma, Mouse, Recombinant (CHO-derived), 10E6 units 10E6units 12105 hycultbiotech
HC1050-5X10E4U IFN-beta, Mouse, Recombinant (CHO-derived), 5 x 10E4 units 5x10E4units 6450 hycultbiotech
HC1101-50UG C5a, Mouse, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC1102-50UG C5a des Arg, Mouse, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC1104-50UG A-FABP, Mouse, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), >50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC1105-50UG E-FABP, Mouse, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), >50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC1106-50UG CRAMP, Mouse, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2030-10E5U IFN-gamma, Human, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), 10E5 units 10E5units 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2030-10E6U IFN-gamma, Human, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), 10E6 units 10E6units 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2101-50UG C5a, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2102-50UG C5a des Arg, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2103-10UG C5L2, Human, Peptide, 10 ug 10ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2105-50UG H-FABP, Human, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), >50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC2106-50UG B-FABP, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2120-50UG Calprotectin, Human, Recombinant, >50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2122-200UG C1, Human, Natural, 200 ug 200ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2123-1MG C1q, Human, Natural, 1 mg 1mg 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2124-50UG C2, Human, Natural, 50 ug 50ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2125-250UG C3, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2126-50UG C3a, Human, Natural, 50 ug 50ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2127-50UG C3a desArg, Human, Natural, 50 ug 50ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2128-250UG C4, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2129-250UG Complement factor B, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2130-250UG Complement factor H, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2131-100UG Complement factor I, Human, Natural, 100 ug 100ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2132-100UG Properdin, Human, Natural, 100 ug 100ug 6945 hycultbiotech
HC2134-50UG HNP-1, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2135-50UG HNP-2, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2136-50UG HNP-3, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2137-50UG Alpha-defensin 6, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2138-50UG Cathepsin G, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2139-50UG Platelet Factor IV 18, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2140-50UG Beta-defensin 2, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC2141-200UG C5, Human, Natural, 200 ug 200ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HC2142-250UG C9, Human, Natural, 250 ug 250ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HC2143-1MG C1q, Human, Natural, 1 mg 1mg 4305 hycultbiotech
HC3102-40UG L-FABP, Rat, Recombinant (E.coli-derived), 40 ug 40ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HC3103-10UG C5L2, Rat, Peptide, 10 ug 10ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4012-10UG CHIPS (Chemotaxis Inhibiting Protein of Staph. aureus), 10 u 10ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC4013-50UG LL-37/CAP-18, Human, Peptide, 50 ug 50ug 10485 hycultbiotech
HC4014-100UG HNP1-3, Human, Natural, >100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4020-10E5U Polymyxin B (PMB), 10E5 units 10E5units 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4020BT-200UL Polymyxin B (PMB), Biotin, 0.2 ml 0.2ml 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4020HRP-200UL Polymyxin B (PMB), HRP-conjugated, 0.2 ml 0.2ml 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4030-1MG LBP, Human, Peptide, 1 mg 1mg 16110 hycultbiotech
HC4033-200NMOL CpG-DNA, Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4034-200NMOL Non CpG-DNA, Human/Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4035-1MG Oxidized PAPC, 1 mg 1mg 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4036-5MG Oxidized PAPC, 5 mg 5mg 12900 hycultbiotech
HC4037-200NMOL CpG-A DNA (ODN 2216), Human/Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4038-200NMOL CpG-B DNA, Rabbit, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4039-200NMOL CpG-B DNA (ODN 2006), Human/ Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4040-200NMOL CpG-B DNA, Rat, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4041-200NMOL CpG-C DNA (ODN 2395), Human/ Mouse, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4042-200NMOL Non CpG-DNA, Rabbit, 200 nmol 200nmol 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4043-5MG PAPC, 5 mg 5mg 4845 hycultbiotech
HC4045-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype O55:B5, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4046-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype EH100, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4047-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype J5 (Rc), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4048-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype R515 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4049-1MG Lipid A from E.coli, Serotype R515 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4050-500UG MPL-A from E.coli, Serotype R515 (Re), 500 ug 0.5mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4051-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4052-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R60, Ra, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4053-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R345 (Rb), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4054-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R5 (Rc), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4055-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R7 (Rd), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4056-1MG LPS from Salmonella minnesota, R595 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4057-1MG Lipid A from Salmonella minnesota, R595 (Re), 1 mg 1mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4058-500UG MPL-A from Salmonella minnesota, R595 (Re), 500 ug 0.5mg 3000 hycultbiotech
HC4059-1MG LPS from Salmonella enteritidis, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4060-1MG LPS from Salmonella typhimurium, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4061-1MG LPS from Salmonella abortus equi, S-form, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4063 TLR4 Agonist Set: LPS from Salmonella minnesota 2×0.5mgand2x0.25mg 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4064 TLR4 Agonist Set: LPS from E.coli 2×0.5mgand2x0.25mg 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4065-1MG LPS from E.coli, Serotype O8:K27, 1 mg 1mg 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4067-5MG TLR3/MDA5 Agonist, 5 mg 5mg 2415 hycultbiotech
HC4072-25NMOL RNA:DNA hybrids, 25 nmol 5nmol 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4072-5NMOL RNA:DNA hybrids, 5 nmol 25nmol 2700 hycultbiotech
HC4073-50UG Cobra venom factor, Recombinant, 50 ug 50ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4074-1MG TLR9, Mouse, antagonist (ODN2088), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4074-250UG TLR9, Mouse, antagonist (ODN2088), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4075-1MG TLR9, Mouse, control (ODN2088), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4075-250UG TLR9, Mouse, control (ODN2088), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4076-1MG TLR9, Human, antagonist (ODN A151), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4076-250UG TLR9, Human, antagonist (ODN A151), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4077-1MG TLR9, Human, control (ODN A151), 1 mg 250ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HC4077-250UG TLR9, Human, control (ODN A151), 250 ug 1mg 2100 hycultbiotech
HC4084-10UG LPS B.quintana, 10 ug 10ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HC4084-50UG LPS B.quintana, 50 ug 50ug 10485 hycultbiotech
HI1016-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1016BT-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1016F-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1016PE-100UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HI1016PE-25UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1019-50UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1019BT-50UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1019F-50UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1019PE-100UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI1019PE-25UG IgG2a, Mouse, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI1022-50UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI1022BT-50UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1022F-50UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI1022PE-100UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI1022PE-25UG IgG2b, Mouse, mAb MPC-11, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI3016-50UG IgG1, Rat, mAb G0114F7, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI3017BT-50UG IgG1, Rat, mAb RTK2071, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3017F-50UG IgG1, Rat, mAb RTK2071, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3019-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI3019BT-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3019F-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3019PE-100UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI3019PE-25UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI3022-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, 50 ug 50ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI3022BT-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3022F-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, FITC, 50 ug 50ug 2415 hycultbiotech
HI3022PE-100UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, R-PE, 100 ug 100ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HI3022PE-25UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype control, R-PE, 25 ug 25ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI4001-500UG IgG1, Ms, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HI4001-50UG IgG1, Mouse, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI4010-500UG IgG2a, Ms, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HI4010-50UG IgG2a, Ms, mAb MOPC-173, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI4030-500UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 6135 hycultbiotech
HI4030-50UG IgG2a, Rat, mAb RTK2758, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 2100 hycultbiotech
HI4040-500UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 500 ug 50ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HI4040-50UG IgG2b, Rat, mAb RTK4530, Isotype ctrl, Low Endotoxin, 50 ug 500ug 1620 hycultbiotech
HI5001-1MG IgG1, Ms, mAb MOPC-21, Isotype ctrl, Ultra Low Endotox, 1 mg 1mg 8865 hycultbiotech
HIT302 LAL Chromogenic Endpoint Assay, 3 x 96 det. 3plates 15000 hycultbiotech
HIT410 Classical Complement Pathway, Rat, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT411 Lectin Complement Pathway, Rat, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT412 Alternative Complement Pathway, Rat, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT413 Complement Pathway, Rat, Assays, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HIT420 Classical Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT421 Lectin Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT422 Alternative Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT423 Complement Pathway, Mouse, Assays, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HIT430 Classical Complement Pathway, Pig, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT431 Lectin Complement Pathway, Pig, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT432 Alternative Complement Pathway, Pig, Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HIT433 Complement Pathway, Pig, Assays, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HIT501 Nitrotyrosine, Competitive ELISA, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HIT503 MGO, Competitive ELISA, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HIT505 Arginase Activity Assay, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 4515 hycultbiotech
HK105-01 MPO, Rat, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK105-02 MPO, Rat, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK106-01 TCC, Rat, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK106-02 TCC, Rat, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK205-01 LBP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK205-02 LBP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK208-01 MBL-A, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK208-02 MBL-A, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK210-01 MPO, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK210-02 MPO, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK211-01 C1q, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK211-02 C1q, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK214-01 S100A9, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK214-02 S100A9, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK215-01 SAP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK215-02 SAP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK216-01 C3b, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK216-02 C3b, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK302-01 sTNF-RII, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK302-02 sTNF-RII, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK314-01 BPI, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK314-02 BPI, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK315-01 LBP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK315-02 LBP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK316-01 SLPI, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK316-02 SLPI, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK317-01 HNP1-3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK317-02 HNP1-3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK318-01 Elafin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK318-02 Elafin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK319-01 Elastase, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK319-02 Elastase, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK320-01 sCD14, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK320-02 sCD14, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK321-01 LL-37, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK321-02 LL-37, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK323-01 MBL, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK323-02 MBL, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK324-01 MPO, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK324-02 MPO, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK328-01 TCC, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK328-02 TCC, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK329-01 Lactoferrin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK329-02 Lactoferrin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK330-01 NGAL, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK330-02 NGAL, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK331-01 SAP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK331-02 SAP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK333-01 SAA, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK333-02 SAA, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK334-01 Properdin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK334-02 Properdin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK335-01 SP-D, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK335-02 SP-D, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK336-01 Ficolin-2, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK336-02 Ficolin-2, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK337-01 sMAdCAM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK337-02 sMAdCAM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK340-01 Ficolin-3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK340-02 Ficolin-3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK342-01 Complement factor H, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK342-02 Complement factor H, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK343-01 Complement Factor D, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK343-02 Complement Factor D, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK347-01 Pentraxin 3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK347-02 Pentraxin 3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK348-01 sTREM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK348-02 sTREM-1, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK349-01 C5a, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK349-02 C5a, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK352-01 Azurocidin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK352-02 Azurocidin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK353 Factor H, 402H/Y variant detection, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK354-01 C3a, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK354-02 C3a, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK355-01 Complement factor I, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK355-02 Complement factor I, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK356-01 C1q, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK356-02 C1q, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK357-01 Ficolin-1, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK357-02 Ficolin-1, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK358 CRP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 4845 hycultbiotech
HK359-01 MAp44, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK359-02 MAp44, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK362-01 gC1qR, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK362-02 gC1qR, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK363-01 TRACP5a, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK363-02 TRACP5a, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK364-01 Collectin-10, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK364-02 Collectin-10, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK365-01 Soluble DC-SIGN, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK365-02 Soluble DC-SIGN, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK366-01 C3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK366-02 C3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK367-01 Factor B, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK367-02 Factor B, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK368-01 C3c, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK368-02 C3c, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK369 hsCRP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 4845 hycultbiotech
HK371-01 RNAse7, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK371-02 RNAse7, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK373-01 Coagulation Factor XII, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK373-02 Coagulation Factor XII, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK374-01 sCD59, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK374-02 sCD59, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK377-01 S100A4, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK377-02 S100A4, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK378-01 S100A7, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK378-02 S100A7, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK379-01 Calprotectin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK379-02 Calprotectin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK381-01 sMR, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK381-02 sMR, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK382 Fecal Calprotectin, Human, Rapid ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK383-01 sThrombomodulin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK383-02 sThrombomodulin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK384-01 PR3, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK384-02 PR3, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HK386-01 Arginase-I, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK386-02 Arginase-I, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK387-01 Alpha-1-antitrypsin, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK387-02 Alpha-1-antitrypsin, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 16935 hycultbiotech
HK390-01 C5, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK390-02 C5, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK391-01 EDN, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8070 hycultbiotech
HK391-02 EDN, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 13230 hycultbiotech
HK401 H-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK402 H-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK404-01 L-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK404-02 L-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK406-01 I-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK406-02 I-FABP, Human, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK413-01 H-FABP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK413-02 H-FABP, Mouse, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK414-01 H-FABP, Rat, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK414-02 H-FABP, Rat, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. #VALUE! hycultbiotech
HK501-01 Nitrotyrosine, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 8865 hycultbiotech
HK501-02 Nitrotyrosine, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 14355 hycultbiotech
HK503 LBP, various species, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 12900 hycultbiotech
HK504-AGM EndoCab®, Human, ELISA kit, 3 x 96 det. 3x96det. 20955 hycultbiotech
HK504-IGA EndoCab® IgA, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK504-IGG EndoCab® IgG, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK504-IGM EndoCab® IgM, Human, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 10485 hycultbiotech
HK508 EcHECk, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 24435 hycultbiotech
HK701-01 C5a, Pig, ELISA kit, 1 x 96 det. 1x96det. 9675 hycultbiotech
HK701-02 C5a, Pig, ELISA kit, 2 x 96 det. 2x96det. 15960 hycultbiotech
HM1001-100UG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1001-10MG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1001-1MG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1001-20UG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1001-500UG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1001-5MG IFN-alpha, Mouse, mAb F18, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1002-100UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F3, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1002-20UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1003-100UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F1, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1003-20UG IFN-gamma, Mouse, mAb F1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1004-100UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-20F3, 100 ug 500ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1004-20UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-20F3, 20 ug 100ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1004-500UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-20F3, 500 ug 20ug 10005 hycultbiotech
HM1005-100UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-32C11, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1005-20UG IL-6, Mouse, mAb MP5-32C11, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1009-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1009-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1009F-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7575 hycultbiotech
HM1009F-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb HM104, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1011-100UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1011-10MG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1011-1MG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1011-20UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1011-500UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1011-5MG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1011BT-50UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HM1011F-100UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1011F-20UG TNF-RII, Mouse, mAb HM102, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1013-100UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1013-20UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1013BT-50UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2685 hycultbiotech
HM1013F-100UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 4680 hycultbiotech
HM1013F-20UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb MEC7.46, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1015-100UG CD34, Mouse, mAb MEC14.7, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1015-20UG CD34, Mouse, mAb MEC14.7, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1016-100UG Viperin, Mouse, mAb MaP.VIP, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1016-20UG Viperin, Mouse, mAb MaP.VIP, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1019-100UG MCP-1, Mouse, mAb ECE.2, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1019-20UG MCP-1, Mouse, mAb ECE.2, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1019BT-50UG MCP-1, Mouse, mAb ECE.2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1021-100UG TNF-alpha, Mouse, mAb V1q, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1021-20UG TNF-alpha, Mouse, mAb V1q, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1022-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg21, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1022-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg21, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1023-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg20, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1023-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg20, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1024-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D1f3, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1024-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D1f3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1025-100UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D14e3, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1025-20UG IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb D14e3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1026-100UG LBP, Mouse, mAb M330-19, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1026-20UG LBP, Mouse, mAb M330-19, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1027-100UG LBP, Mouse, mAb RR433-8, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1027-20UG LBP, Mouse, mAb RR433-8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1029-100UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1029-10MG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 10 mg 10mg 58920 hycultbiotech
HM1029-1MG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 1 mg 1mg 11790 hycultbiotech
HM1029-20UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1029-500UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 500 ug 0.5mg 8250 hycultbiotech
HM1029-5MG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, 5 mg 5mg 44205 hycultbiotech
HM1029BT-50UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 2685 hycultbiotech
HM1029F-100UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 4515 hycultbiotech
HM1029F-20UG TLR4/MD-2, Mouse, mAb MTS510, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1031-100UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1031-20UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1031BT-50UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1031F-100UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1031F-20UG CD180, Mouse, mAb RP/14, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1035-100UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 8G6, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1035-20UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 8G6, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1036-100UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 2B4, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1036-20UG MBL-A, Mouse, mAb 2B4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1037-100UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 16A8, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1037-20UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 16A8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1038-100UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 14D12, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1038-20UG MBL-C, Mouse, mAb 14D12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1039-100UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1039-10MG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1039-1MG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1039-20UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1039-500UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1039-5MG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1039BT-50UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1039F-100UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1039F-20UG Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1039PE-100 Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1039PE-25 Neutrophils, Mouse, mAb NIMP-R14, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2580 hycultbiotech
HM1040-100UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1040-20UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1040BT-50UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1040F-100UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1040F-20UG MD-1, Mouse, mAb MD113, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1042-100UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1042-20UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1042BT-50UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1042F-100UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1042F-20UG TLR9, Mouse, mAb 5G5, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1044-100UG C1q, Mouse, mAb 7H8, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1044-20UG C1q, Mouse, mAb 7H8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1045-100UG C3, Mouse, mAb 11H9, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1045-20UG C3, Mouse, mAb 11H9, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1046-100UG C4, Mouse, mAb 16D2, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1046-20UG C4, Mouse, mAb 16D2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1047-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1047-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1047BT-50UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1047F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1047F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1047PE-100 TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1047PE-25 TLR2, Mouse, mAb 6C2, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2580 hycultbiotech
HM1049-100UG Mannose receptor, Mouse, mAb MR5D3, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1049-20UG Mannose receptor, Mouse, mAb MR5D3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1050-100UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1050-20UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1050F-100UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1050F-20UG JAM-A, Mouse, mAb BV12, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1051-100UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1051-20UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1051BT-50UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HM1051F-100UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1051F-20UG MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1051PE-100 MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1051PE-25 MPO, Mouse, mAb 8F4, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1052-100UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1052-20UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1052F-100UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1052F-20UG Nectin-2, Mouse, mAb 502-57, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1053-100UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1053-20UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1053F-100UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1053F-20UG Nectin-3, Mouse, mAb 103-A1, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1054-100MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 100 mg 100mg 491115 hycultbiotech
HM1054-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1054-10MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1054-1MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1054-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1054-500UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1054-50MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 50 mg 50mg 368355 hycultbiotech
HM1054-5MG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, 5 mg 5mg 64470 hycultbiotech
HM1054F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1054F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb T2.5, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1056-100UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb 19H36, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1056-20UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb 19H36, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1057-100UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb CRAM-18F26, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1057-20UG JAM-C, Mouse, mAb CRAM-18F26, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1058-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1058-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1058BT-50UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1058F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1058F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1058PE-100 TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1058PE-25 TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.7, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2580 hycultbiotech
HM1060-100UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1060-20UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1060-500UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, 500 ug 0.5mg 16605 hycultbiotech
HM1060F-100UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6285 hycultbiotech
HM1060F-20UG CD14, Mouse, mAb Sa14-2, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1061-100UG SR-A, Mouse, mAb 2F8, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1061-20UG SR-A, Mouse, mAb 2F8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1062-100UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1062-10MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1062-1MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1062-20UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1062-500UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1062-5MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb CIIC1, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1063-100UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1063-10MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1063-1MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1063-20UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1063-500UG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1063-5MG Collagen II, Mouse, mAb M2139, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1065-100UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 2/11, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1065-20UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 2/11, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1065-500UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 2/11, 500 ug 0.5mg 22575 hycultbiotech
HM1066-100UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1066-20UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1066F-100UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1066F-20UG Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1066PE-100 Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, R-PE, 100 tests 100tests 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1066PE-25 Macrophages F4/80, Mouse, mAb BM8, R-PE, 25 tests 25tests 2835 hycultbiotech
HM1070-100UG CD68, Mouse, mAb FA-11, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1070-20UG CD68, Mouse, mAb FA-11, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1072-100UG C3a, Mouse, mAb 3/11, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1072-20UG C3a, Mouse, mAb 3/11, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1072-500UG C3a, Mouse, mAb 3/11, 500 ug 0.5mg 20490 hycultbiotech
HM1073-100MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 100 mg 100mg 491115 hycultbiotech
HM1073-100UG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1073-10MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1073-1MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1073-20UG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1073-500UG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1073-50MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 50 mg 50mg 368355 hycultbiotech
HM1073-5MG C5, Mouse, mAb BB5.1, 5 mg 5mg 64470 hycultbiotech
HM1074-100UG CD36, Mouse, mAb CRF D2712, >100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1075-100UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1075-20UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1075BT-50UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM1075F-100UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1075F-20UG Siglec-H, Mouse, mAb 440c, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1076-100UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 20/70, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1076-20UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 20/70, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1077-100UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 10/92, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1077-20UG C5aR, Mouse, mAb 10/92, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1078-100UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 3/26, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1078-20UG C3b/iC3b/C3c, Mouse, mAb 3/26, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1079-100UG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 100 ug 100ug 7260 hycultbiotech
HM1079-10MG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1079-1MG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1079-20UG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1079-500UG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1079-5MG LTbeta receptor, Mouse, mAb 5G11, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1080-1ML SIGN-R1, Mouse, mAb ER-TR9, 1 ml 200ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1081-100UG MGL, Mouse, mAb ER-MP23, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1081-20UG MGL, Mouse, mAb ER-MP23, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1082-100UG Ly-6C, Mouse, mAb ER-MP20, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1082-20UG Ly-6C, Mouse, mAb ER-MP20, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1083-100UG CD13, Mouse, mAb ER-BMDM1, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1083-20UG CD13, Mouse, mAb ER-BMDM1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1084-100UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb ER-MP12, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1084-20UG PECAM-1, Mouse, mAb ER-MP12, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1086-100UG Fibroblasts, Mouse, mAb ER-TR7, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1086-20UG Fibroblasts, Mouse, mAb ER-TR7, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1087-100UG MHC class II, Mouse, mAb ER-TR3, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1087-20UG MHC class II, Mouse, mAb ER-TR3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1088-100UG Monocytes/Macrophages, Mouse, mAb ER-HR3, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1088-20UG Monocytes/Macrophages, Mouse, mAb ER-HR3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1089-100UG M-CSF-responsive cells, Mouse, mAb ER-MP58, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1089-20UG M-CSF-responsive cells, Mouse, mAb ER-MP58, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1090-100UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-HR52, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1090-20UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-HR52, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1091-100UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-MP42, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1091-20UG MHC class I, Mouse, mAb ER-MP42, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1092-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1092-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1092F-100UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1092F-20UG TLR2, Mouse, mAb mT2.4, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1094-100UG VAP-1, Mouse, mAb 7-88, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1094-20UG VAP-1, Mouse, mAb 7-88, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1096-100UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1096-10MG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1096-1MG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1096-20UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1096-500UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1096-5MG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1096BT-50UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 4185 hycultbiotech
HM1096F-100UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1096F-20UG C1q, Mouse, mAb JL-1, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1097-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1097-10MG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 10 mg 10mg 78570 hycultbiotech
HM1097-1MG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 1 mg 1mg 15720 hycultbiotech
HM1097-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1097-500UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 500 ug 0.5mg 10995 hycultbiotech
HM1097-5MG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, 5 mg 5mg 58935 hycultbiotech
HM1097F-100UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1097F-20UG TNF-RI, Mouse, mAb 55R-170, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1098-100UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1098-20UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1098F-100UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1098F-20UG TREM-1, Mouse, mAb L5-B8, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1099-100UG Ephrin B4, Mouse, mAb VEB4-7E4, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1099-20UG Ephrin B4, Mouse, mAb VEB4-7E4, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1102-100UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1102-20UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1102-500UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, 500 ug 0.5mg 16605 hycultbiotech
HM1102BT-50UG S100A9, Mouse, mAb MU14-2A5, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3555 hycultbiotech
HM1103-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 100 ug 100ug 6615 hycultbiotech
HM1103-10MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1103-1MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1103-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1103-500UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1103-5MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1103F-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 7425 hycultbiotech
HM1103F-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba103, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1104-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1104-10MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM1104-1MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM1104-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1104-500UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM1104-5MG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM1104F-100UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1104F-20UG CD200R3, Mouse, mAb Ba91, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1105-100UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1105-20UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1105F-100UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, FITC, 100ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM1105F-20UG CD96, Mouse, mAb 6A6, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM1106-100UG CD155, Mouse, mAb 3F1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM1106-20UG CD155, Mouse, mAb 3F1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1107-100UG VCAM-1, Mouse, mAb 6C7.1, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1107-20UG VCAM-1, Mouse, mAb 6C7.1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1108-100UG Endomucin, Mouse, mAb V.7C7.1, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1108-20UG Endomucin, Mouse, mAb V.7C7.1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1111-100UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM1111-20UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1111-500UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, 500 ug 0.5mg 10005 hycultbiotech
HM1111F-100UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 4035 hycultbiotech
HM1111F-20UG TIM-4, Mouse, mAb Kat5-18, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1112-100UG CR1/CR2, Mouse, mAb 7E9, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1112-20UG CR1/CR2, Mouse, mAb 7E9, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1115-100UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1115-20UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1115F-100UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1115F-20UG CD55, Mouse, mAb 3D5, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1116-100UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1116-20UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1116F-100UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1116F-20UG CD59a, Mouse, mAb 7A6, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1117-100UG Crry/p65, Mouse, mAb 8A/E6, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1117-20UG Crry/p65, Mouse, mAb 8A/E6, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1118-100UG CD46, Mouse, mAb MM10, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1118-20UG CD46, Mouse, mAb MM10, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1119-100UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1119-20UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1119F-100UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1119F-20UG Factor H, Mouse, mAb 1A2, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1120-100UG RBC, Mouse, mAb 34-3C, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1120-20UG RBC, Mouse, mAb 34-3C, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1120-500UG RBC, Mouse, mAb 34-3C, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM1121-100UG OSCAR, Mouse, mAb 5B8, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1121-20UG OSCAR, Mouse, mAb 5B8, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1123-100UG C3aR, Mouse, mAb 14D4, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1123-20UG C3aR, Mouse, mAb 14D4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1124-100UG EMAPII, Mouse, mAb M7/1, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1124-20UG EMAPII, Mouse, mAb M7/1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1125-100UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb AC6-DH2, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1125-20UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb AC6-DH2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1126-100UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb JF4-AD2, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1126-20UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb JF4-AD2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1127-100UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb LF7-BB3, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1127-20UG CRAMP, Mouse, mAb LF7-BB3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1128-100UG GILT, Mouse, mAb MaP.mGILT6, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM1128-20UG GILT, Mouse, mAb MaP.mGILT6, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1129-100UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1129-20UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1129F-100UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5640 hycultbiotech
HM1129F-20UG TREM-2, Mouse, mAb 6E9, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1130-100UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 2C3, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1130-20UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 2C3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1131-100UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 6B11, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1131-20UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 6B11, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1131BT-50UG Pentraxin 3, Mouse, mAb 6B11, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM1132-100UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1A10, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1132-20UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1A10, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1133-100UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1E4, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1133-20UG Lactoferrin, Mouse, mAb 1E4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1134-100UG C9, Mouse, mAb C9-6-25-5, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1134-20UG C9, Mouse, mAb C9-6-25-5, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1135-100UG MPO, Mouse, mAb B7, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1135-20UG MPO, Mouse, mAb B7, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1136-100UG HMGB1, Mouse, mAb 5H6, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1136-20UG HMGB1, Mouse, mAb 5H6, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1137-100UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1137-20UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1137F-100UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM1137F-20UG DNAM-1, Mouse, mAb TX92, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1138-100UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb E12, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1138-20UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb E12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1139-100UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb H4, 100 ug 100ug 5340 hycultbiotech
HM1139-20UG Properdin, Mouse, mAb H4, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1140-100UG IL-13R-alpha-1, Mouse, mAb 1G3, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1140-20UG IL-13R-alpha-1, Mouse, mAb 1G3, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1141-100UG Podoplanin, Mouse, mAb LpMab-1, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1141-20UG Podoplanin, Mouse, mAb LpMab-1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1141-500UG Podoplanin, Mouse, mAb LpMab-1, 500 ug 0.5mg 15000 hycultbiotech
HM1142-100UG Oxidized phospholipids, Human, mAb 10C12, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM1142-20UG Oxidized phospholipids, Human, mAb 10C12, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM1143-100UG Allergin-1, Mouse, mAb TX83, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1143-20UG Allergin-1, Mouse, mAb TX83, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1145-100UG CLM-8, Mouse, mAb TX41, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1145-20UG CLM-8, Mouse, mAb TX41, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM1147-100UG CLM-5, Mouse, mAb TX69, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM1147-20UG CLM-5, Mouse, mAb TX69, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2001-100UG IL-6, Human, mAb 5E1, 100 ug 100ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM2001-20UG IL-6, Human, mAb 5E1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2002-100UG CD166, Human, mAb AZN-L50, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2002-20UG CD166, Human, mAb AZN-L50, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2002-500UG CD166, Human, mAb AZN-L50, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM2003-100UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F12, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM2003-20UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F12, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2003-300UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F12, 300 ug 300ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HM2004-100UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F14, 100 ug 100ug 3720 hycultbiotech
HM2004-20UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F14, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2004-300UG IFN-gamma, Human, mAb F14, 300 ug 300ug 6450 hycultbiotech
HM2005-100UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM2005-10MG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM2005-1MG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM2005-20UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2005-500UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM2005-5MG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM2005BT-50UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb MR1-2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM2007-100UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM2007-10MG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 10 mg 10mg 98235 hycultbiotech
HM2007-1MG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 1 mg 1mg 19665 hycultbiotech
HM2007-20UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2007-500UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 500 ug 0.5mg 13770 hycultbiotech
HM2007-5MG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, 5 mg 5mg 73680 hycultbiotech
HM2007BT-50UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM2007F-100UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM2007F-20UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb MR2-1, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM2009-100UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 4H31, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2009-20UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 4H31, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2009-500UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 4H31, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM2010-100UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2010-20UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2010F-100UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM2010F-20UG TNF-alpha, Human, mAb 52B83, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2011-100UG MCP-1, Human, mAb MNA1, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2011-20UG MCP-1, Human, mAb MNA1, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2013-100UG LRG, Human, mAb 2F5.A2, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2013-20UG LRG, Human, mAb 2F5.A2, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2014-100UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2014-20UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2014F-100UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 5085 hycultbiotech
HM2014F-20UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 60.11, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2015-100UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 74.5.2, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM2015-20UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 74.5.2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2015-500UG gC1q-R, Human, mAb 74.5.2, 500 ug 0.5mg 15000 hycultbiotech
HM2016-100UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, 100 ug 100ug 4845 hycultbiotech
HM2016-20UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2016-500UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, 500 ug 0.5mg 15000 hycultbiotech
HM2016BT-50UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 66E2, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3225 hycultbiotech
HM2018-100UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, 100 ug 100ug 4305 hycultbiotech
HM2018-20UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, 20 ug 20ug 1830 hycultbiotech
HM2018-500UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, 500 ug 0.5mg 13230 hycultbiotech
HM2018BT-50UG H-FABP, Human, mAb 67D3, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3060 hycultbiotech
HM2020-100UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech
HM2020-20UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, 20 ug 20ug 2055 hycultbiotech
HM2020-500UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, 500 ug 0.5mg 18540 hycultbiotech
HM2020BT-50UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, Biotin, 50 ug 50ug 3795 hycultbiotech
HM2020F-100UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, FITC, 100 ug 100ug 6765 hycultbiotech
HM2020F-20UG TNF-RI, Human, mAb H398, FITC, 20 ug 20ug 2370 hycultbiotech
HM2022-100UG TNF-RII, Human, mAb 80M2, 100 ug 100ug 5985 hycultbiotech


peptanova YK013说明书

peptanova YK013说明书



peptanova YK013说明书

C肽(小鼠) – EIA试剂盒


C-肽(小鼠) – EIA试剂盒


C肽(小鼠) – EIA试剂盒

YK013 1套件| 825.00 EUR 
YK013 2件套以及更多| 每件套725.00欧元

测定范围:0.412-100ng / ml

制造商:Yanaihara Institute Inc.



C-Peptide(Mouse) – Yanaihara Institute Inc.的EIA Kit将在室温下运输。收到后请存放阴凉干燥。


peprotech 100-07说明书

peprotech 100-07说明书

peprotech 100-07说明书

Recombinant Human Prolactin





催乳素是脑垂体分泌的一种神经内分泌激素。它的主要功能是在怀孕和哺乳期间促进和维持泌乳。此外,催乳素通过刺激鸟氨酸脱羧酶和蛋白激酶 C 的活性发挥免疫调节作用,这对淋巴细胞的增殖、分化和功能很重要。重组人催乳素是一种 23.0 kDa 的球状蛋白,含有 200 个氨基酸残基。

peprotech 100-07来源:大肠杆菌

peprotech 100-07同义词:Mammotropic, Luterotropic 激素, Lutetropin


peprotech 100-07 纯度:≥ 98% 通过 SDS-PAGE 凝胶和 HPLC 分析。

peprotech 100-07 生物活性:由其在 0.1-1.0 ng/ml 浓度范围内诱导大鼠 Nb2-11 细胞增殖的能力确定。

peprotech 100-07 计算分子量:23 kDa




原产国: 美国




AAT Bioquest 是一家总部位于美国的生物试剂公司,专门从事检测技术。它目前的总部位于加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔的 520 Mercury Dr。

AAT Bioquest 可靠、高性能的产品使生命科学研究人员能够更好地了解生物化学、免疫学、细胞生物学和分子生物学。我们的产品线在设计时兼顾了生产力和灵活性,这两种品质在当今快节奏的行业中是无价的。我们的 5000 多个产品目录包括 Fluo- 、 Cal-520®、 Cell Meter™、 Amlite™、 CytoTrace™CytoTell™等产品线。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
TJ1700 Cyber Green 500 ul 2950 aatbio2021
TJ1701 Peko Green 1 mL  1750 aatbio2021
TJ1702 Cyber Gold 500 µL 1050 aatbio2021
TJ1703 Cyber Safe 500 µL  450 aatbio2021
TJ1704 JJ Green 500 µL  500 aatbio2021
TJ1710 Ru Red 500 µL 500 aatbio2021
TJ35000 CCK-8 1ml 270 aatbio2021
TJ35001 CCK-8 5ml 590 aatbio2021
TJ35002 CCK-8 10ml 1140 aatbio2021
TJ35003 CCK-8 30ml 2750 aatbio2021
TJ35004 CCK-8 100ml 5400 aatbio2021
1 Fluorescein *CAS 2321-07-5* 1 g 984 aatbio2021
2 Fluorescein, disodium salt *CAS 518-47-8* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
20 FluoroQuest™ Fluorescence Quantum Yield Determination Kit *Optimized for Bioconjugates* 1 kit 12336 aatbio2021
40 3-Cyano-7-hydroxycoumarin *CAS 19088-73-4* 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
41 7-Hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin [4-Methylumbelliferone] *Fluorescence reference standard* 1 g 984 aatbio2021
42 CF-MU [6-Chloro-8-fluoro-umbelliferone] *Fluorescence reference standard* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
51 AMC [7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin] *CAS 26093-31-2* 1 g 984 aatbio2021
52 AMC [7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin] *CAS 26093-31-2* 5 g 2544 aatbio2021
53 AMC [7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin] *CAS 26093-31-2* 25 g 9024 aatbio2021
56 AFC [7-Amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin] *CAS 53518-15-3* 1 g 1236 aatbio2021
57 AFC [7-Amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin] *CAS 53518-15-3* 5 g 5136 aatbio2021
58 AFC [7-Amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin] *CAS 53518-15-3* 25 g 18828 aatbio2021
59 Nile Blue A chloride 100 mg 1800 aatbio2021
60 Nile Blue A *CAS 3625-57-8* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
61 Pyronin Y *CAS 92-32-0* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
62 DDAO [7-hydroxy-9H-(1,3-dichloro-9,9-dimethylacridin-2-one)] *CAS 118290-05-4* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
65 Resorufin, sodium salt *CAS 34994-50-8* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
67 Rhodamine 700 *CAS 63561-42-2* 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
68 Rhodamine 800 *CAS 137993-41-0* 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
69 Rhodamine B *CAS 81-88-9* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
70 Rhodamine 6G *CAS 989-38-8* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
71 Sulforhodamine 101, sodium salt 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
72 Sulforhodamine B *CAS 3520-42-1* 1 g 984 aatbio2021
73 Sulforhodamine G *CAS 5873-16-5* 1 g 984 aatbio2021
74 Rhodamine 101 Inner Salt *CAS 116450-56-7* 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
75 Rhodamine 101 Chloride Salt *CAS 64339-18-0* 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
76 Sulforhodamine 101, sodium salt 25 mg 0 aatbio2021
77 Sulforhodamine 101 25 mg 936 aatbio2021
82 Beta-trifluoromethylumbelliferone [7-Hydroxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin] *CAS 575-03-1* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
85 8-Hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt [HPTS] *CAS 6358-69-6* 1 g 984 aatbio2021
86 Rhodamine 110 *CAS 13558-31-1* 1 g 1800 aatbio2021
89 Oxazine 1 *CAS 24796-94-9* 10 mg 984 aatbio2021
90 Cresyl violet *CAS 41830-80-2* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
91 Indocyanine Green *CAS 3599-32-4* 10 mg 3840 aatbio2021
92 Bromocresol purple *CAS 115-40-2* *Ultrapure grade* 25 g 3840 aatbio2021
95 Caliber Fluor™ 580 1 g 3840 aatbio2021
96 Indocyanine Green *CAS 3599-32-4* 10 g 38292 aatbio2021
100 5(6)-FAM [5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 72088-94-9* 1 g 1236 aatbio2021
101 5(6)-FAM [5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 72088-94-9* 10 g 6432 aatbio2021
102 5(6)-FAM [5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 72088-94-9* 25 g 12336 aatbio2021
103 5-FAM [5-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 76823-03-5* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
104 5-FAM [5-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 76823-03-5* 1 g 2544 aatbio2021
105 5-FAM [5-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 76823-03-5* 5 g 9024 aatbio2021
106 6-FAM [6-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 3301-79-9* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
107 6-FAM [6-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 3301-79-9* 1 g 3840 aatbio2021
108 6-FAM [6-Carboxyfluorescein] *CAS 3301-79-9* 5 g 11628 aatbio2021
110 5(6)-FAM, SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 117548-22-8* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
111 5(6)-FAM, SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 117548-22-8* 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
112 5(6)-FAM, SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 117548-22-8* 1 g 12336 aatbio2021
113 5-FAM, SE [5-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 92557-80-7* 10 mg 1236 aatbio2021
114 5-FAM, SE [5-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 92557-80-7* 100 mg 6432 aatbio2021
115 5-FAM, SE [5-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 92557-80-7* 1 g 25320 aatbio2021
116 6-FAM, SE [6-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 92557-81-8* 10 mg 1236 aatbio2021
117 6-FAM, SE [6-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 92557-81-8* 100 mg 6432 aatbio2021
118 6-FAM, SE [6-Carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 92557-81-8* 1 g 25320 aatbio2021
119 5-SFX [5-FAM-X, SE] *CAS 148356-00-7* 5 mg 1236 aatbio2021
120 5-FITC [Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate] *CAS 3326-32-7* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
121 5-FITC [Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate] *CAS 3326-32-7* 1 g 2544 aatbio2021
122 5-FITC [Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate] *CAS 3326-32-7* 10 g 12336 aatbio2021
123 5(6)-FAM ethylenediamine 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
124 5-FAM ethylenediamine 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
125 6-FITC [FITC Isomer II, fluorescein-6-isothiocyanate] *UltraPure Grade* 0 aatbio2021
126 5-FITC ethylenediamine [Fluorescein thiocarbamylethylenediamine] *CAS 75453-82-6* 100 mg 3840 aatbio2021
127 5(6)-FAM cadaverine 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
128 5-FAM cadaverine 100 mg 3840 aatbio2021
129 5-FITC cadaverine 100 mg 3840 aatbio2021
130 Fluorescein-5-maleimide *CAS 75350-46-8* 25 mg 1632 aatbio2021
131 5-FAM Azide 10 mg 1896 aatbio2021
132 5-FAM Alkyne 10 mg 1896 aatbio2021
133 6-FAM Azide 10 mg 1896 aatbio2021
134 6-FAM Alkyne 10 mg 1896 aatbio2021
135 FITC-xtra 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
136 FITC-xtra 25 mg 6432 aatbio2021
137 Cyanine 3 bisacid [equivalent to Cy3® bisacid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
138 Cyanine 3 bissuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy3® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
139 Cyanine 3.5 amine [equivalent to Cy3.5® amine] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
140 Cyanine 3 monoacid [equivalent to Cy3® acid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
141 Cyanine 3 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy3® NHS ester] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
142 Cyanine 3 maleimide [equivalent to Cy3® maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
143 Cyanine 3 azide [equivalent to Cy3® azide] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
144 Cyanine 3 alkyne [equivalent to Cy3® alkyne] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
145 Cyanine 3 amine [equivalent to Cy3® amine] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
146 Cyanine 3 hydrazide [equivalent to Cy3® hydrazide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
147 Cyanine 3.5 acid [equivalent to Cy3.5® acid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
148 Cyanine 3.5 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy3.5® NHS ester] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
149 Cyanine 3.5 Maleimide [equivalent to Cy3.5® Maleimide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
150 Cyanine 5 monoacid [equivalent to Cy5® acid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
151 Cyanine 5 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy5® NHS ester] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
152 Cyanine 5 maleimide [equivalent to Cy5® maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
153 Cyanine 5 azide [equivalent to Cy5® azide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
154 Cyanine 5 alkyne [equivalent to Cy5® alkyne] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
155 Cyanine 5 amine [equivalent to Cy5® amine] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
156 Cyanine 5 hydrazide [equivalent to Cy5® hydrazide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
157 Cyanine 5 bissuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy5® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
158 Cyanine 5.5 bissuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy5.5® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
159 Cyanine 5 bisacid [equivalent to Cy5® bisacid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
160 Cyanine 7 monoacid  [equivalent to Cy7® acid] 5 mg 3192 aatbio2021
161 Cyanine 7 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy7® NHS ester] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
162 Cyanine 7 maleimide [equivalent to Cy7® maleimide] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
163 Cyanine 7 azide [equivalent to Cy7® azide] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
164 Cyanine 7 alkyne [equivalent to Cy7® alkyne] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
165 Cyanine 7 amine [equivalent to Cy7® amine] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
166 Cyanine 7 hydrazide [equivalent to Cy7® hydrazide] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
169 Cyanine 7 bisacid  [equivalent to Cy7® bisacid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
170 Cyanine 7 bissuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy7® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
172 Cyanine 5.5 bisacid  [equivalent to Cy5.5® bisacid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
173 Cyanine 5.5 monoacid  [equivalent to Cy5.5® acid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
174 Cyanine 5.5 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy5.5® NHS ester] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
175 Cyanine 5.5 maleimide  [equivalent to Cy5.5® maleimide] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
176 Cyanine 5.5 amine [equivalent to Cy5.5® amine] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
177 Cyanine 5.5 hydrazide [equivalent to Cy5.5® hydrazide] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
178 Cyanine 5.5 azide [equivalent to Cy5.5® azide] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
179 Cyanine 5.5 alkyne  [equivalent to Cy5.5® alkyne] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
180 ICG-Sulfo-OSu 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
181 ICG-ATT [3-ICG-acyl-1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione] 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
182 ICG-OSu 1 mg 1896 aatbio2021
183 ICG-Sulfo-EG4-OSu 1 mg 4488 aatbio2021
184 ICG-Sulfo-EG8-OSu 1 mg 4488 aatbio2021
185 ICG-PEG12-OSu 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
186 ICG Xtra-Osu 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
187 ICG Maleimide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
188 ICG amine 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
189 ICG acid 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
190 Cy3NS acid *CAS 1032678-01-5* 100 mg 5136 aatbio2021
191 Cy3NS succinimidyl ester 25 mg 3840 aatbio2021
193 Cy5NS amine 25 mg 0 aatbio2021
194 Cy5NS acid 100 mg 5136 aatbio2021
195 Cy5NS succinimidyl ester 25 mg 3840 aatbio2021
196 Cy5.5NS, acid 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
197 Cy7NS acid 100 mg 5136 aatbio2021
198 Cy7NS succinimidyl ester 25 mg 3840 aatbio2021
199 Cy5.5NS succinimidyl ester 10 mg 3840 aatbio2021
200 5-DTAF [5-(4,6-Dichlorotriazinyl)aminofluorescein] *CAS 51306-35-5* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
201 5-DTAF [5-(4,6-Dichlorotriazinyl)aminofluorescein] *CAS 51306-35-5* 10 g 38292 aatbio2021
202 6-HEX, SE [6-Carboxy-2',4,4',5',7,7'-hexachlorofluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *Single Isomer* 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
203 6-JOE, SE [6-Carboxy-4',5'-dichloro-2',7'-dimethoxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 113394-23-3* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
205 6-DTAF [6-(4,6-Dichlorotriazinyl)aminofluorescein] *CAS 118357-32-7* 1 g 25320 aatbio2021
206 AMF [4’-(Aminomethyl)fluorescein] *CAS 91539-64-9* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
207 5-Carboxy-4’-aminomethylfluorescein 10 mg 2544 aatbio2021
208 6-Carboxy-4’-aminomethylfluorescein 10 mg 2544 aatbio2021
211 6-TET, SE [6-Carboxy-2',4,7',7-tetrachlorofluorescein, succinimidyl ester]  5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
212 6-VIC, SE [6-VIC NHS ester] 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
213 6-VIC, SE [6-VIC NHS ester] 5 mg 4884 aatbio2021
214 6-NED, SE [6-NED NHS ester] 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
215 6-NED, SE [6-NED NHS ester] 5 mg 4884 aatbio2021
216 6-NED alkyne 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
217 6-NED azide 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
218 6-NED maleimide 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
222 5-IAF [5-Iodoacetamidofluorescein] *CAS 63368-54-7* 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
235 CDCF [5-(and-6)-Carboxy-2',7'-dichlorofluorescein] *Mixed isomers* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
240 6-HEX azide 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
241 6-HEX alkyne 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
244 6-TET azide 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
245 6-TET alkyne 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
248 6-JOE azide 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
249 6-JOE alkyne 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
250 Helix Fluor™ 545, succinimidyl ester 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
251 Helix Fluor™ 575, succinimidyl ester 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
255 Cyanine 5 potassium salt [equivalent to Cy5® potassium salt] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
260 Sulfo-Cyanine 3 carboxylic acid 25 mg 6432 aatbio2021
261 Sulfo-Cyanine 3 carboxylic acid 100 mg 18828 aatbio2021
263 Sulfo-Cyanine 3 NHS ester 10 mg 6432 aatbio2021
264 Sulfo-Cyanine 3 NHS ester 50 mg 18828 aatbio2021
266 Sulfo-Cyanine 5 carboxylic acid 25 mg 6432 aatbio2021
267 Sulfo-Cyanine 5 carboxylic acid 100 mg 18828 aatbio2021
268 Sulfo-Cyanine 5 NHS ester 10 mg 6432 aatbio2021
269 Sulfo-Cyanine 5 NHS ester 50 mg 18828 aatbio2021
270 Cyanine 3 bissuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as GE Cy3® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
271 Cyanine 3 monosuccinimidyl este, potassium salt [same as GE Cy3® NHS ester] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
275 Cyanine 3.5 monosuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as GE Cy3.5® NHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
280 Cyanine 5 monosuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as GE Cy5® NHS ester] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
282 Cyanine 5 bissuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as GE Cy5® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
283 Cyanine 5.5 monosuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as Cy5.5® NHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
285 Cyanine 5.5 bissuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as GE Cy5.5® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
290 Cyanine 7 monosuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as GE Cy7® NHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
295 Cyanine 7 bissuccinimidyl ester, potassium salt [same as GE Cy7® bisNHS ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
300 5-dR6G [5-Carboxy-4,7-dichlororhodamine 6G] 25 mg 64248 aatbio2021
301 6-dR6G [6-Carboxy-4,7-dichlororhodamine 6G] 25 mg 64248 aatbio2021
302 5-dR6G, succinimidyl ester 5 mg 36468 aatbio2021
305 5-dTMR [5-Carboxy-4,7-dichlorortetramethylrhodamine] 25 mg 38292 aatbio2021
306 6-dTMR [6-Carboxy-4,7-dichlorortetramethylrhodamine] 25 mg 51276 aatbio2021
307 5-dTMR, succinimidyl ester 5 mg 24108 aatbio2021
310 5-dROX [5-Carboxy-4,7-dichloror-X-hodamine] 25 mg 38292 aatbio2021
311 6-dROX [6-Carboxy-4,7-dichloror-X-hodamine] 25 mg 51276 aatbio2021
312 5-dROX, succinimidyl ester 5 mg 24108 aatbio2021
315 5-dR110 [5-Carboxy-4,7-dichlororhodamine 110] 25 mg 64248 aatbio2021
316 6-dR110 [6-Carboxy-4,7-dichlororhodamine 110] 25 mg 64248 aatbio2021
317 5-dR110, succinimidyl ester 5 mg 61188 aatbio2021
320 5(6)-CR110 [5-(and 6)-Carboxyrhodamine 110] *Mixed isomers* 0 aatbio2021
321 5(6)-CR110 [5-(and 6)-Carboxyrhodamine 110] *Mixed isomers* 0 aatbio2021
322 5-CR110 [5-Carboxyrhodamine 110] *Single isomer* 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
323 6-CR110 [6-Carboxyrhodamine 110] *Single isomer* 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
330 5(6)-CR6G [5-(and 6)-Carboxyrhodamine 6G] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
331 5-CR6G [5-Carboxyrhodamine 6G] *Single isomer* 10 mg 3840 aatbio2021
332 6-CR6G [6-Carboxyrhodamine 6G] *Single isomer* 10 mg 3840 aatbio2021
340 5(6)-CR6G, SE [5-(and 6)-Carboxyrhodamine 6G, succinimidyl ester] *Mixed isomers* 10 mg 3840 aatbio2021
341 5-CR6G, SE [5-Carboxyrhodamine 6G, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 209112-21-0* 1 mg 984 aatbio2021
342 6-CR6G, SE [6-Carboxyrhodamine 6G, succinimidyl ester] *Single isomer* 1 mg 984 aatbio2021
343 5(6)-Caroxyrhodamine 6G cadaverine 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
344 5(6)-Caroxyrhodamine 6G ethylenediamine 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
345 5-CR6G, SE [5-Carboxyrhodamine 6G, succinimidyl ester] *Single isomer* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
346 6-CR6G, SE [6-Carboxyrhodamine 6G, succinimidyl ester] *Single isomer* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
350 5(6)-CR110, SE [5-(and 6)-Carboxyrhodamine 110, succinimidyl ester] *Mixed isomers* 0 aatbio2021
351 5-CR110, SE [5-Carboxyrhodamine 110, succinimidyl ester] *Single isomer* 0 aatbio2021
352 6-CR110, SE [6-Carboxyrhodamine 110, succinimidyl ester] *Single isomer* 0 aatbio2021
353 5-Carboxyrhodamine 6G maleimide 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
354 5(6)-TAMRA ethylenediamine 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
355 5(6)-TAMRA cadaverine 25 mg 3840 aatbio2021
356 5-TAMRA cadaverine 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
357 6-TAMRA cadaverine 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
358 5-TAMRA ethylenediamine 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
359 6-TAMRA ethylenediamine 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
360 5(6)-TAMRA [5(6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 98181-63-6* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
361 5(6)-TAMRA [5(6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 98181-63-6* 1 g 6432 aatbio2021
362 5(6)-TAMRA [5(6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 98181-63-6* 5 g 18828 aatbio2021
363 5-TAMRA [5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 91809-66-4* 10 mg 984 aatbio2021
364 5-TAMRA [5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 91809-66-4* 100 mg 5136 aatbio2021
365 5-TAMRA [5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 91809-66-4* 1 g 12336 aatbio2021
366 6-TAMRA [6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 91809-67-5* 10 mg 984 aatbio2021
367 6-TAMRA [6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 91809-67-5* 100 mg 5136 aatbio2021
368 6-TAMRA [6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] *CAS 91809-67-5* 1 g 12336 aatbio2021
370 5(6)-TAMRA, SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 246256-50-8* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
371 5(6)-TAMRA, SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 246256-50-8* 100 mg 5136 aatbio2021
372 5(6)-TAMRA, SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 246256-50-8* 1 g 38292 aatbio2021
373 5-TAMRA, SE [5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 150810-68-7* 5 mg 1296 aatbio2021
374 5-TAMRA, SE [5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 150810-68-7* 100 mg 12336 aatbio2021
375 5-TAMRA, SE [5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 150810-68-7* 1 g 64248 aatbio2021
376 6-TAMRA, SE [6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 150810-69-8* 5 mg 1296 aatbio2021
377 6-TAMRA, SE [6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 150810-69-8* 100 mg 12336 aatbio2021
378 6-TAMRA, SE [6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 150810-69-8* 1 g 64248 aatbio2021
380 5(6)-ROX [5-(and 6)-Carboxy-X-rhodamine] *CAS 198978-94-8* 100 mg 6432 aatbio2021
381 5-ROX [5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine] *CAS 216699-35-3* 5 g 51276 aatbio2021
382 6-ROX [6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine] *CAS 209734-74-7* 25 mg 1896 aatbio2021
385 5-ROX [5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine] *CAS 216699-35-3* 25 mg 3648 aatbio2021
386 6-ROXtra&trade; acid 25 mg 3540 aatbio2021
389 5-ROX, SE [5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *Single isomer* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
390 5(6)-ROX, SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *Mixed isomers* 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
391 5-ROX, SE [5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 209734-74-7* 100 mg 18828 aatbio2021
392 6-ROX, SE [6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 216699-36-4* 5 mg 1236 aatbio2021
393 6-ROX-AHA, SE 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
394 Sunnyvale Red™ SE *Superior 6-ROX Replacement* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
395 6-ROX glycine *25 uM fluorescence reference solution for PCR reactions* 5 ml 2544 aatbio2021
396 5-ROX glycine *Fluorescence reference standard for PCR reactions* 25 mg 3840 aatbio2021
397 6-ROXtra™ succinimidyl ester 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
398 6-ROXtra™ fluorescence reference solution *25 uM for PCR reactions* 5 ml 3840 aatbio2021
399 6-ROX, SE [6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 216699-36-4* 100 mg 16236 aatbio2021
400 ROX Reference Dye *50X fluorescence reference solution for PCR reactions* 5 ml 2544 aatbio2021
401 6-ROXtra&trade; SE *Superior 6-ROX Replacement* 1 mg 1140 aatbio2021
409 5(6)-TRITC [Tetramethylrhodamine-5-(and-6)-isothiocyanate] *CAS 95197-95-8* 25 mg 5136 aatbio2021
410 5(6)-TRITC [Tetramethylrhodamine-5-(and-6)-isothiocyanate] *CAS 95197-95-8* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
411 5(6)-TMR C2 maleimide 0 aatbio2021
412 5(6)-TAMRA Maleimide [Tetramethylrhodamine-5-(and-6)-maleimide] *Mixed isomers* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
413 5-TMRIA [Tetramethylrhodamine-5-iodoacetamide] 0 aatbio2021
415 5-TRITC [Tetramethylrhodamine-5-isothiocyanate] *CAS 80724-19-2* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
416 5-TRITC [Tetramethylrhodamine-5-isothiocyanate] *CAS 80724-19-2* 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
417 6-TRITC [Tetramethylrhodamine-6-isothiocyanate] *CAS 80724-20-5* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
418 6-TRITC [Tetramethylrhodamine-6-isothiocyanate] *CAS 80724-20-5* 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
418 6-TMR C2 maleimide 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
419 6-TAMRA Maleimide [Tetramethylrhodamine-6-maleimide] *CAS 174568-68-4* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
420 5-TMR C2 maleimide 0 aatbio2021
421 5-TAMRA Maleimide [Tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide] *CAS 174568-67-3* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
423 5(6)-TAMRA C6 maleimide 5 mg 1236 aatbio2021
424 5-TAMRA C6 maleimide 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
425 6-TAMRA C6 maleimide 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
426 6-ROX C2 Maleimide 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
469 Texas Red-X, acid 10 mg 2340 aatbio2021
470 Lissamine Rhodamine B Sulfonyl Chloride [Sulforhodamine B sulfonyl chloride] *CAS 62796-29-6* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
471 LRB Red™ SE 10 mg 1896 aatbio2021
472 SunRed™ SE 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
473 California Red™ SE  5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
474 Texas Red-X, succinimidyl ester *Single isomer* *CAS 199745-67-0* 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
475 Texas Red-X, succinimidyl ester *Mixed isomers* *CAS 216972-99-5* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
478 SunRed™ SE 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
479 California Red™ SE  1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
480 Sulforhodamine 101 sulfonyl chloride [Texas Red®] *CAS#: 82354-19-6* 10 mg 1236 aatbio2021
481 Texas Red® hydrazide *Single Isomer* 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
482 Texas Red® cadaverine *Single Isomer* 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
483 Texas Red® maleimide *Single Isomer* 5 mg 1236 aatbio2021
484 Texas Red® azide *Single Isomer* 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
485 Texas Red® alkyne *Single Isomer* 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
486 5-TAMRA azide 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
487 5-TAMRA alkyne 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
490 6-TAMRA azide 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
491 6-TAMRA alkyne 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
494 6-ROX azide 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
495 6-ROX alkyne 5 mg 1896 aatbio2021
501 AMCA acid *CAS#: 106562-32-7* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
502 AMCA, succinimidyl ester 10 mg 1236 aatbio2021
503 AMCA C2 Maleimide 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
504 AMCA Ethylenediamine 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
505 DEAC [7-Diethylaminocoumarin-3-carboxylic acid] *CAS 50995-74-9* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
506 DEAC,SE [7-Diethylaminocoumarin-3-carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 139346-57-9* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
507 AMCA Alkyne 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
508 AMCA Azide 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
549 7-Hydroxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid *CAS 779-27-1* 250 mg 1236 aatbio2021
550 7-Hydroxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid *CAS 779-27-1* 250 mg 3840 aatbio2021
551 7-Hydroxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester *CAS 134471-24-2* 50 mg 1236 aatbio2021
552 7-Hydroxycoumarin-4-acetic acid *CAS 6950-82-9* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
553 7-Hydroxycoumarin-4-acetic acid, succinimidyl ester 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
554 7-Hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid *CAS 5852-10-8* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
556 7-Hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid, succinimidyl ester 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
557 MCA [7-Methoxycoumarin-4-acetic acid] *CAS 62935-72-2* 1 g 2544 aatbio2021
558 MCA succinimidyl ester [7-Methoxycoumarin-4-acetic acid, succinimidyl ester] 25 mg 1896 aatbio2021
560 7-Methoxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid *CAS 20300-59-8* 1 g 1896 aatbio2021
561 7-Methoxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid *CAS 20300-59-8*  5 g 6432 aatbio2021
563 7-Methoxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester *CAS 150321-92-9* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
570 PacBlue succinimidyl ester 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
604 2-Aminoacridone *CAS 27918-14-5* 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
610 EDANS acid [5-((2-Aminoethyl)amino)naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid] *CAS 50402-56-7* 1 g 1236 aatbio2021
611 EDANS acid [5-((2-Aminoethyl)amino)naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid] 10 g 10332 aatbio2021
615 EDANS sodium salt [5-((2-Aminoethyl)aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid, sodium salt] *CAS 100900-07-0* 1 g 1632 aatbio2021
616 EDANS sodium salt [5-((2-Aminoethyl)aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid, sodium salt] *CAS 100900-07-0* 10 g 12336 aatbio2021
617 EDANS C2 maleimide 25 mg 0 aatbio2021
618 EDANS iodoacetamide [5-((((2-Iodoacetyl)amino)ethyl)amino)naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
619 EDANS C5 maleimide 5 mg 1176 aatbio2021
624 APTS [8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt] *CAS 196504-57-1* 10 mg 984 aatbio2021
633 mBBr [Monobromobimane] *CAS 71418-44-5* 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
634 bBBr [Dibromobimane] *CAS 68654-25-1* 5 mg 984 aatbio2021
635 mBCl [Monochlorobimane] *CAS 76421-73-3* 10 mg 1236 aatbio2021
660 Bodi Fluor™ 576/589 acid (equivalent to BODIPY™ 576/589) 10 mg 2412 aatbio2021
661 Bodi Fluor™ 576/589 NHS Ester (equivalent to BODIPY™ 576/589 NHS Ester) 5 mg 3648 aatbio2021
700 Bodi Fluor™ 488 acid (equivalent to Bodipy® FL) *CAS#: 126250-45-1* 10 mg 2544 aatbio2021
701 Bodi Fluor™ 488 SE (equivalent to Bodipy® FL, SE) *CAS#: 146616-66-2* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
703 Bodi Fluor™ R6G NHS Ester [equivalent to Bodipy® R6G, NHS Ester] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
708 5-OG488 acid [equivalent to Oregon Green® 488 carboxylic acid, 5-isomer] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
710 5-OG488 succinimidyl ester [equivalent to Oregon Green® 488 carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester, 5-isomer ] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
711 6-OG488 succinimidyl ester [equivalent to Oregon Green® 488 carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester, 6-isomer ] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
712 6-OG488 acid [equivalent to Oregon Green® 488 carboxylic acid, 6-isomer] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
715 OG488 maleimide [equivalent to Oregon Green® 488 maleimide] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
810 Dansyl cadaverine [5-Dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-(N-(5-aminopentyl))sulfonamide] 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
811 Dansyl chloride [5-Dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl chloride] *CAS 605-65-2* 100 mg 984 aatbio2021
812 Dansyl-X, acid 5 g 25320 aatbio2021
813 Dansyl-X, SE 1 g 12336 aatbio2021
820 Fluorescamine *CAS 38183-12-9* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
821 NBD-F [4-Fluoro-7-nitrobenzofurazan] *CAS 29270-56-2* 5 mg 1236 aatbio2021
825 NBD-Cl [4-Chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan] *CAS 10199-89-0* 25 mg 984 aatbio2021
828 NBD-X acid 1 g 9744 aatbio2021
829 NBD-X, succinimidyl ester *CAS 145195-58-0* 100 mg 3840 aatbio2021
899 Texas Red TCO *Single isomer* 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
900 Cy3 trans-cyclooctene [Cy3 TCO] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
901 Cy5 trans-cyclooctene [Cy5 TCO] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
902 Cy5 tetrazine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
910 Cy3 tetrazine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
911 Cy5 tertrazine [Cy5  tertrazine] 1 mg 0 aatbio2021
920 DBCO-Cy3 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
923 DBCO-Cy5 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
940 Cy3B acid 5 mg 6432 aatbio2021
941 Cy3B NHS ester 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
942 Cy3B maleimide 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
950 5-FAM azide 100 mg 9744 aatbio2021
951 5-FAM alkyne 100 mg 9744 aatbio2021
955 6-FAM azide 100 mg 9744 aatbio2021
956 6-FAM alkyne 100 mg 9744 aatbio2021
960 5-TAMRA azide 50 mg 9744 aatbio2021
961 5-TAMRA alkyne 50 mg 9744 aatbio2021
965 6-TAMRA azide 50 mg 9744 aatbio2021
966 6-TAMRA alkyne 50 mg 9744 aatbio2021
970 Cy3 azide 25 mg 8448 aatbio2021
971 Cy3 alkyne 25 mg 8448 aatbio2021
975 Cy5 azide 25 mg 8448 aatbio2021
976 Cy5 alkyne 25 mg 8448 aatbio2021
980 Cyanine 3.5 azide [equivalent to Cy3.5® azide] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
981 Cyanine 3.5 azide [equivalent to Cy3.5® azide] 25 mg 8448 aatbio2021
982 Cyanine 3.5 alkyne [equivalent to Cy3.5® alkyne] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
983 Cyanine 3.5 alkyne [equivalent to Cy3.5® alkyne] 25 mg 8448 aatbio2021
985 ICG azide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
986 ICG alkyne 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
987 ICG hydrazide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
990 ICG-TFP ester 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
999 iFluor™ 488 alkyne 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1000 iFluor™ 488 azide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1005 iFluor™ 488 TCO 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1007 iFluor™ 555 TCO 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1009 iFluor™ 594 TCO 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1011 iFluor™ 647 TCO 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1014 iFluor™ 488 Tetrazine 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1016 iFluor™ 555 Tetrazine 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1018 iFluor™ 594 Tetrazine 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1019 iFluor™ 647 Tetrazine 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1020 iFluor™ 350 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1021 iFluor™ 405 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1022 iFluor™ 460 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1023 iFluor™ 488 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1024 iFluor™ 514 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1025 iFluor™ 532 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1026 iFluor™ 460 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1028 iFluor™ 555 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1029 iFluor™ 594 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1030 iFluor™ 633 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1031 iFluor™ 647 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1032 iFluor™ 660 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1033 iFluor™ 670 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1035 iFluor™ 680 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1036 iFluor™ 700 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1037 iFluor™ 750 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1038 iFluor™ 610 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1039 iFluor™ A7 SE 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1040 iFluor™ 560 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1041 iFluor™ 440 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1045 iFluor™ 710 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1046 iFluor™720 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3540 aatbio2021
1048 iFluor™ 546 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1049 iFluor™ 568 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1052 iFluor™ 430 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1053 iFluor™ 405 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1054 iFluor™ 430 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1055 iFluor™ 568 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1056 iFluor™ 633 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1057 iFluor™ 450 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1058 iFluor™ 460 maleimide 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1060 iFluor™ 350 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1061 iFluor™ 532 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1062 iFluor™ 488 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1063 iFluor™ 555 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1064 iFluor™ 594 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1065 iFluor™ 647 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1066 iFluor™ 680 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1067 iFluor™ 700 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1068 iFluor™ 750 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1070 iFluor™ 350 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1071 iFluor™ 405 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1072 iFluor™ 488 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1073 iFluor™ 555 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1074 iFluor™ 647 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1075 iFluor™ 660 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1076 iFluor™ 680 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1077 iFluor™ 700 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1078 iFluor™ 710 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1079 iFluor™ 750 amine 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1080 iFluor™ 350 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1081 iFluor™ 405 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1082 iFluor™ 488 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1083 iFluor™ 555 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1085 iFluor™ 647 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1086 iFluor™ 680 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1087 iFluor™ 700 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1088 iFluor™ 750 hydrazide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1090 iFluor™ 647 alkyne 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1091 iFluor™ 647 azide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1092 iFluor™ 555 alkyne 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1093 iFluor™ 555 azide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1100 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Violet 450 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1105 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Violet 420 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1110 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Violet 510 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1114 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Violet 540 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1120 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Blue 570 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1123 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Green 620 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1126 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Yellow 630 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1130 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Red 700 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1131 ReadiLink™ Rapid mFluor™ Red 780 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1135 mFluor™ UV375 SE 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1136 mFluor™ UV460 SE 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1137 mFluor™ UV500 SE 0 aatbio2021
1138 mFluor™ UV560 SE 0 aatbio2021
1140 mFluor™ Violet 450 acid 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1141 mFluor™ Violet 510 acid 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1142 mFluor™ Violet 540 acid 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1143 mFluor™ Blue 570 acid 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1144 mFluor™ Green 620 acid 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1145 mFluor™ Yellow 630 acid 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1146 mFluor™ Red 700 acid 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1147 mFluor™ Red 780 acid 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1149 mFluor™ Violet 500 SE 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1150 mFluor™ Violet 450 SE 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1151 mFluor™ Violet 510 SE 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1152 mFluor™ Violet 540 SE 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1156 mFluor™ Violet 610 SE 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1159 mFluor™ Blue 560 SE 0 aatbio2021
1160 mFluor™ Blue 570 SE 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1161 mFluor™ Blue 590 SE 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1162 mFluor™ Blue 610 SE 1 mg 0 aatbio2021
1163 mFluor™ Blue 620 SE 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1164 mFluor™ Blue 630 SE 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1165 mFluor™ Green 620 SE 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1168 mFluor™ Green 630 SE 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1170 mFluor™ Yellow 630 SE 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1180 mFluor™ Blue 660 SE 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1190 mFluor™ Red 700 SE 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1191 mFluor™ Red 780 SE 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1192 mFluor&trade; Red 780 Maleimide 1 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1210 mFluor™ Red 780 amine 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1220 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 350 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1227 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 555 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1230 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 594 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1235 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 647 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1240 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 680 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1245 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 700 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1250 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 750 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1255 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 488 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1260 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 633 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1265 ReadiLink™ Rapid iFluor™ 790 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1275 ReadiLink™ Rapid AF488 Antibody Labeling Kit *Rapid Alexa Fluor 488 Labeling* 2×50 ug Labelings 1800 aatbio2021
1276 ReadiLink™ Rapid AF555 Antibody Labeling Kit *Rapid Alexa Fluor 555 Labeling* 2×50 ug Labelings 1800 aatbio2021
1277 ReadiLink™ Rapid AF594 Antibody Labeling Kit *Rapid Alexa Fluor 594 Labeling* 2×50 ug Labelings 1800 aatbio2021
1278 ReadiLink™ Rapid AF647 Antibody Labeling Kit *Rapid Alexa Fluor 647 Labeling* 2×50 ug Labelings 1800 aatbio2021
1279 ReadiLink™ Rapid AF750 Antibody Labeling Kit *Rapid Alexa Fluor 750 Labeling* 2×50 ug Labelings 1800 aatbio2021
1290 ReadiLink™ Rapid Cy3 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1292 ReadiLink™ Rapid Cy5 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1294 ReadiLink™ Rapid Cy7 Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1299 ReadiLink™ Rapid FITC Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 µg Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 1896 aatbio2021
1300 ReadiLink™ Rapid trFluor™ Eu Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 12336 aatbio2021
1305 ReadiLink™ Rapid trFluor™ Tb Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 50 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 12336 aatbio2021
1310 Buccutite™ Rapid PE Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1311 Buccutite™ Rapid APC Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1312 Buccutite™ Rapid PE Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 3840 aatbio2021
1312 ReadiLink™ Rapid PerCP Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 3840 aatbio2021
1313 Buccutite™ Rapid APC Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 3840 aatbio2021
1315 Buccutite™ Rapid Protein Crosslinking Kit *Microscale Optimized for Crosslinking 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Crosslinkings 3840 aatbio2021
1316 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Cy5.5 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1317 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Cy7 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1318 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Texas Red Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1319 Buccutite™ Rapid APC-iFluor™ 700 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1320 Buccutite™ Rapid APC-Cy5.5 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1321 Buccutite™ Rapid APC-Cy7 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1322 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Cy5 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1325 Buccutite™ Rapid PerCP Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 100 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 9024 aatbio2021
1340 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Cy5 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 3840 aatbio2021
1341 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Cy5.5 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 3840 aatbio2021
1342 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Cy7 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 3840 aatbio2021
1343 Buccutite™ Rapid PE-Texas Red Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 3840 aatbio2021
1347 Buccutite™ Rapid APC-iFluor™ 700 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 5136 aatbio2021
1350 Buccutite™ Rapid APC-Cy5.5 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 5136 aatbio2021
1351 Buccutite™ Rapid APC-Cy7 Tandem Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 5136 aatbio2021
1353 Buccutite™ Rapid PerCP Antibody Labeling Kit *Microscale Optimized for Labeling 25 ug Antibody Per Reaction* 2 Labelings 6432 aatbio2021
1360 iFluor™ 790 acid 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1362 iFluor™ 790 amine 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1364 iFluor™ 790 hydrazide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1366 iFluor™ 790 maleimide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1368 iFluor™ 790 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1375 iFluor™ 800 acid 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1378 iFluor™ 800 maleimide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1379 iFluor™ 800 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1385 iFluor™ 810 acid 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1388 iFluor™ 810 maleimide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1389 iFluor™ 810 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1395 iFluor™ 820 acid 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1398 iFluor™ 820 maleimide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1399 iFluor™ 820 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1401 iFluor™ 840 acid 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1402 iFluor™ 840 maleimide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1403 iFluor™ 840 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1405 iFluor™ 860 acid 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1408 iFluor™ 860 maleimide 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1409 iFluor™ 860 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1430 trFluor™ Eu-Cryptate succinimidyl ester 100 ug 3840 aatbio2021
1431 trFluor™ Eu-Cryptate succinimidyl ester 1 mg 6432 aatbio2021
1433 trFluor™ Eu succinimidyl ester 1 mg 6432 aatbio2021
1434 trFluor™ Eu maleimide 100 ug 3840 aatbio2021
1443 trFluor™ Tb succinimidyl ester 1 mg 6432 aatbio2021
1444 trFluor™ Tb maleimide 100 ug 3840 aatbio2021
1446 trFluor™ Eu DBCO 100 ug 3648 aatbio2021
1500 zFluor™ 647 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
1501 zFluor&trade; 635 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2940 aatbio2021
1510 zFluor™ 633 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
1520 RuFluor™ succinimidyl ester 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
1550 iFluor&trade; 665 succinimidyl ester 100 ug 1140 aatbio2021
1551 iFluor&trade; 665 succinimidyl ester 1 mg 2340 aatbio2021
1552 iFluor&trade; 665 succinimidyl ester 5 mg 9000 aatbio2021
1553 iFluor&trade; 665 succinimidyl ester 10 mg 15000 aatbio2021
1554 iFluor&trade; 665 maleimide 1 mg 2340 aatbio2021
1600 mFluor™ Violet 450 maleimide 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1601 mFluor™ UV375 maleimide 0 aatbio2021
1604 mFluor™ UV460 maleimide 0 aatbio2021
1605 mFluor™ UV500 maleimide 0 aatbio2021
1608 mFluor™ UV560 maleimide 0 aatbio2021
1615 mFluor™ Violet 500 maleimide 0 aatbio2021
1690 mFluor™ Violet 450 Azide 1 mg 3540 aatbio2021
1700 Alpha Fluor™ 488 alkyne [equivalent to Alexa Fluor® 488 alkyne] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1701 Alpha Fluor™ 488 azide [equivalent to Alexa Fluor® 488 azide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1705 Alpha Fluor™ 488 amine [equivalent to Alexa Fluor® 488 C5 amine] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1715 Alpha Fluor™ 594 amine [equivalent to Alexa Fluor® 594 C5 amine] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1786 Alpha Fluor™ 350 acid [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 350 acid] 5 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1790 Alpha Fluor™ 488 acid [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 488 acid] 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1791 Alpha Fluor™ 546 acid [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 546 acid] 5 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1792 Alpha Fluor™ 568 acid [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 568 acid] 5 mg 3648 aatbio2021
1793 AF 514 acid 5 mg 3540 aatbio2021
1795 Alpha Fluor™ 532 acid [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 532 acid] 10 mg 5136 aatbio2021
1800 Alpha Fluor™ 350 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 350 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1803 Alpha Fluor™ 405 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 405 NHS Ester] 1 mg 0 aatbio2021
1810 Alpha Fluor™ 488 NHS Ester-UltraPure Grade [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 488 NHS Ester] 1 mg 3192 aatbio2021
1812 Alpha Fluor™ 488 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 488 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1818 AF 514 NHS ester 1 mg 2340 aatbio2021
1819 Alpha Fluor™ 532 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 532 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1820 Alpha Fluor™ 546 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 546 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1821 Alpha Fluor™ 555 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 555 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1823 Alpha Fluor™ 568 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 568 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2412 aatbio2021
1830 Alpha Fluor™ 594 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 594 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1833 Alpha Fluor™ 647 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 647 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1835 Alpha Fluor™ 680 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 6804 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1836 Alpha Fluor™ 700 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 700 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1839 Alpha Fluor™ 750 NHS Ester [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 750 NHS Ester] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1870 Alpha Fluor™ 350 C5 Maleimide [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 350 C5 Maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1878 Alpha Fluor™ 488 C5 Maleimide [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 488 C5 Maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1885 Alpha Fluor™ 532 C5 Maleimide [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 532 C5 Maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1891 Alpha Fluor™ 594 C5 Maleimide [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 594 C5 Maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1895 Alpha Fluor™ 647 maleimide [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ C2 647 maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
1900 Alpha Fluor™ 488 Hydroxylamine [equivalent to Alexa Fluor™ 488 Hydroxylamine] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
1950 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid iFluor™ 350 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1955 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid iFluor™ 488 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1958 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid iFluor™ 555 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1960 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid iFluor™ 594 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1963 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid iFluor™ 647 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1965 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid iFluor™ 750 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1970 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid FITC Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1971 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid Cy3 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1972 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid Cy5 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1973 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid Cy7 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1978 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid AF488 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1980 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid AF555 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1982 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid AF594 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1985 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid AF647 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
1988 ReadiLink™ xtra Rapid AF750 Antibody Labeling Kit *BSA-Compatible* 2 Labelings 2412 aatbio2021
2001 DABCYL acid [4-((4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)benzoic acid] *CAS 6268-49-1* 5 g 1896 aatbio2021
2002 DABCYL acid [4-((4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)benzoic acid] *UltraPure grade* 0 aatbio2021
2003 DABCYL acid [4-((4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)benzoic acid] *UltraPure grade* 0 aatbio2021
2004 DABCYL succinimidyl ester [4-((4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)benzoic acid, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 146998-31-4* 1 g 4488 aatbio2021
2005 DABCYL succinimidyl ester [4-((4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)benzoic acid, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 146998-31-4* 5 g 18828 aatbio2021
2006 DABCYL C2 amine 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2008 DABCYL C2 maleimide 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2010 DABCYL-DBCO 5 mg 3648 aatbio2021
2020 DNP-X acid [6-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl)aminohexanoic acid] *CAS 10466-72-5* 100 mg 1236 aatbio2021
2021 DNP-X acid, SE [6-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl)aminohexanoic acid, succinimidyl ester] *CAS 82321-04-8* 25 mg 1236 aatbio2021
2022 DNP-PEG4 acid 25 mg 1140 aatbio2021
2023 DNP-PEG4 NHS ester 5 mg 1140 aatbio2021
2025 DNP amine 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2026 DNP maleimide 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2030 DABSYL chloride [4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene-4-sulfonyl chloride] *CAS 56512-49-3* 1 g 1236 aatbio2021
2031 QXY21 [equivalent to QSY-21] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2033 QXY21 NHS ester  [equivalent to QSY-21 NHS ester] 10 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2037 QXY7 acid [equivalent to QSY-7 NHS ester] 25 mg 2340 aatbio2021
2038 QXY7 NHS ester [equivalent to QSY-7 NHS ester] 10 mg 2340 aatbio2021
2050 Tide Quencher™ 2WS acid [TQ2WS acid] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2058 Tide Quencher™ 2WS succinimidyl ester [TQ2WS, SE] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2059 Tide Quencher™ 2WS maleimide [TQ2WS maleimide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2060 Tide Quencher™ 4WS acid [TQ4WS acid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2061 Tide Quencher™ 4WS amine [TQ4WS amine] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2062 Tide Quencher™ 4 CPG [TQ4 CPG] *500 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2063 Tide Quencher™ 4 CPG [TQ4 CPG] *1000 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2064 Tide Quencher™ 4WS maleimide [TQ4WS maleimide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2067 Tide Quencher™ 4WS succinimidyl ester [TQ4WS SE] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2068 Tide Quencher™ 4WS azide [TQ4WS azide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2069 Tide Quencher™ 4WS alkyne [TQ4WS alkyne] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2075 Tide Quencher™ 5WS acid [TQ5WS acid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2076 Tide Quencher™ 5WS amine [TQ5WS amine] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2077 Tide Quencher™ 5 CPG [TQ5 CPG] *500 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2078 Tide Quencher™ 5 CPG [TQ5 CPG] *1000 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2079 Tide Quencher™ 5WS maleimide [TQ5WS maleimide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2081 Tide Quencher™ 5WS succinimidyl ester [TQ5WS SE] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2082 Tide Quencher™ 5WS azide [TQ5WS azide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2083 Tide Quencher™ 5WS alkyne [TQ5WS alkyne] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2090 Tide Quencher™ 6WS acid [TQ6WS acid] 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2091 Tide Quencher™ 6WS amine [TQ6WS amine] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2094 Tide Quencher™ 6WS maleimide [TQ6WS maleimide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2096 Tide Quencher™ 6WS succinimidyl ester [TQ6WS SE] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2097 Tide Quencher™ 6WS azide [TQ6WS azide] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2098 Tide Quencher™ 6WS alkyne [TQ6WS alkyne] 1 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2105 Tide Quencher™ 7WS acid [TQ7WS acid] 5 mg 6432 aatbio2021
2106 Tide Quencher™ 7WS amine [TQ7WS amine] 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
2109 Tide Quencher™ 7WS maleimide [TQ7WS maleimide] 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
2111 Tide Quencher™ 7WS succinimidyl ester [TQ7WS SE] 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
2112 Tide Quencher™ 7WS azide [TQ7WS azide] 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
2113 Tide Quencher™ 7WS alkyne [TQ7WS alkyne] 1 mg 5136 aatbio2021
2188 Tide Quencher™ 1 azide [TQ1 azide] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2189 Tide Quencher™ 1 alkyne [TQ1 alkyne] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2190 Tide Quencher™ 1 acid [TQ1 acid] 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2192 Tide Quencher™ 1 amine [TQ1 amine] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2193 Tide Quencher™ 1 CPG [TQ1 CPG] *500 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2194 Tide Quencher™ 1 CPG [TQ1 CPG] *1000 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2196 Tide Quencher™ 1 maleimide [TQ1 maleimide] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2198 Tide Quencher™ 1 phosphoramidite [TQ1 phosphoramidite] 100 umoles 2544 aatbio2021
2199 Tide Quencher™ 1 succinimidyl ester [TQ1 SE] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2200 Tide Quencher™ 2 acid [TQ2 acid] 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2202 Tide Quencher™ 2 amine [TQ2 amine] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2203 Tide Quencher™ 2 CPG [TQ2 CPG] *500 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2204 Tide Quencher™ 2 CPG [TQ2 CPG] *1000 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2206 Tide Quencher™ 2 maleimide [TQ2 maleimide] 0 aatbio2021
2208 Tide Quencher™ 2 phosphoramidite [TQ2 phosphoramidite] 100 umoles 2544 aatbio2021
2210 Tide Quencher™ 2 succinimidyl ester [TQ2 SE] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2211 Tide Quencher™ 2 azide [TQ2 azide] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2212 Tide Quencher™ 2 alkyne [TQ2 alkyne] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2213 Tide Quencher™ 2WS alkyne [TQ2WS alkyne] 1 mg 1236 aatbio2021
2214 Tide Quencher™ 2WS alkyne [TQ2WS alkyne] 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2220 Tide Quencher™ 3 acid [TQ3 acid] 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2222 Tide Quencher™ 3 amine [TQ3 amine] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2223 Tide Quencher™ 3 CPG [TQ3 CPG] *500 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2224 Tide Quencher™ 3 CPG [TQ3 CPG] *1000 Å* 100 mg 2280 aatbio2021
2226 Tide Quencher™ 3 maleimide [TQ3 maleimide] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2227 Tide Quencher™ 3WS acid [TQ3WS acid] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2228 Tide Quencher™ 3 phosphoramidite [TQ3 phosphoramidite] 100 umoles 2544 aatbio2021
2229 Tide Quencher™ 3WS succinimidyl ester [TQ3WS SE] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2230 Tide Quencher™ 3 succinimidyl ester [TQ3 SE] 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2231 Tide Quencher™ 3 azide [TQ3 azide] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2232 Tide Quencher™ 3 alkyne [TQ3 alkyne] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2236 Tide Fluor™ 1 azide [TF1 azide] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2237 Tide Fluor™ 1 alkyne [TF1 alkyne] 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2238 Tide Fluor™ 1 acid [TF1 acid] *Superior replacement for EDANS* 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2239 Tide Fluor™ 1 amine [TF1 amine] *Superior replacement for EDANS* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2240 Tide Fluor™ 1 CPG [TF1 CPG] *500 Å* *Superior replacement for EDANS* 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2241 Tide Fluor™ 1 CPG [TF1 CPG] *1000 Å* *Superior replacement for EDANS* 100 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2242 Tide Fluor™ 1 maleimide [TF1 maleimide] *Superior replacement for EDANS* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2243 Tide Fluor™ 1 phosphoramidite [TF1 CEP] *Superior replacement to EDANS* 0 aatbio2021
2244 Tide Fluor™ 1 succinimidyl ester [TF1 SE]*Superior replacement for EDANS* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2245 Tide Fluor™ 2 acid [TF2 acid] *Superior replacement for fluorescein* 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2246 Tide Fluor™ 2 amine [TF2 amine] *Superior replacement for fluorescein* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2247 Tide Fluor™ 2 maleimide [TF2 maleimide] *Superior replacement for fluorescein* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2248 Tide Fluor™ 2, succinimidyl ester [TF2 SE]*Superior replacement for fluorescein* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2251 Tide Fluor™ 2 phosphoramidite [TF2 CEP] *Superior replacement to fluorescein* 0 aatbio2021
2252 Tide Fluor™ 2 azide [TF2 azide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2253 Tide Fluor™ 2 alkyne [TF2 alkyne] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2254 Tide Fluor™ 3 azide [TF3 azide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2255 Tide Fluor™ 3 alkyne [TF3 alkyne] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2268 Tide Fluor™ 3 acid [TF3 acid] *Superior replacement for Cy3* 25 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2269 Tide Fluor™ 3 amine [TF3 amine] *Superior replacement for Cy3* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2270 Tide Fluor™ 3 maleimide [TF3 maleimide] *Superior replacement for Cy3* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2271 Tide Fluor™ 3 succinimidyl ester [TF3 SE]*Superior replacement for Cy3* 5 mg 5136 aatbio2021
2274 Tide Fluor™ 3 phosphoramidite [TF3 CEP] *Superior replacement to Cy3  phosphoramidite* 100 umoles 5136 aatbio2021
2274 Tide Fluor™ 3 phosphoramidite [TF3 CEP] *Superior replacement to Cy3* 100 µmoles 5136 aatbio2021
2275 Tide Fluor™ 5WS azide [TF5WS azide] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2276 Tide Fluor™ 5WS alkyne [TF5WS alkyne] 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2278 Tide Fluor™ 5WS acid [TF5WS acid] *Superior replacement for Cy5* 10 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2279 Tide Fluor™ 5WS amine [TF5WS amine] *Superior replacement for Cy5* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2280 Tide Fluor™ 5WS maleimide [TF5WS maleimide] *Superior replacement for Cy5* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2281 Tide Fluor™ 5WS succinimidyl ester [TF5WS SE]*Superior replacement for Cy5* 5 mg 3840 aatbio2021
2284 Tide Fluor™ 5 phosphoramidite [TF5 CEP] *Superior replacement to Cy5* 0 aatbio2021
2285 Tide Fluor™ 4 acid [TF4 acid] *Superior replacement for ROX and Texas Red* 10 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2286 Tide Fluor™ 4 amine [TF4 amine] *Superior replacement for ROX and Texas Red* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2287 Tide Fluor™ 4 maleimide [TF4 maleimide] *Superior replacement for ROX and Texas Red* 1 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2288 Tide Fluor™ 4 phosphoramidite [TF4 CEP] *Superior replacement to ROX and Texas Red* 0 aatbio2021
2289 Tide Fluor™ 4, succinimidyl ester [TF4 SE]*Superior replacement for ROX and Texas Red* 5 mg 2544 aatbio2021
2291 Tide Fluor™ 6WS acid [TF6WS acid] *Superior replacement for Cy5.5* 10 mg 2544 aatbio2021





货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
20041 VMAT1 (Vesicular Monoamine Tranpsorter 1) Antibody 100ul 4410 ImmunoStar2021
20042 VMAT2 (Vesicular Monoamine Tranpsorter 2) Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
20056 Insulin Antibody 100ul 2940 ImmunoStar2021
20060 NK1R (Neurokinin 1 Receptor) Antibody 100ul 4410 ImmunoStar2021
20061 NK3R (Neurokinin 3 Receptor) Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
20063 Beta-Endorphin Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
20064 Substance P Antibody 100ul 4200 ImmunoStar2021
20065 Methionine Enkephalin Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
20066 Leucine Enkephalin Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
20067 Somatostatin Antibody 100ul 4200 ImmunoStar2021
20068 Oxytocin Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
20069 Vasopressin Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
20070 ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) Antibody 100ul 2940 ImmunoStar2021
20072 Neurotensin Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
20073 GRP / Bombesin Antibody 100ul 4200 ImmunoStar2021
20074 Alpha-MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
20075 LHRH (Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone)  Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
20076 Glucagon Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
20077 VIP (Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide) Antibody 100ul 4550 ImmunoStar2021
20078 CCK-8 (Cholecystokinin Octapeptide) Antibody 100ul 4200 ImmunoStar2021
20079 5-HT (Serotonin) Goat Antibody 100ul 4550 ImmunoStar2021
20080 5-HT (Serotonin) Rabbit Antibody 100ul 4550 ImmunoStar2021
20081 5-HT (Serotonin) / BSA Conjugate Control 100ul 1750 ImmunoStar2021
20084 CRF (Corticotropin Releasing Factor) Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
20085 SP-1 Chromogranin A (Bovine) Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
20086 SP-1 Chromogranin A (Porcine) Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
20089 Somatostatin 28 Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
20091 FMRF-amide (Cardio-excitatory Peptide) Antibody 100ul 4200 ImmunoStar2021
20092 VIAAT (Vesicular Inhibitory Amino Acid Transporter)  Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
20094 GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
20095 GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) Antibody- diluted titer of 1:100 100ul 1820 ImmunoStar2021
22520 S100 Antibody 100ul 2100 ImmunoStar2021
22522 GFAP (Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein) Antibody 100ul 2100 ImmunoStar2021
22806 DBH (Dopamine-beta-Hydroxylase) Antibody 100ul 5250 ImmunoStar2021
22938 GHRF (Growth Hormone Releasing Factor) Antibody 100ul 2940 ImmunoStar2021
22939 Histamine Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
22940 Neuropeptide Y Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
22941 Tyrosine Hydroxylase Antibody 100ul 5950 ImmunoStar2021
24112 CGRP (Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide) Antibody 100ul 3850 ImmunoStar2021
24200 Glucagon-like Protein Receptor (GLP2R) Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
24216 Opioid Receptor-Mu (MOR) Antibody 100ul 5600 ImmunoStar2021
24274 5-HIAA (5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid) Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
24286 VAT (Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter) Antibody 100ul 5600 ImmunoStar2021
24287 nNOS:C-Terminal (neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase) Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
24288 5-HT (Serotonin) 2A Receptor Antibody 100ul 5600 ImmunoStar2021
24330 5-HT (Serotonin) Transporter Antibody 100ul 5600 ImmunoStar2021
24332 5-HT (Serotonin) Transporter Peptide Control 100ul 1050 ImmunoStar2021
24333 5-HT (Serotonin) 2A Receptor Peptide Control 100ul 1050 ImmunoStar2021
24337 nNOS:C-Terminal Peptide Control 100ul 1050 ImmunoStar2021
24338 C-FOS Peptide Control 100ul 1050 ImmunoStar2021
24427 Calbindin D-28K Antibody 100ul 5250 ImmunoStar2021
24428 Parvalbumin Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
24429 5-HT (Serotonin) 5A Receptor Antibody 100ul 5250 ImmunoStar2021
24430 5-HT (Serotonin) 7 Receptor Antibody 100ul 5250 ImmunoStar2021
24431 nNOS:N-Terminal (neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase) Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
24439 GluR1 (Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor 1) Antibody 100ul 4340 ImmunoStar2021
24440 GluR1 (Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor) Peptide Control 100ul 1050 ImmunoStar2021
24445 Calretinin Antibody 100ul 4340 ImmunoStar2021
24446 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) Antibody 100ul 3500 ImmunoStar2021
24447 nNOS:N-Terminal Peptide Control 100ul 1050 ImmunoStar2021
24459 GAT-2 (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid Transporter) Antibody 100ul 4900 ImmunoStar2021
24504 5-HT (Serotonin) 1A Receptor Antibody 100ul 5600 ImmunoStar2021
24505 5-HT (Serotonin) 2C Receptor Antibody 100ul 5250 ImmunoStar2021
24506 Neuropeptide Y Y1 Receptor Antibody 100ul 5250 ImmunoStar2021
26209 C-FOS Antibody 100ul 5600 ImmunoStar2021
24507 5-HT (Serotonin) 6 Receptor Antibody 100ul 5250 ImmunoStar2021

CELLnTEC 2021年价格表

CELLnTEC 2021年价格表

CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Systems 开发用于精确细胞培养的产品和技术。在世界各地,CELLnTEC 使科学家能够创建复杂的体外细胞系统。


CELLnTEC 提供一系列基础培养基和功能化培养基,包括设计用于在无血清、无异种或*确定的环境中扩增细胞的高度明确的培养基。我们的产品组合涵盖从上皮到内皮组织类型以及从 iPSC 到 MSC 的解决方案。

CELLnTEC 2021年价格表

货号 产品名称 规格 单价 品牌
CnT-07 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Defined 500mL KIT 3340 CELLnTEC
CnT-09 Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium 500mL KIT 2840 CELLnTEC
CnT-17 PCT Airway Epithelium Medium, Defined 500mL KIT 3900 CELLnTEC
CnT-30 Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium 500mL KIT 7080 CELLnTEC
CnT-40 Melanocyte Growth Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3560 CELLnTEC
CnT-40-HC CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified, 500ml FROZEN 500ml (Frozen) 5200 CELLnTEC
CnT-57 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Low BPE 500mL KIT 3120 CELLnTEC
CnT-ABM10 Pen-Strep / Amphotericin B Solution, 250x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 2.0 mL 660 CELLnTEC
CnT-Accutase-100 Accutase Cell Detachment Solution 100 mL 940 CELLnTEC
CnT-AG2 VitroAge Keratinocyte Aging Medium 500ml (Frozen) Inquire CELLnTEC
CnT-CRYO-50 CRYO Defined, Animal Component Free Freezing Medium 50.0ml 2140 CELLnTEC
CnT-DNP-10 Dispase II, Netural Protease, 20x (POWDER) 5 x 100 mg 3020 CELLnTEC
CnT-ENDO CnT-Endothelium Medium 500ml (Frozen) 4980 CELLnTEC
CnT-FT-CELLS HPEKs Keratinocytes and HDFs Fibroblasts Value Pack (2 vials), 0.5 million cells/vial(HUMAN) 2 vials 22500 CELLnTEC
CnT-GAB10 Gentamycin / Amphotericin B Solution, 500x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 1.0 mL 1320 CELLnTEC
CnT-ISO-50 CnT-Prime IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement, 1000x 50.0ul 2060 CELLnTEC
CnT-MSCDIFF-AD.S Adipogenic Differentiation Supplement 2×1.0ml 2580 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3020 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-3D CnT-Prime 3D Barrier Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 5060 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-A CnT-Prime Airway, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3420 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-AD CnT-Prime Airway Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3680 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-BM.1 CnT-Prime Basal Medium 500ml (Frozen) 1680 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-CA CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Calcium-Free 500ml (Frozen) Inquire CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-CC CnT-Prime Co-Culture, Epithelial/Stromal Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-D CnT-Prime 2D Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3220 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-ECM CnT Prime Extra- Cellular Matrix (ECM) Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
Cnt-PR-EF Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium, Animal Component Free 500ml (Frozen) 4100 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-F CnT-Prime Fibroblast Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3100 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-FH CnT-Prime Fibroblast Homeostasis Medium 250.0ml (Frozen) 2280 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-FTAL5 CnT-Prime Airlift, Full Thickness Skin Airlift Medium 500ml (Frozen) 4400 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-H CnT-Prime Keratinocyte Homeostasis Medium 250.0ml (Frozen) 2280 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-KM CnT-Prime KM, Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MD Melanocyte Differentiation Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MH Melanocyte Homeostasis Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2280 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MSC CnT-Prime MSC Medium 500ml (Frozen) 6020 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MSC-XF CnT-Prime MSC Medium, Xeno-Free 500ml (Frozen) 6920 CELLnTEC
CnT-SP Spacer Plate, 12-well (re-usable) for Full-Thickness Skin, Airlift Models EACH 940 CELLnTEC
CnT-ST-100 Stain Kit, incl. Solution I and Solution II 2 x 50 mL 1460 CELLnTEC
CnT-XP3 XP3 Biopsy Maintenance Medium 250.0ml (Frozen) 1680 CELLnTEC
CPEK Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors (DOG) Cell Vial 18700 CELLnTEC
HBLAK Bladder Epithelium Progenitors, long-term (HUMAN) Cell Vial 18700 CELLnTEC
HCEP Corneal Epithelium Progenitors (HUMAN) Cell Vial 23680 CELLnTEC
HDFap Primary Human Dermal Fibroblasts POOLED ADULT donors (500,000 Cells/vial) Cell Vial 10120 CELLnTEC
HDFas Primary Human Dermal Fibroblasts Single ADULT donor (500,000 Cells/vial) Cell Vial 11940 CELLnTEC
HDFp Dermal Fibroblasts, Pooled Cell Vial 10120 CELLnTEC
HDFs Dermal Fibroblasts, Single Donor Cell Vial 11940 CELLnTEC
HDPs Dermal Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 23860 CELLnTEC
HEMas Epidermal Melanocytes, Adult, Single donor Cell Vial 16840 CELLnTEC
HEMns Epidermal Melanocytes, Juvenile, Single donor Cell Vial 16840 CELLnTEC
HGEPp Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Pooled Cell Vial 23800 CELLnTEC
HGEPs Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 24900 CELLnTEC
HPEKas Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Adult Donor Cell Vial 16440 CELLnTEC
HPEKp Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Pooled Cell Vial 14620 CELLnTEC
HPEKs Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 16080 CELLnTEC
MPEK-BL6 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors Cell Vial 18700 CELLnTEC
PR2D-CC 2D Co-culture Start Kit-Keratinocyte/Fibroblast, includes Keratinocyte and Fibroblast cells. 1 Kit 29960 CELLnTEC
PR2D-KM 2D Co-culture Starter Kit, Keratinocyte/Melanocyte, includes Keratinocytes and Melanocyte cells 1 Kit 36500 CELLnTEC
PR3D-HPEK-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit , incl. Keratinocytes 1 Kit 27460 CELLnTEC
PR3D-K-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit, without cells 1 Kit 14160 CELLnTEC
PRFT-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/o Cells Kit (frozen) 15500 CELLnTEC
PRFT-CELLS-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/Cells Kit (frozen) 37980 CELLnTEC




Arthus Biosystems 很高兴提供一系列研究试剂和试剂盒,以帮助开展与蛋氨酸循环相关的科学研究,蛋氨酸循环是所有生物体在整个进化过程中都保守的关键生化途径。我们的 SAM 和 SAH 单克隆抗体具有非常高的滴度和亲和力,让您只需一个小瓶即可完成大部分研究。迄今为止,我们的抗 SAM 和 SAH 抗体均具有最佳灵敏度。我们还提供经过验证的 SAM 和 SAH 偶联物以及示踪分子(如生物素),以帮助您研究生物分子-生物分子相互作用并开发进一步的检测方法。


目录号 姓名 描述 包装
FK00201 SAM FCM 1 带有 Alexa Fluor® 647 的 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 FCM 试剂盒 100 次测试
FK00202 SAM FCM 2 含藻红蛋白 (PE) 的 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 FCM 试剂盒 20 次测试
FK00301 SAH FCM 1 带有 Alexa Fluor® 488 的 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 FCM 试剂盒 60 次测试
FK00302 SAH FCM 2 带有 Alexa Fluor® 488 的 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 FCM 试剂盒 20 次测试
IK00201 酶联免疫吸附试验 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸ELISA试剂盒 96 项测试
IK00201s SAM ELISA 用于血浆、血清或组织/细胞匀浆样品的 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒 96 项测试
IK00301 酶联免疫吸附试验 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸ELISA试剂盒 96 项测试
IK00301s SAH ELISA 用于血浆、血清或组织/细胞匀浆样品的 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒 96 项测试
IK00202 SAM ELISA 2 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 96 项测试
IK00202s SAM ELISA 2s 用于血浆、血清或组织/细胞匀浆样品的 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 96 项测试
IK00302 SAH ELISA 2 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 96 项测试
IK00302s SAH ELISA 2s 用于血浆、血清或组织/细胞匀浆样品的 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 96 项测试
IK00203 SAM ELISA 3 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 48 项测试
IK00203s SAM ELISA 3s 用于血浆、血清或组织/细胞匀浆样品的 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 48 项测试
IK00303 SAH ELISA 3 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 48 项测试
IK00303s SAH ELISA 3s 用于血浆、血清或组织/细胞匀浆样品的 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒,范围广泛 48 项测试
IK00204 SAM ELISA 4 用于细胞培养上清液或其他样品的 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒 96 项测试
IK00304 SAH ELISA 4 用于细胞培养上清液或其他样品的 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸 ELISA 试剂盒 96 项测试
IK00401 MAT 活性测定 甲硫氨酸腺苷转移酶 (MAT) 活性测定试剂盒 96 项测试
IK00403 MAT 活性测定 3 甲硫氨酸腺苷转移酶 (MAT) 活性测定试剂盒 48 项测试
MA00201-100 小鼠抗 SAM 1a S-腺苷甲硫氨酸克隆 118-6 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00201-50 小鼠抗 SAM 1b S-denosylmethionine Clone 118-6 小鼠单克隆抗体 100微克
MA00202-100 小鼠抗 SAM 2b S-腺苷甲硫氨酸克隆 84-3 小鼠单克隆抗体 100微克
MA00202-50 小鼠抗 SAM 2a S-denosylmethionine Clone 84-3 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00203-50 小鼠抗 SAM 3a S-腺苷甲硫氨酸克隆 118-18 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00204-50 小鼠抗 SAM 4a S-腺苷甲硫氨酸克隆 84-19 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
PA00201-100 兔抗SAM b S-腺苷甲硫氨酸兔多克隆抗体 100微克
PA00201-50 兔抗SAM a S-腺苷甲硫氨酸兔多克隆抗体 50微克
MAH00201-50 HRP-抗-SAM 1a 辣根过氧化物酶 (HRP) 偶联抗 SAM 单克隆抗体 Clone 118-6 50微升
MAH00202-50 HRP-抗-SAM 2a 辣根过氧化物酶 (HRP) 偶联抗 SAM 单克隆抗体 Clone 84-3 50微升
MAH00203-50 HRP-抗-SAM 3a 辣根过氧化物酶 (HRP) 偶联抗 SAM 单克隆抗体 Clone 118-18 50微升
MAH00204-50 HRP-抗-SAM 4a 辣根过氧化物酶 (HRP) 偶联抗 SAM 单克隆抗体 Clone 84-19 50微升
MAF00201-25 AF6-抗-SAM 1a Alexa Fluor® 647 (AF6) 偶联抗 SAM 单克隆抗体 Clone 118-6 25微升
MAF00201-50 AF6-抗-SAM 1b Alexa Fluor® 647 (AF6) 偶联抗 SAM 单克隆抗体 Clone 118-6 50微升
MAF00202-50 AF6-抗-SAM 2a 藻红蛋白 (PE) 偶联抗 SAM 单克隆抗体 Clone 84-3 50微升
MA00301-50 小鼠抗 SAH 1a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 301-1 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00302-50 小鼠抗 SAH 2a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 301-10 的小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00303-50 小鼠抗 SAH 3a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 301-3 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00304-50 小鼠抗 SAH 4a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 301-16 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00305-50 小鼠抗 SAH 5a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 844-1 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00306-50 小鼠抗 SAH 6a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 844-2 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00307-50 小鼠抗 SAH 7a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 839-6 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MA00308-50 小鼠抗 SAH 8a S-腺苷高半胱氨酸克隆 839-12 小鼠单克隆抗体 50微克
MAH00301-50 HRP-抗-SAH 1a 辣根过氧化物酶 (HRP) 偶联抗 SAH 单克隆抗体 Clone 301-3 50微升
MAH00302-50 HRP-抗-SAH 2a 辣根过氧化物酶 (HRP) 偶联抗 SAH 单克隆抗体 Clone 301-16 50微升
MAF00301-25 AF488-抗SAH 1a Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) 偶联抗 SAH 单克隆抗体 Clone 301-3 25微克
MAF00301-50 AF488-抗SAH 1b Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) 偶联抗 SAH 单克隆抗体 Clone 301-3 50微克
MAF00302-50 AF488-抗SAH 2a Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) 偶联抗 SAH 单克隆抗体 Clone 839-6 50微克
PA00401-50 兔抗MAT 兔多克隆抗甲硫氨酸腺苷转移酶抗血清 50微克
PA00402-50 兔抗MAT克 用甘油抗甲硫氨酸腺苷转移酶的兔多克隆抗血清 50微克
ACT00201-5 锁相环-氮杂-SAM a 聚赖氨酸与 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸类似物 Aza-SAM (AST00201) 结合。10-20 个 96 孔微量滴定板的涂层。 5微克
ACT00201-10 锁相环-氮杂-SAM b 聚赖氨酸与 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸类似物 Aza-SAM (AST00201) 结合。用于 20-40 个 96 孔微量滴定板的涂层。 10微克
ACT00204-5 BSA-氮杂-SAM a 牛血清白蛋白与 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸类似物 Aza-SAM (AST00201) 偶联。10-20 个 96 孔微量滴定板的涂层。 5微克
ACT00202-50 生物SAM 生物素与 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸的 NH2 基团结合。 50微克
ACT00202-100 生物SAM b 生物素与 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸的 NH2 基团结合。 100微克
ACT00203-50 Bio-6C-SAM 1a 生物素通过 6-氨基己酸与 SAM 的 NH2 结合。 50微克
ACT00203-100 Bio-6C-SAM 1b 生物素通过 6-氨基己酸与 SAM 的 NH2 结合。 100微克
ACT00205-10 Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1a 生物素通过 6-氨基己酸与 aza-SAM 的 NH2 结合。 10微克
ACT00205-50 Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1b 生物素通过 6-氨基己酸与 aza-SAM 的 NH2 结合。 50微克
ACT00205-100 Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1c 生物素通过 6-氨基己酸与 aza-SAM 的 NH2 结合。 100微克
ACT00206-10 Bio-12CN-氮杂-SAM 1a 生物素通过 10 个碳和 2 个氮的接头与 aza-SAM 的 NH2 结合。 10微克
ACT00206-50 Bio-12CN-氮杂-SAM 1b 生物素通过 10 个碳和 2 个氮的接头与 aza-SAM 的 NH2 结合。 50微克
ACT00206-100 Bio-12CN-aza-SAM 1c 生物素通过 10 个碳和 2 个氮的接头与 aza-SAM 的 NH2 结合。 100微克
AST00201 Aza-SAM 一系列S-腺苷甲硫氨酸类似物Aza-SAM标准:500nM、250nM、125nM、62.5nM、31.25nM、15.625nM、7.8125nM、0nM 1毫升
AST00201-1 Aza-SAM S-腺苷甲硫氨酸类似物 Aza-SAM 标准品。可以提供用于连续稀释的缓冲液 (4 ml)(每个额外 15 美元)。 1ml (500nM)
AST00201-200 氮杂-SAM b S-腺苷甲硫氨酸类似物 Aza-SAM 标准品。可以提供用于连续稀释的缓冲液 (10 ml)(每个额外 15 美元)。 200ul (5µM)
AST00201-1s Aza-SAM 作为 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸类似物 Aza-SAM 血清/血浆标准品。可以提供用于连续稀释的缓冲液 (3.2 ml)。 1ml (1µM)
ACT00301-50 BSA-SAH BSA 与 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸缀合。10 个 96 孔微量滴定板的涂层。 50µg (20µg)
ACT00302-50 生物SAH a 生物素与 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸的 NH2 基团结合。 50微克
ACT00302-100 生物SAH b 生物素与 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸的 NH2 基团结合。 100微克
ACT00303-50 Bio-6C-SAH 1a 生物素通过 6-氨基己酸与 SAH 的 NH2 结合。 50微克
ACT00303-100 Bio-6C-SAH 1b 生物素通过 6-氨基己酸与 SAH 的 NH2 结合。 100微克
ACT00305-10 Bio-12CN-SAH 1a 生物素通过 10 个碳和 2 个氮的接头与 SAH 的 NH2 结合。 10微克
ACT00305-50 Bio-12CN-SAH 1b 生物素通过 10 个碳和 2 个氮的接头与 SAH 的 NH2 结合。 50微克
ACT00305-100 Bio-12CN-SAH 1c 生物素通过 10 个碳和 2 个氮的接头与 SAH 的 NH2 结合。 100微克
ACT00304-25 Dig-6C-SAH 1a 通过 6-溴己酸与 SAH 的 NH2- 结合 25微克
ACT00304-50 Dig-6C-SAH 1b 通过 6-溴己酸与 SAH 的 NH2 结合。 50微克
ACT00304-100 Dig-6C-SAH 1c 通过 6-溴己酸与 SAH 的 NH2 结合。 100微克
AST00301-1 钠盐 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸标准品(SAH 钠)。可以提供用于连续稀释的缓冲液 (18 ml)(每个额外 15 美元)。 1ml (4µM)
AST00301-1s SAH-Nas 用于血清/血浆的 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸标准品(SAH 钠)。可以提供用于连续稀释的缓冲液 (8ml)(每个额外 60 美元)。 0.5ml (4µM)
AST00401-50 重组蛋氨酸腺苷转移酶 (EC,大肠杆菌表达 50微克
AST00401-500 垫子 重组蛋氨酸腺苷转移酶 (EC,大肠杆菌表达 500微克
AST00601-50 高密度脂蛋白 重组同型半胱氨酸 S-甲基转移酶 (EC,大肠杆菌表达 50微克
AST00601-500 HMT b 重组同型半胱氨酸 S-甲基转移酶 (EC,大肠杆菌表达 500微克
ACT00501-100 BSA-HCY 牛血清白蛋白 (BSA) 与同型半胱氨酸 (HCY) 偶联。 100微克




供应商 产品编号 产品名称 规格
SurModics ABTS-0100-01 ABTS One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 100 mL 
SurModics ABTS-1000-01 ABTS One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 1000 mL
SurModics APHP-0100-01 Alkaline Phosphatase/Horseradish Peroxidase Block 100 mL 
SurModics APSR-0100-01 AP Stop Reagent 100 mL 
SurModics APSR-1000-01 AP Stop Reagent 1000 mL
SurModics APU4-0100-01 Chemiluminescent Ultra Sensitive AP
Microwell and/or Membrane Substrate  (450 nm)
100 mL 
SurModics BCIB-0100-01 BCIP/NBT Blue One Component AP
Membrane Substrate
100 mL
SurModics BCIB-1000-01 BCIP/NBT Blue One Component AP
Membrane Substrate
1000 mL
SurModics BCID-0100-01 BCIP/NBT Purple One Component AP
Membrane Substrate
100 mL
SurModics BCID-1000-01 BCIP/NBT Purple One Component AP
Membrane Substrate
1000 mL
SurModics BSTP-0100-01 650 nm Stop Reagent for TMB Microwell Substrates 100 mL 
SurModics BSTP-1000-01 650 nm Stop Reagent for TMB Microwell Substrates 1000 mL
SurModics CHMI-0060-2C Chemiluminescent Ultra Sensitive HRP
Microwell Substrate
60 mL (1 x 20 mL Luminol Reagent + 2 x 20 mL Reaction Buffer)
SurModics CHMM-0060-2C Chemiluminescent Ultra Sensitive HRP
Membrane Substrate
60 mL (1 x 20 mL Luminol Reagent + 2 x 20 mL Reaction Buffer)
SurModics COAT-0100-01 ELISA Plate Coating Solution – 10X Concentrate 100 mL
SurModics COAT-1000-01 ELISA Plate Coating Solution – 10X Concentrate 1000 mL
SurModics DABI-0100-2C DAB Immunohistochemistry Substrate 1 x 3 mL + 1 x 100 mL
SurModics DABM-0400-2C DAB Membrane Substrate 4 x 100 mL + 1 x 15 mL
SurModics DN01-0025 TRIDIA Activated Slides 25 Slides
SurModics ESPM-0100-01 TMB Enhanced One Component HRP Membrane Substrate 100 mL
SurModics ESPM-1000-01 TMB Enhanced One Component HRP Membrane Substrate 1000 mL
SurModics LBSP-0100-01 650 nm Liquid Stop Solution for TMB Microwell Substrates 100 mL 
SurModics LBSP-1000-01 650 nm Liquid Stop Solution for TMB Microwell Substrates 1000 mL
SurModics LERI-0110-2C Chemiluminescent Sensitive Plus HRP
Microwell and/or Membrane Substrate
110 mL (1 x 55 mL Luminol Reagent + 1 x 55 mL Reaction Buffer)
SurModics LSTP-0100-01 450 nm Liquid Stop Solution for TMB Microwell Substrates 100 mL 
SurModics LSTP-1000-01 450 nm Liquid Stop Solution for TMB Microwell Substrates 1000 mL
SurModics LUMI-0110-2C Chemiluminescent Super Sensitive HRP
Microwell and/or Membrane Substrate
110 mL (1 x 55 mL Luminol Reagent + 1 x 55 mL Reaction Buffer)
SurModics MLKB-0100-01 Borate Buffered Saline Milk Blocking Solution –
10X Concentrate
100 mL
SurModics MLKB-1000-01 Borate Buffered Saline Milk Blocking Solution –
10X Concentrate
1000 mL
SurModics NSTP-0100-01 450nm BioFX Liquid Nova-Stop for TMB Microwell Substrates 100 mL
SurModics NSTP-1000-01 450nm BioFX Liquid Nova-Stop for TMB Microwell Substrates 1000 mL
SurModics PBSC-0100-01 Phosphate Buffered Saline/Casein
Block and Diluent – 5X Concentrate
100 mL
SurModics PBSC-1000-01 Phosphate Buffered Saline/Casein
Block and Diluent – 5X Concentrate
1000 mL
SurModics PNPS-0100-01 AP-Yellow One Component Microwell Substrate (pNPP)
with Stabilizing Pellets (US Patent No. 7001717)
100 mL
SurModics PNPS-1000-01 AP-Yellow One Component Microwell Substrate (pNPP)
with Stabilizing Pellets (US Patent No. 7001717)
1000 mL
SurModics SA01-0050 StabilZyme AP Conjugate Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics SA01-1000 StabilZyme AP Conjugate Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics SA01-2000 StabilZyme AP Conjugate Stabilizer 2000 mL
SurModics SAPF-0050 StabilZyme Protein-Free AP Conjugate Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics SAPF-1000 StabilZyme Protein-Free AP Conjugate Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics SB01-0125-01 StabilBlot Protein-Free Blocker 125 mL
SurModics SB01-1000-01 StabilBlot Protein-Free Blocker 1000 mL
SurModics SB04-0125-01 StabilBlot Milk Blocker (10X) 125 mL
SurModics SB04-1000-01 StabilBlot Milk Blocker (10X) 1000 mL
SurModics SB05-0125-01 StabilBlot Casein Blocker (5X, TBS) 125 mL
SurModics SB05-1000-01 StabilBlot Casein Blocker (5X, TBS) 1000 mL
SurModics SC01-0050 StabilCoat Immunoassay Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics SC01-1000 StabilCoat Immunoassay Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics SC01-2000 StabilCoat Immunoassay Stabilizer 2000 mL
SurModics SC02-0050 StabilCoat Plus Microarray Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics SC02-1000 StabilCoat Plus Microarray Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics SC05-0100 5X StabilCoat Immunoassay Stabilizer 100 mL
SurModics SC05-1000 5X StabilCoat Immunoassay Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics SC05-2000 5X StabilCoat Immunoassay Stabilizer 2000 mL
SurModics SG01-0050 StabilGuard Immunoassay Stabilizer (BSA-Free) 50 mL
SurModics SG01-1000 StabilGuard Immunoassay Stabilizer (BSA-Free) 1000 mL
SurModics SG02-0050 StabilGuard Choice Microarray Stabilizer (BSA-Free) 50 mL
SurModics SG02-1000 StabilGuard Choice Microarray Stabilizer (BSA-Free) 1000 mL
SurModics SM01-0050 Assay Diluent (Protein-Free) 50 mL
SurModics SM01-1000 Assay Diluent (Protein-Free) 1000 mL
SurModics SM02-0050 MatrixGuard Diluent 50 mL
SurModics SM02-1000 MatrixGuard Diluent 1000 mL
SurModics ST01-0050 StabilBlock Immunoassay Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics ST01-1000 StabilBlock Immunoassay Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics STAB-0020-01 Stabilizing Pellets for PNPS (pNPP) (US Patent No. 7001717) 20 g
SurModics STAB-0050-01 Stabilizing Pellets for PNPS (pNPP) (US Patent No. 7001717) 50 g
SurModics STAB-0100-01 Stabilizing Pellets for PNPS (pNPP) (US Patent No. 7001717) 100 g
SurModics STPR-0100-01 450 nm Stop Reagent for TMB Microwell Substrates 100 mL 
SurModics STPR-1000-01 450 nm Stop Reagent for TMB Microwell Substrates 1000 mL
SurModics SZ02-0050 StabilZyme HRP Conjugate Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics SZ02-1000 StabilZyme HRP Conjugate Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics SZ02-2000 StabilZyme HRP Conjugate Stabilizer 2000 mL
SurModics SZ03-0050 StabilZyme SELECT Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics SZ03-1000 StabilZyme SELECT Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics SZ03-2000 StabilZyme SELECT Stabilizer 2000 mL
SurModics SZ04-0050 StabilZyme NOBLE Stabilizer (BSA-Free) 50 mL
SurModics SZ04-1000 StabilZyme NOBLE Stabilizer (BSA-Free) 1000 mL
SurModics SZPF-0050 StabilZyme Protein-Free Stabilizer 50 mL
SurModics SZPF-1000 StabilZyme Protein-Free Stabilizer 1000 mL
SurModics TBSC-0100-01 Tris Buffered Saline/Casein
Block and Diluent – 10X Concentrate
100 mL
SurModics TBSC-1000-01 Tris Buffered Saline/Casein
Block and Diluent – 10X Concentrate
1000 mL
SurModics TMBC-0100-01 TMB Conductivity One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 100 mL 
SurModics TMBC-1000-01 TMB Conductivity One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 1000 mL
SurModics TMBM-0100-01 TMB One Component HRP Membrane Substrate 100 mL
SurModics TMBM-1000-01 TMB One Component HRP Membrane Substrate 1000 mL
SurModics TMBS-0100-01 TMB Super Sensitive One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
100 mL 
SurModics TMBS-1000-01 TMB Super Sensitive One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
1000 mL
SurModics TMBW-0100-01 TMB One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 100 mL 
SurModics TMBW-1000-01 TMB One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 1000 mL
SurModics TMBX-0100-01 TMB Extended Range HRP Microwell Substrate 100 mL 
SurModics TMBX-1000-01 TMB Extended Range HRP Microwell Substrate 1000 mL
SurModics TMDS-0100-01 TMB Double Slow One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
100 mL 
SurModics TMDS-1000-01 TMB Double Slow One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
1000 mL
SurModics TMSK-0100-01 TMB Slow Kinetic One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
100 mL 
SurModics TMSK-1000-01 TMB Slow Kinetic One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
1000 mL
SurModics TTMB-0100-01 TMB Super Slow One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
100 mL 
SurModics TTMB-1000-01 TMB Super Slow One Component HRP
Microwell Substrate
1000 mL
SurModics WSHW-0100-01 Tris Buffered Saline Wash Solution –
10X Concentrate
100 mL
SurModics WSHW-1000-01 Tris Buffered Saline Wash Solution –
10X Concentrate
1000 mL
SurModics TMBHD-0100-01 TMB High Definition One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 100 mL 
SurModics TMBHD-1000-01 TMB High Definition One Component HRP Microwell Substrate 1000 mL


bxcell BE0001-1说明书

bxcell BE0001-1说明书

InVivo MAb™ 抗体专为体内使用而配制。它们具有高于 95% 的纯度、超低的内毒素水平,并且不含防腐剂、稳定剂和载体蛋白。我们的许多InVivo MAb™ 抗体也可用于体外应用,包括蛋白质印迹、ELISA、流式细胞分析、免疫荧光、免疫组织化学和免疫沉淀。所有InVivo MAb™ 产品都通过 SDS-PAGE 筛选纯度和完整性,并保证每毫克含有少于 2 个内毒素单位。


InVivo MAb 抗小鼠 CD3ε

克隆 目录 # 类别

请参阅InVivo Plus™ 格式
BE0001-1  InVivoMAb 抗体

关于InVivo MAb 抗小鼠 CD3ε

145-2C11 单克隆抗体与小鼠 CD3ε 反应,CD3ε 是一种 20 kDa 跨膜细胞表面蛋白,属于免疫球蛋白超家族。CD3ε 是结合形成 TCR 复合物的五个多肽链之一。CD3ε 在 T 淋巴细胞、NK-T 细胞上表达,并在发育中的胸腺细胞上有不同程度的表达。CD3 在 TCR 信号传导、T 淋巴细胞活化和抗原识别中发挥作用。已显示 145-2C11 抗体通过结合和刺激 TCR在体外诱导 T 淋巴细胞活化、增殖和凋亡。当在体内使用时,据报道该抗体会产生 T 细胞活化、无反应性或死亡。体内静息 T 细胞的激活导致细胞因子释放和随后由 Ab 介导的 T 细胞和 Fcγ 受体 (FcR) 细胞交联引起的毒性。因此,非 FcR 结合 145-2C11 f(ab')2 片段更常用于体内应用。据报道,145-2C11 抗体可阻断 17A2 抗体与 CD3ε + T 淋巴细胞的结合。

InVivo MAb 抗小鼠 CD3ε 规格

同种型 亚美尼亚仓鼠 IgG1
推荐的同种型对照 InVivo MAb 多克隆亚美尼亚仓鼠 IgG
推荐的稀释缓冲液 InVivo Pure™ pH 7.0 稀释缓冲液
免疫原 小鼠 BM10-37 细胞毒性 T 细胞
  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

  • 免疫荧光

  • 流式细胞术

  • 蛋白质印迹

  • 体内T 细胞耗竭(见描述)

  • PBS,pH 7.0

  • 不含稳定剂或防腐剂

  • <2EU/mg (<0.002EU/μg)

  • 通过 LAL 凝胶凝固试验确定

  • >95%

  • SDS-PAGE 测定

无菌 0.2 μM 过滤
生产 在无动物设施中从组织培养上清液中纯化
纯化 蛋白A
资源标识符 AB_1107634
分子量 150 kDa
贮存 抗体溶液应在 4°C 下以原液浓度储存。不要冻结。



  • 体内T 细胞耗竭

格拉斯纳,A.,等。(2018)。“NKp46 受体介导的自然杀伤细胞产生的干扰素-γ 增加纤连蛋白 1 以改变肿瘤结构和控制转移。” 免疫 48(1):107-119 e104。

自然杀伤 (NK) 细胞是先天淋巴细胞,它们在人类肿瘤中的存在与更好的预后相关。然而,NK细胞在体内控制肿瘤的机制尚不清楚。在这里,我们在人类和小鼠中使用反射共聚焦显微镜 (RCM) 成像来可视化体内肿瘤结构。我们证明了通过 NK 细胞受体 NKp46(人)和 Ncr1(小鼠)的信号传导诱导了瘤内 NK 细胞分泌干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)。NKp46 和 Ncr1 介导的 IFN-γ 产生导致肿瘤中细胞外基质蛋白纤连蛋白 1 (FN1) 的表达增加,这改变了原发肿瘤结构并导致转移灶形成减少。向荷瘤小鼠注射 IFN-γ 或在小鼠 NK 细胞中转基因过表达 Ncr1 导致转移形成减少。因此,我们已经定义了 NK 细胞介导的体内转移控制机制,这可能有助于开发依赖于 NK 细胞的癌症疗法。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Lacher, SM, 等。(2018)。“NF-κB 诱导激酶 (NIK) 是影响 F-肌动蛋白动力学和 TCR 信号的 T 细胞活化的重要转录后调节剂。” J Autoimmun 94:110-121。

NF-kappaB 诱导激酶 (NIK) 是非经典 NF-kappaB 通路的关键蛋白,对淋巴结和其他次级免疫器官的发育很重要。我们阐明了 NIK 在使用 T 细胞特异性 NIK 缺陷 (NIK(DeltaT)) 小鼠的 T 细胞中的具体作用。尽管显示淋巴器官的正常发育,NIK(DeltaT) 小鼠对中枢神经系统自身免疫的诱导具有抗性。来自 NIK(DeltaT) 小鼠的 T 细胞缺乏晚期启动,未能上调 T-bet 并迁移到中枢神经系统。激活的 NIK(-/-) T 细胞的蛋白质组学分析显示参与免疫突触形成的蛋白质的表达失调:特别是参与细胞骨架动力学的蛋白质。与此一致,我们发现 NIK 缺陷的 T 细胞在 Zap70、LAT、AKT、TCR 接合时的 ERK1/2 和 PLCgamma。因此,我们的数据揭示了 NIK 在 T 细胞启动和分化中迄今为止未知的功能。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

温德兰,K.,等。(2018)。“胸腺上皮细胞中的视黄酸信号调节胸腺生成。” J Immunol 201(2): 524-532。

尽管胸腺上皮细胞 (TEC) 在 T 细胞发育中起重要作用,但调节 TEC 分化和体内平衡的信号仍未*了解。在这项研究中,我们展示了维生素 A 代谢物视黄酸 (RA) 在 TEC 稳态中的关键体内作用。在 TEC 中没有 RA 信号传导的情况下,皮质 TEC (cTEC) 和 CD80(lo)MHC II(lo) 类髓质 TEC 显示出基因表达的亚组特异性改变,其中 cTEC 包括参与上皮增殖、发育和分化的基因. TEC 无法对 RA 产生反应的小鼠表现出 cTEC 增殖增加、干细胞 Ag-1(hi) cTEC 积累,以及在生命早期,髓质 TEC 数量减少。这些改变导致生命早期胸腺细胞数量减少,年轻和成年小鼠中 CD4 单阳性和 CD8 单阳性数量的减少,并提高了 TCR 刺激后外周 CD8(+) T 细胞的存活率。总的来说,我们的结果将 RA 鉴定为 TEC 稳态的调节剂,这对 TEC 功能和正常胸腺生成至关重要。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Ron-Harel, N. 等。(2016)。“线粒体生物发生和蛋白质组重塑促进 T 细胞活化的单碳代谢。” 细胞代谢表 24(1):104-117。 

幼稚 T 细胞刺激激活合成代谢以促进从静止到生长和增殖的过渡。在这里我们显示幼稚的CD4(+) T 细胞激活诱导线粒体生物发生和重塑的*程序。使用质谱法,我们量化了 T 细胞活化过程中的蛋白质动力学。我们发现在 T 细胞活化的前 24 小时内线粒体蛋白质组发生了实质性的重塑,以产生具有*代谢特征的线粒体,其中单碳代谢是*诱导的途径。由丝氨酸喂养的补救途径和线粒体一碳代谢有助于嘌呤和胸苷的合成,从而使 T 细胞增殖和存活。线粒体丝氨酸分解代谢酶 SHMT2 的遗传抑制损害了培养中 T 细胞的存活和体内抗原特异性 T 细胞丰度。因此,在 T 细胞活化过程中,线粒体蛋白质组重塑会产生具有增强的单碳代谢的特化线粒体,这对 T 细胞活化和存活至关重要。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

敬畏,O.,等。(2015)。“T 滤泡辅助细胞中的 PU.1 表达限制了 CD40L 依赖性生发中心 B 细胞的发育。” J免疫学。 

PU.1 是一种 ETS 家族转录因子,对多种造血细胞谱系的发育很重要。以前的工作证明了 PU.1 在促进 Th9 发育和限制 Th2 细胞因子产生方面的关键作用。PU.1 在其他 Th 谱系中是否具有功能尚不清楚。在这项研究中,我们检查了 PU.1 在 CD4+ T 细胞中异位表达的影响,并观察到与 T 滤泡辅助 (Tfh) 细胞功能相关的基因表达降低,包括 Il21 和 Tnfsf5(编码 CD40L)。来自在 T 细胞中缺乏 PU.1 表达的条件性突变小鼠的 T 细胞 (Sfpi1lck-/-) 证明体外 CD40L 和 IL-21 的产生增加。在佐剂依赖性或佐剂非依赖性免疫后,我们观察到 Sfpi1lck-/- 小鼠的 Tfh 细胞数量增加,生发中心 B 细胞(GCB 细胞)增加,体内抗体产量增加。与对照小鼠相比,这与来自 Sfpi1lck-/- 小鼠的 Tfh 细胞中 IL-21 和 CD40L 的表达增加相关。最后,虽然阻断 IL-21 不会影响 Sfpi1lck-/- 小鼠中的 GCB 细胞,但免疫 Sfpi1lck-/- 小鼠的抗 CD40L 治疗降低了 GCB 细胞数量和 Ag 特异性 Ig 浓度。总之,这些数据表明 PU.1 在 Tfh 细胞、生发中心和 Tfh 依赖性体液免疫的功能中具有抑制作用。免疫的 Sfpi1lck-/- 小鼠的抗 CD40L 治疗降低了 GCB 细胞数量和 Ag 特异性 Ig 浓度。总之,这些数据表明 PU.1 在 Tfh 细胞、生发中心和 Tfh 依赖性体液免疫的功能中具有抑制作用。免疫的 Sfpi1lck-/- 小鼠的抗 CD40L 治疗降低了 GCB 细胞数量和 Ag 特异性 Ig 浓度。总之,这些数据表明 PU.1 在 Tfh 细胞、生发中心和 Tfh 依赖性体液免疫的功能中具有抑制作用。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

顾,AD,等。(2015)。“转录因子 Smad4 在 T 细胞功能中的关键作用,与转化生长因子 β 受体信号无关。” 免疫 42(1):68-79。 

转化生长因子-β (TGF-β) 抑制 T 细胞功能以维持自身耐受性并促进肿瘤免疫逃避。然而,TGF-β 信号转导的转录因子成分 Smad4 如何调节 T 细胞功能仍不清楚。在这里,我们已经证明了 Smad4 在自身免疫和抗肿瘤免疫过程中促进 T 细胞功能方面的重要作用。Smad4 缺失挽救了由转化生长因子-β 受体 (TGF-betaR) 缺失和 T 细胞介导的肿瘤排斥反应导致的致命自身免疫。尽管 Smad4 对于 T 细胞生成、体内平衡和效应器功能来说是可有可无的,但它对于体外和体内激活后的 T 细胞增殖至关重要。转录因子 Myc 被鉴定为介导 Smad4 控制的 T 细胞增殖。因此,这项研究揭示了 T 细胞介导的自身免疫和肿瘤排斥需要 Smad4,这超出了当前的范式。它强调了 Smad4 在促进 T 细胞功能、自身免疫和抗肿瘤免疫方面的独立于 TGF-betaR 的作用。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Huang, Y. 等人。(2015)。“CRK 蛋白选择性地调节 T 细胞向发炎组织的迁移。” J Clin Invest 125(3): 1019-1032。

效应 T 细胞迁移到发炎部位会大大加剧炎症性疾病中的组织破坏和疾病严重程度,包括移植物抗宿主病 (GVHD)。T 细胞迁移到这些位点在很大程度上取决于受调节的粘附和迁移,但在趋化因子受体下游协调这些功能的信号通路在很大程度上是未知的。使用条件敲除小鼠,我们发现缺乏接头蛋白 CRK 和 CRK 样 (CRKL) 的 T 细胞表现出降低的整合素依赖性粘附、趋化性和血肿。此外,这两种密切相关的蛋白质表现出大量的功能冗余,因为这两种蛋白质的异位表达挽救了缺乏 CRK 和 CRKL 的 T 细胞中的缺陷。我们确定 CRK 蛋白与 RAP 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子 C3G 和粘附对接分子 CASL 协调以激活整合素调节 GTPase RAP1。CRK 蛋白是效应 T 细胞运输到炎症部位所必需的,但不是迁移到淋巴器官所必需的。在小鼠骨髓移植模型中,CRK/CRKL 缺陷 T 细胞的差异迁移导致有效的移植物抗白血病反应,且 GVHD 最小。总之,我们的研究结果表明 CRK 家族蛋白选择性地调节效应位点的 T 细胞粘附和迁移,并表明这些蛋白具有作为预防 GVHD 的治疗靶点的潜力。CRK 蛋白是效应 T 细胞运输到炎症部位所必需的,但不是迁移到淋巴器官所必需的。在小鼠骨髓移植模型中,CRK/CRKL 缺陷 T 细胞的差异迁移导致有效的移植物抗白血病反应,且 GVHD 最小。总之,我们的研究结果表明 CRK 家族蛋白选择性地调节效应位点的 T 细胞粘附和迁移,并表明这些蛋白具有作为预防 GVHD 的治疗靶点的潜力。CRK 蛋白是效应 T 细胞运输到炎症部位所必需的,但不是迁移到淋巴器官所必需的。在小鼠骨髓移植模型中,CRK/CRKL 缺陷 T 细胞的差异迁移导致有效的移植物抗白血病反应,且 GVHD 最小。总之,我们的研究结果表明 CRK 家族蛋白选择性地调节效应位点的 T 细胞粘附和迁移,并表明这些蛋白具有作为预防 GVHD 的治疗靶点的潜力。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

  • 免疫荧光

金玉等人。(2015)。“通过滤泡辅助 T 细胞调节易患狼疮的 BXD2 小鼠的自身免疫生发中心反应。” PLoS 一 10(3): e0120294。

BXD2 小鼠自发产生自身抗体和随后的肾小球肾炎,为研究自身免疫性狼疮提供了有用的动物模型。尽管最初的研究表明 IL-17 和 Th17 细胞在介导 BXD2 小鼠的自身免疫性 B 细胞反应中起关键作用,但滤泡辅助性 T (Tfh) 细胞的作用仍未*了解。我们发现 BXD2 小鼠中 Th17 细胞的频率和循环中 IL-17 的水平与野生型小鼠相当。相比之下,与野生型小鼠相比,BXD2 小鼠中 PD-1+ CXCR5+ Tfh 细胞的频率显着增加,而前一组中 PD-1+ CXCR5+ Foxp3+ 滤泡调节性 T (Tfr) 细胞的频率降低。Tfh 细胞的频率而不是 Th17 细胞的频率与生发中心 B 细胞的频率以及针对 dsDNA 的自身抗体水平呈正相关。更重要的是,从 BXD2 小鼠中分离的 CXCR5+ CD4+ T 细胞以 IL-21 依赖性方式诱导幼稚 B 细胞产生 IgG,而 CCR6+ CD4+ T 细胞则没有这样做。这些结果共同表明 Tfh 细胞而不是 Th17 细胞有助于 BXD2 小鼠的自身免疫生发中心反应。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

刘,H.,等。(2015)。“免疫接头 SLP-76 在核孔复合细丝处与 SUMO-RANGAP1 结合,以调节 T 细胞中转录因子的核输入。” 摩尔细胞 59(5):840-849。

虽然免疫细胞适配器调节近端 T 细胞信号,但尚未报道对核孔复合物 (NPC) 的直接调节。NPC 具有由 RanGAP1 和 RanBP2 组成的细胞质细丝,具有与细胞质介质相互作用的潜力。在这里,我们展示了免疫细胞适配器 SLP-76 直接与 NPC 细胞质纤维的 SUMO-RanGAP1 结合,并且这种相互作用是 T 细胞中最佳 NFATc1 和 NF-kappaB p65 核进入所必需的。透射电子显微镜显示抗 CD3 激活的 T 细胞中大多数 NPC 的抗 SLP-76 细胞质标记。此外,SUMO-RanGAP1 与 SLP-76 的 N 端赖氨酸 56 结合,其中最佳 RanGAP1-NPC 定位和 GAP 交换活动需要相互作用。虽然 SLP-76-RanGAP1 (K56E) 突变体对近端信号没有影响,它损害了 NF-ATc1 和 p65/RelA 核进入以及对 OVA 肽的体内反应。总的来说,我们已经确定 SLP-76 是 T 细胞核孔功能的直接调节剂。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

徐,H.,等。(2015)。“通过转录因子 IRF4 和 IRF8 之间的相互拮抗来调节分叉 B 细胞轨迹。” 天然免疫学。doi:10.1038/ni.3287。

在识别抗原后,B 细胞进行分叉反应,其中一些细胞迅速分化为浆母细胞,而另一些细胞在生发中心 (GC) 中经历亲和力成熟。在这里,我们确定了转录因子 IRF4 和 IRF8 之间的双负反馈回路,其调节活化 B 细胞的初始发育分叉以及 GC 反应。IRF8 通过 B 细胞抗原受体 (BCR) 抑制信号传导,促进与辅助 T 细胞的抗原特异性相互作用,并促进抗体亲和力成熟,同时拮抗 IRF4 驱动的浆母细胞分化。基因组分析揭示了 IRF4 和 IRF8 在调节不同基因表达程序中的浓度依赖性作用。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Bertin, S. 等。(2014)。“离子通道 TRPV1 调节 CD4(+) T 细胞的激活和促炎特性。” Nat Immunol 15(11): 1055-1063。

TRPV1 是一种 Ca(2+) 可渗透通道,主要作为感觉神经元中的疼痛受体进行研究。然而,它在其他细胞类型中的作用却知之甚少。在这里我们发现 TRPV1 在 CD4(+) T 细胞中功能表达,在那里它充当非存储操作的 Ca(2+) 通道,并有助于 T 细胞抗原受体 (TCR) 诱导的 Ca(2+) 流入,TCR 信号传导和 T 细胞活化。在 T 细胞介导的结肠炎模型中,TRPV1 促进了致结肠炎 T 细胞反应和肠道炎症。此外,人类 CD4(+) T 细胞中 TRPV1 的遗传和药理学抑制概括了小鼠 Trpv1(-/-) CD4(+) T 细胞的表型。我们的研究结果表明,抑制 TRPV1 可能代表一种抑制促炎性 T 细胞反应的新治疗策略。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Rabenstein, H., 等。(2014)。“CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞抗原依赖性的不同动力学。” 免疫学杂志 192(8):3507-3517。

通过 TCR 进行的 Ag 识别对于特定 T 细胞的扩增是必要的,这些 T 细胞随后作为效应细胞和记忆细胞有助于适应性免疫。由于 CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞在启动 APC 和 MHC 配体方面不同,我们并排比较了它们在扩增阶段对银持久性的要求。因此,在瞬时和连续 TCR 信号后分析了 TCR 转基因和多克隆小鼠 T 细胞的增殖和效应子分化。在同样强烈的刺激下,CD4+ T 细胞增殖依赖于延长的 Ag 存在,而 CD8+ T 细胞能够分裂并分化为效应细胞,尽管 Ag 呈递中断。CD4+ T 细胞增殖既不受 Th 谱系或记忆分化的影响,也不受共抑制信号或炎症刺激缺失的影响。持续的 CD8+ T 细胞增殖真正独立于自身肽/MHC 衍生信号。令人惊讶的广泛转录差异也说明了子集差异,支持 CD8+ T 细胞更倾向于程序化扩增。这些 T 细胞数据表明 CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞在处理 TCR 信号以促进增殖方面存在内在差异。我们还发现,与 I 类结合的 MHC 类限制肽相比,体内树突状细胞活化能更有效地延长 MHC II 类限制肽的呈递。总之,我们的数据表明 CD4+ T 细胞需要持续刺激才能进行克隆扩增,而 CD8+ T 细胞可以在更短的 TCR 信号后分裂。令人惊讶的广泛转录差异也说明了子集差异,支持 CD8+ T 细胞更倾向于程序化扩增。这些 T 细胞数据表明 CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞在处理 TCR 信号以促进增殖方面存在内在差异。我们还发现,与 I 类结合的 MHC 类限制肽相比,体内树突状细胞活化能更有效地延长 MHC II 类限制肽的呈递。总之,我们的数据表明 CD4+ T 细胞需要持续刺激才能进行克隆扩增,而 CD8+ T 细胞可以在更短的 TCR 信号后分裂。令人惊讶的广泛转录差异也说明了子集差异,支持 CD8+ T 细胞更倾向于程序化扩增。这些 T 细胞数据表明 CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞在处理 TCR 信号以促进增殖方面存在内在差异。我们还发现,与 I 类结合的 MHC 类限制肽相比,体内树突状细胞活化能更有效地延长 MHC II 类限制肽的呈递。总之,我们的数据表明 CD4+ T 细胞需要持续刺激才能进行克隆扩增,而 CD8+ T 细胞可以在更短的 TCR 信号后分裂。这些 T 细胞数据表明 CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞在处理 TCR 信号以促进增殖方面存在内在差异。我们还发现,与 I 类结合的 MHC 类限制肽相比,体内树突状细胞活化能更有效地延长 MHC II 类限制肽的呈递。总之,我们的数据表明 CD4+ T 细胞需要持续刺激才能进行克隆扩增,而 CD8+ T 细胞可以在更短的 TCR 信号后分裂。这些 T 细胞数据表明 CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞在处理 TCR 信号以促进增殖方面存在内在差异。我们还发现,与 I 类结合的 MHC 类限制肽相比,体内树突状细胞活化能更有效地延长 MHC II 类限制肽的呈递。总之,我们的数据表明 CD4+ T 细胞需要持续刺激才能进行克隆扩增,而 CD8+ T 细胞可以在更短的 TCR 信号后分裂。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

  • 流式细胞术

唐,W.,等。(2014)。“癌蛋白和转录调节因子 Bcl-3 控制着自身免疫性 T 细胞的可塑性和致病性。” 豁免 41(4):555-566。 

Bcl-3 是 IkappaB 家族的非典型成员,它通过与 p50 (NF-kappaB1) 或 p52 (NF-kappaB2) 同源二聚体结合来调节细胞核中的转录。尽管有证据证明 Bcl-3 的整体生理重要性,但对其细胞特异性功能或机制知之甚少。在这里,我们展示了 Bcl-3 在自身免疫中的 T 细胞内在功能。Bcl-3 缺陷 T 细胞未能在 T 细胞转移诱导的结肠炎和实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎中诱发疾病。对疾病的保护与产生细胞因子 IFN-γ 和 GM-CSF 的 Th1 细胞减少以及 Th17 细胞增加有关。虽然在缺乏 Bcl-3 的情况下,分化为 Th1 细胞不会受到损害,但分化的 Th1 细胞会转化为致病性较低的 Th17 样细胞,部分通过涉及 RORgammat 转录因子表达的机制。因此,Bcl-3 通过阻断向 Th17 样细胞的转化来限制 Th1 细胞的可塑性并促进致病性,揭示了一种形成适应性免疫的*调节类型。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Vegran, F., 等。(2014)。“转录因子 IRF1 决定了 TH9 细胞的 IL-21 依赖性抗癌功能。” Nat Immunol 15(8): 758-766。

辅助性 T 细胞的 TH9 子集最初被证明有助于诱导自身免疫和过敏性疾病,但随后的证据表明这些细胞也发挥抗肿瘤活性。然而,解释其效应特性的分子事件是难以捉摸的。在这里,我们发现转录因子 IRF1 增强了 TH9 细胞的效应子功能并决定了它们的抗癌特性。在 TH9 偏态条件下,白细胞介素 1β (IL-1beta) 诱导转录因子 STAT1 的磷酸化和随后 IRF1 的表达,后者与 Il9 和 Il21 的启动子结合,并增强 TH9 分泌细胞因子 IL-9 和 IL-21细胞。此外,IL-1beta 诱导的 TH9 细胞以 IRF1 和 IL-21 依赖性方式发挥有效的抗癌功能。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

伯杰,H.,等。(2013)。“PPARgamma 的 SOCS3 反式激活可防止 IL-17 驱动的癌症生长。” 癌症研究 73(12):3578-3590。

n-3 脂肪酸二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA) 对转录因子 PPARgamma 的激活与控制促炎细胞因子分泌有关,但 PPARgamma 参与的细胞内信号通路尚未*表征。在这里,我们将适配器编码基因 SOCS3 确定为 PPARgamma 的关键转录目标。PPARgamma 的 SOCS3 启动子结合和基因反式激活与促炎性 T 辅助 (TH)17 细胞分化的抑制有关。因此,体外诱导的 TH17 细胞在 DHA 激活 PPARgamma 后显示出 SOCS3 表达增加和产生白细胞介素 (IL)-17 的能力降低。此外,来自喂食富含 DHA 饮食的小鼠的幼稚 CD4 T 细胞显示出较少的分化为 TH17 细胞的能力。在两种不同的癌症小鼠模型中,DHA 以 IL-17 依赖性方式阻止肿瘤生长和血管生成。总之,我们的结果揭示了一种新的分子途径,通过该途径,PPARgamma 诱导的 SOCS3 表达阻止了 IL-17 介导的癌症生长。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Sledzinska, A. 等。(2013)。“TGF-β 信号传导是 CD4(+) T 细胞稳态所必需的,但对于调节性 T 细胞功能却是不必要的。” PLoS 生物学 11(10):e1001674。

TGF-β 被广泛认为对于调节性 T (T(reg)) 细胞的维持和功能以及外周耐受性至关重要。小鼠胸腺发育过程中 TGF-β 受体 (TR) 的组成性消融突出了这一点,这会导致致命的自身免疫综合征。在这里,我们描述了 TGF-β 驱动的外周耐受不受成熟 CD4(+) T 细胞上的 TGF-β 信号的调节。CD4(+) T 细胞上的诱导性 TR2 消融不会导致致命的自身炎症。将这些缺乏 TR2 的 CD4(+) T 细胞转移到淋巴细胞减少的接受者会导致结肠炎,但不会导致明显的自身免疫。相比之下,TR2 的胸腺消融结合淋巴细胞减少导致致命的多器官炎症。有趣的是,成熟 CD4(+) T 细胞上 TR2 的缺失不会导致 T(reg) 细胞群的崩溃,如在本构模型中观察到的那样。相反,观察到调节和效应记忆 T 细胞池的显着扩大。这种扩张是细胞内在的,似乎是由独立于常见的伽马链依赖性细胞因子信号的 T 细胞受体敏感性增加引起的。Foxp3 和其他监管T 细胞标记的表达不依赖于TGF-β 信号和TR2 缺陷T(reg) 细胞保留其体外和体内抑制功能。总之,成熟 CD4(+) T 细胞上缺乏 TGF-β 信号并不负责外周耐受性的破坏,而是控制成年小鼠成熟 T 细胞的稳态。观察到调节和效应记忆 T 细胞池的显着扩大。这种扩张是细胞内在的,似乎是由独立于常见的伽马链依赖性细胞因子信号的 T 细胞受体敏感性增加引起的。Foxp3 和其他监管T 细胞标记的表达不依赖于TGF-β 信号和TR2 缺陷T(reg) 细胞保留其体外和体内抑制功能。总之,成熟 CD4(+) T 细胞上缺乏 TGF-β 信号并不负责外周耐受性的破坏,而是控制成年小鼠成熟 T 细胞的稳态。观察到调节和效应记忆 T 细胞池的显着扩大。这种扩张是细胞内在的,似乎是由独立于常见的伽马链依赖性细胞因子信号的 T 细胞受体敏感性增加引起的。Foxp3 和其他监管T 细胞标记的表达不依赖于TGF-β 信号和TR2 缺陷T(reg) 细胞保留其体外和体内抑制功能。总之,成熟 CD4(+) T 细胞上缺乏 TGF-β 信号并不负责外周耐受性的破坏,而是控制成年小鼠成熟 T 细胞的稳态。这种扩张是细胞内在的,似乎是由独立于常见的伽马链依赖性细胞因子信号的 T 细胞受体敏感性增加引起的。Foxp3 和其他监管T 细胞标记的表达不依赖于TGF-β 信号和TR2 缺陷T(reg) 细胞保留其体外和体内抑制功能。总之,成熟 CD4(+) T 细胞上缺乏 TGF-β 信号并不负责外周耐受性的破坏,而是控制成年小鼠成熟 T 细胞的稳态。这种扩张是细胞内在的,似乎是由独立于常见的伽马链依赖性细胞因子信号的 T 细胞受体敏感性增加引起的。Foxp3 和其他监管T 细胞标记的表达不依赖于TGF-β 信号和TR2 缺陷T(reg) 细胞保留其体外和体内抑制功能。总之,成熟 CD4(+) T 细胞上缺乏 TGF-β 信号并不负责外周耐受性的破坏,而是控制成年小鼠成熟 T 细胞的稳态。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Goswami, R., 等。(2012)。“对 Th9 发育的 STAT6 依赖性调节。” J Immunol 188(3): 968-975。

Th 细胞效应子亚群响应特定的细胞因子环境而发展。特定细胞因子分泌模式的发展需要整合可能促进相反途径发展的信号。这种范式的一个最近的例子是分泌 IL-9 的 Th9 细胞,它响应 TGF-β 和 IL-4,这些细胞因子分别促进可诱导调节性 T 细胞和 Th2 细胞的发育。为了确定这些因子的平衡如何导致 IL-9 分泌的启动,我们检查了每个途径对调节 Th 细胞分化的转录因子的影响。我们证明 TGF-β 诱导 PU.1 编码 Sfpi1 基因座,这与 IL-4 诱导的 STAT6 激活无关。IL-4 激活的 STAT6 是抑制 Th9 细胞中 T-bet 和 Foxp3、抑制 IL-9 产生的转录因子的表达所必需的,并且 STAT6 是诱导 IRF4 所必需的,IRF4 促进了 Th9 的发育。这些数据建立了一个调节 IL-9 的转录因子网络,并证明了细胞因子信号的组合如何通过改变一组转录因子的表达来产生细胞因子分泌潜力。

  • 体内T 细胞耗竭

彭,B.,等。(2009)。“在因子 VIII 质粒介导的基因治疗后,抗 CD3 抗体调节血友病 A 小鼠的抗因子 VIII 免疫反应。” 血液 114(20):4373-4382。

基因治疗的一个主要障碍是针对转基因产物的免疫反应的产生。伴随因子 VIII (FVIII) 质粒注射的连续五次抗 CD3 治疗阻止了针对 FVIII 的抑制性抗体的形成,并在治疗的 A 型血友病小鼠中实现了持续的治疗水平的 FVIII 基因表达。重复质粒基因转移适用于耐受小鼠,不会引起免疫反应。抗 CD3 治疗显着消耗了 CD4+ 和 CD8+ T 细胞,而在治疗后的最初几周内增加了血浆中的转化生长因子-β 水平以及 CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ 和 CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ 调节性 T 细胞的频率。尽管先前消耗的 CD4+CD25+ 细胞并没有消除耐受性诱导,治疗后 6 周从耐受小鼠中过继转移 CD4+ 细胞可保护受体小鼠免受抗 FVIII 免疫反应的影响。抗 CD3 治疗的小鼠对 T 依赖性和 T 非依赖性新抗原产生免疫反应,表明抗 CD3 不会长期阻碍免疫系统。伴随的 FVIII 质粒 + 抗 CD3 治疗通过一种涉及转化生长因子-β 水平增加和适应性 FVIII 特异性 CD4+Foxp3+ 调节性 T 细胞在外周产生的机制,诱导了 FVIII 特异性的长期耐受。此外,抗 CD3 可以降低血友病 A 小鼠中预先存在的抗 FVIII 抑制性抗体的滴度。抗 CD3 治疗的小鼠对 T 依赖性和 T 非依赖性新抗原产生免疫反应,表明抗 CD3 不会长期阻碍免疫系统。伴随的 FVIII 质粒 + 抗 CD3 治疗通过一种涉及转化生长因子-β 水平增加和适应性 FVIII 特异性 CD4+Foxp3+ 调节性 T 细胞在外周产生的机制,诱导了 FVIII 特异性的长期耐受。此外,抗 CD3 可以降低血友病 A 小鼠中预先存在的抗 FVIII 抑制性抗体的滴度。抗 CD3 治疗的小鼠对 T 依赖性和 T 非依赖性新抗原产生免疫反应,表明抗 CD3 不会长期阻碍免疫系统。伴随的 FVIII 质粒 + 抗 CD3 治疗通过一种涉及转化生长因子-β 水平增加和适应性 FVIII 特异性 CD4+Foxp3+ 调节性 T 细胞在外周产生的机制,诱导了 FVIII 特异性的长期耐受。此外,抗 CD3 可以降低血友病 A 小鼠中预先存在的抗 FVIII 抑制性抗体的滴度。伴随的 FVIII 质粒 + 抗 CD3 治疗通过一种涉及转化生长因子-β 水平增加和适应性 FVIII 特异性 CD4+Foxp3+ 调节性 T 细胞在外周产生的机制,诱导了 FVIII 特异性的长期耐受。此外,抗 CD3 可以降低血友病 A 小鼠中预先存在的抗 FVIII 抑制性抗体的滴度。伴随的 FVIII 质粒 + 抗 CD3 治疗通过一种涉及转化生长因子-β 水平增加和适应性 FVIII 特异性 CD4+Foxp3+ 调节性 T 细胞在外周产生的机制,诱导了 FVIII 特异性的长期耐受。此外,抗 CD3 可以降低血友病 A 小鼠中预先存在的抗 FVIII 抑制性抗体的滴度。

  • 体外T 细胞刺激/激活

Dardalhon, V., 等。(2008)。“IL-4 抑制 TGF-β 诱导的 Foxp3+ T 细胞,并与 TGF-β 一起产生 IL-9+ IL-10+ Foxp3(-) 效应 T 细胞。” Nat Immunol 9(12): 1347-1355。 

转录因子 Foxp3 对生成调节性 T 细胞(T(reg) 细胞)至关重要。转化生长因子-β (TGF-β) 从初始 T 细胞诱导 Foxp3 和抑制性 T(reg) 细胞,而白细胞介素 6 (IL-6) 抑制诱导性 T(reg) 细胞的生成。在这里我们显示IL-4 阻止了TGF-β 诱导的Foxp3(+) T(reg) 细胞的产生,而是诱导了产生IL-9 和IL-10 的T 辅助细胞群。尽管产生大量 IL-10,但 IL-9(+)IL-10(+) T 细胞没有表现出任何调节特性。将 IL-9(+)IL-10(+) T 细胞过继转移到重组激活基因 1 缺陷小鼠中会引起结肠炎和周围神经炎,如果 IL-9(+)IL-10( +) T 细胞与 CD45RB(hi) CD4(+) 效应 T 细胞一起转移。

ND系列原位型冷冻干燥机,新芝,SCIENTZ-30ND 原位压盖型冷冻干燥机

上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供ND系列原位型冷冻干燥机,新芝,SCIENTZ-30ND 原位压盖型冷冻干燥机,可以访问官网了解更多产品信息。
ND系列原位型冷冻干燥机,新芝,SCIENTZ-30ND 原位压盖型冷冻干燥机




冻干面积(m2) 0.3
真空度(Pa) ≤5(空载)

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Size C.S.
001 0.040 0.029 0.109
002 0.050 0.042 0.142
003 0.060 0.056 0.176
004 0.070 0.070 0.210
005 0.070 0.101 0.241
006 0.070 0.114 0.254
007 0.070 0.145 0.285
008 0.070 0.176 0.316
009 0.070 0.208 0.348
010 0.070 0.239 0.379
011 0.070 0.301 0.441
012 0.070 0.364 0.504
013 0.070 0.426 0.566
014 0.070 0.489 0.629
015 0.070 0.551 0.691
016 0.070 0.614 0.754
017 0.070 0.676 0.816
018 0.070 0.739 0.879
019 0.070 0.801 0.941
020 0.070 0.864 1.004
021 0.070 0.926 1.066
022 0.070 0.989 1.129
023 0.070 1.051 1.191
024 0.070 1.114 1.254
025 0.070 1.176 1.316
026 0.070 1.239 1.379
027 0.070 1.301 1.441
028 0.070 1.364 1.504
029 0.070 1.489 1.629
030 0.070 1.614 1.754
031 0.070 1.739 1.879
032 0.070 1.864 2.004
033 0.070 1.989 2.129
034 0.070 2.114 2.254
035 0.070 2.239 2.379
036 0.070 2.364 2.504
037 0.070 2.489 2.629
038 0.070 2.614 2.754
039 0.070 2.739 2.879
040 0.070 2.864 3.004
041 0.070 2.989 3.129
042 0.070 3.239 3.379
043 0.070 3.489 3.629
044 0.070 3.739 3.879
045 0.070 3.989 4.129
046 0.070 4.239 4.379
047 0.070 4.489 4.629
048 0.070 4.739 4.879
049 0.070 4.989 5.129
050 0.070 5.239 5.379
102 0.103 0.049 0.255
103 0.103 0.081 0.287
104 0.103 0.112 0.318
105 0.103 0.143 0.349
106 0.103 0.174 0.380
107 0.103 0.206 0.412
108 0.103 0.237 0.443
109 0.103 0.299 0.505
110 0.103 0.362 0.568
111 0.103 0.424 0.630
112 0.103 0.487 0.693
113 0.103 0.549 0.755
114 0.103 0.612 0.818
115 0.103 0.674 0.880
116 0.103 0.737 0.943
117 0.103 0.799 1.005
118 0.103 0.862 1.068
119 0.103 0.924 1.130
120 0.103 0.987 1.193
121 0.103 1.049 1.255
122 0.103 1.112 1.318
123 0.103 1.174 1.380
124 0.103 1.237 1.443
125 0.103 1.299 1.505
126 0.103 1.362 1.568
127 0.103 1.424 1.630
128 0.103 1.487 1.693
129 0.103 1.549 1.755
130 0.103 1.612 1.818
131 0.103 1.674 1.880
132 0.103 1.737 1.943
133 0.103 1.799 2.005
134 0.103 1.862 2.068
135 0.103 1.925 2.131
136 0.103 1.987 2.193
137 0.103 2.050 2.256
138 0.103 2.112 2.318
139 0.103 2.175 2.381
140 0.103 2.237 2.443
141 0.103 2.300 2.506
142 0.103 2.362 2.568
143 0.103 2.425 2.631
144 0.103 2.487 2.693
145 0.103 2.550 2.756
146 0.103 2.612 2.818
147 0.103 2.675 2.881
148 0.103 2.737 2.943
149 0.103 2.800 3.006
150 0.103 2.862 3.068
151 0.103 2.987 3.193
152 0.103 3.237 3.443
153 0.103 3.487 3.693
154 0.103 3.737 3.943
155 0.103 3.987 4.193
156 0.103 4.237 4.443
157 0.103 4.487 4.693
158 0.103 4.737 4.943
159 0.103 4.987 5.193
160 0.103 5.237 5.443
161 0.103 5.487 5.693
162 0.103 5.737 5.943
163 0.103 5.987 6.193
164 0.103 6.237 6.443
165 0.103 6.487 6.693
166 0.103 6.737 6.943
167 0.103 6.987 7.193
168 0.103 7.237 7.443
169 0.103 7.487 7.693
170 0.103 7.737 7.943
171 0.103 7.987 8.193
172 0.103 8.237 8.443
173 0.103 8.487 8.693
174 0.103 8.737 8.943
175 0.103 8.987 9.193
176 0.103 9.237 9.443
177 0.103 9.487 9.693
178 0.103 9.737 9.943
201 0.139 0.171 0.449
202 0.139 0.234 0.512
203 0.139 0.296 0.574
204 0.139 0.359 0.637
205 0.139 0.421 0.699
206 0.139 0.484 0.762
207 0.139 0.546 0.824
208 0.139 0.609 0.887
209 0.139 0.671 0.949
210 0.139 0.734 1.012
211 0.139 0.796 1.074
212 0.139 0.859 1.137
213 0.139 0.921 1.199
214 0.139 0.984 1.262
215 0.139 1.046 1.324
216 0.139 1.109 1.387
217 0.139 1.171 1.449
218 0.139 1.234 1.512
219 0.139 1.296 1.574
220 0.139 1.359 1.637
221 0.139 1.421 1.699
222 0.139 1.484 1.762
223 0.139 1.609 1.887
224 0.139 1.734 2.012
225 0.139 1.859 2.137
226 0.139 1.984 2.262
227 0.139 2.109 2.387
228 0.139 2.234 2.512
229 0.139 2.359 2.637
230 0.139 2.484 2.762
231 0.139 2.609 2.887
232 0.139 2.734 3.012
233 0.139 2.859 3.137
234 0.139 2.984 3.262
235 0.139 3.109 3.387
236 0.139 3.234 3.512
237 0.139 3.359 3.637
238 0.139 3.484 3.762
239 0.139 3.609 3.887
240 0.139 3.734 4.012
241 0.139 3.859 4.137
242 0.139 3.984 4.262
243 0.139 4.109 4.387
244 0.139 4.234 4.512
245 0.139 4.359 4.637
246 0.139 4.484 4.762
247 0.139 4.609 4.887
248 0.139 4.734 5.012
249 0.139 4.859 5.137
250 0.139 4.984 5.262
251 0.139 5.109 5.387
252 0.139 5.234 5.512
253 0.139 5.359 5.637
254 0.139 5.484 5.762
255 0.139 5.609 5.887
256 0.139 5.734 6.012
257 0.139 5.859 6.137
258 0.139 5.984 6.262
259 0.139 6.234 6.512
260 0.139 6.484 6.762
261 0.139 6.734 7.012
262 0.139 6.984 7.262
263 0.139 7.234 7.512
264 0.139 7.484 7.762
265 0.139 7.734 8.012
266 0.139 7.984 8.262
267 0.139 8.234 8.512
268 0.139 8.484 8.762
269 0.139 8.734 9.012
270 0.139 8.984 9.262
271 0.139 9.234 9.512
272 0.139 9.484 9.762
273 0.139 9.734 10.012
274 0.139 9.984 10.262
275 0.139 10.484 10.762
276 0.139 10.984 11.262
277 0.139 11.484 11.762
278 0.139 11.984 12.262
279 0.139 12.984 13.262
280 0.139 13.984 14.262
281 0.139 14.984 15.262
282 0.139 15.955 16.233
283 0.139 16.955 17.233
284 0.139 17.955 18.233
309 0.210 0.412 0.832
310 0.210 0.475 0.895
311 0.210 0.537 0.957
312 0.210 0.600 1.020
313 0.210 0.662 1.082
314 0.210 0.725 1.145
315 0.210 0.787 1.207
316 0.210 0.850 1.270
317 0.210 0.912 1.332
318 0.210 0.975 1.395
319 0.210 1.037 1.457
320 0.210 1.100 1.520
321 0.210 1.162 1.582
322 0.210 1.225 1.645
323 0.210 1.287 1.707
324 0.210 1.350 1.770
325 0.210 1.475 1.895
326 0.210 1.600 2.020
327 0.210 1.725 2.145
328 0.210 1.850 2.270
329 0.210 1.975 2.395
330 0.210 2.100 2.520
331 0.210 2.225 2.645
332 0.210 2.350 2.770
333 0.210 2.475 2.895
334 0.210 2.600 3.020
335 0.210 2.725 3.145
336 0.210 2.850 3.270
337 0.210 2.975 3.395
338 0.210 3.100 3.520
339 0.210 3.225 3.645
340 0.210 3.350 3.770
341 0.210 3.475 3.895
342 0.210 3.600 4.020
343 0.210 3.725 4.145
344 0.210 3.850 4.270
345 0.210 3.975 4.395
346 0.210 4.100 4.520
347 0.210 4.225 4.645
348 0.210 4.350 4.770
349 0.210 4.475 4.895
350 0.210 4.600 5.020
351 0.210 4.725 5.145
352 0.210 4.850 5.270
353 0.210 4.975 5.395
354 0.210 5.100 5.520
355 0.210 5.225 5.645
356 0.210 5.350 5.770
357 0.210 5.475 5.895
358 0.210 5.600 6.020
359 0.210 5.725 6.145
360 0.210 5.850 6.270
361 0.210 5.975 6.395
362 0.210 6.225 6.645
363 0.210 6.475 6.895
364 0.210 6.725 7.145
365 0.210 6.975 7.395
366 0.210 7.225 7.645
367 0.210 7.475 7.895
368 0.210 7.725 8.145
369 0.210 7.975 8.395
370 0.210 8.225 8.645
371 0.210 8.475 8.895
372 0.210 8.725 9.145
373 0.210 8.975 9.395
374 0.210 9.225 9.645
375 0.210 9.475 9.895
376 0.210 9.725 10.145
377 0.210 9.975 10.395
378 0.210 10.475 10.895
379 0.210 10.975 11.395
380 0.210 11.475 11.895
381 0.210 11.975 12.395
382 0.210 12.975 13.395
383 0.210 13.975 14.395
384 0.210 14.975 15.395
385 0.210 15.955 16.375
386 0.210 16.955 17.375
387 0.210 17.955 18.375
388 0.210 18.955 19.375
389 0.210 19.955 20.375
390 0.210 20.955 21.375
391 0.210 21.955 22.375
392 0.210 22.940 23.360
393 0.210 23.940 24.360
394 0.210 24.940 25.360
395 0.210 25.940 26.360
400 0.275 1.350 1.900
401 0.275 1.475 2.025
402 0.275 1.600 2.150
403 0.275 1.725 2.275
404 0.275 1.850 2.400
405 0.275 1.975 2.525
406 0.275 2.100 2.650
407 0.275 2.225 2.775
408 0.275 2.350 2.900
409 0.275 2.475 3.025
410 0.275 2.600 3.150
411 0.275 2.725 3.275
412 0.275 2.850 3.400
413 0.275 2.975 3.525
414 0.275 3.100 3.650
415 0.275 3.225 3.775
416 0.275 3.350 3.900
417 0.275 3.475 4.025
418 0.275 3.600 4.150
419 0.275 3.725 4.275
420 0.275 3.850 4.400
421 0.275 3.975 4.525
422 0.275 4.100 4.650
423 0.275 4.225 4.775
424 0.275 4.350 4.900
425 0.275 4.475 5.025
426 0.275 4.600 5.150
427 0.275 4.725 5.275
428 0.275 4.850 5.400
429 0.275 4.975 5.525
430 0.275 5.100 5.650
431 0.275 5.225 5.775
432 0.275 5.350 5.900
433 0.275 5.475 6.025
434 0.275 5.600 6.150
435 0.275 5.725 6.275
436 0.275 5.850 6.400
437 0.275 5.975 6.525
438 0.275 6.225 6.775
439 0.275 6.475 7.025
440 0.275 6.725 7.275
441 0.275 6.975 7.525
442 0.275 7.225 7.775
443 0.275 7.475 8.025
444 0.275 7.725 8.275
445 0.275 7.975 8.525
446 0.275 8.475 9.025
447 0.275 8.975 9.525
448 0.275 9.475 10.025
449 0.275 9.975 10.525
450 0.275 10.475 11.025
451 0.275 10.975 11.525
452 0.275 11.475 12.025
453 0.275 11.975 12.525
454 0.275 12.475 13.025
455 0.275 12.975 13.525
456 0.275 13.457 14.007
457 0.275 13.975 14.525
458 0.275 14.475 15.025
459 0.275 14.975 15.525
460 0.275 15.475 16.025
461 0.275 15.955 16.505
462 0.275 16.455 17.005
463 0.275 16.955 17.505
464 0.275 17.455 18.005
465 0.275 17.955 18.505
466 0.275 18.455 19.005
467 0.275 18.955 19.505
468 0.275 19.455 20.005
469 0.275 19.955 20.505
470 0.275 20.955 21.505
471 0.275 21.955 22.505
472 0.275 22.940 23.490
473 0.275 23.940 24.490
474 0.275 24.940 25.490
475 0.275 25.940 26.490
901 0.056 0.185 0.297
902 0.064 0.239 0.367
903 0.064 0.301 0.429
904 0.072 0.351 0.495
905 0.072 0.414 0.558
906 0.078 0.468 0.624
907 0.082 0.530 0.694
908 0.087 0.644 0.818
909 0.097 0.706 0.900
910 0.097 0.755 0.949
911 0.116 0.863 1.095
912 0.116 0.924 1.156
913 0.116 0.986 1.218
914 0.116 1.047 1.279
916 0.116 1.171 1.403
918 0.116 1.355 1.587
920 0.116 1.475 1.707
924 0.116 1.720 1.952
928 0.116 2.090 2.322
932 0.116 2.337 2.569