

Mediomics公司于2001年创立于美国密苏里州,Mediomics已通过ISO 9001: 2015认证并致力于为科研机构、即时检测、医药企业以及医疗和环境研究市场提供创新的检测试剂盒和生物传感器等产品,其检测试剂盒可以简单快速的定量检测生物学和临床相关的大分子物质,包括DNA、生物标志物、激素、抗体、细胞内信号分子、蛋白质复合物、细菌、真菌和病毒等。




1. Bridge-It:一种快速灵敏的DNA-蛋白质结合物检测平台。

Bridge-It系列试剂盒可用来检测DNA结合蛋白及其配体,和共调节因子。该系列试剂盒基于一个简单的实验原理:一段针对已知蛋白的具有序列特异DNA结合位点的DNA双链被分为两段,每段含有一个短的单链突出端。这些突出端很短,因此没有靶蛋白时他们不会自发的重新结合。当靶蛋白出现时,靶蛋白与完整的DNA序列结合位点的高亲和力使得两段DNA双链重新结合。通过在每段位点加入适当的荧光探针就可以检测到该结合。然后用荧光共振能量转移技术(fluorescence resonance energy transfer,FRET)检测荧光信号的变化来判断DNA结合蛋白或其配体。


2. PINCER:一种快速的生物传感器、生物测定和生物芯片平台。

        PINCER Assays是一种用于定量检测生物样本中的生物标志物、细胞和病原体浓度的技术。该系列产品分为FRET-PINCER Assay和TRF-PINCER Assay两种,分别使用荧光共振能量转移技术(fluorescence resonance energy transfer,FRET)和时间分辨荧光(Time-Resolved Fluorometry,TRF)方法检测。其检测原理是:带有荧光探针的抗体由一个灵活的连接物通过互补的单链DNA突出端与DNA双链化学结合,这些突出端使得两个DN**段有结合的可能性,然而在没有靶蛋白的情况下,两个DNA片段结合的可能性极小。当存在靶蛋白时,与PINCER试剂结合的靶蛋白将促使互补DNA单链突出端的结合而形成双链DNA。这种紧密稳定的结合使荧光团聚合起来,发生荧光共振能量转移。因此,检测样本发出的荧光能量水平或亮度的变化即可定量靶蛋白的浓度。

PINCER Assay系列试剂盒的特色:










Product Catalog Number Kit components
Bridge-It Assay Kits
Bridge-It cAMP 384  122938 10uM cAMP stock standard in H2O, 2X Assay Solution A, 10X Lysis Buffer, Buffer B
Bridge-It cAMP 100 122939 10uM cAMP stock standard in H2O, 2X Assay Solution A, 10X Lysis Buffer, Buffer B
Bridge-It cAMP 96  122935 10uM cAMP stock standard in H2O, Assay Solution A, 10X Lysis Buffer, Buffer B, 10X KRB-IBMX
Bridge-It cAMP 50 122934 10uM cAMP stock standard in H2O, Assay Solution A, 10X Lysis Buffer, Buffer B, 10X KRB-IBMX
Bridge-It cAMP-PDE 384  PD1007-384 10uM cAMP stock standard, 2X Assay Solution, Stop Solution, 10X PDE Reaction Buffer, Buffer B
Bridge-It cAMP-PDE 100  PD1007-100 10uM cAMP stock standard, 2X Assay Solution, Stop Solution, 10X PDE Reaction Buffer, Buffer B
Bridge-It cAMP-PDE 96  PD1016-96 10uM cAMP stock standard, 2X Assay Solution, Stop Solution, 10X PDE Reaction Buffer, Buffer B
Bridge-It cAMP-PDE 60  PD1016-60 10uM cAMP stock standard, 2X Assay Solution, Stop Solution, 10X PDE Reaction Buffer, Buffer B
Bridge-It SAM 384  1-1-1004B 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
Bridge-It SAM 100  1-1-1004A 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
Bridge-It SAM 96  1-1-1003B 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
Bridge-It SAM 50  1-1-1003A 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
Bridge-It L-MET 384  1-1-1006B L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
Bridge-It L-MET 100  1-1-1006A L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
Bridge-It L-MET 96  1-1-1005B L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
Bridge-It L-MET 50  1-1-1005A L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
Bridge-It L-Tryptophan 384  1-1-1002B 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
Bridge-It L-Tryptophan 100  1-1-1002A 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
Bridge-It L-Tryptophan 96  1-1-1001B 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
Bridge-It L-Tryptophan 50  1-1-1001A 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
TR-FRET Bridge-It Assay Kits
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-Tryptophan 100 TRF-1-1-1002A 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-Tryptophan 384 TRF-1-1-1002B 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-Tryptophan 50 TRF-1-1-1001A 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-Tryptophan 96 TRF-1-1-1001B 1 mM L-tryptophan standard in H20, L-Tryptophan Assay Solution A, Buffer W, Buffer C
TR-FRET Bridge-It® SAM 100 TRF-1-1-1004A 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
TR-FRET Bridge-It® SAM 384 TRF-1-1-1004B 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
TR-FRET Bridge-It® SAM 50 TRF-1-1-1003A 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
TR-FRET Bridge-It® SAM 96 TRF-1-1-1003B 10 mM S-adenosyl methionine standard in 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol, SAM Assay Solution, Buffer S, Buffer CM
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-MET 50 TRF-1-1-1005A L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-MET 96 TRF-1-1-1005B L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-MET 100 TRF-1-1-1006A L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
TR-FRET Bridge-It® L-MET 384 TRF-1-1-1006B L-Methionine Standard (3.2 mM), Enzyme Solution L, Buffer L, SAM Assay Solution
hAlbumin FRET 384 AH1005-384 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hAlbumin FRET 100 AH1005-100 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hAlbumin FRET 50 AH1005-50 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hAlbumin FRET 96 AH1005-96 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP FRET 384 CH1008-384 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP FRET 100 CH1008-100 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP FRET 96 CH1021-96 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP FRET 50 CH1021-50 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin FRET 384 IH1010-384 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin FRET 100 IH1010-100 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin FRET 50 IH1017-50 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin FRET 96 IH1017-96 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
Mouse IgM FRET 384 IM1009-384 Mouse IgM standard (2 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
Mouse IgM FRET 100 IM1009-100 Mouse IgM standard (2 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
Mouse IgG FRET 384 MIG1012-384 Mouse IgG standard (2 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
Mouse IgG FRET 100 MIG1012-100 Mouse IgG standard (2 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
rIgG FRET 96 RI1024-96 Rabbit IgG standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
rIgG FRET 50 RI1024-50 Rabbit IgG standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
rIgG FRET 384 RI1015-384 Rabbit IgG standard (2 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
rIgG FRET 100 RI1015-100 Rabbit IgG standard (2 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
TRF-PINCER Assay Kits 
Biotin TRF 384  BTTR-1006-384 Biotin standard (2 uM), PINCER A, PINCER B, Assay Solution C, Buffer M
Biotin TRF 100 BTTR-1006-100 Biotin standard (2 uM), PINCER A, PINCER B, Assay Solution C, Buffer M
hAlbumin TRF 384 AHTR1005-384 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hAlbumin TRF 100 AHTR1005-100 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hAlbumin TRF 50 AHTR1005-50 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hAlbumin TRF 96 AHTR1005-96 Human albumin standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP TRF 50 CHTR1021-50 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP TRF 96 CHTR1021-96 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP TRF 100 CHTR1008-100 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hCRP TRF 384 CHTR1008-384 hCRP standard (1.6 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hIgG TRF 384  HITR1011-384 hIgG standard (40 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hIgG TRF 100 HITR1011-100 hIgG standard (40 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin TRF 384 IHTR1010-384 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin TRF 100 IHTR1010-100 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin TRF 50 IHTR1017-50 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
hInsulin TRF 96 IHTR1017-96 Insulin standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
mIgG TRF 384 MIGTR1012-384 Mouse IgG standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
mIgG TRF 200 MIGTR1012-200 Mouse IgG standard (8 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
mIgG TRF 96 MIGTR1020-96 Mouse IgG  standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
mIgG TRF 50 MIGTR1020-50 Mouse IgG  standard (5.12 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
mIgM TRF 384 IMTR1009-384 Mouse IgM standard (80 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
mIgM TRF 200 IMTR1009-200 Mouse IgM standard (80 ug/ml), PINCER A, PINCER B, Buffer C, Buffer M
Other Products
Recombinant human methionine aminopeptidase-2 PM-803262-100 µg Each vial contains 200 µl (~100 µg) of purified human methionine aminopeptidase-2 in 20 mM Hepes, pH 7.4, 0.15 M NaCl, 0.02% NaN3, 10% glycerol and 0.1 mM Co(II)
Anti-recombinant human MetAP-2 (full-length) Polyclonal Antibody PAB-503208 Each vial contains 120 µl of anti-rhMetAP2 IgG (0.85 mg/ml) in TBS with 0.02% NaN3
Anti-hMetAP-2 (C-terminal) Polyclonal Antibody PAB-503209 Each vial contains 100 µl of anti-hMetAP2 IgG in PBS
10X KRB-IBMX Buffer 122937 10X KRB-IBMX Buffer solution is a mixture of a 10X concentrate of Krebs-Ringer Bicarbonate Buffer (KRB) supplemented with a 10X concentration (i.e., 7.5 mM) of 3-Isobutyl-1-Methylxanthine (IBMX) and containing 10% ethanol (for use in cAMP Assays, order with cAMP assay kits)