IDT 706020 说明书

IDT 706020 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商 Integrated DNA Technologies上海金畔生物为其中国代理, Integrated DNA Technologies在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Integrated DNA Technologies就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

 Integrated DNA Technologies中国代理, Integrated DNA Technologies上海代理, Integrated DNA Technologies北京代理,Integrated DNA Technologies广东代理, Integrated DNA Technologies江苏代理Integrated DNA Technologies湖北代理,Integrated DNA Technologies天津,Integrated DNA Technologies黑龙江代理,Integrated DNA Technologies内蒙古代理,Integrated DNA Technologies吉林代理,Integrated DNA Technologies福建代理, Integrated DNA Technologies江苏代理, Integrated DNA Technologies浙江代理,Integrated DNA Technologies四川代理,


Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT)是美国zui大的代客合成核酸供货商,为生物科技、临床诊断和制药方面的学术单位、政府和商业研究单位提供服务。IDT产品对合成DNA或RNA微小部分很重要,产品用途包括基因疾病诊断测试(如乳癌和囊胞性纤维症)、研发新药和治疗法,以及制造更安全、产量更丰富的农业产品。 IDT在这个高度竞争的产业中,过去十年中每年都能达到两位数的成长。时至今日,公司每天接到77,000名客户,平均代客合成并出货36,000份寡核酸。IDT使用自行设计开发的化学DNA合成机制造寡核酸。机器和制造流程是让公司具备竞争力的zui高机密。 IDT企业应用协理Bob Schafbuch表示:「我们针对重点改进流程,让我们可以zui晚在下午3点接受订单。CST和送货员在隔天早上将寡核酸送到研究员手上,不过比较复杂的产品需要更长的来回时间。」IDT的制造地点包括美国爱荷华州科勒尔维尔、加州圣地亚哥和比利时鲁汶。

Surveyor® Mutation Detection Kits

Surveyor® Mutation Detection Kits provide a simple and robust method to detect mutations and polymorphisms in DNA. The key component of the kits is Surveyor Nuclease, a member of the CEL family of mismatch-specific nucleases derived from celery. Surveyor Nuclease recognizes and cleaves mismatches due to the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or small insertions or deletions.


  • Detect base-substitution and insertion/deletion mismatches.
  • In a single reaction, identify mutations in DNA fragments up to 3.5 kb.
  • Quickly determine the number of mutations by observing the number of cleavage products.
  • Detect 1 mutant allele out of 32 alleles in pooled samples.
  • Use with various analysis platforms.

New Packaging, Same Surveyor Kits

We have rolled out new packaging for Surveyor Mutation Detection Kits to reflect the transition of this product line to IDT. These kits contain the same components as the Surveyor Mutation Detection Kits previously sold by Transgenomic, Inc. Every lot is functionally tested to ensure quality, as described in the included certificate of analysis.

PCR产物用于与勘测分析®核酸酶应以高保真度热稳定DNA聚合酶,例如可以的Optimase制备®聚合酶(TRANSGENOMIC),以zui小化将导致背景不匹配的错误掺入。对于标准测定,也可以使用T-Taq DNA聚合酶。


  • S25(25 rxn)
  • S100(100 rxn)
  • S1000(1000 rxn)



产品 货号
Surveyor®突变检测试剂盒 – S25 706025  
Surveyor®突变检测试剂盒 – S100 706020  
Surveyor®突变检测试剂盒 – S1000 706021